Onyx: Love

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Onyx: Love Page 8

by J. S. Lee

  Xiao followed me up to my room. I didn’t stop him from following me inside, but did pause when I found CX in there, watching TV, eating chicken. He glanced up at us with a sheepish smile. “They were going cold and JongB wanted to speak to MinMin alone.”

  “Did you leave us any?” I asked as my stomach decided to remind me that I had been hungry, and I still was. I reached into the bucket and pulled out a drumstick. It was cold, as I suspected it would be, but right then, I didn’t care.

  I awoke in my favorite position – in the middle of a guy sandwich. I was snuggled up into CX’s chest, my arm wrapped around him, while Xiao was pressed up into my back.

  Having slept through JongB’s snoring, I was irritated at the buzzing that had awoken me, and it wasn’t until Xiao rolled over, removing his warmth from my back and spoke in a low, gravelly voice, that I realized it was his phone which had been buzzing away behind me.

  “We’ll be right down,” Xiao responded, hanging up and rolling back into me. “We need to go,” he murmured into my ear.

  “Do you have to?” I asked as I pouted into CX’s chest.

  The idol in question tightened his grip around me. “I think we should stay here and keep Kate company, hyung,” CX suggested.

  “That was JongB saying Sungmin was finishing his coffee and coming up to get us. Much as I would love to stay here, we all know that’s not a good idea.”

  I rolled back slightly so I could look at Xiao. “Surely we have ten minutes?” I asked as my hand snaked around my back, down, finding an already semi-erect cock. I wrapped my hand around it, feeling it grow harder in my grip as Xiao hissed a curse in my ear.

  “We were supposed to be downstairs an hour ago,” he managed to tell me, although his hand wrapped around mine, guiding it up and down. “And what about your wrist?”

  Thankfully, I had removed the bandage before going to bed last night. There was a slight ache to it, but nothing that hurt enough to stop me doing this. Choosing to let my actions speak, I just continued to stroke Xiao’s cock.

  My other hand followed CX’s lines, finding his hand already there, stroking himself. I looked back to him and arched an eyebrow. He just shrugged at me. As I batted his hand out of the way, taking over his movements, his lips crushed down on mine.

  From behind me, Xiao’s other arm reached around me, his hand sliding under the elastic to my pajamas. His mouth latched onto my neck, sucking at a sensitive area near my collar bone as a finger ran along my slit.

  This was not what I expected to wake up to – I barely remembered falling asleep with both of them in the bed –I didn’t need him touching me. I was about to come just from jerking the both of them off. There was something incredibly intoxicating in knowing I had the power over the both of them.

  A finger rubbed at my clit. As I moaned into CX’s mouth, my hands stroking up and down their lengths, the phone behind Xiao buzzed into life.

  He ignored it.

  Instead, the hand he was using to guide mine up and down his shaft started moving us faster.

  CX’s phone started ringing. If it wasn’t for Xiao’s fingers fucking me, I would have laughed at the ringtone choice – Kanye West’s Stronger – instead, only moans escaped me, swallowed by CX’s mouth.

  Still kissing me, he reached behind him, his arm flailing until it settled on the phone. He turned it off, ignoring the dull thud as he missed the bedside table and it fell to the floor, returning his hand to me. It slid under my top, cupping my breast.

  As his fingers massaged my breast, toying with my nipple, a second finger joined the other inside me, the heel of Xiao’s hand rubbing against my clit. The orgasm raced through me, down to all my extremities, making my toes curl and my head jerk away from CX so I could let my cries of pleasure escape me.

  It was all I could do to make sure I was still stroking their cocks. As Xiao seemed to take control over what my hand was doing, CX did the same. They were both making noises somewhere between pants and grunts as their paces quickened.

  CX came first, hot stickiness filling my hand as he balled it around the head of his cock. He flopped back into the pillow, uttering my name like a prayer.

  “My tai hau,” Xiao groaned into my ear, his mouth leaving my neck for just long enough to utter that warning.

  Just as he did, someone started hammering on the door.

  I ignored it, knowing it was too late. Following CX’s example, I moved my hand to cup Xiao’s cock, just as he thrust into me. Seconds later, he was filling my hand too. His mouth latched down on my neck. I wasn’t sure if he was biting or sucking but a mixture of pain and pleasure took over.

  Someone hammered at the door again. “I swear to the heavens, if you make me come in there, there will be repercussions.”

  Sadly, the statement came from Sungmin, and not Jiwon, who I would have gladly taken the repercussions from.

  “We’ll be right down, hyungnim,” Xiao called.

  “You have two minutes,” he yelled back, angrily.

  I lay there as I listened to his feet retreating back downstairs, still holding on to each guy’s dicks. “We can do this again,” I promised them.

  “Now?” CX asked.

  I glanced up at him and giggled. “Your manager will kill us.”

  “Worth it.”

  “With you holding my dick like that, I’d almost be inclined to agree,” Xiao sighed. But instead, he reached down, pulling my hand away. “Stay there,” he murmured.

  Considering I had two very full hands, I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. He slid out of the bed, and I watched him walk to the door, completely naked. “You’re going to leave the room like that? I asked in surprise. “What if Ina or Eunhae see you?”

  Xiao glanced back and raised an eyebrow. “I’d ask you to toss me a shirt, but you were too busy tossing me off to help now.” He disappeared out of the room.

  “I don’t think a shirt is going to help,” I muttered, feeling my face heat up.

  “Are you honestly getting embarrassed at that?” CX asked in amusement. He reached down, and, like Xiao had, slid my hand off his cock with a pout. “For the record: that was hot and if Sungmin really wasn’t going to murder us, I would be up for making you yell our names again and again, until your voice goes hoarse.”

  Combined with the look he was giving me, heat and frustration started to build up between my legs.

  And the mother fucker knew it.

  What was worse, I couldn’t do anything to help myself.

  CX slid out from under the covers, also completely naked. It was another glorious sight to behold. And yet it had me frowning. “Why are you two both naked and I have pajamas on?” I asked as Xiao entered the room with box of tissues and a wash cloth.

  Next new experience of the day: having two naked guys clean me up. “Go use the bathroom,” Xiao instructed CX, tossing the used washcloth towards the trash can.

  When it missed, CX shot him an unimpressed look, picking it up at the edges like it was covered in a flesh-eating bacteria, holding it at arm’s length. Then, with the other, he scooped up his clothes and disappeared.

  “Do you still plan on staying here?!” Xiao asked as he pulled some clothes on.

  I nodded. “I need to get the London photographs done.”

  “Can you not do them in an evening so that you can play at being a tourist with us?”

  I laughed. “If the choice is between working in the evening so I can spend the day with you, or work in the day so I can spend the evening with you, I’m taking that second option.”

  Sungmin’s angry voice bellowed up the stairs telling them to get their asses out of the door.

  “Work hard, play hard?”

  “Work hard, play harder,” I corrected him. “I like it hard.”

  “I know you do,” Xiao smirked before leaving me on the bed, alone.

  I dropped my head back with a satisfied sigh: I was the luckiest girl in the world.

  제 9 장

  We were landing in Paris before I knew it. I’d seen on Instagram that the guys had been having fun in London. Part of me wished I had been able to go out with them, but with the whole team there, it wasn’t like we could do coupley things.


  Hell, we couldn’t do couple things, never mind the rest of it.

  If it wasn’t for the fact I was busy in my room, editing photographs, that probably would have bothered me more than it did. I don’t know why: I knew exactly what I was getting myself in for.

  OK, maybe not the dating a group (or most of a group), so much as, dating a celebrity. Yes, things were much more relaxed over in Europe, but it would only take one photograph.

  Better to get used to it now.

  In Paris, we landed to a small group of fans, politely keeping their distance as they showed their support. I was just marveling at how respectful they were, compared to some of the Asian countries, when I noticed a familiar scowl.


  She really was everywhere.

  I sucked in a breath and decided to ignore her.

  Instead, I focused on navigating through the airport to the exit and where there was a minibus waiting. Unlike in London, it took us to a hotel, rather than a house or apartment. In all honesty, I didn’t mind: I wasn’t going to be spending much time alone in my room to care.

  Or so I figured.

  I actually spent my first night in Paris, in a hotel which actually had a clear view of the Eiffel Tower, alone.

  We had arrived late, and thanks to an even later dinner, everyone was exhausted. So much so that Sungmin had actually taken the six of us to one side and banned us from bedroom hopping. “It’s late and we have to be at the venue early tomorrow. Please, just get a night’s sleep, and I will do what I can to let you do want you want in the next city.”

  I wasn’t entirely sure if he knew what he was agreeing to when he said that, seeing as the next city was Amsterdam…

  I’d half expected at least JongB to break that agreement and sneak in, but no, I spent the night alone.

  Which had me curious as to what they were expecting in Amsterdam.

  If I was honest, I enjoyed the alone time. I managed to catch up on a few emails, update social media with a picture of the view from my window (of course), and then, after a long, hot, solo, shower, went to bed.

  When I awoke, I was feeling relaxed and energized, so much so, that I decided to take advantage of the hotel’s gym. It was still early, and the gym was empty. With my earphones in and my music blasting, I got on the treadmill for the first time since going on tour, and I ran a few miles.

  Yeah… OK… I lied.

  I wheezed a lot, jogged a little, and then gave up and decided to do some yoga stretches.

  That was more my speed. I’d save the energetics for the bedroom.

  After I was stretched and relaxed, and had genuinely worked my way through several poses, working on my breathing, I fell back on the mat, staring up at the large fans above. I closed my eyes, allowing the beat of a classic rock song to wash over me.

  Despite Jon Bon Jovi belting out his need for a drug-like love, the hairs on my arms shot to attention, sensing the change in the air around me. Maybe it was all the shit that had happened with Damien, but my arm shot out and connected with a face before my eyes had opened to realize MinMin was hovering over me.

  As he jerked out of the way, clutching at his cheek, I yanked my headphones out, rolling onto my knees, trying to see how much damage I had one. “MinMin! Are you OK?”

  “I’m fine,” he cried, although he definitely didn’t sound it.

  “I am so sorry!” I inched forward, trying to peer up at him as guilt ripped through me. MinMin was the softest, quietest, fluffy person I knew and automatically made me want to protect him. The fact I had been the one to hurt him made me feel even worse. “I… I thought you were someone else!”

  “I’m OK, Kate,” he said again, still not sounding convincing. “Shit! You pack a punch and a half.”

  My mouth fell open. Not because he thought I could hit, but because he had cussed. MinMin… Cussing… I did mention ‘soft’ and ‘fluffy’, right?

  “What?” he demanded, dropping his hand.

  “MinMin!” There was a bright red mark on his cheek, just by his eye. “You need an icepack on that! Stay there!”

  Not giving him chance to say anything, I was on my feet, jogging out of the room. I’d passed a vending machine on the way, and I was sure I had seen an ice machine next to it.

  I had. I went to scoop a few pieces out, then realized I had nothing for it to go in. Without thinking twice, I pulled my workout vest top off. I dropped a few ice cubes into center of it, and home-fashioned an icepack. I turned, ready to go back to gym, when I found MinMin watching me.

  Well, that made life easier.

  I closed the gap between us and gently removed the hand, which was back to cupping his cheek, so that I could see the mark better. He didn’t fight me, even when I gently applied the ice to his face, although he did wince at the initial contact. I held it in place, biting at my lip as I tried to be as tender as I could, while making sure it would work.

  Apparently, I was being too tentative. MinMin’s hand reached up and settled over mine, pushing it against his cheek. “I really am sorry,” I said, quietly.

  “I’m OK,” he told me for what had to be the umpteenth time. “But are you?”

  “Me?” I repeated tilting my head. “I’m fine.”

  “You normally punch people when they try to get your attention?”

  I could feel my cheeks heat up and I tried to step away, but I was still being held in place. “No… I just…”

  “Thought I was your ex?”

  “No!” I objected, my voice shooting up an octave. “You’re nothing like him!”

  “I don’t mean I resemble him; I mean you thought someone was going to hurt you.”

  It wasn’t until he said it that I realized it was true. I had been carrying on like all was normal. Like what had happened in America had happened a lifetime ago and I was OK. Surrounded by Onyx with the security, reassurance, and love that they offered, it was easy to fall into that false sense of security. But it hadn’t been that long ago. I still had bruises on my arms that, although I was doing my best to ignore, reminded me of that.

  “I’m fine,” I lied, the words feeling thick in my throat.

  “I’m not.”

  My hand went slack – the only reason the iced stayed pressed to his cheek was because he was holding it there.

  “I want to be, but I can’t go into a room unless the light is on first. I keep thinking someone is going to jump out at me.” He shrugged, then winced slightly. “If I’m expecting that, it doesn’t surprise me that you still think he’s going to show up.”

  I had to swallow to be able to respond. “He wouldn’t come to Europe.”

  “No, I don’t think he would. I was in the same message as you. I saw what Holly wrote. He’s been held in custody with no bail. He’s not going anywhere. But he followed you across state lines – country borders. Something in the back of your mind is telling you he could follow you here.”

  I felt the tear as it spilled from the corner of my eye and ran down my cheek. I went to brush it away, but MinMin beat me to it, his fingertips tracing across my skin like a feather dancing in the air.

  “It’s OK to be upset about it.”

  As insightful as that was, it wasn’t right. Not completely, anyway. I, one hundred percent, believed that Damien the Dick was locked up in prison in the US, 4000 miles away, with little chance of getting out in the next few years at least. I did not believe he was going to come creeping up on me in a gym in a random hotel, in Paris, despite his previous actions.

  MinMin was partly right though; I was jumpy. I don’t suppose there are many people who go through something like that and aren’t.

  I was annoyed at myself because I had lost awareness of my surroundings in a publ
ic place.

  But I was upset, devastated, to hear that MinMin had been so badly affected by it that he thought something would happen to him if he went to the bathroom in the middle of the night without the lights on.

  Throw in the fact that he was more concerned about me?

  It was wrong.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, unable to get my voice louder than that. This was all-

  “It’s not your fault,” MinMin said, and I had to think as whether I’d said that aloud or not. “I don’t care if you knew him; he is responsible for his own actions.”

  Still clutching at the ice-shirt, I pulled it free from MinMin, but only so I could launch myself at him and wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face into his neck and silver hair. I wasn’t capable of words – not without crying – but I wanted him to know that I was sorry; regardless of whether or not he thought I should be.

  “Kate,” he whispered hoarsely.

  I started to pull away, mentally kicking myself at forgetting he wasn’t American and hugging was inappropriate, but before I could move too far, the hands, which had to have been hovering over me, pulled me back to him, crossing over in the small of my back.

  His touch made me jump. My skin had gone cold in the cool corridor, especially with the vest top being used for first aid, and his palms were hot: unexpected, but welcome.

  He was a little shorter than me, making it easier for me to rest my cheek against his. MinMin deserved all the love in the world.

  “Oh for… Are you kidding me?” A voice cried in exasperation, causing MinMin to leap away from me like I had given him an electric shock. “Don’t make it obvious in – MinMin?!”

  I turned just in time for Sungmin to realize it had been MinMin I had been hugging, and not one of the others.

  “I swear this is not what it looks like!” MinMin cried, his hands in the air.


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