Sorority Sex Slave

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Sorority Sex Slave Page 1

by JJ Argus

  Chapter One

  When I was younger, barely into adolescence, I became fascinated with the possibilities of my newly developed body. I developed early, you see, and nature was quite generous. Still, I was only a young girl, still somewhat embarrassed about it all, and entirely confused about what I could do, and what I should do. The world was confusing. The high fashion models and actresses dressed in the kind of slutty outfits my schoolmates and I adored, but which we'd never dare wear.

  Girls just didn't wear tight little minis to school where I grew up, or shimmery, nearly see through tops, or blouses and dresses showing immense amounts of cleavage. We were fascinated by the idea of doing so, but no one had the bravery. And if she had we all would have trashed her mercilessly.

  But I, like most girls, I suppose, liked to imagine myself as seductive and provocative and "hot", and liked it when the guys got all hot and bothered by us, even if it did embarrass us more than a little.

  As I grew older the confusion receded, and if anything my fantasies and desires about what I could do with my body grew more powerful. There were so many possibilities in the realm of sex which I would have loved to have explored, so many things I'd heard about, read about, even seen in furtive glimpses of adult oriented magazines and pornographic videos.

  But I lived in a small town, and went to a small school, and rumour was a powerful impediment to experiencing your fantasies come to life. I had to content myself with a lot of self abuse and some fondling and groping until I got old enough to get a "real" boyfriend.

  Towards the end of my high school years I lost my virginity, but it was a disappointment. I had been drinking, he had been drinking, and we were both inexperienced. It was a short lived experience, and altogether unsatisfying. I tried again a few times and things were better, but just didn't live up to my fantasies. I always felt inhibited by what he would think of me, and whether he would tell his buddies what I did or said or how I acted.

  The only realization of the pleasure I had imagined came from, of all places, my best friend Karen. During a sleepover we got to talking about sex and boys and kissing, and a variety of other things, and wound up experimenting on each other. Since we trusted each other absolutely we could reveal our desires like we never could to our boyfriends, and I finally began to get a taste of the exciting possibilities out there.

  Still, we were just two young girls fooling around, and though we enjoyed ourselves we were still fairly innocent, especially compared to the worldly people I was to encounter later on.

  College was to be a great release. Far away from home and family and friends, on a huge campus where no one would know me, where I could, I knew, indulge myself in my youth, in the possibilities of my body. I vowed to have a college experience I would look back on when I was older, to do everything I could, at least once, and maybe many times.

  All of this is to lead up to why I pledged to the Gamma Phi sorority when I went to College. Gamma Phi had a reputation as a really raunchy sorority. There were rumours of orgies and gang bangs, none confirmed, always related second or third or fourth hand.

  Gamma Phi was also said, and this wasn't rumour, to be the wealthiest of all the campus sororities, with a fabulous house with big, luxurious rooms and the best stereo and video equipment around, including a big screen TV.

  I never thought I'd get in. I mean, they were also supposed to be the most selective of all the sororities. Girls who'd failed to get in talked about being grilled for hours about every facet of their lives, including their histories, their fantasies, and ambitions, their likes and dislikes.

  Of course it had initiation rites, just like the rest, and it, like the others, was shrouded in mystery, but it was supposedly really tough and weird.

  Anyway, I never thought I'd get in, but I applied, and like the rumours claimed, I found myself sitting in a chair, surrounded by a dozen girls, all asking me questions, some of them extraordinarily personal, like when I'd lost my virginity, and how often I masturbated, and what I thought about when I did, and did I ever use sex toys, and did I ever try this, or that, or this, or that. Wow, it was embarrassing.

  I passed that exam, apparently, and got called back for a second interview, this one in a dark room with three girls. They were in shadow while I was brightly lit up. I couldn't even make out their faces. The interview was all about sex, mostly, and what offended me or didn't.

  "How do you feel about your body, Claudia?" I was asked right off.


  "How do you feel about your body?"

  "Uh, okay. I mean, let's face it, I'm pretty well built. The boys seem to think so anyway."

  "Would you be ashamed to be seen naked by other women?"

  "No. What do you mean?"

  "We have common showers here."

  "Oh, that doesn't bother me. I mean, we had to take showers together all through high school in gym class."

  "So it doesn't embarrass you to be seen in the nude?"

  "No." I shrugged, putting on a casual, worldly air.

  In truth, being nude around others aroused me tremendously. It always had, especially after Karen and I had begun playing our little games. I would watch the other girls in the showers, imagining having sex with them, always very careful not to be seen watching.

  "Would it offend you to find out that some of our sisters are gay?" I was asked.


  "You said you'd had a lesbian affair?"

  "When I was younger."

  I had thought that would make me seem worldly, and it was becoming more and more fashionable to be a little bi.

  "You're defensive about that. Why?"

  "I'm not defensive."

  "Yes, you are. Are you ashamed of what you did?"


  "Do you ever find yourself attracted to women?"

  "Uh, the odd time. I'm mostly attracted to men, though."

  "So you think you're bisexual."

  "Uh, I wouldn't say that. Completely."

  "You're defensive again. Does homosexual sex embarrass you?"

  "No, I mean, I... no."

  "You just don't want us to think you're a pervert."

  "Yeah," I grinned, weakly, "That's about it."

  "Does the idea of bondage bother or offend you?"

  I went a little red. Me and Karen had played around a little with bondage, tying each other up. Even with Karen I'd hid how turned on that had made me. But that was just silly games. And we'd mostly giggled a lot.


  "You wouldn't be bothered if you went to the kitchen and found one of our sisters there, nude, getting a drink say, and wearing handcuffs?"

  I was startled but fought to keep myself from showing it. "No."

  "Have you ever experimented with bondage?"

  "A little." I shrugged defensively, turning a bit red.

  "With a man, or with your girlfriend?"

  "Both. A little. Do you guys need to know all this?"

  "A portion of our sisterhood is lesbian and some are involved in submissive, dominance relationships. We don't want you judging them as perverts and denouncing them."

  "I wouldn't do that."

  "That's what we are trying to determine, Claudia. We don't want any judgmental people here. If it seems we're focussing strictly on sex that's because we've already talked to you about politics and education and almost everything else. Also, if a person is going to be judgmental, or offended by anything, it will likely be about sex and sexuality."

  "Well, I suppose that's true," I said.

  "I want you to do something for us, Claudia."


  "Stand up and remove your clothing."

  I stared in disbelief. "What?"

  "You did say that you weren't ashame
d of your body, that being nude before other women didn't embarrass you."

  "Well, yeah, but... "

  "Were you lying?"

  "No, but I mean... I mean, being naked like, while all of your are watching and staring, and you all wearing clothes... "

  "If you aren't ashamed of your body it still shouldn't bother you."

  "Do I have to?" I swallowed nervously, reddening a little.

  "If you want to be admitted as a pledge."

  I did. I'd gotten a tour of the building and it was something else again, wonderfully luxurious and gorgeous and beautiful, with terrific facilities, including its own computer system, well equipped gym, and library. I squinted against the bright lights on me, trying to see them.

  "We're waiting, Claudia," the voice said.

  "How do I know you aren't just going to take my picture or something and sell it?"

  "If you can't trust us then you shouldn't be trying to join us, Claudia."

  I hesitated, but could tell they were growing impatient. Finally I stood up, and reached behind me, undoing my dress. I unzipped it and let it come down to my legs, then stepped out of it. I put it on the chair, then took off my shoes, then, hesitated again.

  "All of it, Claudia." Her voice was firm.

  I undid my bra and took it off, then skimmed out of my panties, feeling my chest tightening even as I straightened. I stood naked, feeling flushed, my body sensing the coolness of the room but feeling heated.

  "Hands at your side, Claudia. Don't try and cover yourself."

  "Don't cower," A second voice said.

  I stood up straight, and heard and saw movement in the shadows.

  I'm a bit petite. I'm just five feet tall, with a slender figure and tiny feet. I do, however, have a generous chest. It's not huge or anything. People wouldn't describe me as busty. But it is... noticeable, especially on my slender frame. My breasts are high and round and very firm, so firm that my nipples, which are small and pink, but long, are slightly turned up. Karen had once said she could hang her shirt on them, especially when I grew aroused.

  My nipples were quite erect as I stood there, and that made me flush more, afraid they would recognize my arousal and trying to tell myself they would think it was the coolness of the air.

  I have longish dark brown hair, straight and thick and silky, which spills across my shoulders and halfway down my back. My face is small and narrow, with a Mediterranean look to my brown eyes which sometimes causes people to ask if I have some Asian ancestry. I knew I was very attractive, knew I had a good body. Boys had left me in no doubt of that for years.

  Yet I was embarrassed as they stood there, apparently assessing my body. I wondered if any of those lesbians they had spoken of were among the three there, if they were contemplating me in that way. The thought both embarrassed and aroused me, and I felt helpless but in a strange and exquisitely sexual way.

  "Put your hands behind your back," one ordered.

  Swallowing nervously, I obeyed.

  "Keep your shoulders straight," another voice snapped.

  I straightened my shoulders quickly.

  "Not bad," one of them said.

  "Nice breasts," another commented.

  I was startled by that. Strangers weren't usually in the habit of commenting on my breasts, unless they were boys wanting to be rude. And strange boys didn't get to make such comments when I was naked.

  I sensed and barely saw movement around me and another of them spoke from behind me. "She has one terrific little bottom."


  "Oh yes. You have to this."

  My blush deepened as there was more movement around me. I heard a whistle from behind me, and was desperately trying to decide whether this was a test or whether they were really admiring me like that. And if the latter - why?

  "Rise on the balls of your feet, Claudia," one of the voices commanded.

  I obeyed, and there were more whistles, as butterflies fluttered around in my stomach.

  "Put your hands behind your head and arch your back," a voice in front of me ordered.

  Almost unthinking now, I obeyed. My nipples ached now, and I felt a tremendous surge of sexual desire as they moved around me, watching. I sensed those who were behind me joining together with the one in front, seeing shadowy movements just beyond the light.

  "Now kneel."

  I got to my knees uncertainly, heart pounding.

  "Sit on your heels. Keep your back straight. Now spread your knees apart. More. More. That's it. Don't hide your womanhood."

  They came forward into the light then, and one of them gave me her hand, helping me stand. All were a few years older than me, being seniors, and all wore sweat suits with the sorority's emblem on it. One, a very beautiful brunette with long hair, smiled as she held my hand.

  "Welcome to Delta Phi, Pledge," she said.

  "If you survive the initiation, you will be one of our sisters," a cute blonde said.

  A week later I arrived at the front door. I had followed their instructions, sending my gear on ahead, and arriving alone. I knocked on the door, a little worried because of all the tales I'd heard about initiations at sororities and fraternities.

  The door opened on its own and I stepped in. It was dark inside. I blinked, trying to get my eyes adjusted from the light outside. The door closed behind me all on its on, then a spotlight was trained on me from ahead.

  "Welcome, Pledge, to Delta Phi sorority," a woman's voice said, deep and mysterious.

  "Remove your clothing, signifying your break with the past, and step forward," another voice ordered.

  Oh God, I thought, blinking my eyes as my heart began to pound. I unbuttoned my shirt and dropped it on the floor, then took off my shoes and socks, pulled down my jeans, and stood there in my bra and panties. I sighed a little, reddening as I undid my bra and took off my panties. I stood there naked, straight as I had at the last interview.

  "Step forward and pledge your obedience, your respect, your love and loyalty."

  I walked forward into the dark, but the light moved with me lighting up the floor at my feet. I stopped before a collar. It was black leather and covered with metal studs, not unlike a dog collar.

  "Don the collar of servitude, pledge, and become a non-human, without rights, without dignity, without thought of self, bound to the service of the sisters of Delta Phi."

  I was embarrassed, but also becoming aroused. This was quite exciting, and to my small town thinking, kinky. I bent and picked it up.

  "Place it around your throat and lock it in place, you who would belong to us."

  I saw that the collar had an actual lock that locked with a key. Once it was on I wouldn't be able to get it off. I put it around my throat and stuck the ends together. The sound of the lock clicking was loud in the dark room.

  "Step forward, Pledge."

  I shuffled forward, stopping again before a garment lying on the floor.

  "Don the pledge's shift, a badge of your lowly existence."

  I picked it up and looked at it. It was white and made of soft, silk. It looked like nothing but a nightshirt at first, but it had a sort of elasticised waist. I pulled it over my head and pulled it down. It was very tight across my chest and I realized that my nipples were rigid as they pushed against it. The thing also clung to my waist, with a tiny skirt dropping below the waist that barely descended below my groin.

  "Stand straight!" a voice ordered. "From now on you will maintain perfect posture at all times or be punished."

  "You are only a filthy little pledge, the lowest form of life on Earth," another voice said. "But you are our pledge. You may take pride in that if nothing else."

  The hallway lit up in front of me but I still didn't see anyone. I walked forward and found an open door leading to the basement stairs. I went down, again in darkness. At the bottom I found myself in a large, low room, candles flickering everywhere.

  there were enough candles to see by, but not clearly. Two or three dozen women
stood around the walls, all wearing dark hooded robes, the hoods shadowing their faces. In the centre of the room were four girls dressed as me, all were on their knees, side by side.

  "Take your place, Pledge," the sisters all said in unison.

  I knelt in line and waited.

  "You here are bound to us, body and soul," one of the hooded sisters said. "From henceforth you have no will, but our will, no wish but to serve us, no desire but to please us."

  "Allison Sims."

  "Yes?" One of the pledges answered.

  "Rise and remove your shift."

  The girl rose, looking nervous. She was a blonde with long hair in loose ringlets. She removed her shift and stood there naked. She was a slender girl, but nice breasts, I thought. She was very pretty, with bright blue eyes.

  "Allison, you will crawl forward and take this in your teeth," the woman said, holding out what looked like a medal of some sort. Allison looked around, a little frightened, then dropped to her knees and self consciously crawled across the rug towards the woman. The woman bent and placed the medal between Allison's teeth.

  "Now you will circle the room, holding the emblem of servitude before you and displaying it to all the assembled sisters."

  Allison turned to her left and began crawling along the line of watching, robed women. She made the full circle, returning to the first woman, who took the thing from her mouth and placed it over her head and on her throat, so it dangled below her.

  "Turn towards the centre of the room and stop.

  She did so and I saw the woman take what looked like one of those cricket paddles the fraternities liked to use on their pledges.

  "Are you prepared to obey?" the woman asked.


  "From here on you are a pledge. You will answer, `yes sister' or `no sister' when questioned. You will append, `sister', to every question you ask or answer. Is that clear?"

  "Yes, sister," Allison said.

  The woman held up the paddle and swung it down. It made a loud crack of noise when it hit Allison's behind. She cried out and fell on her face, reaching back to grab her behind.

  "You must accept punishment without movement and then thank the sister for correcting you," the woman said.

  "Assume the position once again."


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