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by LK Shaw


  Doms of Club Eden, Book 4

  L. K. Shaw

  Redemption, Doms of Club Eden

  © 2017 by LK Shaw

  Cover design © 2019 by Laura Hidalgo

  All Rights Reserved.

  * * *

  No part of this book, with the exception of brief quotations for book reviews or critical articles, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

  * * *

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39



  A Birthday Spanking

  Book List

  About the Author

  For Julia Sykes, who pushes me to do things I didn’t think I could.


  It was my first day on the job, and I was nervous as hell. My heart raced, my palms were sweaty, and I was pretty sure I was going to yack. Barely twenty-one years old, I’d graduated from both high school and MIT early. My instructors told me I was a computer genius. I don’t know that I would classify myself as a genius, but I knew that computer programming and analysis came easy to me. So did hacking. I’d lucked out when Connor Black hired me to work as a computer analyst for his security company, Blacklight Securities, considering I was a recent MIT graduate with no experience. Even though he was like a brother to me, I liked to think I earned the job on merit.

  Connor was giving me a tour of the office, and we’d just reached the employee kitchen slash break room, when I stopped dead in my tracks. Connor hadn’t noticed I was no longer behind him, and he kept rattling off information about the company as well as my job duties. Well, I assume he kept rattling off information. I had no idea; my attention was fixated on the Adonis on the other side of the room, leaning against the counter, a coffee mug in hand. His dark brown hair was cut close to the scalp, and three-days’ worth of growth covered his jaw. I watched his Adam’s apple bob when he swallowed a mouthful of coffee, and I couldn’t help wanting to draw my tongue across it. I almost melted into a gooey puddle on the floor when the god in front of me threw his head back in laughter. The sound sent a shiver racing through me.

  The clearing of a throat and “Josephine” spoken with a hint of amusement jerked me back to my surroundings. My head whipped to the side to gaze at Connor, who looked at me with a smirk on his face. I pushed my glasses farther up on my nose and stared him down, even as a warm sensation crept across my cheeks. How embarrassing to be caught ogling a fellow employee. I waited for Connor to make a smart-ass remark, but instead, he crooked his finger at me like one of his subs. I glared as I slowly walked over to stand next to him.

  “My apologies, sir. It won’t happen again.” In addition to Connor mentoring me in the BDSM lifestyle for two years now, he was also my boss and deserved my respect.

  “You don’t have to apologize, Josie. Come, let me introduce you.” He led me over to the men standing against the counter. My whole body was on fire now that I was up close to him. His ice blue eyes glowed when he turned his head at our approach.

  “Bryce, Miles, this is Josephine Bishop. She’s our newest computer analyst. Josephine, this is Bryce Harris and Miles Standish.” He indicated each of them as he spoke their name, but I only had eyes for Miles. I went through the motions of shaking Bryce’s hand, rudely not even looking at him. When I placed my hand in Miles’, a bolt of lightning shot through me. His eyes widened, and I knew he’d felt it too. Instantly, I knew I was in trouble.

  From that day forth, I wanted to know everything about Miles Standish. To spend as much time with him as possible. At first, he avoided me. I attempted to rein in my attraction to him, even though it practically killed me. Every moment I was around Miles, my body heated, and all my synapses fired. An electric charge had the hairs on my arms standing the minute I stood near him. The air crackled between us. There was no doubt he felt it too, but he ignored it no matter how gently I tried to push.

  After a while, I realized that nothing I did would force him to admit the attraction was mutual. And I had no idea why. So, I changed my strategy. I became his friend. Soon, we were constantly playing practical jokes on some of the other employees, and we talked daily. He’d prop his gorgeous butt on the edge of my desk and we’d talk for twenty or thirty minutes every morning before the rest of the staff arrived. Sometimes it would be work related topics, but mostly we talked about ourselves and our lives outside the office, although I always skirted around questions regarding my family. Before long, my feelings grew into something more than friendship and lust. I fell in love.

  Chapter 1

  Six Years Later

  * * *

  He thought I couldn’t see the pain in his eyes, but I did. I saw everything about Miles Standish. I always have, even from that the moment I first spied him across the break room. My gaze followed him everywhere, even when I tried to force myself to look away. I’d never met a man before that affected me the way Miles did. I’d been in love with him all these years, but nothing I did swayed him to change our relationship. For six years this man had fought his attraction to me and never once made a move. He could try the patience of a saint. I showed him every way I knew how that I cared for him. Deeply.

  Several of my girlfriends, who I’d casually mentioned Miles to in passing, asked me why I didn’t ask him out, didn’t take the initiative, especially given my proclivity of being rather “take charge”. The partial answer to that was that I was, thanks to my father, still gun-shy about trusting men outside the kink community, even Miles. The other answer, the one that had me more hesitant, was that I was a Domme, and being a sexually dominant woman in a vanilla world was difficult. Some men were touchy about submitting to a woman. I had very specific tastes, and there was no sense risking a broken heart on a man who wasn’t who I needed him to be.

  For that reason, I didn’t try to push, even as heat simmered in his eyes when he thought I wasn’t looking. But now, other emotions clouded Miles’ eyes. Pain. Guilt. My heart broke for him.

  It’s been six years since that first day on the job, and Miles still sent shivers down my spine with every look, every touch. Now though, I also knew one additional thing about him. I knew he’d killed a man. A man who, like the one I’d killed, deserved to die.

  I saw how it affected him. Gone was the lightheartedness. No
longer did he prop his butt on the corner of my desk and joke with me. I recognized the guilt that ate at him, even if I’d never experienced it myself. I didn’t regret, for one second, killing that bastard. I also recognized the signs of someone going through the motions of existing but not living. My sister was a member of that club. It broke me knowing that I couldn’t do anything to help her. But I’d be damned if I wouldn’t do everything in my power to help Miles get rid of the guilt. Somehow, I’d find a way to bring him back from the darkness that shrouded him. Somehow, I’d show him the secret of redemption. I loved him too much to fail.

  Chapter 2

  Blood. It’s everywhere. It doesn’t matter if I’m awake or asleep. All I see is blood. And his face. I brushed my teeth this morning, and when I leaned up from the sink, there he stood, behind me, staring at me with blood running down his face. Rationally, I knew he wasn’t there. Except it’s hard to be rational since I’d started losing my mind months ago. I knew it was happening, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. It’s hard to tell my mind it’s playing tricks on me. Especially when guilt for the very death I caused overwhelms me.

  Malcolm Shipman deserved to die. He’d been on the verge of pulling the trigger of his own gun when I’d shot him to save the life of my boss. My best friend. One of the two was going to die. I’d chosen Malcolm. I’ve been to the shooting range countless times. I’ve run through mock hostage situations where I’ve shot dummies scattered around the room at almost point-blank range. It never occurred to me that shooting another human being, regardless of whether he deserved it or not, would change a person as drastically as it’s changed me.

  I still go to the gym and to work every day. I talk to my co-workers and occasionally, I try to laugh at their jokes. But even I can hear the hollowness behind my laughter. Behind my words. Life around me has moved forward, and no one knows what’s going on behind my false gaiety. Except her. I’ve been avoiding her ever since that day, because I can’t take the pity in her eyes. She tries to hide it, but I see it. Along with several other emotions that I’ve known were there for years. Hope. Attraction. Love, perhaps. But none of those shone so brightly as pity.

  Josephine Bishop showed up one day, and my life has never been the same. I’ve stayed away from her for several reasons, not the least of which is she’s fifteen years my junior. I knew she was infatuated with me when she first joined the team, and I did everything I could to give her the impression I wasn’t interested. Eventually, she reeled her emotions back in and treated me like a friend. Our morning talks have always been my favorite part of the day, even if I didn’t admit it to anyone.

  She was a conundrum. She possessed both an aura of innocence that never tarnished, yet there was a commanding presence I wasn’t sure how to respond to. She never talked about her love life. I had no idea if she had a steady boyfriend or if she went through guys like most people changed underwear. There was never that sparkle in her eye or the bounce in her step that said she’d been thoroughly fucked. I’ve never seen a woman who’d just had her brains fucked out not possess that light, that sparkle, about them. Like they’re walking on cloud nine. It’s a special look, and when you see it on enough women, you begin to recognize it. Josephine held her emotions close to the vest. I often wondered if she was still a virgin, even at twenty-seven.

  Connor had shared a little bit of information with me when I discreetly asked. At least, I hope I’d been discreet. He never acted as though he thought my reasons for asking were anything beyond the general curiosity of learning about a new co-worker. God forbid he should realize that my feelings were slightly more engaged than a platonic friendship for his favorite girl. And we all knew the Josephine Bishop held a special place in Connor’s heart. Even being his second-in-command, and best friend, he’d never told me why Josie was so special to him. He treated her like a younger sister. He was over-protective to a degree that was unusual.

  I knew Connor had worked for Josie’s father a couple years before she started working for Blacklight Securities. But, I also knew that something happened to Josie before Connor came into the picture. That’s what I couldn’t figure out. Neither discussed it, but it further cemented their relationship to the point where Josie worshipped the ground Connor walked on, and Connor treated Josie as though she was as fragile as glass and would break with the slightest breeze.

  I knew she wouldn’t break though. She was much stronger than anyone knew, like tempered steel. But I wouldn’t taint her with the darkness that surrounded me. I knew the minute she tried to get close that I would snuff out her light with the blackness that surrounded me. So, I avoided her. It was easier for everyone that way. Especially me. I’d had no idea the agony I would feel knowing she was now forever out of my reach. It was just another strike against me. Eventually, I’d break and destroy everything good in my life. Especially her.


  My eyes closed at the softly spoken word at my back. I braced myself before slowly turning around to confront its owner. At only 5’ 9”, being tall was not a trait I’d been blessed with, and Josie was only a couple inches shorter than me, so we were almost eye-to-eye. Her trademark royal blue glasses sat perched on her pert little nose. Her short, blonde bob was tucked behind her ears, her bangs flopping in her face. Even though I knew she was twenty-seven, she continued to look exactly like that fresh-faced girl on her first day here.

  Her youthful appearance only further emphasized the vast difference in our ages. My hair had turned to gray at my temples, and the wrinkles across my forehead and around my eyes and mouth only served to highlight the fact I was pushing middle-aged. At forty-two, I’d lived a rough life and it showed. Killing Malcolm had aged me even more.

  Knowing I couldn’t just stand there staring, I forced myself to acknowledge her. “What can I do for you, Josephine?”

  She always wrinkled her nose when I called her Josephine. Calling her Josie was too personal, especially when I was trying to keep my distance from her. I refused to admit that I liked being the only one that called her Josephine.

  “I need the reports on the Bullman case. I’ve run all the numbers through my computer and can’t seem to find the discrepancy in the bank account. I know it’s there though. Five million dollars doesn’t disappear overnight. Something happened to it, I just need to find out what.”

  “You’ll have to talk to Bryce. He’s the one assigned to the case.”

  “Wait, Connor told me you were the one working it. When did Bryce take over?”

  “A few days ago.”

  Her shoulders deflated as though someone had let all the air out of them. “Oh. I thought we’d be working together on this case.”

  I’d asked Connor if I could be reassigned to a different case when he’d told me that Josie was the analyst working on this one. He wasn’t happy with my request and only reluctantly acquiesced when I pushed the issue. There were no questions asked, even though I knew he wanted to ask them.

  “No, I’m working on the Grafton assignment.”

  “Okay. Well, if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’m happy to help.”

  I gave an abrupt nod of thanks and left her standing there. I could feel her eyes boring through my back as I walked away. There was never a time when I couldn’t feel her stare following me. At no time over the last six years had I not been fully aware of Josephine Bishop.

  Chapter 3

  What a crock of shit. Even without verifying my suspicions with Connor, I knew Miles had asked to be reassigned to a different case. There were days I wanted to strangle him, and I might still, but I kept trying different, subtler approaches in hopes of finding one that worked with him. In six years, I’d had zero luck. Most people would think I’d have given up by now. Nope, not me. I firmly believed anything worth having was worth fighting for. Even if it was Miles himself I needed to fight.

  As much as I wanted to follow him and confront the issue head on, I knew I couldn’t at this moment. Right no
w, I needed to find Bryce. There was still the case of a missing $5M. I turned about face and headed in the opposite direction of Miles toward the offices at the other end of the floor. I stopped at the second door on the left and knocked. A gruff “Enter” came from behind the closed door.

  I stepped into Bryce’s office and closed the door behind me. Besides Connor, Bryce was the only other person who knew I was a member of Eden, our local BDSM club. Imagine my surprise when I showed up one Saturday night a few years ago to see Bryce Harris with a leash in his hand. My eyes widened farther when I spotted the male submissive on all fours next to him attached to the opposite end of that same leash. He about choked when he saw me in my royal blue corset, tits practically falling out the top, and black boy shorts with a length of jute rope in my hands.

  Awkward conversation took place that first night, and for the next few weeks at work, but eventually we got used to each other’s presence. He had his secrets, and I had mine. We were both happy with keeping them to ourselves. Our secrets bonded us in a way that I wouldn’t have expected.


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