Edge of Darkness: The Complete First Season (Paranormal Investigations Unlimited)

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Edge of Darkness: The Complete First Season (Paranormal Investigations Unlimited) Page 18

by Paige Tyler

  She felt a surge of pride at the compliment. Even if Operation Seduction flopped, at least her cooking had been a success. “I worked in my journal—the doctors thought it would be a good idea to keep one after the woke up in the hospital—then Brielle called and offered to pick up some more food from the grocery store. I didn’t want to put her to any trouble, but after hearing what Robert got us, she insisted.”

  He grinned. “I figured you didn’t whip this up from the stuff he’d brought.”

  “I’m glad she didn’t mind coming by. It gave us a chance to sit and talk.”

  “I thought the two of you would hit it off. What did you talk about?”

  Having sex with you.

  “Girl stuff mostly. And what I was going to make for dinner.”

  Logan nodded as he polished off the last of the salad. When he was done, he set his knife and fork down on the plate and let out an appreciative groan.

  “That was amazing. I can’t remember when I’ve eaten that well.”

  “I’m glad you liked it. But we’re not done yet. There’s dessert, too.” Presley pushed back her chair. “Chocolate cake.”

  He lifted a brow. “You had time to make a cake, too?”

  “I’d like to take credit for it, but no. Brielle picked it up at the bakery. I might know my way around a kitchen, but even I can’t cook that fast.” She gave him a wry smile as she reached for his plate. “Even if I could, I’m not sure I would have been able to find a pan to bake it in.”

  He stood, picking up the dish that had held the chicken in one hand and the empty bowl she’d used for the salad in the other. “I think you just insulted me.”

  She glanced at him over her shoulder. “I’m just stating the facts. You could use some more pots and pans. Silverware, too.”

  He owned exactly six forks, two spoons and one butter knife. He had a set of steak knives, but they looked like he’d hacked his way through a brick wall with them. Considering what he did for a living, she didn’t even want to think about what he had used them for. Between making dinner and setting the table, she had used up about every piece of silverware in the house. Which left them with one fork to eat the cake with.

  Logan glanced up from loading the dishwasher. “Do you need me to wash the forks?”

  Presley started to nod, but then stopped as an idea occurred to her. She’d been trying to figure out how to put Phase Two of Operation Seduction into action and now she had the perfect way to do it.

  She closed the drawer and turned to give him a smile. “Don’t worry about it. We can share. If that’s okay with you, I mean?”

  He closed the dishwasher. “I’m okay with that if you are.”

  She was definitely okay with it. If her plan worked as she hoped, then she and Logan would be sharing a whole lot more than a slice of cake before the night was over.

  Grabbing a plate from the cabinet, she put a generous slice of chocolate cake on it, then carried it to the table while Logan brought over the mugs of coffee. Once they were both seated, she dragged her chair close to his so they could share the cake more easily. She didn’t need to lean in quite so close to swap the fork back and forth, but he didn’t seem to mind. If anything, he leaned in just as close. Maybe he wouldn’t be so resistant to her advances after all.

  While trading the one utensil back and forth wasn’t awkward, it wasn’t exactly practical. After a few bites, Presley decided to remedy that situation when it was her turn. Loading the fork, she held it up, offering the cake to Logan. He met her gaze over the chocolaty dessert, then opened his mouth so she could feed it to him. As his lips closed over the fork, she found herself licking her own. Oh yeah, this was much more fun.

  Loading the fork with more cake, she lifted it to her own mouth and, meeting his gaze, slowly closed her lips over the fork. Desire flared in Logan’s eyes as he watched her and it was all she could do not to say to hell with the cake and nibble on him instead.

  Pulse quickening with excitement, she got to her feet and moved closer to Logan, then sat down on his lap. If he was surprised by the move, he didn’t let it show. From the way he wrapped his arm around her waist and settled his hand her hip, it was obvious he approved.

  “This is much easier, don’t you think?” she asked as she offered him more cake.


  Presley smiled and reached out to refill the fork. Before she could lift it to her mouth, Logan took it and offered the cake to her.

  “My turn,” he said in a husky voice.

  She opened her mouth and closed her lips over the cake. She’d heard chocolate was an aphrodisiac, but she hadn’t known what they were talking about until now. Though she had a sneaking suspicion it was probably more likely Logan was responsible for the sudden heat pooling between her thighs rather than any chocolate. The man was sex-on-a-stick yummy.

  He loaded the fork with another piece of cake and held it up to her again. She opened her mouth to take it, then ran her tongue over her lips to make sure she didn’t miss any crumbs.

  “Don’t you want any more?” she asked.

  A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Now that you mention it, I think I do.”

  But instead of going for more cake, he slid his hand in her long hair, then leaned in and kissed her. Seduction by chocolate. She owed Brielle big for this.

  Logan’s mouth was firm and yet gentle, his tongue teasing as it persuaded hers to come out and play. She forgot all about the cake and focused her attention on kissing him back. He tasted of her two favorite things—chocolate and coffee—as well as something else that was uniquely him and just as delicious. Maybe even more delicious.

  Deciding she needed to do some additional research to see if she was right, Presley draped her arm over his shoulder and deepened the kiss. She ran her other hand up the front of his T-shirt, sighing at the way the muscles there rippled and flexed beneath her fingers. The man would put a pro athlete to shame. Who would have guessed ghost hunting would keep a guy in such good shape?

  Remembering the glimpse she’d caught of his bare chest yesterday morning, she was about to slide her hand underneath his shirt so she could get more up close and personal with all that maleness, when he groaned and lifted his head.

  “You taste even sweeter than you did last night,” he said hoarsely.

  “It must be the chocolate cake.”

  “I don’t think so.” He pressed his forehead to hers and let out a ragged breath. “You have no idea how much I want you right now.”

  If the bulge in his jeans was any indication, she had a pretty good idea. “What’s stopping you?”

  She regretted the question as soon as she asked it, afraid Logan would use it as an excuse to give her a laundry list of reasons why they shouldn’t sleep together. But he murmured something indistinct under his breath and covered her mouth with his again.

  His hand glided up her bare thigh and over the shorts she was wearing to come to a stop at the hem of her tank top. Lifting it over her head, he tossed it on the other chair. She was glad she’d grabbed her satin bra when she'd been rummaging through her bedroom the other day. It gave her cleavage a little boost, and right now she needed all the extra ammunition she could muster. From the hungry look in Logan’s eye, he clearly appreciated the little added bonus.

  Gently cupping a breast in one hand, he found her nipple with his thumb and made slow teasing circles around the tip through the bra. It hardened at his touch, straining at the material. She was about to reach around to unclasp her bra, but he got there first. The garment fell away at his touch, leaving her breasts bare, and she saw the look in his eye go from hungry to ravenous. Her heart skipped a beat. She’d never had a man look at her like that before.

  He palmed her breast again, taking her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Her nipples were always sensitive, but tonight they seemed even more receptive to touch and she caught her breath as he gave the rosy-red peak a squeeze. Cooing, she arched against him.

ing her nipple another firm pinch, Logan bent his head and pressed his lips to the curve of her neck, then kissed his way down her breast so he could take the firm nub in his mouth. It felt so fantastic Presley didn’t even realize he’d moved his hand down to the curve of her waist until she felt him slide it between her legs. She moaned as he fingered her pussy through her cotton shorts. The man knew how to get her hot and bothered. She wouldn’t be surprised if he could make her come like this.

  She never got to find out if he could or not because Logan stopped what he was doing to hook his fingers in the waistband of her shorts. Clearly, he wanted her completely naked. That was fine with her. Getting undressed while sitting on his lap wasn’t going to work. As much as she loved having him suckle on her nipples, she was going to have to make him stop long enough for her to take off her shorts. Gently pushing his hand away, she urged his head up.

  “Why don’t you let me do that?”

  She didn’t wait for an answer but instead got to her feet and slowly wiggled her shorts down over her hips before doing the same with her panties. Being naked in front of him made her even more aware of her body and she squeezed her thighs together to ease the sudden ache between them. Resisting the urge to slide her hand down to touch herself, she lifted her head and found Logan regarding her with an expression on his face that could almost be called awe.

  “You’re beautiful,” he breathed. “No, wait. I take that back. You’re absolutely perfect.”

  The compliment made Presley blush all the way to the tips of her toes. He definitely knew what to say to a woman, that was for sure. She was about to thank him, but before she could get the words out, he stood and swung her up in his arms.

  Presley didn’t have to ask to know he was taking her to the bedroom. She had to admit there was something damn hot about her being naked and him being fully clothed as he carried her there. Once in the room, she was suddenly impatient to see him naked, too. The moment he set her down on the bed, she scrambled to her knees and slid her hands underneath his T-shirt. The muscles of his stomach were hard and solid beneath her fingers and she eagerly shoved up his shirt.

  “You’re wearing way too many clothes,” she told him.

  Logan chuckled and reached over his head with one hand to pull off his T-shirt. As the broad expanse of his muscular chest and six-pack abs came into view, Presley could only stare. She thought she had gotten a good look the other day when she’d walked into the bedroom while he’d been getting dressed, but she realized now that had only been a teaser. Up close, she could fully appreciate all those hard muscles in glorious detail.

  Unable to resist touching him any longer, she ran her hands up his washboard stomach and over his well-defined chest to his wide shoulders. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to one side of his smooth chest, then the other, before slowly kissing her way down his abs. When she reached the waistband of his jeans, she sat back on her heels and reached for his belt. She gave it a tug and would have started on the buttons on his jeans next, but he got there before she did.

  Her pulse fluttered as he shoved down his jeans to reveal long, muscular legs. His hands then went to the waistband of the snug-fitting boxer briefs he wore and she held her breath as she waited for him to take them off. When he finally pushed them down and his hard cock sprang free, she had to bite her lip to stifle a moan.

  She looked up at him from beneath lowered lashes. “You’re pretty damn perfect yourself, did you know that?”

  He tossed the boxer briefs on the floor to join the jeans. “I don’t know about that, but I’m glad you think so.”

  Her lips curved into a smile. “Oh, I definitely think so.”

  Reaching out, she wrapped her hand around the base of his beautiful shaft and leaned forward to run her tongue over the glistening bead of pre-cum on the head. He tasted sweet and musky and she let out a soft sound of appreciation. The urge to wrap her lips around him was almost irresistible, but she forced herself to slowly run her tongue up and down his entire length a few times before taking him completely in her mouth.

  Logan let out a husky groan and slid his hand in her hair, gently guiding her movements. As she moved her mouth up and down on him, she felt his erection get even harder. She had him on the verge of coming already. While she loved the idea of him coming in her mouth, she had other plans for him right now.

  Swirling her tongue around the head of his shaft one more time, Presley lifted her head to look up at him. He was gazing down at her through half-closed eyes.

  “Damn, you’re good at that.”

  Smiling at the compliment, she rose on her knees and put her arms around his neck, pulling him close for a kiss. This time she was the aggressor, her tongue desperately seeking his. He reached around to cup her butt in both hands, giving her cheeks a firm squeeze. She murmured her approval against his mouth.

  Still kissing her, Logan urged her back onto the soft bed. When she was lying comfortably on the pillows, he lifted his head to gaze down at her for a long moment before capturing her lips in another soul-searing kiss. She reached up to bury her fingers in his silky hair, but he was already trailing featherlight kisses along the curve of her jaw. She turned her head on the pillow, giving him access to her neck and letting out a sigh when he pressed his lips to the curve of her shoulder. Finding his way up to her ear, he dipped his tongue inside, making goosebumps shiver up her body.

  Before they even disappeared, he was slowly kissing his way down her neck again. Cupping her breasts tenderly in his hands, he took a nipple in his mouth and greedily suckled on it. She let out a breathy moan, arching off the bed as he swirled his tongue around the sensitive tip. All the while, he massaged her other breast, his fingers playing with the nipple until she thought she would go crazy. Then just when she was certain she would, he switched things up, taking the nipple he had been suckling on and twirling it between his fingers while he drew the other into his mouth.

  She didn’t care if she did go insane from how good it felt. She could have him make love to her breasts all night.

  Logan obviously had other things in mind, though, because after one more swirl of his tongue, he released her nipple to kiss his way down her outstretched body again.

  Oh yeah. She definitely liked where this was going.

  Her heart started to beat faster the closer he got to her pussy. And the closer he got, the more she ached there.

  But he didn’t put his mouth on her right away. Instead, he cupped her ass cheeks in his hands and pressed a kiss to the inside of one trembling thigh, then the other. She held her breath, waiting for him to lick her clit, but he lifted his head to gaze up at her. Then staring hotly into her eyes, he bent to run his tongue along her slick folds.

  “You taste good,” he breathed.

  He swiped his tongue over her again and again before finally focusing on her throbbing clit and making slow, little circles around the sensitive nub. Pleasure surged through Presley. She clutched at his hair, letting out an endless stream of unintelligible sounds as his tongue found the perfect spot.

  “Just like that,” she moaned. “Don’t stop.”

  Logan tightened his hold on her ass and moved his tongue more deliberately on her clit. Presley writhed on the bed, moaning and tossing her head from side to side on the pillow as she felt her orgasm build. He must have sensed she was getting close because he moved his tongue faster and faster. He pushed her closer and closer to the edge until she was practically dizzy from how good it felt. When she finally came, the sensations that surged through her were so intense she thought she might actually pass out from the pleasure. She threw her head back, crying out so loudly it echoed off the walls.

  He lapped at her clit until he’d coaxed every last bit of pleasure from her body and by the time he was done, all she could do was lie there in complete and utter exhaustion. She’d never been with a guy who was so damn good at oral sex.

  She was still trying to catch her breath when Logan crawled up her body to settle himse
lf between her legs. He bent his head and closed his mouth over hers. With a sigh, she wrapped her arms around him and started to kiss him back, but he pulled away with a groan.

  “Shit,” he muttered.

  She frowned up at him in confusion. “What is it?”

  “I don’t have any condoms. I completely forgot.”

  She’d forgotten about them, too. She was always so careful about using protection. That went to show how much she wanted Logan. She smiled up at him. “No worries. I have some.”

  He raised a brow, clearly surprised. “You do?”

  She nodded. “I had Brielle pick some up when she went to the store. They’re in the nightstand.”

  He frowned but made no move to get them. “You had Brielle buy condoms?”

  “Yes, but can we talk about that later? I need you inside me. Now.”

  He shook his head as if to clear it, then murmured something under his breath and reached over to open the drawer of the nightstand. Grabbing the box, he took out one of the foil packets, then sat back to roll the condom onto his rock-hard cock. When he was done, he settled himself on top of her again. A moment later, she felt the head of his penis against the opening of her pussy and that part of her body immediately began to throb with anticipation. He didn’t enter her right away, but instead rubbed himself against her wetness.

  Presley moaned in frustration. “Stop teasing me.”

  The corner of Logan’s mouth twitched at her words and for a moment. she thought she might have to resort to begging, but then he stopped tormenting her and slowly eased himself inside her.

  She gasped as he entered her. No man had ever filled her so completely before. It was as if Logan had been made just for her.

  “You’re so tight,” he rasped.

  She smiled and wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in as deeply as he would go. “That’s a good thing, right?”

  He let out a ragged breath and bent his head to kiss her. “That’s a very good thing.”


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