Sorority Sex Slave

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Sorority Sex Slave Page 5

by JJ Argus

  She came at the same time and the two of us were grunting and groaning and whining and jerking and trembling like maddened animals as our pussys blazed with energy and heat and sucked the rest of our bodies into a storm of sexual bliss.

  At last we both stopped shaking. I eased back onto my heels, exhausted. Carol groaned and stumbled to the desk, holding herself up as she rubbed her pussy and grinned down at me.

  "A natural," she said.

  Chapter Four

  Was I a natural?

  If so, a natural what? I mean, what did that mean anyway? I'd always know how, well, how high my sex drive was, and how some things excited me far more than other girls and women, including things that other people thought were perverted.

  Bondage was one of those things. I loved the feelings it gave me, the idea of being so... helpless and, I don't know, possessed, owned, controlled, dominated. It just created a tremendously erotic feeling within me. Since the first time I'd read about it I had thought the image of a beautiful naked woman bound in chains or ropes, was an immensely arousing one.

  When I'd played with Karen, played with bondage, being tied up had done something powerfully sensual to me. I remember being bound to her bed, spreadeagled and naked as she made love to me, straining against the bonds and feeling myself soooooo sexually free and gloriously erotic.

  I'd been afraid to reveal just how excited it made me. It was okay to play as a game but only sickos would really get off on that on a regular basis, or so I thought. As for pain, well, once a guy had spanked me, but only playfully, and though I'd liked the feeling of submissiveness, I hadn't liked the pain.

  Now things were different, but I didn't know why. It might have been because I was already very aroused when Carol began switching me, both times. Even during the initiation, I'd already been intensely turned on when the women started using their switches on my behind and back.

  So it wasn't that I liked the pain in itself, it was more like the pain contributed to the pleasure I was already feeling. It was like ice and water, the same but not the same. I mean, you can't drink ice all by itself, it's too hard and too cold. Still, if you had a cup of water and poured ice into it, the water would rise higher with each additional cube, until it overflowed the cup.

  "So did it hurt?"

  "Uh, no, not really."

  "You're lucky. Carol is supposed to be pretty nice. Brittany likes to use the cane and that's supposed to hurt like shit!"

  Emma sighed as she leaned on the window sill and looked out.

  "I thought they couldn't do anything unless it was in the rule book."

  "Oh, no, not really, but not all the punishments are specified. Your mentor is allowed to create her own sometimes, and I hear Brittany is really creative."

  "Well, Carol is... okay."

  "Did she come on to you. They say she's really hot. I mean she's sweet, but she's supposed to have a super high sex drive."

  "Why don't you tell me where this rule book is?" I sighed, changing the subject.

  Emma looked at me calculatingly, then pointed at the desk. I went over and got the book, then sat down and opened it.

  "You better not forget your medallion again," Emma said.

  "No. I won't."

  "Check out page four."

  I looked on page four.

  "What's this mean? Pledges are required to perform any service requested by a sister, other than those explicately exempted under section twelve."

  "It means what it says. We're practically slaves. We have to do anything we're told no matter what."

  "What's section twelve?"

  "That's the sex section."


  "That means you have to do anything but sex. But the sisters are the ones who decide what's sexual. So, for instance if they want a bath servant to help them take a bath, that's not sex, even if you have to scrub every inch of their body with your bare hands."

  "Well, I suppose I could take that, so long as I don't have to do it very often."

  "How do you feel about licking feet?"


  "It's not sexual, supposedly, but if they tell you to do it you have to, or you get punished."

  "I don't think Carol would do that."

  "You and her did something together, didn't you?" she exclaimed.

  "Did not!"

  "Oh you liar! I just bet you did. You were gone for too long for just a little switching. That only takes a minute."

  "Mind your own business."


  "What about Brittany?"

  "What about her?"

  "Has she come on to you yet?"

  "I'll say she has. Not just her either. We're new meat, especially you and me and Allison."

  "Why us?"

  "Because we're the bisexuals. The other two are confirmed lesbians. The sisters like bisexuals. I told you that. Hell, bring over a heterosexual girl some time and they'll be all over her. There's nothing they like better than seducing a heterosexual girl."

  "I am heterosexual... mostly," I said.

  "There's no such thing as mostly heterosexual. That's like a little bit pregnant. If you're excited by women then you're bi."

  The door opened and Carol came in.

  "Get dressed, girls. We're taking the pledges out for a tour of the campus."

  "Yes, Sister," Emma said.

  "Yes... Mistress," I said.

  One good thing about the sorority sisters, they might humiliate us in private but they treated us well in public. Some of the fraternities, for instance, made their pledges do all sorts of humiliating stupid things or wear really weird clothes. We saw two guys walk by with false noses, wearing their underwear outside their pants, for instance, or on their heads.

  We had a lot of fun, and got back to the sorority house late in the afternoon. Me and Emma went down to the swimming pool afterwards and did some laps, then played around in the gym, experimenting with the equipment. Neither of us was all that strong - no muscle tone according to one of the sisters there, but we figured we could keep the weight off if we worked out a little.

  After dinner was judgement session. Any public punishment was meted out there. Most of the time was spent refereeing disputes between the sisters according to the rules, but there were two punishments to be handed down. One was to a sister, who was fined, and the other was to a pledge, Allison.

  She was accused of being rude and impertinent to a sister named Rachael. Allison, who was a self confident, proud girl, had told Rachael to fuck off and then had told he she was a dumb pussy whore and shoved her hard against a wall!

  In her defence Allison claimed Rachael had insulted her for almost five minutes, and then had poured a cup of coffee over her head.

  However, since the coffee wasn't hot, and she was therefore, not hurt, she'd had no excuse for using violence on the sister. As for the insults, well, who cared if a sister insulted a scummy pledge anyway? That wasn't an excuse for anything.

  The senior sisters judged Allison guilty. For insulting Rachael, she would receive twenty lashes from a switch. For shoving her, she would get five cuts from a cane. Rachael would administer the first and Allison's mentor Joan would do the caning.

  Allison looked rebellious and angry by the judgement, but unless she wanted to quit the sorority there wasn't anything she could do. It looked like she was considering that very thing, but when Sissy ordered her to strip and bend over, she obeyed, even if reluctantly.

  I was kind of embarrassed for her as I and the other sisters and pledges stared at her round white bottom. Like us, her pussy was shaved, and her little slit opened slightly as she bent far over and opened her legs.

  Yet I was also aroused, and eager to witness her punishment. Everyone around me was excited as well as we watched Rachael ready the switch. Rachael stood to one side of the bent over blonde girl so she wouldn't block our view, then she swung the switch as hard as she could.

  Allison cried out in pain, even though she was obviously trying not
to. Rachael drew her arm back and slashed the switch across her bottom a second time, and a third and a fourth. She was hitting Allison far harder than Carol had hit me.

  She swung the switch carefully, measuring the blows, obviously not wanting to be done too quickly. She was concentrating on the lower part of Allison's pretty buttocks, using the very end of the switch, the tip. I didn't know why until Allison howled and flew forward onto the floor, clutching her crotch. Then I realized Rachael had cruelly caught her bare pussy mound with the switch.

  "The pledge is not permitted to move until punishment is over," Sissy admonished. "Resume the position."

  Allison was panting and sniffling. One of the sisters gripped her by the arm and helped her back to her feet, then the blonde bent over again, reaching for her ankles. Rachael slashed the switch across her buttocks again several times before catching her pussy again.

  Once more Allison flew forward with a shriek, clutching her snatch.

  "If we must warn you again, pledge, you will be chained for the remainder of punishment," Sissy said. "I also would like to remind sister Rachael that this punishment calls for a switching on the buttocks. Any further contact with genitalia will be considered an offence under the punishment act."

  Rachael scowled at that. I hadn't gotten that far in the book so I didn't know what Sissy meant. I kind of wished she would slash the thing across Allison's pussy again though. It turned me on. The whole thing turned me on but seeing Allison get slashed right on the pussy reeeaaaaly turned me on!

  I didn’t know why. Maybe because it was so shocking. So outrageous.

  Allison was back on her feet, bending over. Rachael slashed the stick down on her soft flesh again and again until Sissy said twenty. Then Allison had to drop to her knees and thank Rachael for the punishment, which must have been galling, and kiss the switch.

  Then she had to assume the position again for the cane. The cane position wasn't the same as the switch position. In the cane position you only bent to a ninety degree angle, with your hands on your knees instead of your ankle. That meant your buttocks weren’t as tightly stretched, so there was more meat for the cane to strike.

  Allison bent over, trembling a bit as Sissy raised the cane. The cane was about the same length as the switch but was thicker and heavier. She brought it whooshing down on Allison's buttocks and Allison cried out in pain, but held her position. The cane left a darker, thicker line across the pale skin of her bottom, and I felt another stirring within me at its sight.

  Again and again, and then again, and then a final time Sissy slashed the cane across Allison's pretty round cheeks, and she sobbed weakly, helplessly, as the pain cut into her body and mind..

  Allison had to beg for forgiveness then and kiss the cane, then the session was over. Me and Emma and Jennifer went and cleaned up the kitchen, which was one of our chores as pledges. Afterwards Emma and I went back to our room.

  We weren't there for more than half an hour when the door opened and Ginny and Dog came in. Dog was crawling on all fours and Ginny was leading her by a chain around her throat. At first I thought Dog might be wearing some kind of G-string, but then I realized that what it was was a kind of tail.

  The tail stuck out of her anus and hung down between her legs. It was attached to something they'd stuck inside her rectum. Dog barked several times as we stared at her in amazement.

  "Dog wanted to meet the new sluts," Ginny said. "Strip and get down on your hands and knees," she ordered.

  Emma and I looked at each other, then obeyed, getting down on all fours in front of Dog.

  Dog crawled forward and sniffed all around us, then stuck out her tongue and licked my cheek, then Emma's.

  "She likes you," Ginny said. "Turn around and she'll lick your pussies."

  "Uh, no thank you, Sister," I said.

  "Dirty little slut," Ginny glared. "You're the one who likes dildos, aren't you?"

  "Yes, Mistress."

  "I've got a dildo so big it will split your pussy apart, bitch."

  She pulled back harshly on the chain and Dog reared back onto her knees, the chain tightening like a noose around her slender throat. Ginny held the chain tightly, continuing to maintain pressure as Dog's face began to turn red, and her hands fluttered. Ginny smiled as she reached down, her hand gliding across Dog's straining chest, over her rounded, upthrust breasts and hard little nipples

  Dog's eyes were bulging out as she strained back and choked. Yet she never made any attempt to free herself, to loosen the chain strangling her. Her hands, unbound, fluttered and jerked in mid-air, but never reached for the choke chain. She made odd, choking sounds, then she gurgled and her eyes glazed over as she passed out.

  We watched in awed amazement. Ginny ignored her slave as Dog half hung there, held up by the throat. She let her down onto the floor then, taking the pressure off her throat and allowing the chain to loosen.

  "See how you've disappointed Dog?" she pouted. "Now you'll have to carry her back to my room. Go on, pick her up, you sluts."

  Emma and I gripped the nude, unconscious girl by her arms and legs and lifted her, carrying her down the hall to Ginny's room. Ginny followed behind, making obscene remarks about our naked bottoms and breasts and pussy slits, and how she'd like to whip us and make us suck her pussy.

  Once we were in Ginny's room she directed us, not to the bed, but to a wall, where manacles hung from short chains.

  "Put her up against the wall," Ginny ordered. We placed her against the wall, then lifted the unconscious girl's arms above her, putting her wrists into the separate manacles and locking them in place. We let her go and she hung limp, her chin on her chest.

  "Now wouldn't you like to hang there, little sluts?" Ginny purred. "I think you'd both look marvellous, all shaved bald, perhaps with a few whip marks on your soft little asses."

  She was turning me on, kind of. I didn't like her. I thought she was cruel, rather than nice like Carol, and though the sight of Dog hanging naked from the manacles was supremely erotic, I didn't envy her her baldness.

  "Go on, get out sluts. But I'll get you later, never fear, " she sneered.

  Emma and I walked out but I ran into Carol in the hall.

  "I would like a word with you, Pledge," she said.

  "Yes, Mistress," I replied, parting with Emma, who continued back to our room.

  I followed Carol into her room and knelt on the floor when she ordered it.

  "How are you enjoying your first day here?" she asked.

  "Fine, Mistress," I said.

  "Are you all hot and bothered by everything?"

  "Not everything, Mistress."

  "Hmmm,” She leaned over me and tilted my head up. "I was watching you when Allison was getting switched," she said. "You were rubbing your little pussy, weren't you."

  I blushed and lowered my head. She laughed and moved away

  "Come here, Pledge," she ordered.

  I rose and went over to her as she stood near a closet.

  "Help me get undressed for bed," she ordered, smiling smugly at me.

  I swallowed, then reached for her shirt, unbuttoning it down to the waist and pulling it from her pants.

  "Put it in the laundry hamper, Pledge, and remember, you'll be doing my laundry from now on."

  "Yes, Mistress," I replied.

  I dropped to one knee and she put her foot on my leg as I unlaced her shoe and pulled it off. I did the same with her other shoe, placing both in the closet, then undid her pants and pulled them down, helping her out of them.

  I rose and removed her bra and then slid her panties down over her hips and off her ankles. Now as nude as I was, she smiled cooly at me, then motioned to the top drawer of her dresser.

  "My night things are there, Pledge. Get them and help me dress."

  "Yes, Mistress," I said, thinking to find pyjamas or something, but when I opened the drawer what I found was a collection of shiny black leather goods. My breath caught when I felt the cool leather against my fingers

  "Hurry up, Pledge," she said, sounding bored.

  "Yes, Mistress," I said.

  First I removed a leather bra, at least, a sort of bra. I slid it up under her breasts, fastening it around behind her. It pushed them up and tightly together, and covered only the lower halves of her mammaries, or almost half, since her nipples were free.

  After that came a pair of thigh high leather boots with six inch stiletto heels. I shivered as I helped her into them. After that was a leather vest, then long leather gloves that extended all the way up to her elbows. Finally came something I didn't even know how to describe.

  It was like a G-string, I suppose, except the leather straps were very sturdy and there was a round hole in the front over her pussy. I reached into the drawer then and saw only one thing remaining, but I didn't think it was an article of clothing.

  "Take it out, pledge, and put it on me," She said.

  It was a big black dildo. I took it out then looked at her, she indicated the hole in the front of her panty thing. I pushed the rounded cocknose towards it but she corrected me. I turned it around and saw there were little clamps where the base of the dildo would fasten against the round hole.

  I gave it a half turn and it was snugly fitted in place, sticking out from her crotch like a big hard cock, curved slightly upwards. I knew it was meant for me and felt my slit oozing with love juice.

  "I have some things for you to wear as well, Pledge," Carol said. "In the next drawer."

  I opened the next drawer and found more leather, and chain. I took out the first thing and saw it was a thick leather collar with metal studs. I looked at her and she nodded encouragingly. I donned it, fitting it together in front. It locked tightly.

  Next were leather wristlets. These also had metal studs, metal rings, and little metal locks. Once I snapped them together around my wrists, only a key would remove them. There were two more wristlets, but Carol tapped my ankle with her boot and I realized the went around them. I fitted and locked them around my ankles.

  There was a sort of leather bra. It was more like a two leather donuts attached by a strap. I tried to fit my breasts through the holes but they seemed too small, the holes I mean. Carol had me bend over so my breasts hung right below me, then she pulled the bra thing up tight, tight, and I gripped my breast flesh and pulled it through.


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