Stone Cold NV: World of Sin, Book 1

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Stone Cold NV: World of Sin, Book 1 Page 6

by J. A. X. Mikesell

  “Good, I’m starving.” I said, rubbing my stomach.

  “We just ate breakfast.” Cory said, rolling her eyes.

  “That was two hours ago.” I said as the cab pulled over to the curb. “I’m a growing boy. I need more food than I used to.”

  “You’re not hitting a growing stage, you’ve barely been eating more than me in the past month.” Cory stated.

  “Well, I did work out last night, and this morning. I need to replenish my energy.” I said while grabbing my bag from the trunk.

  “Well, maybe don’t work out so much then. We’re going to be busy for the next month with these tests, anyway.” Cory said loftily, making her bag float behind her.

  “I guess so. I hope I can at least pass with an acceptable in elemental. I don’t think I could do anything else.” I sighed.

  “Az, if anything, you’ll always be able to take over for mom and dad at the shop. You love helping people.” Cory said, swinging her hair over her shoulder to look at me.

  “Ya, but after helping old man Jace down the street with his little blue pill substitute every other week, it gets old.” I said.

  “Well aside from him, there’s other people that you like helping.” Cory said as they stopped to wait in the line going into a small run down cabin for registration.

  “Ya, I guess that’s true. As long as I do have a plan to fall back on, then it won’t be too bad. I just really want to at least get promising or acceptable in elemental first. Then if I can’t find a good position with that I’ll just go back and work at the shop.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do well in whatever outcome happens. Our family has a history of pretty powerful Madgie. Oh look, it’s almost our turn.” They stepped up behind Lariska and Grimby who were next in line.

  “Name?” The frail-looking Nymph behind the desk asked. The Nymph was a buxom woman, like all of her people. She had pale eyes and her skin seemed to glow with an inner light.

  “Lariska Chinara.”

  “And what animal do you Shift into?”

  “An otter.”


  “I have a white coat with a light blue heart-shaped nose, and light blue fur on all my paws.”

  “Not the best camouflage, dear. I hope you’re not trying out for the MICAWS training. Do you have any skills like cooking, crafting or anything that doesn’t rely on your Shifting?”

  “Well, I do bake, but I enjoy gardening the best. I’m pretty good with getting things to grow.”

  “Perfect, I would suggest taking the herbology or chefs' class. Or even both, if you’d rather. Which would you like?”

  “Herbology please.”

  The Nymph typed a minute on her computer and printed out a paper, handing it to Lariska.

  “Here’s your schedule, dear. First class begins tomorrow morning with Mr. Wild.”

  “Name?” The Nymph asked as Lariska moved to the side.

  “Frank Grimble.”

  “An Ashen wants to go to camp….? What’s your story Frank? No construction jobs around that pique your interest?”

  “It’s not exactly to my taste. I prefer cooking more than anything else.”

  “Well now, that’s a first for me. An Ashen choosing to do something other than physical labor. Personally, I am happy to see a change. I want to warn you though, the old ways are still being practiced. You may not get the welcome you’d like.”

  “I’m willing to take the risk if you’ll allow it.”

  The Nymph turned back to her computer for a moment before speaking again.

  “We’ve never had an Ashen before. I’m not sure if I can bypass the registry on here. We may need to do a paper form.” She opened a drawer and pulled out a radio, “Jenny, can you bring me a paper form for a class registration?”

  “A paper form? Did the computer crash?” The radio crackled back.

  “No, we have an Ashen here and I can’t bypass the registry on here.”

  “Did you say an Ashen? Are you sure? We’ve never had them even want to try camp before.”

  “Well, I’m looking right at him now. He plainly said he wants to go to classes.”

  “I’ll be up in about twenty minutes. I’m not exactly sure where the forms are right now.”

  “She’ll be here in about five minutes, I’m sure. She’s pretty organized. Do you mind waiting?”

  “Of course. I’m with these guys here so I don’t mind.”

  “Thank you, dear. And what’s your name?” The woman asked after Grimby stepped to the side.

  “Corsanna Stone.”

  “Ah, the next generation of Stone has finally arrived. You’ll be wanting to try for Alchemy like your Gran did, right?”

  “Yes. I think being an architect is what I want to do.”

  “Mrs. Daro will be happy to have a new Stone in her class.” The Nymph said while typing.

  “I’ve heard a lot about her and can’t wait.”

  “Well, here’s your schedule, dear. Along with the room number.”

  “And your name, young man?”

  “Asril Stone.”

  “Another Stone? My, my. Aren’t we lucky? And will you be doing nature magic like your father?”

  “I actually want to try elemental like my grandpa.”

  “And how is that old scoundrel? Still mischievous?”

  “Well, he’s only been able to come around for holidays lately. Being the council leader has kept him on the move for a while.”

  “I see. Well, I’m sure you’ll do great in elemental as well. Here’s your schedule and room number.”

  “And you young man, are you lost?” She eyed Dante.

  “He’s actually with us. I was hoping to speak with someone to help get him registered for some type of class.” I said quickly.

  “We don’t have anyone available to train mutants. They always train at home since their parents usually have close to the same power. Or know how to help control the power that a mutant has. Have your parents not trained you?” She asked Dante directly.

  “Not really. My mom’s a mutant too, but her power is being able to change her appearance. And my dad isn’t the most powerful Madgie. He could only teach me the basics of fire and ice. And even then I still had to learn more on my own.”

  “You have two powers?” The Nymph raised her eyebrows. “That’s pretty rare. What can you do with them?”

  “Pretty much just keep things hot or cold. I can sometimes do bigger things like freeze something solid, but only if my amulet thinks I’m in danger and doesn’t dampen my abilities.” He lifted a small chain with a chip of a ruby and diamond in the shape of yin yang, emeralds surrounding the entire centerpiece. “Thankfully, the fire doesn’t happen as often as ice. That can give some pretty bad results if it doesn’t get dampened.”

  “Hmm… I’m not sure if it’ll work. But I can see if our elemental teacher might be able to help. He got the second highest grade we’ve seen so far.” She waived a hand toward me and Cory, “Their grandfather has the highest. But he never wanted to stay pinned down in one place and refused the teaching position we offered.”

  As she was picking up her radio again, a tall Dryad walked into the room, holding a stack of papers. The Dryad had a greenish cast to her skin, and her eyes were brown like the bark of a tree. Her hair had a few blooms left from spring, just like her tree.

  “I finally found the form Penny. I’m sorry it took so long.”

  “Ah, Jenny. I was just about to call you again. We have another potential camper we’ve never had before. A mutant.”

  “A mutant? I’ve never heard of a mutant wanting to go to camp either. Don’t you guys train with your parents?” Jenny asked, looking at Dante.

  “Normally, yes.”

  “He said his mother is a mutant with a power that doesn’t match his. And his father isn’t a very particularly talented Madgie. So he couldn’t teach Dante very well.” Penny said.

  “Oh my. Well, what can you do?”

; “I can create and control fire and ice… Well, somewhat control. I have an amulet that helps to dampen my abilities to keep them more manageable.” Dante said.

  “That’s pretty rare to have two powers, being a mutant.” Jenny said, “Well, this is all very unusual. But I think we might be able to speak with the elemental teacher about including you in some classes. For now, are you ok bunking with the Ashen while we figure out the details?”

  “That’s fine with me if he’s ok with it.” Dante said with a small smile.

  “I see no problems. We can be supportive of each other in this new journey.” Grimby said.

  “Perfect. Penny, will you put them in the guest room next to the other campers? That will keep them closer to where they’ll need to go for classes.”

  “Of course. Let me just get your names in here and mark down what you’re interested in.” She started copying down their answers, her pen scratching away at the two old forms. “Alright, you’re both semi registered. We’ll find you when we can get it all finalized.”

  “Thank you.” Dante and Grimby said.

  “Ok, if you all have your rooms and schedule, you go get situated. The lunch bell will alert you when it’s ready.” Jenny said before disappearing.

  The group slowly filed to the door leading to the right.

  “Elevators?” Lariska said, surprised. “Is there an invisible skyscraper above us?”

  “No. It’s still an underground camp. After the treaty was signed only some camps moved to the surface.” Cory explained. “Some, like this one, decided to keep costs down by staying underground.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize some were still hidden.” Lariska commented. “Looks like the girls' section is this way.” They moved to the left bank of elevators and stepped in when the doors opened, waving to the boys.

  “And here’s our entrance. Come on, guys.” I said as we stopped by the elevators to the right.


  “Well, I didn’t expect to be bunked with Shifter pups and warriors.” I said to a Shifter close by as I put down my bag by the last bed. “Are there not a lot of other Madgie here?”

  “Oh, there are. You’re just a late arrival. So you got tossed in with us. I’m sorry, at least it’s only for a month though.” A Shifter pup said shyly.

  “No need to be sorry. I was just hoping to see what I was up against before tomorrow in classes.” I said, sitting down and taking off my shoes. “I’m Asril, you can call me Az.”

  “I’m… Um… Conner.”

  “You don’t have to be nervous around me, Conner. I’m not like a lot of other Madgie. I judge based on how you act, not what you are.” I said with a smile.

  “Well, you are the first Madgie that I’ve ever met that is like that. Hopefully we’ll be able to meet more of those here.” Conner said.

  “My sister is the same way. We actually come from a family that doesn’t care who or what you are, as long as you’re a decent person we’ll get along just fine.” I said while putting my clothes in the little dresser at the end of the bed. “Do you know when lunch will be ready? I’m famished.”

  “It should be pretty soon. It’s almost noon now.” Conner said, looking at his watch.

  “Oh good. So, what are you going to study for?” I asked.

  “I’m interested in joining the MICAWS. My father and grandfather both went that route and have told me they really enjoy it.” He said, “What about you? Any special area of magic you're interested in?”

  "Elemental. My grandfather is highly proficient in it, and I think it would be the best route to take." I said. "So what's your animal form?"

  "I'm a badger. I come from a line that our animal forms are usually pretty big, so I am about as big as a mountain lion."

  “Wow, that definitely is a big form. I think you'll do great as a MICAW.” I said, impressed. “I had a neighbor that was able to Shift into a decent sized Komodo dragon. She retired from the MICAWS and decided to move to Hawaii, though. So I’m not sure how she is doing now. But she always had the best stories and seemed like she really missed her job.”

  “A Komodo dragon? That would be an awesome Shift.”

  “Well, a badger is a pretty good one too. Those can be formidable.” Az said reassuringly as a slight gong sound filled the air. “Oh sweet, that must be the lunch bell. Finally, I’m starving.”

  “So what do you plan on doing after camp?” Conner asked as he waited for me to put my shoes back on, then we walked down the stone-lined tunnel. “My friend back home helps his dad with repairing heaters and ACs. Their entire family are proficient in elemental.”

  "I'm not fully sure yet. My grandfather started out doing weather control and helping Farmers have good seasons. I might start there." I replied.

  "That sounds interesting. We don't have any weather Madgie back home. Everyone just kind of holds their breath that the weather will give them a good year." Conner said, "Well, hopefully you'll get a proficient rating then. That way, if weather control isn't interesting in the future, you can switch to a different career pretty easily."

  "I hope so. If I can't, I might try for mental, or maybe transfiguration as a last resort." I said.

  "Whatever you do, I'm sure you'll have a lot more fun than I will. I don't really want to join the MICAWS, but if it's the best option, then I guess that's what I'll be doing."

  "They don't all have boring jobs, you know. Not all of it is political, just a portion. If you're offered a position, you may be able to choose what you do."

  "True, well I guess we'll see… Oh look, there's a couple spots over there by the sprites and dryads. Let's go see if we can flirt our way into some of the treasure they always seem to find." Conner said enthusiastically.

  “You realize that most of these treasures they find are just random things, right?” I asked. “Mostly odd shaped pine cones or things like that.”

  “Of course I do, but if a dryad or sprite gives you anything they found it’s a good sign that they’re interested in you,” Conner said while trying to shoot a smoldering look in their direction. “Or, of course...They want to kill you and are giving you an item to track you down later.”

  I stopped a few tables away. “Um… I don’t think I should take that chance. I’m kind of attached to my life, you know.”

  Conner laughed aloud. “I’m just teasing. If they give anything, it really is just that they’re interested. Either in some potential romance or just that they like you as a friend.”

  I bit my lip. “Would they be offended if I told them they’re not my type if the gift is for me?”

  “Only if you go about it in a rude way.” He replied.

  We sit in the two spots surrounded by sprites and dryads, Conner turning on a charming smile and beaming at everyone there.

  “Hello ladies, are you liking camp so far?” Conner asked in an almost silky voice.

  “Not exactly,” one of the dryads said. “We’re underground, and I’m not comfortable being away from my tree.”

  “Do you have anyone watching it for you,” I asked. “I’m sure it will be safe for now.”

  “Well, my roommate said she will, but she’s a mutant and can only control bugs, so at least my tree is safe from those. But for anything else it’s not.”

  “She could have some pretty good results by sending all the bees and wasps after someone if they try to harm your tree at all,” Conner said.

  “I guess so. I’ve just never been this far from it before. Hopefully the classes will be really quick so I can get back to it soon. Dryads only do a few days of classes, but that’s still so long.”

  “Maybe we can get a phone and call your friend to check on it,” one of the sprites offered. “We’ll go right after lunch.” The dryad nodded slowly.

  “You can borrow my phone if you’d like. Hey… Umm…” Az stumbled over his words. “Speaking of trees, if a tree were grown outside of a natural cycle...Say forced into full maturity within a few minutes...Does a dryad form with it?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ve never heard of anything like that happening before.” She replied, tilting her head in thought. “I would assume that it would though, since all trees are living creatures and need to have a protective spirit form with them.”

  “That’s good to know.” I said, sighing. “Oh, I’m sorry, here’s my phone. I’m Az, by the way.”

  “Oh thank you, I’ll give right back to you. My name is Nerissa.” She said as she took my phone and stepped away from the table for a minute to use it.


  A week later, Conner, Grimby, Cory, Lariska, and Dante are sitting with me in a common room talking, trying to help cheer me up.

  “Az, I’m sure you’ll find something else to focus on aside from elemental. You could still create a decent rain, so that’s good. But you know we don’t always follow in our ancestors footsteps,” Cory was saying.

  “Besides, lots of Madgie have friends or family that can help them with the things they can’t do,” Dante was saying with a consoling hand on my shoulder. “If you need help with anything fire or ice related, then I’m your man. Just give me a call and I’ll be there in a heartbeat to help. Well, depending on where you are, of course. If I go back to the train, I might be close, or pretty far.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “It does help to know I have people willing to help when I need it.”

  “What else are you going to try for?” Lariska asked, leaning forward. “I have a Madgie friend that got a shows promise in transfiguration. She said it was her second choice, but loves her job anyway.”

  “I’m not sure about transfiguration just yet. I was thinking of trying mental first.” Az gave her a half smile. “I figured it’s worth a shot. We’ve never had anyone in our family that was skilled with pretty much anything mental, maybe I’ll be the first.”

  “I could be possible. When in doubt, it’s good to try everything we can. We’re bound to follow some path at least.” Cory said.

  We all sit in silence for a few minutes before Cory gives an excuse of a couple of tests, Grimby, Lariska and Conner said they are learning something new the next day. Before long Dante is the only one left, having moved to sit by me while I was flipping through channels aimlessly.


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