Crystal Grids Power

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Crystal Grids Power Page 3

by Ethan Lazzerini


  Stability, Strong Foundations, Strength, Endurance, Boundaries, Material Manifestation, The Four Directions, Seasons & Elements, Physical World, Environment, Grounding

  Numerical Vibration: 4

  History & Symbolism:

  The Square is one of the strongest geometric shapes. It can be seen in some crystals like Pyrite and other natural rock formations. Think of it like a Castle or Fortress from above, or a brick that forms a House or a wall.

  As the Diamond is one of the hardest stones it is also a symbol of strength and endurance. Both these four sided shapes represent the four directions of the compass, the four seasons and the four elements, fire, earth, water and air. The Square is also a symbol of the earth element itself and the Physical World.



  Protection, Physical & Spiritual Union, The Four Directions, Seasons & Elements, The Earth, The Solar Year, New Opportunities

  Numerical Vibration: 4

  History & Symbolism:

  The Cross can be found the world over and in many forms. Two simple lines create four paths in four opposite directions. Like the Square it can represent the four elements, four seasons and the four directions of the compass. It can also mark out the two equinoxes and two solstices of the solar year. In some traditions a crossroads is considered a magical place between our world and the Spiritual World.

  The horizontal line can symbolise the Earth and the Physical World. The vertical line is like a beam of divine light piercing the land. Together they form a shape that shows the Physical and Spiritual Worlds merging to become one. The cross has been used as a symbol of spiritual protection in several ancient cultures for thousands of years.

  Pentagram & Pentagon


  Rebirth, Renewal, Protection, Change, Freedom, New Beginnings, Four Elements & Spirit, Goddess

  Numerical Vibration: 5

  History & Symbolism:

  Five pointed stars were used in Ancient Egypt to illustrate the stars in the night sky. The geometric form of the Pentagram was later used by Middle Eastern Mystics and Astrologers, long before it was brought to Europe. You can see pentagonal geometry in the petals of many flowers, the seeds in apples and even the human body.

  The pentagram is associated with the movements of the Planet Venus and feminine Goddess energy. The five points can also represent the four elements with the fifth element of spirit. In numerology five alters the energy of the stable number four, creating movement and change. The forces of change are needed for creation and renewal of life.

  Star of David & Hexagon


  Balance, Harmony, Cooperation, Partnerships, Protection, Spiritual Union, Divine Connection, Cosmic Alignment, Life Purpose, New Opportunities, Mastery, Lightbody Activation, Transmutation, Karmic Balance, Justice

  Numerical Vibration: 6

  History & Symbolism:

  Also known as the Shield of David, Seal of Solomon or the Hexagram. Most know the Star of David as a Judaic symbol, associated with the Royal line of King David and King Solomon. This star symbol is also found in other cultures such as Tibet and India. Hexagonal geometry can be seen in many natural minerals and crystals, including Quartz. It can also be found in the structure of honeycomb.

  The Star of David is formed by two interlinking Triangles. One pointing up and the other down, symbolising the union of opposites in perfect harmony. The symbol can also be used to create the four alchemical symbols of the elements. Combined together they become the star of the fifth element of spirit. The six pointed star has a long history as a powerful symbol of protection from evil.

  Septagram & Septagon


  Victory, Success, Wisdom, Knowledge, Study, Spirituality, Esoteric Knowledge, Elementals, Angelic Connection, Major Chakras

  Numerical Vibration: 7

  History & Symbolism:

  The star shown with long points is also known as the Elven Star or the Pleiadian Star. The Septagram represents many sacred sevens from around the world. The seven classical Planets of Astrology, the seven Archangels, the seven stars of the Pleiades constellation, the seven days of the week, the seven Major Chakras and the seven metals of the Alchemists. This is where it gets its association with ancient knowledge and spiritual wisdom.

  In the Kabbalah the seven pointed star is connected to the sphere of Netzach, which represents victory. In the Tarot, the seventh card is The Chariot, also associated with victory and success. Sphinxes sometimes appear on this card. In mythology the Sphinx is considered a guardian of secret knowledge. To many the Septagram is associated with elemental beings also known as nature spirits.

  Octagram & Octagon


  Prosperity, Abundance, Expansion, Growth, Progress, Success, Stability, Balance, Determination

  Numerical Vibration: 8

  History & Symbolism:

  The Octagram can be formed by two overlapping Squares, which shows its strong connection to the Physical World. The eight points can represent the eight directions of the compass and the eight seasonal feast days of the Pagan wheel of the year.

  The Octagram is also known as the Star Of Lakshmi, after the Hindu Goddess of wealth. Eight is seen as an auspicious number in many Asian Countries and in the practice of Feng Shui. The Octagram is used frequently in Islamic art and in the structure of holy buildings. In Buddhism eight is associated with the eightfold path of the Buddha, symbolised by a wheel with eight spokes.

  Enneagram & Enneagon


  Completion, Achievement, Unity, Peace, Compassion, Humanity, Talents & Abilities

  Numerical Vibration: 9

  History & Symbolism:

  The Enneagram and Enneagon are formed from nine points. Nine is the number of completion, being the last single digit number. It contains all nine digits used to create all other numbers with the addition of zero.

  A similar shape is used in the Enneagram System to represent the nine personality types. It takes about nine months for a human baby to grow and be born. Three times three equals nine, making it a magic number for many people. In Hinduism nine is associated with the Lord Brahma, the creator God. This geometric shape can be seen as inclusive of many different energies together.

  Dodecagram & Dodecagon


  Celestial Connection, Astrological Alignment, The Zodiac, Perfection, The Universe, Life Purpose, Destiny, Twelve Chakra System, DNA Activation

  Numerical Vibration: 12

  History & Symbolism:

  The twelve pointed Dodecagram can be formed by four interconnected triangles, two Stars of David or two hexagons. Historically it appears in an ancient Kabbalistic book about the order of creation as the Sefer Yetzirah Symbol. Twelve sided geometry corresponds to the twelve signs of the Western, Vedic and Chinese Zodiacs. In Western Astrology the twelve signs of the Zodiac are divided into four groups of three, which are ruled by the four elements. There are twelve months in the solar year.

  The Dodecagram can be seen as a symbolic representation of the astrological and cosmic order of our Planet. Historically twelve turns up again and again as the twelve Knights of the Round Table, the Twelve Apostles and the twelve Tribes of Israel. In numerology twelve is seen as representing perfection.

  Flower of Life


  All Purpose, Balance, Harmony, Renewal, Manifestation, Creation, Creativity, The Universe

  Numerical Vibration: 6, Infinity

  History & Symbolism:

  The Flower of Life is a symbol of mysterious origins. It is found all over the world from Ancient Egypt, India to Japan. It continues to be found in new places all the time. It is formed by 19 interlocking circles, which create overlapping flowers of Vesica Piscis shapes. Many if not all symbols of Sacred Geometry and even whole alphabets can be found embedded into its structure.

  The hexagonal geometries of the Flower of Life can be seen in
the formation of crystals like Quartz, Rubies, Emeralds and Sapphires for example. It is also seen hidden in nature inside fruit, flowers, cells and snowflakes. The Flower of Life has been described as holding the blueprint for the entire Universe.

  Seed of Life


  Creation, Creativity, Development, Growth, New Beginnings

  Numerical Vibration: 7

  History & Symbolism:

  The Seed of Life can be found at the centre of the Flower of Life symbol. This flower like shape is created by seven overlapping circles, sometimes also enclosed by an eighth as shown here. Like its mother symbol the Flower of Life, these geometries can be seen in crystals, flowers and fruit. The Seed of Life symbol has been found in many places including Ancient Egyptian Temples, Medieval English Churches, Leonardo Da Vinci’s sketches and the tombstone of a Templar Knight.

  The Seed of Life is associated with the seven days of creation and the seven days of the week. Due to it being a component of the Flower of Life, the Seed of Life represents more the beginning of a creative cycle. It is the seed of the flower, holding in it the potential and energy to reach full bloom.

  Metatron’s Cube


  Purification, Protection, Esoteric Knowledge, Wisdom, Spirituality, Angelic Connection, Akashic Records

  Numerical Vibration: 6, 13

  History & Symbolism:

  This is another symbol of Sacred Geometry that contains within it many spiritually significant geometric shapes. This includes the Star of David, the Circle, the Merkaba and the cube. Metatron’s Cube is often represented in three dimensional form but as a two dimensional symbol as shown here, it contains thirteen circles.

  This complex geometric shape is named after the Archangel Metatron. This is a powerful angel who is said to record all history within a sacred book. Archangel Metatron is associated with divine knowledge and wisdom. The five Platonic Solids can be found within this multidimensional symbol. Many of the geometric shapes that make up Metratron’s Cube are considered powerful symbols of protection around the world.



  When you begin working with Crystal Grids, you are going to start to notice that certain crystals are used quite often. Once you invest in a few of these crystal allies and tools, you can use them over and over again.

  It is very helpful to understand how and why different types of crystals are used in certain positions. This will help you selecting the right form or cut of crystal. These rules are pretty simple and easy to remember, as the crystals used in Crystal Grids tend to fall into three main categories. These are the Central Stone, the Support Stones and an Activation Wand. See the illustration below for an example of two of these.

  All these crystals will mostly consist of polished Tumble Stones and natural or cut and polished Crystal Points. We will explore all these types of crystal forms in more detail in this chapter.

  Central Stones

  Nearly all the Crystal Grids featured in this book and pretty much all the ones you will find elsewhere, have some kind of Central Stone. This is the crystal that is at the very centre of the grid. This crystal is important as it represents the very heart of the grid’s purpose.

  The Central Stone is like the hub and power source for the entire arrangement of crystals. Its job is to hold the blueprint of the entire Crystal Grid and its intention. It transmits energy through all the other crystals and out into the Universe. The Central Stone also acts like an anchor point for the energies of the Crystal Grid and your intention.

  With Body Crystal Grids there is rarely any need for a Central Stone. Your body and Aura are like the focal point of the grid. Other crystals may sometimes be placed on one or more Chakras to direct the energies there. With Location Crystal Grids sometimes a Central Stone is used but not always. These Crystal Grids often focus on the boundaries of a space, so crystals are usually placed around the outer edges of an area.

  With Regular Crystal Grids the Central Stone should always be the largest crystal in the grid. The Central Stone should clearly look like the focal point of the entire arrangement of crystals. When selecting crystals remember to keep this in mind. What is good to know is that some Central Stones can be used for any Crystal Grid. I will get to this shortly. There are certain natural crystal formations and cut crystals, which make the best Central Stones in my experience. These forms work really well in the heart of your Crystal Grid and distribute the energy evenly. They can also enhance or multiply the energy of all the other crystals.

  Recommended Central Stones

  Here is my list of powerful and effective crystal forms for Central Stones. Don’t worry if some of these sound unfamiliar to you, I will explain what these are later in this chapter.

  Standing Crystal Point

  Standing Generator Point

  Crystal Pyramid

  Crystal Sphere

  Star of David Crystal

  Crystal Flame

  Crystal Skull

  Crystal Heart

  Crystal Merkaba

  Support Stones

  These are any crystal used in the layout of the Crystal Grid that is not the Central Stone. These crystals can be any shape, natural or polished, free standing or laying flat. They will tend to be part of a group of similar shaped crystals of the same type of stone.

  There can be one or more sets of Support Stones used in a Crystal Grid. When this happens in this book, crystals surrounding the Central Stone in the inner part of a grid will be called Inner Support Stones. Any crystals that are on the outer edge of the grid will be called Outer Support Stones. The role of all Support Stones is to support the Crystal Grid and the Central Stone with their additional energies. They distribute these energies throughout the whole grid. You could see these crystals as being like the parts of the circuit board of a Crystal Grid.

  The most commonly used types of Support Stones are Tumble Stones and Crystal Points. Support Stones in the form of Crystal Points, pointing outwards from the edge of the grid help send the energies and our intentions out into the Universe and world around us.

  Activation Wand

  This is a Crystal Wand you can use to activate your Crystal Grid. A Crystal Wand sounds a bit Harry Potter but it is really just a large and long Crystal Point. This could be a natural Crystal Point or a cut and polished Crystal Wand. There is a lot of choice for Crystal Wands you could use as an Activation Wand. You want something with faceted sides and a pointed termination point. Avoid what are sometimes called Massage Wands, which are smooth with no edges and have rounded tips. These lack the laser like focus of other Crystal Wands.

  For the purpose of activating Crystal Grids use Clear Quartz rather than any other stone. By clear I just mean that a good part of the crystal is clear, it does not need to be perfect. If you are selecting an Activation Wand from crystals you already have or in a shop, hold them to see how they feel. A good Activation Wand should feel good in your hands and have a strong energy. If you’re choosing one online then go with your intuition. You should be drawn to the right one for you.

  Crystal Wands like any form of Crystal Point are used to direct and focus energies. You only need one of these crystals, which you can use for all your Crystal Grid work. An Activation Wand is used to program and activate the Crystal Grid.

  This tool is not completely essential because I am going to show you three different methods to activate your Crystal Grids. Two use an Activation Wand but one does not. This is personal preference. You may want to wait before deciding if you want to invest in a Crystal Wand, if you don’t already have one.

  Tumble Stones

  Also known as a Tumbled Stone. These are the easiest crystals to find and the most inexpensive form of crystal. They are ideal for placing around the Central Stone as Support Stones and bring in the properties of the mineral they are made from.

  They are just pieces of crystal which have been tumble polished. Because of their freeform shape
these crystals are not as good for directing energies. Tumble Stones send their energies in all directions. They can also have their energy directed by their geometric position within the Crystal Grid or by a nearby Crystal Point. If a Tumble Stone has an angular or cylinder shape they may be used in a similar way to Crystal Points.


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