Vampire Lord | Book 5 | Vampire Lord 5: Conquering A Bloodthirsty Earth

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Vampire Lord | Book 5 | Vampire Lord 5: Conquering A Bloodthirsty Earth Page 5

by Jacobs, Logan

  “Sounds like a plan,” the Japanese girl replied, “but if it’s okay with you, I’d like to stay with you while we check the building.”

  “As if I’d ever let you out of my sight,” I said with a smile.

  After we checked the rest of the lobby, we headed down the hallway that the two vamps had just come from. The smell of blood was fresher here, so I knew their victim had to be close, but since I couldn’t hear anything, I guessed that it was already too late for the human.

  There were several offices along the hallway, but each one of them was empty, and so were all the bathrooms that we checked. When we reached a larger office right at the end of the hall, I guessed that it must have been for the dealership manager. The smell of a fresh kill was even stronger just outside the cracked door, so I pushed it open and held my bat ready in case there were any more vamps inside.

  At the moment, the only thing inside was a single human corpse slumped over the huge desk.

  Even though there were no lights on in the car dealership, there was just enough light from the wall of windows in the main lobby for Neko to see the corpse a few seconds after I did, but the petite Japanese girl didn’t seem the least bit alarmed. She just cleared her throat and stepped forward to tap the man on the shoulder.

  The moment she touched him, he slumped forward a little more and then just fell out of his chair. She jumped back at the sudden movement, but I stepped around the desk, pulled him up by his hair, and then tried to detect any kind of pulse.

  The two vamps had drained him completely dry, so there wasn’t even a dribble of blood down the side of his neck, let alone a heartbeat. I let the corpse fall back down to the ground and turned back toward Neko.

  “Sucks to be him,” the pink-haired girl said.

  “Yeah,” I sighed. “Let’s go check the service department, and then I think we’ll be all clear.”

  We left the dead man in the office, hurried back down the hallway, moved through the main lobby again, and then walked down the hall on the other side of the lobby that led to the service department. There were a few cars in the service area, but there were no human occupants, and the only people that we ran across behind the service desk were already dead. And based on the drained husks and scattered limbs that were the only pieces left of them, it looked like they had been dead for quite some time.

  “I think this just might be the perfect place for us to set up for a few hours,” I said as we moved back down the hallway toward the lobby. “You can all stretch and use the bathroom, and we can sleep in shifts.”

  “We can also sleep inside Rhino,” Neko pointed out, “and we can take turns driving if you want to sleep, too.”

  “I know,” I replied, “but I think we could all use a little bit of rest that isn’t inside the back of an armored truck, no offense to Rhino.”

  “That’s fair,” the petite Japanese girl said. “It’s not like we’re really on a schedule, anyway.”

  “Our schedule is whatever we want it to be,” I laughed, “so that’s at least one perk of being right in the middle of the apocalypse.”

  “I can think of a few others,” Neko said and then winked. “But I guess we should go get the rest of the girls before they think we’ve both been eaten.”

  “Yeah, and if I know Nat, she’s about to charge in here with her shotgun at the ready,” I said as I opened the door for the pink-haired girl.

  Once we were outside, I waved at the truck to let them know we were okay, but almost as soon as I set foot outside the dealership, Natalie flung open Rhino’s door and raced toward me across the pavement. She didn’t say anything, and instead, she just threw her arms around me and then reached out to grab Neko’s arm and pull her into a tight hug, too.

  “Fuck, you both scared me!” my girlfriend hissed. “Neko, I should have known that you would stay with him, but you still almost gave me a goddamn heart attack.”

  “We’re okay,” I said with a smile. “Those bloodsuckers had just fed, so they were pretty strong, but between the two of us, we took care of them.”

  “Sorry I made you worry,” Neko said as she bit her lip. “I guess I’m not used to people who notice when I’m not there.”

  “Well, get used to it!” Natalie said as she stepped back to put her hands on her hips.

  “I’ll do my best,” the pink-haired girl said with a smirk.

  “Good,” Natalie sighed. “I’m just glad you’re both fine.”

  “Thanks for getting the girls out of there,” I said and then kissed the top of my girlfriend’s head.

  “You said it yourself,” Natalie said with a shrug. “You know you can always count on me.”

  I waved at the truck again for the rest of the girls to come out and join us, and as they all spilled out of Rhino and then hurried over, I noticed that Catherine looked like she was in pure pain from how badly she needed to pee.

  “The bathrooms are clear,” I said, “so you can go ahead inside.”

  “Fuck, yes, thank you so much,” Catherine gasped and then sprinted past me.

  I hurried the rest of the girls inside after the auburn-haired girl and turned the lock on the dealership door behind me. I knew that vamps could easily break the lock or just the wall of windows if they wanted to get inside, but at least now, I would hear them if they did.

  The girls carefully stepped around the two dead bloodsuckers on the floor, and Lily whistled when she saw the damage that we had done to them.

  “Damn, you two are really somethin’, huh?” The Hispanic girl grinned.

  We would only be here for a few hours, but there was no reason not to take every precaution that we could during that time. I decided that it would be best to set up inside one of the offices off to the right of the main lobby. The manager’s office still had the dead body inside it, so that didn’t seem like the best place to set up camp, since even if I moved the corpse, the smell would still be in the air. One of the smaller offices would just have to do.

  Natalie, Brianna, and I pulled a few extra chairs into the smaller office so everyone had a place to sit or lay down, and I even found a few seat cushions for the girls to use as pillows. I knew that they would need to eat and drink something before we got back onto the road, but for now, they all looked so tired that I figured we might as well get some sleep first.

  “It’s really dark in here when we’re away from all the windows,” Brianna whispered. “Did anybody bring a flashlight in from the truck?”

  “Girl, what do you need a flashlight for?” Neko rolled her eyes. “We’re just here to get a little nap in that isn’t inside the back of a moving vehicle.”

  “I know,” Brianna said. “It’s just… I don’t really like the dark, okay?”

  “I don’t think anybody really does when there’s vampires running around,” Erika said.

  “I can take the first watch,” Catherine said as she strolled into the office. “I feel so goddamn relieved now that I think I could probably stay up all night.”

  “I’m glad,” I laughed. “Then why don’t you take the first watch, while the rest of you get some sleep? Wake up Brianna in about forty-five minutes, and she can take the second watch, and shout if anything is wrong.”

  “Where are you gonna be?” Natalie asked.

  “I’m gonna go check the perimeter one more time,” I said, “and then I’ll go to sleep in the lobby so I can keep an eye on things from there.”

  While the girls all set up in the office, I went back out into the hallway and cracked the door shut behind me. I had just stepped onto the linoleum floor of the lobby when I heard movement behind me, so I whirled around but only saw Lily there.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  The beautiful Hispanic girl pushed her curly hair out of her face and came over to stand beside me.

  “I was just thinking,” Lily murmured. “Since we’ve still got a long way to go before West Virginia, maybe you should, like… have a little more of my blood, you know? That way you
can definitely see everything that you need to, especially since it’s so dark out.”

  “Are you sure?” I raised an eyebrow. “I could probably use some more blood after everything that’s happened, especially since I’m not sure what we’ll come up against later, but--”

  “I’m sure,” the Hispanic girl said. “I want you to drink from me.”

  “Okay,” I said and reached down to take her hand, “and just so you know, I really appreciate this.”

  I looked around the lobby to see if there were any spots that looked comfortable enough for her to sit down, but I decided that the best place was probably just inside one of the showroom cars. I tried the door of the SUV closest to me, and since it was unlocked, I figured it should do the trick, so I helped Lily up into the wide back seat.

  After I closed the car door for a little more privacy, Lily scooted back to the other side of the car and then reached forward to move the driver’s seat up as far as it would go so she had more leg room.

  “Just how long do you think your legs are?” I teased as I let my gaze wander over the short Latina.

  “Oh, I did this for you,” Lily replied. “Like, you can definitely drink from my wrist if you want to, but, um… I was kind of thinking that you could, uh… drink from my thigh instead?”

  The Hispanic girl pulled her cut-off shorts up a little higher to expose the soft skin of her upper thighs, and then she twisted slightly in her seat to face me.

  “What do you think?” she whispered.

  “I think that’s a perfect idea,” I said with a grin.

  I moved to the other side of the roomy SUV, knelt down in front of her, and then gently pushed her legs apart a little more so I could easily get to the inside of her upper thigh. I rubbed my hand up and down her leg for a few seconds to get the blood really flowing, and I smiled at how soft the girl’s olive skin felt against my fingers.

  When her pulse was strong enough in her thigh for me to drink from, I leaned forward, ran my tongue across her smooth skin, and then finally sank my pointed canines into her throbbing artery.

  Lily moaned as soon as her blood started to flow into my mouth. She fidgeted in her seat, and at first, I thought that I might have started too intensely, but then she just scooted her hips a little closer to me, so I had an even better angle on her artery.

  I gulped down one mouthful after another of her rich blood. It had such a strong taste that it was almost like wine, or maybe it was just like a really strong, dark coffee, only I could taste every note and flavor in it. I let my teeth sink deeper into her thigh so that even more blood throbbed into my mouth, and each swallow tasted sweeter and darker than the last one.

  When I felt her pulse give a slight flutter, I forced myself to pull away before I took too much blood. I ran my tongue across the two puncture marks on her leg so they instantly healed into tiny white scars, but I didn’t immediately move away from my position in between her legs.

  Instead, I started to kiss up the inside of her thigh toward her hip crease. I reached up to push her cut-off shorts up even higher until the edge of her lacy underwear was exposed, and then I ran my tongue just underneath the lace so she knew exactly what I wanted to do.

  “Oh!” Lily gasped.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I murmured as I rocked back slightly to look up at her.

  “No fuckin’ way,” Lily said with a smile. “I’ve been thinking about this since… oh, it’s too embarrassing to say out loud.”

  “Since when?” I asked and then kissed the soft skin at her hip crease again.

  “Since you first saved me from those two human assholes back at the apartment building,” the curly-haired girl blurted.

  “See, and I thought you didn’t like me,” I snickered.

  “I didn’t trust you,” Lily said, “but come on, Sam, be real. What the fuck’s not to like?”

  “You’re sweet,” I laughed and then kissed her thigh again, “but if you don’t get out of these shorts in the next five seconds, I’m gonna just rip them in half.”

  “Promise?” Lily giggled, but she quickly unzipped them and pulled them off over her ankles, along with her lacy underwear.

  “You might as well take off everything else while you’re at it,” I said, “since it’s all gonna come off eventually, anyway.”

  “Whatever you say, Sam,” the Hispanic girl said and then leaned forward to slip out of her tank top and bra. “Are these windows, um…”

  “They’re tinted, don’t worry,” I said. “It’s just you and me.”

  After Lily leaned back into the seat, I didn’t move at all. I just wanted to look at her for a minute now that we were finally alone and now that she didn’t have a single stitch of clothing on. She had an impossibly perfect hourglass shape, so her heavy tits almost completely hid her slender waist. Her hips flared out wide across the back seat of the SUV, and there was a neat triangle of dark hair just above her entrance.

  “Goddamn,” I said with a smile, and then I leaned forward to kiss the soft lips of her pussy.

  As soon as I began to run my tongue up and down her wet pussy lips, Lily moaned and shifted in her seat. She wiggled forward a little bit again, and just as I started to graze my tongue in between her soft lips, the Hispanic girl reached out to lock the SUV door beside her.

  “Just… in case,” she panted.

  I just grinned and then thrust my tongue into her narrow entrance. She cried out and then instantly clamped her own hand over her mouth, but I just started to move my tongue in little circles inside her tunnel, so she had to clamp her other hand over her mouth, too, in order to keep herself quiet.

  While my tongue massaged her velvety tunnel, I reached up to grab a handful of her breast. They were just as soft as the rest of her body, but when I gently grazed my fingers across her dark nipple, it started to grow hard in response to my touch. I thrust my tongue even deeper into her, then, and I used my free hand to rub little circles around her clit at the same time.

  “Oh, my fuckin’ god,” Lily moaned as she let her hands drop from her mouth for just a second. “Oh, holy mother of-- oh!”

  The Hispanic girl slapped her own hands over her mouth fast enough to cut off the loudest part of her orgasm, but her legs quivered on either side of me as the sudden climax swept over her whole body.

  I kept my hands and tongue exactly where they were until I was sure that she had finished, and when her legs stopped shaking, I slowly dropped my hands and raised my head up from her dripping entrance.

  “Oh, Sam,” Lily whispered as she dropped her hands again. “Holy shit. “That was, like… no wonder we all want you so much. I had a feeling, but that was really somethin’ else.”

  “That was just a little foreplay,” I said with a grin. “Now how about the main course?”

  “Oh, my god,” Lily said again. “That felt so good that you could do literally whatever you wanted to me right now.”

  “Good,” I said, “then I want you to get on top of me.”

  “Oh, hell, yeah,” the olive-skinned girl said with a smile. “Now it’s your turn to take your pants off.”

  I slipped off my clothes as quickly as I could inside the back of the SUV, and then I sat down beside Lily. She just bit her lip and stared at me at first, but the moment she started to run her hand up my leg, I felt my dick get rock hard at her touch.

  Lily wrapped her fingers around my shaft and started to stroke it up and down.

  “Are you sure you want me on top of you?” she whispered. “Because you know I could also, like, go down on you.”

  “Oh, I’m sure,” I said, “but how about this? You ride me until you cum again, and then I’ll let you go down on me and finish me off.”

  “That sounds perfect,” Lily said with a smile, and then the beautiful Hispanic girl climbed on top of me in the back seat.

  As soon as Lily straddled me, she placed her hands against my chest for balance, and I reached down to guide my hard cock toward her slick entrance. I co
uld feel how tight she was as I pressed up against her, so I gripped her ass with one hand and slowly pulled her down onto me.

  Once I was just inside her tight tunnel, I reached up to grab a handful of her other ass cheek and then gradually started to work myself inside her. I pushed my cock into her and then pulled it right back out over and over again, until she was wet enough for me to slide all the way into her smooth pussy.

  “Goddamn, you feel good,” I groaned when I was finally able to shove my full length into her.

  “God, yeah,” Lily moaned.

  Once I was deep inside her tunnel, Lily adjusted her knees on the back seat and started to ride me. As she bounced her pussy up and down on my dick, she paused every few seconds to grind her clit against my pelvis, and then she raised and lowered herself onto my cock faster and faster.

  After just a minute or two, the beautiful Latina really got into a good rhythm, and I felt us move in sync with each other, so my full length plunged into her deeper and deeper with every bounce of her hips. Her pussy felt so good that I wanted to cum inside her, but I also wanted Lily to be able to go down on me like I had done for her, so I held myself back and instead focused on making her climax again.

  When Lily’s breaths started to turn into gasps, I reached up to clamp my hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t scream so loud that she alerted every vamp in the area of our presences. But the moment I covered her mouth with my hand, she seemed to enjoy it even more, so her tits rose and fell with every sharp inhale of breath that she took.

  “Mmmff!” Lily cried out against my hand.

  She collapsed against my chest as her whole body shook on top of me, and when her muscles stopped spasming, the beautiful Latina pushed herself back up and gently pulled my hand away from her mouth.

  “Damn, Sam,” she whispered. “That… that was like the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Holy fuck.”

  “Now you can return the favor,” I said with a smile, “if you still want to.”

  “Fuck, yeah, I still want to,” Lily said and then licked her lips.

  She carefully lifted herself off me, knelt down in front of the back seat, and then started to run her tongue along the sides of my stiff cock. After she had licked her own juices up from my dick, Lily took the tip of my shaft into her mouth and slowly started to push her lips down the length of my dick.


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