Taming Fire (Braving the Heat #2)

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Taming Fire (Braving the Heat #2) Page 7

by Leora Gonzales

  “Well you practically bit his head off, and the poor man just needed to use the facilities.” Louise stopped in her tracks when they reached the kitchen, her sneakers squeaking on the floor.

  Nix tugged her hand once more before realizing that she wouldn’t voluntarily follow him any longer, a notion that didn’t sit well in his stomach. “Why do you have to be so difficult all the time?”

  “Me? Difficult?” Louise held her hand to her chest while giving him an offended look.

  “Yes! You’re the most difficult woman I’ve ever met. I ask you out, and you say no, even though I know you want me just as much as I want you—”

  “Stop right there, mister. First off, you didn’t ask me out. You told me we were going out. There’s a big difference,” Louise snapped, her pointy finger digging a hole in the center of his chest.

  Nix leaned back, partly trying to escape the ache that was now throbbing in his sternum from her touch, but also from surprise. “Wait, you turned me down because I didn’t ask? Is that what this is all about?”

  “Well…” Louise looked confused for a moment before she nodded. “Yes, I guess that is why.”

  Nix didn’t know what to say to that. He tried to replay their earlier conversations in his head and had trouble recalling exactly what had been said. Nix knew he was a bit bossy. It was just the way he was. He wouldn’t be who he was today if he didn’t have the take charge attitude that he had used to survive adolescence. If he was honest with himself, he also knew that half of the women that he had been with had not only accepted his ways but thrived on the way he ordered them about.

  Nix watched Louise closely. “Darling, I think you might like being told what to do…given the right circumstances.”

  “You’re crazier than my Aunt Wilma if yo—” Louise had started to get riled up again when Nix gave in and did what he wanted to do more than anything.

  He kissed her.

  No, Nix more than kissed her.

  He plundered her, taking what he wanted.

  What she needed him to take.

  Even though she didn’t know it yet, Louise needed him just as much as he craved her.

  Now, he just needed to show her that.

  Chapter 9

  What the hell is happening right now? Louise couldn’t move, she couldn’t breathe, and she couldn’t think.

  Nix had successfully managed to shut down her entire body, yet at the same time, she felt more alive than ever before.

  Tendrils of electricity traced her lips as she felt his tongue probing for entry. Tingles of sensation sparked over the sensitive skin of her neck where he held her still for his enjoyment. Blood rushed to the edges of her lips when he nipped the skin, demanding she open up to him.

  Nix managed to show her more passion in this single kiss than she had ever felt before…and that made him dangerous. Very. Very. Dangerous.

  If Louise wasn’t careful, this man could make her forget everything she had worked for. She didn’t need or want anyone who felt they had the right to tell her what to do. Growing up, she had learned quickly that the more you gave in the more others took advantage of you.

  Her parents, her siblings, her neighbors. All of them had asked for favors and help, yet when she needed help herself she was left high and dry. And what did she have to show for all of the sacrifice? Bad credit from cosigning for siblings and a nephew that she was saddled with for sixty days.

  She didn’t actually mind taking care of her nephew, as long as he didn’t call the fire department on her again. He actually said please and thank you, which is something he most likely learned at school because her brother never uttered those words. Her family was another matter altogether. The rest of them she didn’t have the time or patience for anymore. She was done with sacrificing everything just to make others happy. And that included letting herself be pushed around by a smoking hot fireman, regardless of how much she wanted him to burn her up.

  Louise moved her hands up to his chest, ready to detangle herself. That’s when she got distracted by the solid muscles she could feel under her fingertips beneath the soft cotton of his T-shirt. Tracing the ridges and valleys that were lovingly covered by the ridiculously supple material, Louise lost track of what she had originally planned on doing.

  Instead, her hands traveled, of their own accord, up and over his shoulders before threading into the hair that touched the nape of his neck. Smiling at the shiver he tried to hide when her nails grazed his skin, Louise clutched at the hair to hold him in place while she opened her mouth and angled her head for a better fit. Nix wasn’t going to be outdone either. Cradling her head, he moved her to where he felt he could reach the deepest part of their kiss…Louise with him every step of the way.

  Dear Lord this man could kiss.

  He didn’t shove his tongue in and slobber all over her like some sort of Neanderthal either. Nix took his time. His tongue sweeping in to her mouth to tease her own, his ridiculously full lips sucking at her own while his fingers traced swirls on her neck and jawline.

  It wasn’t until Louise realized that her feet were no longer touching the floor that she knew she was completely out of control. Pulling back from his mouth, she sucked in air as if she had been drowning. Glancing down their bodies, she saw one of her legs had hiked itself up and over Nix’s hip while the other was wrapped around his calf.

  She was a hussy!

  Trying to figure out where things had turned PG-13, she looked around the kitchen. Unable to climb off of the man that she had basically decided to scale as if he were a palm tree, Louise noted that at least they were alone. Nobody had come into the kitchen for party supplies and interrupted them, well, at least as far a she knew. A tornado could have come through, and she may not have even paid attention to it as long as Nix was holding her.

  Louise was taking her time trying to figure out at what point she started letting her vagina make decisions for her when a large palm smacked her ass. At the impact, her legs had tightened around Nix. The action making her extremely aware of the solid muscle she was straddling. If her vagina could speak it would have been screaming come on in instead of listening to her head which was telling her to proceed with caution.

  “Did you just spank me?” Louise asked, even though it was obvious what had happened.

  “Hell yes, I did.” Nix smiled, flashing his white straight teeth while cupping her rear.

  He had to have worn braces when he was younger because, damn, that was one of the most perfect smiles she had ever witnessed.

  “Fuck, baby. You have an ass made for spanking.” He groaned. His hands squeezed the flesh that she had cursed last week for making her jeans fit funny.

  Nix took a few steps and pressed her back against the wall behind her, almost knocking a calendar off the tack it was hanging from.

  “Nix.” Louise licked her lips, her voice weak when she felt the hard ridge behind his zipper.

  That was one substantial ridge…and she didn’t have the willpower to say no, nor did she want to.

  “Want to get out of here?” she asked breathlessly, her vagina running the show now.

  “We can’t.” Breathing heavily, Nix leaned his forehead against her own.

  “What? Why?” Louise asked, not wanting to hear no at this point.

  “Your nephew.”

  Those two words were like throwing a bucket of cold water on her face—or better yet, below her waist. Louise instantly unlocked her legs and climbed off Nix. Straightening her shirt and blowing a strand of hair off her face in the process.

  Fuuuck. How had she managed to forget about Junior? He was a living breathing tiny person, and she had completely forgotten he existed while Nix was holding her.

  “Oh, yeah…Junior.” Louise pushed Nix back enough for her to step from between his hard body and the wall. “I’m totally not ready for kids.”

  “Huh?” Nix’s expression was now confused as he watched her start to pace.

  “Your lips and…other stuff
.” Swinging her hand in the general vicinity of his crotch she explained, “Made me completely forget that I was responsible for another human being.”

  “Yeah, well you drive me crazy too!” Nix thrust both hands through his hair. The action caused his T-shirt to rise just enough to give her a glimpse of taut abs with a happy trail leading down the center and past his zipper.

  Louise’s mouth watered as she watched his jeans dip low on his waist. She was about to reach forward and run her fingers over the skin when the door to the backyard banged open.

  “Is it okay if your nephew has another hot dog?” Winter interrupted, amusement apparent in her tone.

  Louise shook her head to clear it, hearing the words that were coming out of Winter’s mouth, but unable to understand them.

  “What?” Louise asked, clearing her throat.

  “Hot dog, can Junior have another one?” Winter slowed her speech as though she were dealing with someone that didn’t speak English.

  “Oh.” Louise laughed nervously. “Of course, but don’t worry about taking care of him. I got it.”

  “You do?” Winter asked as she looked back and forth between both her and Nix.

  “Yep, Nix and I were just getting ready to come back outside anyway,” Louise assured her.

  “We were?” Nix rumbled from beside her before realizing that they did in fact need to head outside. “Yes, we were.”

  “Nix, do you mind helping me get the salads out of the fridge?” Winter asked with a smirk on her face.

  “No problem.” Nix stepped back from Louise, clearing a path to the doorway that Winter had walked through.

  Louise watched the way that Winter narrowed her eyes on Nix. Deciding she didn’t want to be around for the fifth degree that Nix was about to go through from Winter, Louise moved quickly out to the deck.

  It only took her a moment to spot Junior playing with some of the neighborhood kids gathered in the backyard. When he spotted her, Junior smiled and waved, letting her see the ketchup covering the front of his T-shirt.

  “You still hungry, buddy?” Louise asked as she jogged over to where he was playing.

  “Yeah, but the nice lady said I needed to ask you before I had another plate.”

  “You can have one more hotdog but no chips. Deal?” Louise haggled.

  “Can I have a cupcake?” he bartered.

  Louise narrowed her eyes at him, trying to figure out how much he could eat without making his stomach miserable. “Only if you split it with me.”

  “Deal.” Junior held out his hand to shake on it and then followed her to the food table.

  The entire time Louise was making him a plate, which she ended up adding some veggies to from the platter that was sitting out, she went over the last fifteen minutes in her head.

  She wasn’t sure quite what had happened between her and Nix, or even where they stood for that matter. Three things she did know was that he wasn’t dating her sister, was interested in her, and was the hottest thing she had seen since watching the most recent Channing Tatum movie.

  She couldn’t help but straighten up when she saw Winter hold the door open for Nix as he carried out two gigantic bowls of pasta salad. When she caught his eye as he approached, Nix gave her a half smile. The sexy little grin managing to warm her insides up without him even trying.

  Moving a few platters out of his way on the table, she cleared a space for items he was carrying.

  “Thanks,” Nix said and leaned forward giving her a quick peck on the lips. The action startled her more than anything.

  Louise looked around to see if anyone had spotted the exchange and noticed Jasmine trying to hide a smile behind the beer bottle she was holding. “Here ya go, buddy. Take it over there and sit down while you eat okay.” Louise pointed to a small bench on the side of the yard that was empty.

  “Okay, Aunt LouLou.” With that, Junior took off at a speed that Louise found impressive. How did he manage to keep the food on his plate while going that fast?

  Nix laughed behind her. “How did that hotdog not go flying?”

  “Right?” Louise giggled.

  Oh God, she’d giggled. What. Was. Happening. To. Her?

  “Are you free tomorrow night?” Nix asked abruptly with his eyes focused on her own.

  “Are you asking me out?” Louise teased, her voice laced with laughter.

  Nix rolled his eyes before stepping closer to her. “I heard you didn’t like taking orders. So, yes, I am asking you out. And you’re going to say yes.”

  Louise felt a shiver work its way up her spine at his words. “Oh, I am? You seem mighty sure of yourself.”

  Nix bumped his shoulder into her. “I happen to have some inside information.”

  “Inside information?” Louise smiled and cocked her head, wondering where he was going with this.

  “Yes.” Nix placed a hand low on her back and moved her closer to his body. “Winter offered to watch Junior tomorrow night, so you can have a break.”

  “She did?” Louise turned away and caught a glimpse of her friend standing by the cooler. When Winter raised her bottle and grinned, Louise mouthed, “Thank you.”

  “Maybe I need to catch up on laundry…or grocery shopping,” Louise teased, loving the feel of Nix’s hand as it creeped to cop a quick feel before returning to her waist.

  “You’re going to come to my house for dinner,” Nix said confidently. His hand squeezed the extra flesh above her waistband, a body part she normally wouldn’t be comfortable with someone pointing out, much less touching.

  “Really?” Louise breathed, convinced she was going to be at his house no matter what.

  “Yep, and I’ll tell you why.” Nix leaned close to her ear and nipped at the lobe quickly before speaking. “There’s a part of you that likes when I tell you what to do. Now don’t get all riled up, I’m just saying that I can tell you like when I hold you tight and don’t let go. You enjoy it when I take control of your body.”

  Louise felt her throat catch at his words. “How—”

  “Your eyes give you away, darling.” Nix turned her so she was facing him. “These beauties here tighten up for me too.” Pulling her close, he dragged the back of his hand across her chest. The action making her nipples throb where they had tightened against the silk of her bra.

  “Nix—” Louise didn’t know what to say, just that something needed to be said.

  “That sight is only for me though,” Nix assured her, pulling her into a tight hug. “Understand?”

  Hell must have frozen over because the only thing that Louise could do was nod. The small action was enough for Nix since he grinned and started making her a plate of food.

  She was in trouble. She was in so much fucking trouble.

  Chapter 10

  He was in so much trouble…and he couldn’t be happier about it all.

  Nix couldn’t stop from touching Louise. It was as if he were addicted to the feel of her softness already, and they had yet to do more than kiss and some heavy petting. The bone-deep excitement he felt was completely new, yet not unwelcome.

  It was that excitement that urged him to plant a quick kiss on her luscious mouth regardless of them being surrounded by friends. Friends that would surely give him hell later when they teased him about showing up with one sister then kissing the other one.

  Had it only been an hour since she arrived at the party and turned his world upside down? For some reason, it felt like they had been together for much longer, yet not long enough at the same time. This was an entirely new situation for Nix, one that he was sure was going to be one hell of a ride. That is if he could convince her to come along with him.

  His first mission would be convincing her that she truly did enjoy the way he took charge. There was no hiding the heaviness of her gaze when she was aroused or the tightening of her gorgeous nipples. When they had met last night, and he’d managed to open her robe, her tank had been so thin he could see the ridges and bumps surrounding each nub. The w
ay her arms had been trapped in the fabric had thrust the flesh forward with her helpless to his gaze. In the bathroom, he had shackled her wrists, which gave him a second opportunity to gauge her receptiveness to his attention.

  His dominant tendencies in the bedroom weren’t habits he could turn off and on. Nix had his preferences. When it came to one-night stands, he could be as dominant as needed, and he’d often push down his need for control, so his partner could be more comfortable. Not everyone was turned on by orders and spanking; he knew that. He was generally able to tailor each experience to give his partner what they needed, what they craved. Sometimes it was just a little, sometimes it was a lot, but in the end, it was as natural to him as breathing.

  What made him pause with Louise was that she seemed against even the idea of letting him take control. If they were going to make this work, and you better believe that he was serious as hell about her, then he needed to know that he wasn’t going to scare her with his needs.

  “Do you want to go out tomorrow, or stay in? Lady’s choice,” Nix offered figuring that if he gave her a choice then she would be more inclined to pick from one of the options.

  “I thought you said you were going to cook for me. Right?” Louise asked, her cheeks pink since his kiss.

  “I did say that, but I know that you just met me.” Nodding toward Winter and Jasmine where they were obviously eavesdropping, Nix smiled. “I’m sure they would vouch for me though. We’re pretty good friends.”

  “They may have mentioned that,” Louise said, and popped a chip in her mouth.

  “So, you were talking about me, huh?” Nix stole a handful of chips from the plate he’d made for her. If she were going to have sour cream and onion breath, then he might as well match.

  “Just the important stuff—kids out of wedlock, penchant for shoplifting, all the puppies you kicked when you were younger.” Louise was able to finish her little speech without cracking a smile, which amazed Nix.

  Unable to keep from snorting in amusement, Nix was captivated by Louise and everything about her. “You’re something special, aren’t you?”


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