A Snake's Life

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A Snake's Life Page 4

by Kenaren

  *Whew* “I’m glad that’s finally over.” I uncoiled myself from the deer and repositioned my head at its back legs.

  “Time to eat.” I slowly worked my way up its body and swallowed the giant deer whole. Then, I moved over to the little deer and ate it as well.

  “I should get out of here now. I don’t want anything to stop my meal from being digested, after all.” I moved deeper into the forest in search of a place to rest until I was hungry again.

  Chapter 7

  I headed deeper into the forest for hours, until I grew too tired and decided to just sleep where I stopped. After waking back up, I continued to move through the forest.

  *Sigh*” Everything looks the same. I was hoping to see some form of civilization but all I’ve seen since coming to this world is trees.” Of course, the humans and elves that I’d eaten the previous day had to come from somewhere, right?

  “Speaking of… I have seen one other thing. Maybe it’s time to head there?” I’m referring to the giant cylinder I’d seen the other night. Now, I just need to figure out which way to go.

  “I doubt I can see over the trees, though there’s no harm in trying.” I very gently, used a tree as a support while I raised my head up as high as I could. And surprisingly, my head almost reached above the tree top. In fact, if I could just get up a little higher… *Crack* I accidentally put too much weight on the tree and it started to break.

  “Shit… Shit… Shit!” The tree finally snapped and it collapsed, taking me along for the ride.

  *Slam!* *Groan* ” That… Hurt…” Luckily, the tree didn’t land on me but my head did bounce off of the trunk after landing.

  “Great… I didn’t even see the giant cylinder.” I shook my head to clear it, before moving on.

  “Alright, new plan. Find something other than a tree to lean against, before I try again.” Having a tree almost fall on me once was enough.

  *Sigh* “At least I’m not hungry, anymore.” I hadn’t felt the hunger pains since consuming the Large Alpha Deer. I assumed, since the creature was so large, it was just taking a long time to digest.

  That also meant that I could focus on exploring the forest, instead of just eating my way through it.

  Using my new freedom from hunger. I traveled through the forest for a long time and managed to make some real progress… Probably.

  I couldn’t be one-hundred percent sure, however. As I still hadn’t found something sturdy enough to lean against, I was unsure of where I was, exactly.

  “It would be just my luck if I was heading in the wrong direction this whole time.”

  *Giggle* “That’s not possible.” A feminine voice said from directly behind my head.

  “Huh!?” I spun around trying to locate the voice but didn’t see anything.

  “Psst. I’m over here, now.” I heard from my right. I quickly turned in that direction, but again didn’t see anything.

  “Where are you!?” No matter where I looked, I was alone.

  *Moan* “Aww, and I was having fun too.” A small girl climbed over my head and looked me in the eyes.

  “Hi!” She chirped.

  “Hello… So, you can understand me, huh?” I asked. This whole time, I had just assumed that no one would be able to understand what I was saying.

  “I wouldn’t be much of a druid if I couldn’t understand animals…. You’re a bit weird though.”


  *Giggle* ” Yeah, you sound like an old man, instead of a Serpent. You’re also a lot bigger than most creatures on this planet. What race are you?” She rambled.

  *Sigh* “I’m a Titan Boa, and I sound like an old man because I am old and a male. So, I sound like an old man.” I lazily replied. I had continued to move through the forest after deciding that she wasn’t a threat. And she rode on top of my head.

  “Whoa, you’re really a Titan Boa!?”

  “Yes, I’m really a Titan Boa. Now, I’ve answered your question, can you answer mine?”

  *Giggle* “Sure, I’ve got nothing else to do today.”

  “First question. Why aren’t you afraid of me?”

  “Should I be?”

  “Not at the moment, because I’m not hungry. Also, I doubt you’d be more than a light snack.”

  *Pfft* “Then no, I’m not scared. Besides, I’m a druid. You couldn’t hurt me if you tried.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Druids are Nature Mages. One of the perks of being a druid is that non-magical animals can’t harm me… Of course, I can’t harm them either, so it works out for both sides.”

  “Why can’t you harm them?” Curiosity got the better of me, and I just had to ask.

  *Sigh* “Granny says that it’s a rule of Druid magic. Should we break that rule, we lose our magic in return.”

  “Oh… Alright.” I nodded my head.

  “Got anything else you want to ask?”

  “What did you mean, when you said it was impossible to go in the wrong direction?”

  “That’s easy. This planet is so small, that no matter which direction you go. You’ll eventually return to it.”


  “Wait… Didn’t you come here by the branch?”

  “What’s the branch?”

  The girl was silent for a few seconds before she started giggling.

  *Giggle* “Ohh, I can’t wait to see your reaction when you see it.”

  “See what?”

  “Nuh-uh, I’m not saying.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Nope~ it’s a surprise.”

  *Sigh* “But I hate surprises…” I grumbled.

  “Don’t be that way~ I’m sure you’ll like this surprise.”

  “I seriously doubt that.”

  *Smack* she tapped me on the neck.

  “Don’t be an old grouch. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.”

  “Says the one riding on my head…”

  “Yeah, yeah~ Whatever…” She flippantly waved her hand in my face.

  *Grumble* “Damn brat.”

  “So~ What’s your name?”

  *Sigh* “Torga, My name is Torga. What’s yours?”

  “Pleased ta meet ya, Torga! I’m Ayla Ulafaren.”

  *Chuckle* “Likewise, brat.”

  “Ya know, we should probably hurry if we’re going to make it before nightfall.”

  That stopped me in my tracks.

  “What do you mean ‘Nightfall’? It’s always dark!”

  *Giggle*” No it isn’t, silly. You’re just not looking in the right direction.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to look up to see the sky?”

  “Yes, but on this world. You’re not looking for the sky, you’re looking for those.” She pointed towards a tree that had a large Obsidian Beetle eating through it.

  “The… Beetle?”

  “Yep~ The Obsidian Beetle is only active during daylight hours and sleep at night, while the Deer that inhabit the place is the opposite. They only come out at night… Unless they’re hunting something.”

  “Then what?”

  “Well… The Deer are a vindictive bunch. They’ll hunt down anything that smells of their blood.”

  “Is that so?”



  We traveled in silence for a little while, before she started asking questions again.

  “Have you killed any of the Deer?”

  “Yes, Why?”

  “Oh, no reason… I was just wondering why we were being followed by deer for the past twenty minutes.”

  “….What!?” I snapped my head around and saw well over ten Deer in a half circle, following behind me.

  “What’re they doing?” I asked Ayla.

  “I’m not sure… I think they’re waiting on something.”

  “… Fuck!” I felt the rumbling, long before I saw what was causing it.

  I quickly raised my head into the trees and threw Ayla off onto a branch.

  “Stay here!”

p; “What’s happening!?” She leaned off the branch to get my attention.

  I quickly glanced at her before focusing on the charging Large Deer.

  “I think this one might know my last meal.”

  “You ate an Alpha Deer!?”

  *Snort* “I’ve eaten several of them. I was referring to the Large Alpha I had for dinner last night.”

  “Oh… That’ll do it. Large Alpha deer mate for life, after all.

  The deer was only a few tens of feet away when I heard what she said.

  “Well then, I’ll just have to reunite them, won’t I?” The Deer reached me and ducked its head, showing me it’s two small, thin horns. Unlike its mate’s giant, dull horns, these appeared to be quite sharp.

  I moved my head out of the way, as it charged by. Then, I bit into its leg and yanked it backward. Causing the charging Deer to fall and slide to a stop.

  Then I wrapped my tail around the base of a tree and quickly jerked my head to the side. Lifting the Deer off the ground and throwing it away from me.

  “Whoa! You’re strong~” I heard Ayla cheer. I resolved to ignore her, in favor of dodging the Deer again.

  “Look out, There’s a small one behind you!” I looked back into time to see a deer with thin horns ram into my side, and pierce their horns through my scales.

  “Gah! You annoying little Shit!” I snapped my jaws down and yanked it away from my body, before throwing it into a tree. Its spine was snapped from the impact and it fell to the ground.

  The smaller deer split up then. Half of them charge at me and the rest went to begin devouring their fallen comrade.

  The Large Deer made another pass at me, and unfortunately, one of its horns scratched me as it passed, tearing a few scales loose.

  *Grunt* I attacked its neck and twisted back around to me, before wrapping myself around it.

  The Deer continued its charge for a few seconds before I slammed my full body weight into it and threw it off balance.

  Its body began to fall until I lifted and slammed its head into a tree trunk. Its horn pierced completely through the incredibly hard tree bark. The deer attempted to free its head, but couldn’t get its horns loose.

  Then, I bit into its leg and was about to begin strangling it. When I heard Ayla scream.

  “Torga, Help!” The Alpha deer were attacking the tree I had left her in and we’re trying to knock her off.

  “Use your Magic!” I snarled as I bit into the large deer’s neck, again.

  “I can’t! I’m just a trainee, I don’t know any spells yet!” She screamed.

  “What!?” I couldn’t afford to just let this thing go. If I did, who knows what I could miss out on by not eating it.

  “Help me, Torga!” She cried.

  … I could just leave her. Let them eat her while I escape…

  “Ken…” A familiar voice said.

  “Save her, Ken….” It continued.

  “Sa… Sarah?”

  “Save her, or I’ll never forgive you!”

  “Yes, Ma’am!” I latched onto the Large Deer’s neck and pulled until I heard the bones snap, though it’s horns we’re still buried inside the tree. It fulfilled its purpose.

  The small deer changed their focus from Ayla to the now paralyzed form of the Large Deer.

  While they were distracted, I moved over to Ayla, picked her up by her shirt and we made our escape while the small deer consumed the Large Deer alive…


  On the highest peak of Mount Vyens, a small golden temple could be found. And Inside this temple, we find two beings made of pure energy sitting at a table. On one side, sat the owner of the temple, a being composed of golden energy. On the other side, we have a smaller figure made of bright silver energy.

  “Niabus, You cannot continue to interfere in the affairs of mortals. You know this.” The silver being said.

  *Scoffs* “Spare me your lies Forna. You and our ‘Siblings’ have all been interfering in Mortal affairs. Or was it not you, who caused that woman’s premature death, so that you could have your ‘Hero’.”

  Forna tapped her fingers on the table and stared at Niabus. Who was returning her stare with an intense glare.

  “That was… different. I saved a pure soul from a life of misery, while you brought her tormentor here to interfere.”

  *Chuckle* “That’s my sister, always so ‘Justified’ in everything that you do.” He leaned close to the table.

  “Admit it, sister. Your hatred of mortal men is what drove your actions, not ‘Saving’ a pure soul. You ripped her away from her family and set her to reincarnate in an incredibly dangerous world. All, so that you could appear to be her benevolent ‘Savior’.Twas only natural, I give her something to protect her from your schemes.”

  *Scoffs* “Since when did you become the type of person to care about Mortals? Your very existence is their natural end. Isn’t that right… God of Destruction?” The golden energy dissipated and revealed a tall, thin man with burning red eyes and two curved black horns resting on his brow.

  “Of course, sister. But I’ve never claimed to be the ‘Good’ guy. Unlike you and the rest of my ‘Esteemed’ siblings. I’m only honest in what I want.” The silver light faded away and revealed a small woman with long white hair, and eyes the color of the abyss.

  “Are you saying I’m not honest, dearest brother?” She asked as the pressure in the room began to increase and cracks formed along the walls and ceiling.

  “Of course, I am. After all, you wouldn’t be much of a ‘Life’ Goddess if everyone knew what you were really like, now would you?”

  *Chuckle* “You always were my favorite sibling, Niabus… But don’t interfere again or I’ll have to Punish you, again.” Her black eyes began emitting an oppressive mist.

  “I’m looking forward to it, sister.” His eyes ignited in a pure red flame and a crown made of blue flames appeared above his head.

  “Hmph!” She vanished in a silver whirlwind and left Niabus alone.

  *Laughs* “You always were too easy to read, Forna. Now, What’re you planning for my new ‘friend’?” Niabus waved his hand, and a ring of fire appeared before him. While looking through the flames he could see the adventures of Torga, and his new companion.

  *Tsk, tsk* “Sorry Ken, I can’t allow that girl to die just yet. She’s my Wild Card in this game.” Niabus cleared his throat and began speaking.


  “Save her, Ken….” Niabus could see Torga begin to look around.

  “Sa… Sarah?”

  “Save her, or I’ll never forgive you!”

  “Yes, Ma’am!” He watched as Torga snapped the Giant Deer’s neck and then proceeded to make his escape with the girl.

  *Chuckle* “Sorry for deceiving you like that, my friend. But, I’m sure you’ll thank me for it… one day.” He swiped his hand through the flames, dissipating them before he leaned back in his chair.

  “Of course, you’re probably going to hate me for it, long before you’ll thank me.”

  Chapter 8

  Ayla and I had long since escaped the Alpha deer, but I refused to stop until I was sure we were safe. I moved for over an hour before I slowed enough to check on Ayla.

  “Are you ok, Brat?” I slid her off of my head and watched her for a few moments as she lay on the ground.

  *Panting* “Yeah, I’m fine… it’s just.”

  “It’s just, what?”

  “That was…”


  “That was Awesome!” She jumped up and began running circles around me.

  “You’re so strong~ The way you just lifted that deer and hurled it through the air was amazing!” She squealed. I watched her run around for awhile before I said anything.

  “You do realize that you almost died, right?”

  “Oh, sure I do. But out here in the wildlands, that’s a common occurrence.”

  “The… Wildlands?”

  “Oh! That’s what we call the areas
populated by magical creatures. Since we don’t really know the names of these areas, we just call them the ‘Wildlands’.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yep!” She chirped, but then she got really quiet.


  “Granny’s gonna kill me…” She mumbled.

  “Why would your Granny kill you?” She looked up at me with her bottom lip quivering.

  “I snuck out to play in the forest, but I was supposed to be back before nightfall.”

  “Okay…. And?”

  “The Beetles are gone. That means Granny has probably already discovered that I left.” She began to run around for a different reason.

  “What am I going to do!? If I don’t make it back soon, granny might send out a search party to look for me. I’ll be in big trouble then!” I silently watched her panic for a few more minutes. Then, I decided to leave before she attempted to drag me into her problem.

  Unfortunately, I wasn’t as stealthy as I needed to be and she noticed me.

  “Where are you going?” She asked. Though I still couldn’t make out her facial features. The way she tilted her head and began tapping her foot reminded me of Sarah when she was mad… Or at least growing impatient with me.

  “Uh… Away from here?” I replied. She tilted her head to the other side and her foot sped up.


  “Because I wanted to.” Her foot sped up again.

  “So, you were just going to leave me here. Were you?”

  “Okay… That’s just creepy.” She was acting Sarah did after I’d said or done something she viewed as ‘Wrong’.

  “What’s creepy?” She tilted her head again.

  “Nevermind, it’s just old memories. *Sigh* I take it, you want me to escort you back to your Granny?” The foot stopped tapping then.

  “I mean, I wouldn’t want to impose or anything…” She looked at the ground.

  “Oh, alright then. Bye.” I turned to leave again.

  “Hey, Wait!”

  “Yes~?” I turned my head to look at her.

  “I thought you were going to take me back?”

  “No, I asked if you would like me to take you back. And your response was to try manipulating me into feeling guilty so I’d do it. If you want something, speak clearly or not at all.”


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