Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1)

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Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1) Page 2

by BJ Wane

  Giving the door a light rap, he gritted his teeth when it shifted open. What kind of trusting idiot lied naked in bed with the door ajar, waiting for a stranger to fuck her? "Camille sent me," he called out, stepping in and closing the door with a tight click behind him, waiting for her reply before entering the suite.

  "Yes, come in, please."

  Her soft, hesitant voice told Nate she was as unsure as she should be over meeting a stranger like this. He reminded himself she had her reasons for being here and for her stipulations, just like he did, and they were no more his business than his were hers. The small sliver of light seeping under the bathroom door was bright enough to help him make out the shape and location of the king size bed and the small form lying in it.

  Hands going to his shirt, he unbuttoned it as he walked across the room saying, "I'm Nate, sugar."

  "Thank you, Nate, for agreeing to my terms for tonight."

  Nate followed the sound of that soft voice as he slid naked into the bed and reached for her. "Don't I even get your first name?" he asked her, drawing the small, nude body next to him. Her startled gasp went straight to his cock, hardening his semi-erection into a full blown hard-on. Or maybe it was coming into full frontal, naked contact with her soft, petite body that had him up and ready to go with the speed of a teenage virgin.

  "Oh, my God," Eve breathed when she felt herself surrounded by over six feet of hard male flesh. For the last five years, she had let Camille set her up here for a night of sex with a complete stranger, but the four men who came before Nate weren't nearly as hard, or as big as this man was. It was a strange but heady feeling to be enveloped and held close against such a rock-solid, huge body. "You're so… big," she whispered with an audible gulp when she felt his erection poking her stomach. His chuckle was as deep and dark as his voice and the room.

  "And you're so small." His reason for being here reared to the surface when Nate recalled how petite Leah had been. The urge to sink into this woman's willing body and lose himself in mindless pleasure had him shifting over her, spreading her legs with his leg and running his hand down her torso to cup a small, incredibly soft breast. "And very soft," he murmured before dipping his head and finding her nipple.

  Eve stifled a moan when his mouth closed over her breast. Getting here, getting naked and greeting the man Camille sent was the easy part. Nate was wasting no time getting down to business, which was fine with her and the way she preferred it; after all, sex was why they were both here. But this was where she floundered, where her independence and nerve ended, leaving her struggling with uncertainty. She made a desperate attempt not to come across as inexperienced to her lovers, but the fact was she was still green around the edges when it came to sex. The strong pulls on her nipple sent pleasure zinging straight down to her crotch, had her pussy creaming when she turned toward his mouth, pushing her breast closer, a silent entreat for more.

  "Like that, do you?" Nate murmured, releasing her nipple with a plop then nibbling his way over to her other breast. Lifting her breast, he suckled her nipple just as deeply, just as strongly as its mate before nipping his way up her neck to her mouth. "What else do you like, sugar? This?"

  Slipping his hand between her legs, he slid two fingers inside her, finding her wet and welcoming and so tight.

  She prayed he didn't back off. His deep voice made Eve shiver, sent heat crawling through her veins and had her shifting her hips against the stalk of hard, male flesh poking her stomach and the invasion of his fingers inside her. "Oh!" she gasped when he stroked a spot deep inside her that sent flares of heat shooting along sensitive nerve endings. "I like that."

  Nate wasn't sure what to make of this woman. Small hands clutched his shoulders but seemed hesitant to explore further. Her moves against him were shy, a little clumsy, not the practiced moves of someone who did this on a regular basis or someone who knew what they wanted and liked when it came to sex. The tight clutch of her pussy clamping around his fingers distracted him from wondering about her, reminding him why they were both here.

  "Then you'll like this." He found her lips and took her mouth in a deep, tongue exploring kiss, his fingers teasing the area that had her bucking against his hand.

  Eve shifted against him, straining for the intimacy, the close bodily connection she craved so much, her body becoming engulfed in the fiery heat of pleasure. Nate hadn't even entered her yet and she was already experiencing more pleasure with him than she had with the other men when they fucked her. She didn't know if it was the way he kissed her with such thoroughness, the extended foreplay she'd never experienced, the sheer size of him or that deep, guttural voice that gave her goose bumps and made her splinter apart already. Her tongue mated with his as she shuddered against him, unable to keep from whimpering as her lower body swelled in pleasure. Bright lights exploded behind her eyes as she jerked against his marauding hand, his fingers pinching her clit, rubbing that small, tender piece of flesh between them, setting off the most powerful climax she'd ever experienced.

  Reaching under his pillow for one of the condoms he stashed there, Nate kept stroking her pussy while sheathing himself. He cursed the dark she insisted on, wanting to see her face, see if it reflected the pleasure she was feeling and maybe get an idea how far he could push her. Under normal circumstances, he didn't have a problem putting a lid on his more dominant tendencies during these interludes, but for some inexplicable reason, tonight he found holding back to be a struggle. Turning, he tucked her under him, replacing his fingers with his cock with one smooth move, her still spasming pussy clamping around him as he pushed past her tight resistance.

  "Shit, woman, how long's it been since you've had sex?" he questioned her as he struggled not to hurt her with his size. Lifting on his elbows, he again cursed that all he could see was the shape of a pale body beneath him.

  "I'm sorry," Eve whispered, mortified he found her so displeasing. "Just tell me what you want me to do, how to please you. I'm sure I'll catch on."

  "God damn it," Nate swore when he finally embedded his entire length inside her snug sheath, taking a minute before moving to give her time to adjust to his size. "I was asking why you're so fucking tight, not complaining about your performance."

  "Oh." Relieved, Eve relaxed and took a deep breath against the discomfort between her legs. It took but moments to acclimate herself to the taut, stretched sensation stemming from being filled so deeply, and even less time to discover she liked the feeling. "Uh, I'm okay now if you want to move." She didn't want to keep him waiting too long in fear of sending him away disappointed.

  "Thanks for the permission," he returned dryly, once again noting the way she ignored his question. Didn't she realize he could feel the way she softened and stretched around him, the slick juices from her climax working to accommodate his size?

  Nate started slow, thrusting with short, shallow strokes until she was lifting to greet each downward plunge. God, she was a responsive little thing, he thought when she dampened, easing his way and enabling him to go deeper, faster with each stroke. Slipping his hands behind her head, he lifted her face, whispering against her lips, "Wrap your legs around me," before swallowing her gasp with his mouth.

  Eve did as he instructed, a new move for her and one she discovered she liked. Locking her feet above his buttocks, she let her hands roam down his wide back as his speed picked up. A low moan slipped from her mouth each time he rasped over her clit, her groin rubbing against his as she met each thrust. She loved the way he kissed her with such single minded intensity, the same way he was fucking her. Each stroke of his tongue matched each stroke of his cock, his lips moving over hers as his hips plundered her pussy over and over. Finally, she reveled with elation when the small contractions heralding another climax began. This was what she had been striving for, craving year after lonely year, and hoping to find each time she met someone in this room. But the four men who came before Nate hadn't given her what she needed, hadn't been able to take her to the heights Na
te was driving her to, a place where she could lose herself in the moment and briefly forget her loss.

  His mouth broke away from hers as she splintered apart with another powerful climax, the return of exploding colors behind her eyes accompanying the pleasure and making her cry out. Her body jerked under him as he pounded into her, taking her with hip jarring, deep plunges, his upper body braced on his elbows, his low groans echoing in the dark room. The distinct sounds from their slamming hips and the slick merging of their bodies excited her, made her convulse in another orgasm as he stiffened above her, his cock jerking out his own release.

  He took a moment, as if trying to catch his breath then gave her ass a squeeze and said, "I'll be right back."

  Surprised, Eve sat up when he rolled off her, clutching the sheet to her neck. "You want to stay, have sex again?"

  Nate smiled at the surprised pleasure in her voice. Sitting up, he could barely see her form, but it was enough to enable him to grab a handful of thick, soft hair at her nape and pull her toward him. "As long as I'm gone before dawn, right?" When she nodded, he kissed her hard then informed her, "Then yes, I want to stay, and yes, I definitely want to have sex again. Just let me get rid of this condom first."

  Eve sank back down on the bed, a befuddled mess. Either there had been something wrong with the other men Camille set her up with or there was something wrong with Nate because she was the same person and no one had ever been eager for more with her except Bobby. Remembering Bobby and the sound of his terrified cry when they plummeted over the side of the embankment, she shook with the need to forget. It had taken years to cope with the tragic loss of that accident and even now, twelve years later, she still had nightmare visions of the car exploding, the sound of their screams still echoing in her head. When she heard the bathroom door open, she huddled under the sheet and waited in anticipation for Nate to join her again, couldn't wait for him to give her another mind numbing climax that was sure to ward off the darkness of the past. She couldn't escape the consequences of that night, but these trysts afforded her the rare opportunity to hide from them for a brief time.

  Nate glimpsed the back of a black head before closing the bathroom door behind him and making his way back to the bed. His friends would enjoy tormenting him if they knew he was having vanilla sex with a stranger, sex in a bed, in the dark and, thus far, in the missionary position. Of course, he had no intention of giving them that information and he knew Camille was discreet. She shifted into his arms as soon as he slid in next to her and he tried again to get her name.

  "Don't you want me to call you something other than sugar, sugar?"

  "No, that's fine with me." She didn't have the nerve to tell him she liked the way he said the standard endearment in his slow, southern drawl and especially liked the way hearing it made her melt inside. To divert his attention from probing for her name, she explored his wide, granite hard pectorals, sifting her fingers through the crisp, springy hairs. "You either have a job doing hard labor or work out a lot," she told him, enjoying the way his muscles tightened under her hand.

  "Neither, although I do work out once in a while." Her hand was moving so slowly over his chest that he wondered if she was trying to memorize his shape to recall later. Not that he minded in the least. Her hand was soft, but the tips of her fingers were a tad rough, the contrast stirring his lust. "I play a lot of sports, mostly with friends of mine. They keep me in shape."

  "Really? Like what?" Eve found his right nipple and toyed with the small bud, smiling when it puckered like hers did when they were touched.

  "You're making it difficult to concentrate, sugar."

  His warning accompanied the jerk of his cock and Eve wanted to believe he was as affected by her touch as she was by his. "Well try." Reaching across him, she found his left nipple with her fingers then did what he had done to her and closed her lips around the right one, stimulating both at the same time.

  "Fuck!" Nate gritted his teeth, attempting to rein in the urge to pin her beneath him again and start pounding into her. Her lips were soft, her tongue tentative, as if she'd never done this before. That didn't stop the pleasure she was inducing in his nipples from heading south to his straining cock. "I enjoy skiing, both water and snow, skydiving, parasailing, zip lining, kayaking… son of a bitch," Nate groaned when she draped herself across his chest to put her mouth on his left nipple and moved her hand until it brushed against his straining cockhead, her own stiff nipples boring into his skin.

  Eve had no idea where her bravado came from, why this need to familiarize herself with every inch of his body was driving her to be more assertive with him than she was with the others. None of them were as tall, as hard or as demanding in bed, and none of them had wanted her beyond one round. But that didn't explain her desperation to map out his entire body and imprint it on her brain as if it bothered her this was a one-time thing.

  "I don't know what half of those things are, but they sound fun." She released his nubby nipple then ran her finger over the smooth crown of his penis. Recently, Eve decided to challenge herself in a way she never had before and she found the endeavors she was planning to attempt almost as exhilarating as the climaxes Nate gave her. "God, I can't believe you fit inside me," she whispered when her fingers took an exploring route down his cock before she wrapped her hand around him.

  "You keep that up and you won't have to worry about me fitting. It'll be over before I get back inside you." But he didn't stop her. Tossing the sheet off of both of them, he could make out her form, the shape of her head resting on his stomach, the light grip of her hand squeezing his cock almost undoing him. Where the hell was his iron clad control? It seemed to desert him as soon as he came into contact with her soft, petite body and heard that startled gasp ending with a small catch in her throat. She made that exact sound both times she came and his reaction to it had been the same each time.

  Her quiet laugh reverberated right above his cock, causing him to jerk in her hand. He breathed a sigh of relief when she released him, only to have him gasping when she caressed her fingers up and down his ridged length, tracing each thick vein as she moved slowly upward. Normally he preferred a woman's mouth to a hand job, but there was something about the slow, meticulous way those fingers were exploring his cock that was highly erotic. When those calloused pads caressed his cockhead, boldly explored his slit, he had enough.

  With an effortless move that left Eve gasping in surprise and disorientation, Nate lifted her and set her astride his hips. Reaching out, she breathed a sigh of relief when she found his broad shoulders in the dark and could brace herself. "Why did you do that?" she asked, shaken and unsure of this position and of what he wanted of her. She was getting the distinct feeling Camille paired her with a man whose sexual experiences and preferences were no match for her.

  "Because this is where I want you right now." Nate saw her pale silhouette above him well enough to reach up and palm her slender shoulders before gliding his hands in a slow caress over her breasts, down her waist and around her hips to cup her surprisingly lush buttocks. Her cheeks were marginally bigger than a handful, but wonderfully soft and malleable, as he discovered when he sunk his hands in and kneaded them. "See, there are certain advantages to this position. Don't tell me you've never been on top."

  "Okay, I won't," Eve mumbled under her breath. Unfortunately, his hearing turned out to be as acute as hers if his deep chuckle and gruff reply was any indication.

  "Baby, you could be a lot of fun if we had more time together."

  "Don't call me that!" Eve snapped, attempting to climb off of him when the simple endearment reminded her of the last time Bobby called her that. Much to her frustration, his hands tightened on her hips, effectively keeping her where he wanted her.

  "Be still," Nate snapped back, his hand slapping her right cheek. Obviously calling her 'baby' pushed a button better left untouched.

  The shocked surprise that had her doing just that didn't come from the startling smack h
e gave her, but from the way the slight stinging warmth from that slap made her pussy gush with more moisture, her nipples pucker without being touched. "I-I can't believe you did that. Why did you do that?"

  "It got your attention, didn't it?" And the way she quieted in an instant told him she wasn't averse to feeling more erotic love taps. "I'm sorry calling you baby offended you, but since I didn't know about your aversion to that word, you have to forgive me."

  "Oh, I do, do I?" She smiled, still too bemused over her body's reaction to that slap to argue with him. Besides, she really didn't want to leave her position now. His cock kept brushing against her slit, teasing her with what was to come and even though the minute sting from that slap disappeared along with the tingling warmth, her reaction to it didn't.

  "Yes. Now take a deep breath and let it out slow as I enter you." Lifting her hips a fraction, he lowered her onto his dick, her small frame making it easy to control her descent. He had to admit there was something highly erotic about the darkness that kept him from seeing her features, making him more aware of sensations and the feel of her closing around him as he filled her an inch at a time. "Jesus, maybe this wasn't a good idea," he groaned, his efforts to go slow making him sweat. This position would take him deeper, and he was doing everything he could to make sure she was comfortable with it, but feeling his cock being sucked in, the wet heat of her pussy egging him on as her swollen folds wrapped around him like a tight fitting glove was testing his control.

  They both let out a sigh of relief when he finally had her seated on his groin followed by their soft laughter. "Fuck," Nate breathed as he resumed kneading her buttocks.


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