A Snake's Life

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A Snake's Life Page 25

by Kenaren

  “Ayas, where is my sacrifice!” The beast roared…. But it was only met by silence.

  “Don’t try to hide from me, mortal. You won’t like what happens.” The beast reached out for the connection it shared with Ayas for the first time in over a month, but nothing was there.

  “What the-”

  * * *

  Meanwhile, high above the dragons head, Findral with a familiar blade sheathed on her back, was using microexplosions to keep herself afloat in the air….

  “Here I go, master…. Protect me, father!” She flipped upside down and caused a massive explosion to propel herself downwards.

  * * *

  At the same time, just below the dragon’s feet. I was lying in wait for the signal from Findral… I listened as it came to a stop just above me and began to speak.

  “There you are.” I tilted my head up to look at the ceiling of the cave I’d dug. It wasn’t very big, which is why I was waiting down here in my ‘human’ body.

  I heard the dragon roar for Ayas, then it went quiet until… “Boom.” The dragon roared in pain and I exploded out of my body.

  * * *

  Findral’s pov

  I used the momentum from the explosion and the fall to slam a mallet of fire into the dragon’s head. The impact caused it to tilt its head down and yell out in pain.

  Almost immediately after, Master came bursting through the ground on a collision course with the dragon’s neck. He opened his mouth and clamped down on it, then he lifted the dragon off the ground and carried it as far away from the city as his wings would allow him to go. While I hurriedly ran across the sky after them.

  When master’s wings could carry them no further, he angled his head down and slammed the dragon into the ground, while using his full strength to bury it as deep as possible.

  “Get off!” The dragon kicked with its back legs and threw master over its head.

  “Now Findral!” I heard master tell as he impacted the ground.

  I launched myself forward and slammed the mallet into the side of his head, which distracted him enough that master was able to get off a beam to the dragons front left leg.

  “Yes, finally! Something that fights back!” The dragon laughed as it lifted its other leg off the ground and slammed it back down causing spikes of stone to rise from the ground and fly towards master.

  I created an explosion behind me and propelled myself towards the centermost spike, then I created a large flame sword and slashed the spike in two causing it to barely pass on either side of masters head.

  The dragon then attempted to summons more spikes, but master stopped him by springing off of his tail and slamming into it. Then he bit down on the dragon’s neck and lifted it up…. then he slammed it back into the ground. The impact created a wave of air and dirt that further destroyed the area.

  “Not…. Bad.” The dragon choked out as it used its claws to rip apart master’s flesh in an attempt to throw him off, but master held on.

  Then the dragon raised its tail until it was position directly behind master’s head. “Watch out!” I yelled, causing master to let go and dodge out of the way… However, he was just too slow to completely avoid it, so the leftmost prong sliced into masters neck causing him to bleed onto the dragon’s face.

  the dragon opened his mouth and began to drink the blood that fell into his mouth. “Mmm, It’s been a while since I’ve had basilisk blood. I’d almost forgotten how bitter it was.”

  “Don’t worry…. I’ll make sure that was your last taste!” Master gurgled out, then he bit into the dragon’s neck again and lifted it into the air.Master coiled himself around the dragon’s body to hold it in place, then he turned to me.

  “Cut him Findral-“ The dragon slammed his pronged tail into master’s neck.

  “I can’t wait to see how you taste… Maybe I’ll even forgive the elves for their lack of sacrifice this month.” It said with a laugh.

  I roared and dashed for the dragon’s neck, then I pulled the sword master had taken from the elven leader out of its sheath and sliced into its neck…. A single thin line appeared on the dragons hide and it actually laughed at me.

  “Oh, come now, girl. You can do better than that!” It roared as it yanked out its tail, then it slammed it into another part of master’s body.

  “No!” I began to frantically swing the blade into the dragon’s neck until finally, I was rewarded with blood.

  “Move!” Master yelled.

  I back-flipped off of the dragon’s neck just in-time for master to bite down on the barely bleeding wound.

  “Congratulations, girl. You managed to make me bleed… But now what? Are you going to just let me-

  The dragon stopped when it saw master begin to glow.

  “No! what are you doing!?” It became frantic as it repeatedly stabbed master with its tail.

  “Findral…. Run.” He grunted out as a white shield slowly began to cover him.

  “No, I won’t-

  “If this doesn’t work…. You’ll die… But I’ll be safe until I evolve…. So…. Go!” He quickly opened his wings and completely encapsulated the dragon within his body. Even managing to catch its tail while it was still pierced into him.

  “I’ll…. See you soon…. Findral.” Was the last thing I heard master say before the shield covered him completely and all that remained of my master and the dragon, was a giant egg-shaped shield in the middle of a destroyed forest.

  “See you soon…. Master.” I whispered, then I turned around and ran in the direction the others fled in.


  Inside the egg-barrier

  Torga and the dragon had been staring at each other for an unknown amount of time. Ever since they’d been dragged from their conscious and into this pure white space. Neither had been willing to take their eyes off the other… When suddenly.


  Because both of your bodies were inside the evolution barrier when it sealed. Your bodies are locked in a state of suspended animation until one mind is destroyed.

  When only one of you remain, the loser’s body will be absorbed into the winner’s. And they will gain everything the loser possessed skill and trait wise.

  Good luck!

  We smiled at each other and launched across the space that separated us. However, upon making contact with each other. Something was made abundantly clear…. Because of the lack of magic or earth in the area, I had a clear advantage…So~

  “Oh… I’m going to enjoy this far more than I should.”

  * * *

  After an exhausting battle with the dragon and consuming both its mind and soul. I received the last pop-up I would see for a long time…


  You have won the battle of souls and you will remain the dominant one.

  Your Evolution is underway. Time remaining until completion is 10 Years 9 months 20 days 23hours 59minutes 52s seconds

  I read through the pop-up several times, then I smiled. “Well, time to test if this will work…” I closed my eyes and focused…

  * * *

  Somewhere with the goblins and the family

  The large group was being rocked back and forth by the waves lapping at the ship they’d ‘borrowed’.

  “Why are we on a Boat, again?” Solon asked the dark elf man sitting beside him. The man was wearing an ornate blue robe, with a silver lining around the collar. He had medium length raven hair, that hung to his shoulders and his eyes were milky white.

  “Because your father decided it was best to get as far from Uathea as possible.” The man said with a chuckle.

  “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, Uriel.”

  Most of the people aboard the ship chuckled… Until they heard something they didn’t expect.

  “Alright, who’s idea was it to get back on a ship. Damn, you’d think after being on one for as long you were, you’d be sick of them by now.”

  Almost as one, the group looked to the final person aboard the
ship… A yellow-skinned elf wearing a dark green robe. He was currently running his hands through his long brown hair and picking at his clothes.

  “T…Torga?” Hali squeaked out.

  “In the…. Flesh?” He was immediately tackled to the ground by three crying girls. Those being Findral, Hali, and Ayla.

  He patted them on the head, then looked up at the others. “What?” He asked.

  “How… How are you here?” Lena asked.

  “That’s a long story.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “We’ve got time.”

  He chuckled. “I suppose we do…. Well, settle in. Because this is going to take awhile.” Everyone aboard the ship crowded around as he began to tell his story…. His full story.

  “Well, it all began, when I met a god….”

  End of Book one.

  New Story!

  Hello everyone, and thanks for reading!

  As you all know, I have been away for awhile… And I sincerely apologize for that, truly I do. Well, the only way I can think to make it up to you is this.

  The new story is up!

  ‘A Snake’s Rise’ is officially launched and takes place 10 years after the events of the first. Torga is now a Serpentine Dragon and he’s ready to put his new body to good use. He’ll be going up against new and old enemies, traveling with some old friends. And possibly even meeting his match when it comes to eating.

  The link to the new story is in the Author’s Note following this and I hope to see you all there!




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