
Home > Romance > Redemption > Page 13
Redemption Page 13

by LK Shaw

  “Love me, Miles.” There was no mistaking exactly what she meant by that. I did love her and even though the words clogged my throat, they weren’t any less true.

  With a soft gentleness, I kissed her eyelids, then her nose, her mouth, and neck. I tried to hit all her erogenous zones as I made my way south. Her pebbled nipples puckered and begged for attention. I nibbled the first one, then the other, all the while her hands on my head guided me farther downward to the place I knew she needed my touch the most. My tongued danced and teased her belly button before dipping in for a quick tease.

  My trek continued as I reached her most intimate part. Josie’s breathing was shallow, and she took small gasping breaths. She was already slick with need by the time I had reached her center. Her musk was my favorite smell. I’d never get tired of it. My tongue dipped in for a taste as Josie spread her legs to give me better access. There was no rush as I lapped her juices up. Today was about comfort, because neither of us knew what tomorrow would bring.

  “I need you, now.” The command was evident in her tone.

  Reluctantly, I stopped my feast and looked up at her. Josie’s desperation was evident. I needed my mouth on her in some way. I slid my way back up her body, and as I slid into her, our mouths met in a kiss full of promise and love. Gently, I rocked into her as she loosely wrapped her legs under my ass. A tug on my hair had me pulling back to look at Josie. I rested on my elbows, my forearms caging her head as we stared into each other’s eyes, my thrusts not speeding up. Our lovemaking was a benediction.

  One of her hands left my head and traced a path across my shoulder and down my arm until she reached my hand. With only a slight pull, Josie directed my hand to her face. I cupped her cheek, her hand resting on top of mine. Her head turned slightly as she dropped a soft kiss in my palm, her eyes remaining locked on mine. Then she drew our hands down her body until they met the place where we were connected. Feeling myself slide in and out of her pussy was incredible.

  Without waiting for permission, I began stroking her clit. Round and round, her slickness easing the friction. We were connected in a way I’d never been with any woman before her. Josie was my lodestar, the woman I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. We communicated without words, our hearts beating in time with each other, a language all its own. Tremors began in Josie’s pussy, and she clenched down on my cock while she shattered into thousand pieces. Her release triggered mine as I trembled and spent inside her.

  When I moved to roll off her, Josie tightened her legs around me, and I had no choice but to press against her.

  Her breath teased my ear as she spoke softly. “Stay. I love your weight on top of me.”

  “I’m too heavy, Josie.”

  “Stay,” she repeated.

  Unable to disobey her, I settled my weight on her. Her nose nuzzled my neck.

  “The auction is happening soon; I just know it.” I lifted my head, and my gaze met hers, her eyes beseeching. “We have to stop him, Miles. We have to.”

  Not caring that I disobeyed, I rolled to the side, but kept her close. I wrapped my arms more fully around her, brushing a kiss to the top of her head as I pulled her into me. The soft citrus smell of her perfume tickled my nose.

  “We will, Josie. I promise.”

  Later that night, she slept fitfully. She jerked awake several times throughout the night, her soft cries sending daggers to my heart. I made a vow to do everything I could to help bring her father down.

  Chapter 30

  Damn, I hated when I was struggling with a case. After discussing it with Miles, I’d decided to stay working at Blacklight. It was home. My family was here. Connor had forgiven me for being such a bitch, and we’d moved forward as though nothing happened. He’d given me more responsibilities that tested my skills, which I was grateful for. Even on nights like this when I had to stay late at work. Bryce left about twenty minutes ago, because I forced him out the door. I needed to figure out this puzzle or it would keep me awake all night. By the looks of it, I’d be up all night anyway. Might as well do something productive.

  For another hour my fingers flew across my keyboard. My eyes had started to cross, but I was determined. Thankfully, my determination paid off because my computer screen suddenly pinged at me. Bingo. I’d been trying to track down an IP address location that the government was looking for. It had been hidden well, and I had to give the person credit. Once I dashed off an email to Connor letting him know I’d found it, I shut down my computer.

  I rose from my desk, stretching my stiff muscles. My neck and back were looking forward to a massage from Miles when I got home. He had been spending more and more nights there lately. Not that I minded. It was nice to come home to him at night. And to wake up with him in the morning. I gathered my bag, shut out the lights, and headed out to my car.

  It was a gorgeous night, and I opened my window to let the air in. One of my favorite songs came on the radio, and I cranked up the volume, bobbing my head and tapping my fingers on the steering wheel in time with the music. My hair fluttered around my face as the wind whipped it. My off-key voice shattered the night air as I sang, badly, along with my tune. I was so into the song, I didn’t notice the headlights of the car behind me getting closer until my car jolted as the vehicle behind me bumped my rear bumper.

  My hands instinctively tightened on the wheel. What the fuck? I kept glancing back and forth between the road in front of me and in my rear view mirror as the vehicle behind me slowed then revved its engine, before barreling into me again. I braced myself for impact. This time I had trouble controlling my car. My whole body jarred with the force. I loved my car, but damn it for being old as shit and not having hands free technology. I needed to call Miles, but I didn’t dare take my hands off the wheel.

  Trying to get them off my tail, I made a few quick consecutive turns, but they stuck to me like glue. I was so focused on whoever was behind me that I became disoriented and wasn’t quite sure where I was in the city now after my failed attempts at losing them. Suddenly, though, they sped up and pulled alongside me. Shit, this wasn’t good. The only thing I could do was brace for the inevitable impact from the black SUV next to me. No sooner had the thought crossed my mind as it barreled into my small sedan.

  I couldn’t maintain control and began to pray as my car was pushed off the road. I hit the embankment, and all at once, my whole body was lifted out of the seat and then jerked back as my seat belt engaged. My head cracked against the steering wheel, and I saw stars. My vision blackened around the edges, and then I saw nothing.

  A pained groan escaped as I gradually came awake. My whole body ached, and my head was pounding. With agonizing slowness, I reached up and felt wetness on my forehead. I couldn’t tell in the dark, but the coppery smell said it was blood. Damn head wounds. I was thankful that the car was upright, because I had a vague recollection of it rolling down the embankment. Carefully, I took inventory of my body. Nothing felt broken, thank God.

  After gauging my surroundings, I realized I was alone, the black SUV long gone. I reached out to unbuckle my seatbelt. With painstaking slowness, I got out of the car, careful to make sure I didn’t hurt anything more than it already was. Silence filled the air, broken only by the occasional chirp of crickets. The night sky was black as pitch with not a single flicker of a star. It was eerie, the silence. I quickly located my phone. Damn, how long had I been out?

  I hit the speed-dial button for Miles as I gingerly walked up the embankment toward the road, keeping my eyes peeled for any sign of danger. It rang once before he picked up.

  “Are you still at work? I thought you said you’d be home by now.”

  I’d just reached the top of the hill and checked the area looking for any familiar landmarks. I sighed in relief as I spotted the closed down gas station.

  “There was an accident. I’m all right, I promise, but I need you to come down to the old Exxon station on Ellis Street.”

  I heard rustling on the other end
of the line as though he was hurriedly throwing clothes on. A muffled, “I’m on my way” sounded as though through his shirt.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re not hurt?” Miles’ voice was breathless and hurried.

  “I hit my head, but I don’t think it’s bleeding anymore. Nothing is broken. My car is totaled though.”

  “Damn it. What happened?”

  I told him about the SUV and that I didn’t get a plate number and couldn’t see through the dark tinted windows to identify the driver. I had no idea if it was a man or woman or if there was more than one person in the vehicle. There wasn’t much information I could give him.

  “Miles, I think my father is behind this. We were both satisfied with our status quo arrangement. I think with him realizing that I know about the money laundering, the drug deals, and now the sex trafficking, he’s decided he’s no longer safe. That’s the reason for the break-in at my house and now this. I’m pretty sure he’s behind these attacks.”

  “If that’s true, you know this changes everything, right? What about when he tries again? Maybe next time he’ll actually succeed in killing you. He’s upped the stakes. I think it’s time to move forward with bringing your father down.”

  I knew Miles was right. He was going to keep coming after me now that he knew I’d been keeping tabs and gathering evidence against him. It was only a matter of time before he succeeded in killing me. Headlights in the distance caught my attention.

  “How close are you? I see lights coming.” I darted across the street to conceal myself behind a copse of trees.

  “I’m almost there. Maybe a couple minutes.”

  “I’m staying out of sight behind some trees a couple blocks from the station.”

  “Stay there until you see me. I don’t want you in any further danger.”

  I waited a minute until the car pulled into the abandoned station. The driver got out, and I sagged in relief when I saw it was Miles.

  “I see you.” I disconnected the call and stepped out from behind my screen and shouted, “Over here.” My hands went up in the air, waving to get his attention.

  “Stay there.”

  I grumbled under my breath, as if I were going anywhere.

  He got back in the car and pulled up alongside me. Before I could even take a step toward the vehicle, he jumped out and raced over to me, gently running his hands over me, searching for injuries. His eyes traced my entire body, probing. I let him because he wouldn’t be satisfied until he saw for himself that I was okay. I got lucky. I was only a little banged up but my head did hurt. I probably had a concussion.

  “Let’s get you checked out.” I let Miles fuss over me because I knew he needed to. He helped me into the car and I sat back, exhausted. He made several phones calls while he drove, including to a towing company to come get my car. Knowing everything I knew, I didn’t want the police involved. We pulled into the emergency room parking area, and he jumped out to hurry and help me up. The waiting area was crammed full of people, some looking worse off than me.

  “We need to talk about your father,” Miles said after he checked me into triage.

  Chapter 31

  We’d come up with a plan while we sat in the waiting room, not all of which I agreed with, but in the end, it was really the only thing we could do. Once Josie was seen, and it was confirmed she had a minor concussion, but no other injuries, we went home. Since she’d refused to stay for observation, she was given strict instructions to get plenty of rest and to avoid any strenuous activity for at least a week. The doctor also prescribed some pain medicine. I tucked her into bed and slept on the couch so I didn’t disturb her.

  Once she woke up, we headed into the office. Her father had just upped the ante. It was time to stop him once and for all. We couldn’t move forward without Connor, and she knew it. Due to the extent of her father’s crimes, this was bigger than the local law enforcement. Plus, we didn’t know who to trust with the information Josie had. But with the evidence she’d gathered over the last seven years, there wasn’t a chance in hell he was going to get away with anything. Provided it landed in the right hands.

  We walked hand-in-hand into the office, a united front, and since Connor’s door was open, we walked in. He sat behind his desk as usual, his reading glasses perched on his nose. He raised his head when I closed the door. When he saw the bandage on Josie’s head, he rushed to his feet.

  “Sit. I’m fine.” She waved him back down to his chair. He reluctantly sat down, and it was obvious he wasn’t happy about it, given his scowl.

  “What’s going on?”

  Josie took the lead. I was here for moral support. She stood a little taller, her shoulders stiff and unyielding. “I need your help.”

  I was proud of her for taking this step even as difficult as it was. We both knew what Connor’s reaction was going to be.

  “If you’re coming to me for help, it must be something big. You better have a seat. I have a feeling this is going to take a while.”

  Josie took the chair in front of Connor’s desk. In the meantime, I plopped into my usual spot on the love seat. I wanted to be closer to Josie in case she needed me, but I knew she could handle Connor.

  “So, start talking.”

  “Over the past seven years I’ve been collecting evidence of my father’s criminal activities. The drugs, the corrupt city officials, money laundering, guns, and recently, sex trafficking. I now know enough about him to put him away for the rest of his life. Not thinking clearly, I confronted him that I’ve been monitoring everything he’s ever done. Needless to say, he wasn’t happy. Last night, someone tried to kill me. They ran me off the road. Something also tells me that the break in at my house wasn’t a coincidence either. The problem is, I don’t know who to trust with the information I have. I need someone not in his pocket. Someone who will take the evidence and actually use it to prosecute him. With your connections, I’m hoping you know someone with the Feds that I can give the information to.”

  I sat back and waited for the explosion I knew was about to erupt. And I waited some more. Oh, shit. This was worse than I thought.

  “Please tell me I heard wrong. Because I know that you wouldn’t be so stupid as to do what you’ve just told me you’ve been doing.”

  I abruptly stood, my voice shaking with rage. “Don’t speak to her like that.”

  “Miles, please return to your seat.” Josie’s voice was completely calm. Not even the hint of a quiver could be noted. She remained still, nonplussed by Connor’s harsh words. She made me proud to be hers. Reluctantly, I took my place on the love seat again, but the frozen death-stare never left my face.

  “Do you feel better now?” The sneered expression on Josie’s face even had me flinching.

  Connor’s chest expanded and collapsed as he breathed deeply. With eyes closed, he rubbed his broad forehead with his fingers as though rubbing away a tension headache. His eyes opened, and he returned his gaze to Josie, contrition clearly evident in his eyes.

  “I apologize, Josie. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. I know how evil your father is. The fact that he knows you’ve been watching him is bad enough. Once he finds out you’re going to turn everything you have over to the Feds, he’s going to go ballistic. If he is the one behind the attacks, he won’t stop until you’re dead. The thought of what might happen to you when he finds out what you’re doing terrifies me. You and I both know what he’s capable of.”

  She didn’t answer, but gave a small nod of acceptance. With a chagrined smile and an awkward cough, Connor spoke again.

  “I have a few connections with the FBI, but I also think we need to bring someone local in. Someone we can trust completely. Who will be fully on our side through this mess. And it’s going to be a shit show. We’re going to need a protection detail on you once your father gets word that he’s under investigation. He’ll be aiming for your ass. There is also your father having leverage over you to consider. We need to figure out a way to
keep that between us.”

  When Connor had spoken of a protection detail, I perked to attention. I would be the one protecting her. There was no one on this earth, besides Connor, I’d trust Josie’s life with than me. If anyone was going to make sure she stayed safe, I was.

  “I’ll be there to protect her.” My voice brooked no argument.

  Connor scoffed at my pronouncement. “You’ve just barely got your shit together. How are you going to protect her when you’ve been on the verge of a mental breakdown for months? Josie needs someone whose brain isn’t muddled with other bullshit. That’s what this whole company was built on: protecting people. I’m sure I can find a suitable outfit for her.”

  For the first time in all these years, I almost hated Connor. He was my best friend. Who the fuck did he think he was? Without regard to my job or any consequences to me whatsoever, I rose from the couch and stalked over to the desk Connor sat behind. I leaned forward, bracing my hands on the top of the wood, until our noses almost touched.

  “Don’t fuck with me on this Connor. You have no idea what I’m capable of doing to protect Josephine. I will protect her to my dying breath even if I have to kill someone to do it. There would be no hesitation on my part. No guilt. No remorse. Death will come to anyone who dares attempt to hurt her in any way. My fury will reign death and destruction on anyone who gets in my way of doing my duty to make sure that no harm comes to her. She is my everything, and I will fuck up anyone who tries to take her away from me. You got me?”

  Charged tension crackled between us, neither of us bending in the slightest. I maintained controlled eye contact, and not a muscle twitched as we stared each other down. Slowly, crinkles began in the corners of Connor’s eyes, and his expression transformed from one of serious anger to one of satisfaction. He slowly sat back in his chair, and his smile widened, exposing white, even teeth.


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