Crystal Grids Power

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Crystal Grids Power Page 8

by Ethan Lazzerini

  This Body Crystal Grid layout is used to cleanse the Aura of negative or harmful energies. It will draw out any energies that do not belong to you or serve your highest good. Use this Crystal Grid whenever you feel weighed down after a stressful or bad day. It will detoxify, cleanse and refresh your energy field. Use the All-In-One method of activation.

  Tip: Doing this one sitting down will save a lot of space. Just make sure your whole body is within the six crystals.

  Crystals Used:

  6 Black Tourmaline Crystal Points

  Body Crystal Grid

  Sacred Geometry Meaning:

  The Star of David brings balance and protection.

  (1) Support Stones: Black Tourmaline

  In position 1 arrange six Black Tourmaline Crystal Points or Black Tourmaline Double Terminated Crystals, pointing outwards. Black Tourmaline absorbs and neutralises negative energies. These crystals can be substituted with Tourmalinated Quartz, natural or polished Selenite Wands, Citrine or Smoky Quartz Crystal Points. Make sure they are pointing outwards.

  Sit cross legged or in a lotus position within the centre of the six crystals. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Sit here for about 10 to 15 minutes. Take your time before getting up again.

  Intention Statement:

  “I program this Crystal Grid to cleanse my Aura of all negative, harmful or unbalanced energies or any energies within or around my Aura that do not serve my highest and greatest good”.


  This Location Crystal Grid can be used to cleanse the energy of your Home or just one room. The crystals used in this grid work to help keep your space clear of negative, harmful or out of balance energies. It is good to use if the atmosphere feels heavy, if there has been a lot of illness or a run of bad luck. It also helps reduce any negative energies building up in the future by trapping and absorbing them. If gridding the entire Home, the ground floor is best for grid placement. Use the All-In-One method of activation.

  Tip: You may still want to cleanse your Home every two or three months to help keep the crystals working at their best.

  Crystals Used:

  4 Large Black Tourmaline Crystal Points or Tumble Stones

  4 Natural or Polished Selenite Wands

  Location Crystal Grid

  Sacred Geometry Meaning:

  The Cross protects against negative energies. The Square and Diamond offer environmental support from all directions.

  (1) Support Stones: Black Tourmaline

  In position 1 place four Black Tourmaline crystals at the four corners of your Home or room. If using any type of Crystal Points, have them pointing outwards to form the cross. Black Tourmaline grounds, absorbs and neautralises negative energies. These stones can be substituted with Tourmalinated Quartz, Smoky Quartz Crystals or Snowflake Obsidian.

  (2) Support Stones: Selenite

  In position 2 place the four natural or polished Selenite Wands. These should lay flush against the walls. These crystals will also absorb and purify negative or harmful energies. These crystals may be substituted with Clear Quartz Crystal Points or Double Terminated Clear Quartz Crystals.

  Intention Statement:

  “I program this Crystal Grid to continuously cleanse, purify and rebalance the energy of my ..............”.


  This Regular Crystal Grid can be used to help you build your self confidence and give you more courage. Use this grid if you feel you are blocked by your fears or lack self belief in your abilities or self worth. Always follow through with action steps to develop your self confidence. Write an affirmation of your intention on a small piece of paper. Fold this and place it under the Central Stone.

  Tip: You could also benefit from wearing Tiger’s Eye in the form of a bracelet, pendant or carry a Tumble Stone in your pocket with you every day.

  Crystals Used:

  1 Large Tiger’s Eye

  8 Bronzite Tumble Stones

  4 Carnelian Tumble Stones

  Regular Crystal Grid Template: E

  Sacred Geometry Meaning:

  The Square brings inner strength. The Circle offers protection. The Octagram supports personal growth and builds determination.

  (1) Central Stone: Tiger’s Eye

  In position 1 place a large Tiger’s Eye crystal. Tiger’s Eye is a confidence booster. This crystal can be substituted with a Citrine or a Clear Quartz Crystal.

  (2) Inner Support Stones: Bronzite

  In position 2 arrange the eight Bronzite Tumble Stones. Bronzite builds confidence and determination. These crystals can be substituted with Mahogany Obsidian Tumble Stones or Arrowheads, pointing outwards.

  (3) Outer Support Stones: Carnelian

  In position 3 arrange the four Carnelian Tumble Stones, the more red the better. Carnelian and especially Red Carnelian (also known as Blood of Isis) helps empower you. These crystals can be substituted with Sunstone or Hematite.

  Intention Statement:

  “I program this Crystal Grid to help me build self confidence and increase my courage”.


  This Regular Crystal Grid can be used to bring healing to the Planet or any location around the world. These crystals bring in streams of healing light, compassion and cleansing energy. Use to bring spiritual support to areas of conflict or natural disasters. Write an affirmation of your intention on a small piece of paper. Fold this and place it under the Central Stone. You can also use a map of the location or a photo of Planet Earth, respectively.

  Tip: You could use a Crystal Sphere or Crystal Heart for the Central Stone in this grid. Use a Crystal Merkaba for raising the vibration of the planet or an area.

  Crystals Used:

  1 Large Amazonite

  6 Rose Quartz Tumble Stones

  9 Amethyst Tumble Stones or Crystal Points

  Regular Crystal Grid Template: F

  Sacred Geometry Meaning:

  The Flower of Life brings balance and harmony. The Enneagram supports peace, unity and compassion.

  (1) Central Stone: Amazonite

  In position 1 place a large Amazonite crystal. Amazonite brings healing and balances energies. This crystal can be substituted with Green Fluorite or Clear Quartz.

  (2) Inner Support Stones: Rose Quartz

  In position 2 arrange the six Rose Quartz Tumble Stones. Rose Quartz brings healing and compassion. These crystals can be substituted with Pink Opal, Rhodonite or Amazonite, if not already used in the centre.

  (3) Outer Support Stones: Amethyst

  In position 3 arrange the nine Amethyst Tumble Stones. Or if using Amethyst Crystal Points, have them pointing outwards. Amethyst transmutes negative energy and anchors spiritual energy. These crystals can be substituted with Selenite, Lapis Lazuli or Clear Quartz.

  Intention Statement:

  “I program this Crystal Grid to bring healing, love and peace to ....................... if that be for the highest and greatest good of all”.


  This Regular Crystal Grid will help increase your faith and bring hope. Use it when you feel like giving up on something or when you lack faith that a situation will ever improve. This Crystal Grid will help chase away feelings of doubt and fear and instill trust that things will work out for the best. Write an affirmation of your intention on a small piece of paper. Fold this and place it under the Central Stone.

  Tip: You could use a Crystal Pyramid for the Central Stone to help increase divine connection and to raise your vibration.

  Crystals Used:

  1 Large Angel Aura

  6 Tiger’s Eye Tumble Stones

  3 Turquoise Tumble Stones

  Regular Crystal Grid Template: G

  Sacred Geometry Meaning:

  The Seed of Life supports growth and new beginnings. The Triangle increases divine connection and raises energy.

  (1) Central Stone: Angel Aura

  In position
1 place a large Angel Aura crystal (also known as Opal Aura). Angel Aura increases Faith and optimism. This crystal can be substituted with Clear Quartz.

  (2) Inner Support Stones: Tiger’s Eye

  In position 2 arrange the six Tiger’s Eye Tumble Stones. Tiger’s Eye encourages positive thinking and faith. These crystals can be substituted with Sunstone or Goldstone (also known as Gold Stone).

  (3) Outer Support Stones: Turquoise

  In position 3 arrange the three Turquoise Tumble Stones. Turquoise brings faith and absorbs worries. These crystals can be substituted with Smoky Quartz or Healer’s Gold (also known as Apache Gold). If using Crystal Points, have them point outwards.

  Intention Statement:

  “I program this Crystal Grid to strengthen my faith and bring me hope”.


  This Regular Crystal Grid can be used to send healing energy to someone. The healing triangle will bring in multiple rays of healing light to those in need. It can be used on yourself or anyone that requests healing over a period of time. Use it when you are ill or after an operation to support the healing process. Write an affirmation of your intention on a small piece of paper. Fold this and place it under the Central Stone.

  Tip: You could also use a photo of yourself or the person needing healing in good health. Place this with the note under the Central Stone.

  Crystals Used:

  1 Large Amazonite

  3 Bloodstone Tumble Stones

  3 Lapis Lazuli Tumble Stones

  3 Clear Quartz Crystal Points

  Regular Crystal Grid Template: H

  Sacred Geometry Meaning:

  The Triangle and Star of David balance energy and anchor divine light. The Circle supports renewal and gives protection.

  (1) Central Stone: Amazonite

  In position 1 place a large Amazonite crystal. Amazonite brings healing and balances energies. This crystal can be substituted with Rose Quartz or Clear Quartz.

  (2) Inner Support Stones: Bloodstone

  In position 2 arrange the three Bloodstone Tumble Stones. Bloodstone supports physical healing. These crystals can be substituted with Hematite, Magnetic Hematite or Goldstone (also known as Gold Stone).

  (3) Inner Support Stones: Lapis Lazuli

  In position 3 arrange the three Lapis Lazuli Tumble Stones. Lapis Lazuli brings spiritual healing and protection. These crystals can be substituted with Amethyst or Chevron Amethyst (also known as Banded Amethyst or Dream Amethyst).

  (4) Outer Support Stones: Clear Quartz

  In position 4 arrange the three Clear Quartz Crystal Points, pointing outwards. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy.

  Intention Statement:

  “I program this Crystal Grid to bring health & healing to ........................ if that be for the highest and greatest good”.


  This Location Crystal Grid can be used to bless your Home or just one room. The grid brings in positive high vibration spiritual energies to the location and those that live there. Blessing your Home keeps away negative or unwanted energies and welcomes new opportunities to enter. You can bless your Home when you move into a new place or at any time you wish. If gridding the entire Home, the ground floor is best for grid placement. The crystals can be removed after a week or left in place. Use the All-In-One method of activation.

  Tip: For best effect you should cleanse the space first before placing the crystals. Burn Sage, Palo Santo or Sandalwood.

  Crystals Used:

  4 Large Citrine Crystal Points

  Location Crystal Grid

  Sacred Geometry Meaning:

  The Square offers support from all directions. The Cross anchors spiritual energies into the Physical World.

  (1) Support Stones: Citrine

  In position 1 place four large Citrine Crystal Points in the four corners of your Home or room. Have them pointing inwards to form the cross. You could also use upright Standing Crystal Points instead. Citrine brings positive energies and abundance.

  These crystals can be substituted with golden Rutilated Quartz (also known as Angel Hair Quartz), Sunstone, Ammolite (Iridescent Ammonite) or Clear Quartz Crystal Points.

  Intention Statement:

  “I program this Crystal Grid to bring an abundance of blessings and high vibration positive energy into my ....................”.


  This Location Crystal Grid can be used to protect your Home or just one room. The crystals act like sentinels that protect the energy of your space. They ward off negative energy from entering and surround the location with a wall of powerful protection. You can leave it up or use it when you feel that you need extra protection. For gridding the entire Home, the ground floor is best for grid placement. Use the All-In-One method of activation.

  Tip: If your protection grid is more permanent you could bury the four stones at the corners of your property. Or they could also be placed under the floorboards.

  Crystals Used:

  4 Large Black Tourmaline Crystal Points

  1 Large Red Tiger’s Eye

  Location Crystal Grid

  Sacred Geometry Meaning:

  The Square creates strong energetic boundaries. The Cross gives protection from all directions.

  (1) Outer Support Stones: Black Tourmaline

  In position 1 place four large Black Tourmaline Crystal Points in the four corners of your Home, property or room. Have them standing up if possible or pointing outwards. Black Tourmaline is highly protective and absorbs negativity. These crystals can be substituted for Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal Points, Shiva Lingams or Black Obsidian Crystal Points. You could also use four Black Obsidian Arrowheads, pointing outwards.

  (2) Inner Support Stone: Red Tiger’s Eye

  For position 2 place a medium to large Red Tiger’s Eye (also known as Dragon’s Eye) near the front door. This needs to be just within your main entrance and ideally visible when you stand on the door step looking in. You could use a large Tumble Stone or any of the forms used for the Central Stones. This stone can be substituted for regular Tiger’s Eye, Lapis Lazuli or a Shiva Lingam if not already used in the grid.

  Intention Statement:

  “I program this Crystal Grid to protect my ................... and all who live here from all forms of harm.”.


  This Regular Crystal Grid can be used to boost your energy. Use this grid when you are low on energy or when you have lots to do and need extra stamina and energy. It can help increase your energy levels or those of someone else that lacks energy. Write an affirmation of your intention on a small piece of paper. Fold this and place it under the Central Stone. You could also place a photo of another person who requests help with the note under the Central Stone.

  Tip: For best results wear red Garnet jewellery or carry this energising stone with you at all times.

  Crystals Used:

  1 Large Clear Quartz

  6 Carnelian Tumble Stones

  3 Garnet Crystals or Tumble Stones

  Regular Crystal Grid Template: I

  Sacred Geometry Meaning:

  The Triangle raises energy. The Vesica Piscis brings renewal.

  (1) Central Stone: Clear Quartz

  In position 1 place a large Clear Quartz crystal. Clear Quartz amplifies energies and expands the Aura. This crystal can be substituted with a Tangerine Quartz or Sunshine Aura.

  (2) Inner Support Stones: Carnelian

  In position 2 arrange the six Carnelian Tumble Stones. Carnelian increases energy levels. These crystals can be substituted with Tiger’s Iron or Red Tourmaline.

  (3) Outer Support Stones: Garnet

  In position 3 arrange the three red Garnet Crystals or Tumble Stones. The fiery Garnets further boost energy. These crystals can be substituted with Red Tiger’s Eye (also known as Dragon’s Eye) or Rubies.

  Intention Statement:

  “I progr
am this Crystal Grid to boost ................. energy levels”.


  This Regular Crystal Grid can be used to bring new ideas and quick inspiration. Use this grid when you begin a creative project or need to think of one. It is ideal for times when you are all out of ideas. These crystals help you access information from your Higher Self. Write an affirmation of your intention on a small piece of paper. Fold this and place it under the Central Stone.


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