Small Claims

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Small Claims Page 4

by Ethan Stone

  “I’m a nurturer,” he replied, as if that should’ve explained everything. “I like to take care of adult babies.”

  I’d heard of guys who enjoyed dressing like a baby and how it translated into a sexual fetish. I didn’t think I would ever meet one. Technically, I still hadn’t, since Freddy was a—what had he called it? A nurturer. I sat up and swung my feet to the floor.

  “You want me to act like a kid?”

  “An infant,” Freddy replied. “And, yes, that’s what I enjoy.”

  “Does sex come into the picture somehow?” I asked.

  “Eventually. The stuff beforehand is like foreplay for me. I’m not a pedophile. I don’t want to have sex with babies. I like taking care of grown men who act like them.”

  “Pardon me for not knowing anything about this,” I said. “You want me to suck on a pacifier and wear a diaper?”

  “Like I said, I enjoy the nurturing aspect of the act. Part of that is changing diapers, dirty ones.”

  My jaw dropped. “You want me to piss in a diaper?”

  He nodded. “Number one and number two.”


  “Whoa.” I stood quickly, all sexual desire gone in that instant. “This isn’t my thing at all. I’m sorry, Freddy. I can’t do that.”

  “I can’t convince you to at least try on the diaper, maybe sit in the crib?”

  I’d struggled into my pants, not bothering with underwear and pulled my shirt on. “Crib?”

  Freddy smiled and nodded emphatically. “Come on. I’ll show you.”

  I grabbed my shoes and followed. I wasn’t interested in his fetish, but I was curious about what he wanted me to see.

  Freddy opened a door to the second bedroom, and I entered behind him. It looked like a regular nursery except everything was adult size. A lot of the furniture must have been homemade. There was a changing table, a swing, and a crib—a fucking adult-sized crib.

  “You want to get in the crib, kiddo?” Freddy stepped behind me.

  Spinning and backing away, I said, “No fucking chance. I’m sorry, Freddy. This just isn’t me. I’m going to leave.”

  Before I could move farther, he wrapped his arms around me and swatted my ass. “Don’t make Daddy mad.”

  I struggled against his hold, but he didn’t release me. “Freddy, let me go.”

  “Come on, baby. Be a good boy.”

  I lifted a leg and jammed a knee into his groin. He let me go and cupped his junk. I retreated from the room and headed for the front door after making sure I had everything I needed. My socks and underwear were still in the ‘normal’ bedroom, but I could replace those.

  As I opened the front door, Freddy called out from the doorway of the freaky nursery, “Please don’t tell your brother. My career at the fire department would be ruined.”

  I glanced at him. He was terrified I was going to reveal his secrets. “I’ll tell him we just didn’t hit it off. Nothing else.” I stepped out and breathed a sigh of relief when the door shut behind me.

  Fuck dating. I’d rather stay single forever than have to deal with shit like that.


  WHEN I ARRIVED TO WORK Monday morning, I was surprised not to see Gerald, my administrative assistant, at his desk. He always got there before me and would be waiting with a cup of coffee in one hand and messages in the other.

  Then I remembered that Gerald had told me on Friday that he was going on vacation. He’d arranged for a temp to take his place this week, but no one could fill Gerald’s shoes. It was going to be a long week. Hopefully my calendar wasn’t too full and I could catch up on the latest law journals.

  Thank god someone had started the coffee pot in the break room. I poured myself a mug and added creamer. I took a sip and sighed. It didn’t taste as good as when Gerald made it. I didn’t know what he did differently.

  I strode to my office, took a seat then turned on my computer. A moment later, Dana stuck her head in my office.

  “Your temp’s here. Do you want to come out and meet him?” There was a slight smirk on her face, as if she was part of an inside joke.

  I got up, walked out, and froze. Jody Jacobsen sat at Gerald’s desk, blushing as he met my gaze.

  “Hello, Judge Rosen. How are you?”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked stupidly.

  “Jody is Gerald’s replacement for the week,” Dana answered. “It’s okay that he works here, right, since his case is over?”

  “Well, yeah.” The fact that he had been a defendant in my courtroom wasn’t a problem. What might become an issue was that Jody had been a guest in my bedroom, but I couldn’t exactly tell Dana that.

  “Okay, then, I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.” Dana turned and disappeared down the hallway.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked again.

  Jody chuckled. “I thought we already established that.”

  I glared at him. “I mean, why did you accept this job? Did you think I would want to see you after what you did?” I spoke in a low growl so no one else would hear us.

  He looked downward. “I’m not proud of what I did. I was hoping you would let me explain.”

  “No explanation needed.” I waved a hand. “You didn’t want to see me again.”

  “Shawn, please—”

  “Judge Rosen,” I corrected. “We need to stay professional. If you have questions about the job, just ask. Gerald said he left a note outlining your duties.”

  Jody started to say something but stopped and was silent for a moment. “Yes, sir. I’ve done work for a judge before so I should be fine.”

  I HEARD THREE CASES ON Monday—two of them took several hours while the other lasted less than thirty minutes. It was agonizingly difficult to fully concentrate while Jody sat so close to me. When he handed me the files, our hands brushed, and the contact made my body tingle. Why was I so drawn to this guy? Especially after he’d snuck out.

  The end of the day couldn’t have come sooner. This time, I was out of the door at five instead of staying late like I usually did. It wasn’t that I wanted to be home in my empty house, but I didn’t want to be so close to Jody. I needed to be away from him where I wouldn’t feel the intense desire. Getting over him was going to be difficult if I was going to see him every day. Thankfully, it was only for a week.

  At home, I microwaved a couple beef and bean burritos and ate them as I caught up on my DVR recordings. Nothing was really entertaining, but at least it kept my mind busy. Around seven-thirty, my doorbell rang, and I shuffled to the door in nothing more than a pair of boxer shorts. I was floored when I looked through the peephole and saw Jody.

  I opened the door and glared at him. “What are you doing here?”

  He cocked his head. “That’s the third time you’ve asked me that today.”

  “Your answer this time has to be different than this morning.” I crossed my arms across my chest and glared at him.

  “I’d really like to talk to you, Shawn. Can I come in? Please?” he pleaded.

  My resolve faded under the shine of his puppy dog eyes. I sighed and motioned him inside.

  He entered and stopped a few feet inside the door. “I don’t know where the living room is,” he admitted. “The only room I was in was—”

  “The bedroom. Yes, I remember.”

  He followed me and sat on the couch, while I took the antique—and very uncomfortable—rocking chair. I hated sitting in it but wanted to be as far away from Jody as possible.

  He put his hands on his lap. “You’re really pissed at me, aren’t you?”

  I huffed. “What do you think? You snuck out. Didn’t even bother with a note.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You knew that was the first time I’d had sex in years. Do you think it was easy for me to sleep with you? Because it wasn’t. Not at all. I wasn’t expecting marriage or anything, but…Christ.” I buried my face in my hands. “Just say what you have to say and get the fuck out of here.” />
  “I regret doing that,” Jody said. “I had a really good time with you. The sex was a-fuckin’-mazing.”

  I lifted my head and glared at him. “Then why did you do it?”

  He shrugged. “I wish I could tell you, but I don’t really know. I woke up and you were asleep. So beautiful. I suddenly pictured you and me together for a long time to come.” Jody snorted and shook his head. “That probably doesn’t make sense, and I’m not saying I believe in love at first sight. But there’s something about you that’s just—I don’t know—special.”

  It felt good to know that he’d felt the connection as much as I had, but now his actions made even less sense. “So, what you’re saying is that you liked me too much.”

  His face reddened. “Doesn’t make any sense at all, does it?”

  I leaned back and rocked slightly. “Nope.”

  In a seeming non-sequitur, he said, “I’ve been a temp for ten years. I’m never at a job for more than a couple months. I’ve been offered full-time positions but said no. I like doing different things and meeting different people.”

  I almost asked him to explain why he was telling me this when he started speaking again.

  “I fall in love easily. I’ve been in ten relationships in seven years. The longest of them was nine months. I find all sorts of reasons to move on. You wouldn’t believe the excuses I’ve created.”

  “Is there a point to this, Jody?”

  He’d been staring at his hands, but he turned to me and said, “I don’t want to hurt you down the road. I’m afraid if we dated, I’d just end up being a dumbass and come up with a bullshit reason to break up.”

  “And you thought it’d be better to hurt me now, rather than later?”

  “Well, yeah. It would be worse if you fell in love with me.”

  I snickered. “You’re pretty confident I’d fall for you, huh?”

  Jody puffed out his chest. “What can I say? I’m pretty irresistible.”

  “Well, I appreciate you opening up to me. Though I’m not sure I can thank you for not breaking my heart later.”

  “That’s not the only reason I’m here.” Jody rose from the couch, ambled over, and knelt in front of me. He put his hands on my knees and met my gaze. “I haven’t been able to forget you. I’m hoping…praying…you’re willing to give me another chance.”

  Damn, I wasn’t expecting that. Before I could reply, he took my face in his hands and brought his lips to mine. The kiss was soft and almost chaste at first, then his tongue pressed against my lips and I allowed it in. He ran a hand through my hair and caressed my cheek as we kissed. I didn’t want the contact to ever end, and I knew it was pointless to resist.

  “Jody,” I said, pulling away, “I want you. I do. So goddamn much. But if you’re just going to slink away again, sex isn’t a good idea. You don’t have to promise me forever, but you have to swear you’ll at least be honest with me. If you want to end things, just tell me.”

  Jody nodded and laid his head on my chest. “I can do that.”

  I stood and Jody did the same. My obviously erect cock peeked out of the top of my boxers, and Jody was just as hard.

  “Will you stay the night?” I asked.

  He nodded.


  “You’re not ready for bed just yet, are you?” Jody waggled an eyebrow.

  I chewed my lip and pretended to consider the question. “I could be persuaded.”

  He dropped to his knees, taking my boxers down with him in one fluid moment. With my dick just barely in front of his mouth, Jody extended his tongue and swiped it across the slit. Even that slight contact made my body shake in anticipation.

  “What do you want, Shawn? Name it. It’s yours. I can suck you off right here. Or bend you over the couch and fuck you silly?” He edged forward and took a few inches of my shaft into his throat.

  As amazing as his mouth felt, and as incredible as I knew a blow job would be, it wasn’t what I really wanted.

  “Make love to me.” As soon as I said it, I regretted those specific words. Make love versus fuck. I was fearful it would be too much for him. That it would scare him away.

  Jody stood and kissed me passionately, erasing the worry. He stepped away and smiled as he walked toward the bedroom. I watched for a moment, frozen in my spot, as if moving would break the spell.

  He crooked a finger and licked his lips. “You coming?”

  “Damn, I hope so.” I stepped out of the underwear pooled at my feet and shuffled toward him.

  He ambled backward as I approached him, until his legs bumped into the bed. When I reached him, I quickly removed his clothes, then stepped back to admire the view.

  “You are a sexy man,” I murmured. “I am so lucky.”

  “Nah, I’m the fortunate one. You’re giving me a second chance.”

  After closing the distance between us, I kissed him and gripped our shafts together. Jody sucked in a breath, and I stroked us both. With our lips still locked, he wrapped his arms around me and flipped me onto the bed. He straddled me and ran a hand up and down my chest, stopping to caress a nipple occasionally. Groaning, I bit my lip as we rutted, cock to cock, balls to balls.

  “Oh, damn. Feels so good.”

  Jody leaned down so that all his weight was on me and kissed my neck. He bit me hard enough to leave a mark. Normally I would’ve warned him not to leave a hickey, but it felt so incredible. I didn’t want him to stop.

  “I want to be inside you, Shawn. Are you ready for me to make love to you?”

  I nodded. “Yes, yes, oh my god, yes.”

  He rolled off me and I retrieved the lube and condoms I’d recently bought. As he slid the rubber on his shaft, I slicked up my hole. Jody put my legs on his shoulders and pressed his dick into me. The penetration was swifter and easier than the first time, and it took my breath away.

  Jody froze. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “Oh, hell no,” I murmured. “It’s incredible to have you inside me.”

  “It is amazing.” He chewed his top lip as he drove deeper.

  I arched my hips, taking more of his length. Peering into my eyes as if he were seeing my soul, Jody pushed in then slowly pulled out. His hard cock ran against my prostate, sending tiny bolts of electricity through every part of my body. The sensations were fantastic, and I enjoyed every second of it. There were times I was sure he was near orgasm based on his movements or facial expressions. He’d stop suddenly or grit his teeth or scrunch his eyes shut. That was when he slowed down as if he was edging, holding off for my sake. It was sweet and sexy at the same time.

  “Harder,” I grunted.

  He plunged deep inside and thrust with short, slow strokes. Each time, his cock thumped my gland, sending me closer and closer to losing control.

  “More,” I begged.

  He obliged, and I was sure he was near the edge himself. Jody was sweating profusely and had an iron grip on my hips as he fucked me into paradise. I’d never come without a hand on my cock before, but with the abuse on my prostate, I suspected I was going to.

  “Oh fuck!” The orgasm was intense, breathtaking. Somewhere in the haze of coming down from my high, I heard Jody moaning and pushing deeper and deeper. For a moment he lay on top of me, both of us breathing heavily. Then he was gone, and his absence saddened me. Then he was back, wiping the sweat off my forehead before he lay beside me.

  I cuddled up against him and stayed awake long enough to whisper a goodnight.


  JODY WASN’T IN BED WHEN I woke in the morning, and for a quick, sad moment I thought he’d slipped out again. Sounds and smells from the kitchen relieved me of that notion, so I rolled out of bed and shuffled into the other room.

  What was that smell? It wasn’t bacon or eggs. It was…pizza?

  “What are you making?” I asked, startling Jody so much he jumped back and clutched his chest.

  “Damn,” he said. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “Sorry.” I padded up to him and kissed his cheek.

  He grinned and replied, “I was hungry, so I decided to make something.”

  “And pizza was your first choice?” I cocked an eyebrow.

  Jody shrugged. “You had a Boboli crust, pepperoni, and mozzarella. It sounded good.”

  “Just seems strange for a breakfast meal.”

  He dropped his jaw in exaggerated surprise. “I love, love, love pizza in the morning! Leftover slices are the best, but a fresh, warm one is a close second.”

  “If you say so.”

  He swatted my bare ass. “Go shower. It’ll be ready when you’re done.”

  After another kiss, I went into the bathroom and washed up. My dick hardened as I relived the amazing sex the night before. But it was the fact that Jody had kept his promise and not snuck out that really excited me. There was something special about Jody, though I couldn’t put a finger on it.

  I cleaned up quicker than normal, wanting to spend as much time with Jody as possible before we went into the office and had to pretend we were only coworkers.

  The pizza was done when I returned to the kitchen with a towel tied around my waist.

  Jody grinned at me. “Perfect timing.”

  He put a slice on a paper towel and handed it to me as he took a bite, still standing at the counter. I would’ve used plates but there wasn’t anything wrong with eating while standing, right?

  It tasted damn good. Better than I expected, for sure. “Wow, you were right. This is very tasty.”

  “I know.” Jody winked and goosebumps rose all over my skin.

  My cock got hard again, creating a visible tent in the towel. I hoped it would go away before Jody noticed, but of course that didn’t happen.

  He glanced down at my crotch and grinned. “You must really like the pizza.”

  “It’s not the food. It’s the company.”

  “Is that right?” Jody reached out and yanked my towel off, making my hard-on slap my stomach. He wrapped his fingers around my shaft and slowly stroked it.

  “Oh, lord, Jody,” I groaned. “That feels amazing.”


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