Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection Page 50

by Nova Rain

  Claiming my lips yet again, he used his thumb to rub circles over my clit. Whimpers of helplessness were flying out of me, Donny catching each one of them with his mouth. I could hear the sounds of his penetration as he toyed with me. Because that’s what he was doing. Toying with me. Playing with my senses, without anything in this for himself, other than a raging erection. He was rock-hard now, his pre-cum moistening the skin of my back. The veins in his hand were bulging, all of his fingers working together to lead me to the realm of ecstasy. He let go of my clit and placed his thumb over my sex. My mouth shot open, my eyes remaining shut as the heel of his palm slapped against my groin.

  “I want to feel everything.”

  This little phrase finished me off. My orgasm wound within me, crashing over me in wave after wave of delectable pleasure. Donny let the sounds of my climax run wildly across my bedroom, ending this ritual with more kisses down the side of my neck.

  My muscles relaxed for a few moments while I stared at his face with lust-filled eyes. Yet, the wetness in my core didn’t allow me time for a break. My insides were burning with desire. And it was this sensation that drove me to turn in his embrace. I kissed his chin, holding on to his arms as I put my legs back down on the sheets. I brought my crotch over his, our gazes locked with one another. I closed my eyes and breathed out hard, feeling his big, stiff cock at my entrance. I didn’t let him take control. In a quick move, I lowered myself onto him, his loud groan giving me a sense of satisfaction.

  “See how wet I am for you, baby,” I spoke in a husky voice, curving my arms around his upper back.

  “You’d better be ready for more,” Donny murmured, leaning forward over my breasts. With his hands on either hip, he pushed me up. His mouth on the outside of my breast, he shoved me back down, forcing a sharp moan from me. Thick, ample inches filling me up, I lost the will to control anything. I gripped his shoulder blades, digging my nails into his skin, his mouth roaming my chest. I leaned forward, feeling his hands on my ass cheeks. He splayed his fingers over them and grabbed my flesh, grunting with satisfaction. Buried deep inside of me, he released them and put his hands back on my hips. Donny repeated the same move that paralyzed my limbs. I threw my head back, the second time my crotch crashed against his. Now, he didn’t have the will to pause. Maintaining a steady rhythm, he dominated me, thrusting in and out of my drenched pussy. My insides clinging to his shaft, I let his fury carry me away into the world of lust. Every time he shoved me down, he bucked, making sure to give me all of his inches. And my God, they were doing the trick… Each thrust brought more heat into my core, making me believe that I was melting away. I held onto him and looked down at his face, his mouth surrounding the globe of my breast. He sucked it in, sparking my desire to watch him.


  His huge cock was pulsing within me, sending my senses into delirium. I felt my ass cheeks rippling and wobbling, our moans competing with each other in volume and wildness. He wasn’t relenting; neither did I want him to. His pounding was like sweet drops of domination, sprinkled with huge doses of sensuality and passion. Another orgasm stunned every fiber of my existence, ripping through me like a bolt of lightning. My core shivered hard on top of him, glutes and thigh muscles shaking in its wake. Donny tossed his head back, reaching his fulfilment amid deep groans and grunts. I felt his warm, thick juices mixing with my own, watching the wild flexing of his chest muscles. I dropped to the bed and snuggled up against him, his stomach rising and falling under my hand.

  “I missed you,” I purred, laying a kiss on his chest.

  “I missed you, too,” he admitted, smiling down at me. “And I’m sorry, but we may miss each other more in the days to come.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, curiosity sending my voice up an octave.

  He sucked in a deep breath. “Do you remember the heist I pulled with Bryan and Joe last summer?”


  “Well, it turns out the guy behind the bombing in Joe’s mall and the shooting in Tribeca is the owner of the casino that money was from,” he informed me, his smile fading. “He’s hell-bent on taking us out. He even threatened my boss with a war. Maltese gave us a week to deal with him. So, the boys and I want to go to Vegas to take care of this.”

  “And the problem is…?” I raised an eyebrow, not understanding what he was trying to say.

  “I don’t know if you tagging along is a good idea,” he explained, his face twisting into an expression of concern. “I mean, I want you to, but I need to focus on the operation. You might distract me. On the other hand, you staying here might distract me even more. That son of a bitch could send his goons after you.”

  “I think it’s best if we stay close to each other.” I gave him my opinion, my tone steady. “Don’t worry about me. I promise to stay out of your hair.”

  “Good,” he praised, his smile coming back. “It’s great; you’ll keep Michelle busy. You won’t believe what a pain in the ass she was during our road trip to San Antonio. I’m surprised Joe didn’t throw her out of the van. It crossed my mind.”

  “That’s why you want to take me with?” I teased him with a wicked smile as I craned my neck slightly. “To keep my pesky friend busy?”

  “No,” he whispered, looking up at me. “I want to take you with, so I can torture you in every single motel we spend the night.”

  “If by ‘torture’ you mean masturbating me the way you just did, have at it,” I dared him, gliding my hand up his body.

  “That’s just one of my moves.” He raised his index finger in the air. “And trust me, I’ve got a lot of moves.”

  “I can’t wait for you to show me, but you’re going on a mission, Mr. Falcone.” I reminded him. “You’d better keep your head in the game.”

  “Will do,” he assured. “Right now, I’d rather keep it somewhere else.”

  He flipped over to his side and pushed me down on my back. Rolling on top of me, he kissed me in the middle of my chest, the soft hairs of his beard tickling me.

  “Oh, Donny…” I whispered, closing my eyes against how good it felt to have his full lips on my skin. He bypassed my bellybutton, making his way down to my core, while I braced myself for another amazing encounter with him. I wanted all of him this night. His body in my bed, and his heart and mind figuring out more ways to please me. I wouldn’t have any of those for days, although we would spend quite a few nights together. Donny would be distracted. My only hope was that the mission he was about to undertake would not claim more than just his focus.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  For the first time ever, my gut feeling was wrong about someone.

  Ava had done a lot for all three of us to hate her guts. First of all, she had let Michelle know about who Joe really was and what he did for a living. Although it had been over between them at the time, she had meddled with those two for no reason.

  Her general attitude towards us hadn’t been what you’d call “nice.” Almost every time we met with our friends, she’d just mumbled a “hello” and preferred to talk to Michelle. Bryan and I seemed invisible to her.

  Still, she wasn’t the stuck-up bitch I’d thought she was. A little bit of cooking, some messing around and some sex revealed someone a lot different: mellow, sweet and with a great sense of humor. She didn’t raise her voice, not even when I tickled her more than I should have. All she did was slap away my wrist, and it was so soft that it didn’t bother me one bit.

  We clicked. I had the same feeling during our first night together, but anyone can get along well with someone drowning in sorrow. They just have to listen to them and be patient. This time, she wasn’t sad. She was in a great mood, which got even better as minutes and hours flew by with her.

  It’s not often you click with someone. It takes years to find a woman you can connect with. I should be thrilled, right?


  I was happy, I was enjoying myself, but an awful memory was holding me back. I had fou
nd someone I clicked with. She had been my girlfriend a lot longer than Ava, and we used to have just as much fun. Our breakup on the other hand, wasn’t fun at all. It was ugly, topped with loads and loads of nastiness. Deep down, I was afraid that the end of my relationship with Ava would be similar.

  Of course, I didn’t tell her that morning. My girl was in great spirits, packing two suitcases and chattering non-stop about the things we would do in Las Vegas. To my satisfaction, she didn’t mention the word “gambling.” She spoke of fancy hotel suites, spas, swimming pools and driving around in Sin City. How she would stay away from casinos was a mystery to me, but there wasn’t much I could do about that. Ava had stated her intentions, and I had to trust her. I would talk to her about my fears some other day; just not this day.

  When my car rolled into Joe’s neighborhood that morning, I thought he and Michelle were playing a joke on me. Both of them were on the curb right outside their house. Joe’s girlfriend had three suitcases behind her, while my friend yelled at her. Keeping my silence, I got out of the car to hear why those two were arguing this time.

  “Forget you’re coming with, Michelle.”

  “How those two are still together, I will never know,” Ava commented, leaning against the passenger door.

  “Morning, lovebirds.” I smiled, pacing towards Joe. “What’s going on?”

  “I want to come to Vegas with you, but Joe won’t let me,” Michelle interjected, disappointment darkening her gaze.

  “Why not?” I shrugged my shoulders, turning my eyes to my friend.

  “Are you kidding me?!” He exclaimed. “Look…” He lowered his voice and threw a few, cautious glances around him. “This isn’t a field trip, man. We’re taking on an arch criminal here. And do you really want to take a gambler to Vegas? How do you think that’s going to play out?”

  “I don’t know, but look at her,” I urged, my voice but a whisper. “She’s very excited about this. What am I supposed to do? Tell her she can’t come because she might start gambling again?”

  “I have a better idea,” Joe declared, reaching into the inner pocket of his coat. “You’re going to Barcelona,” he said to Michelle first, waving two plane tickets in the air, before looking over at Ava. “Both of you.”

  “What?!” Michelle squeaked, staring at him with wide open eyes, while Ava slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand. “No way, mister. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Yes, you are.” He disagreed. “Like I’ve told you a hundred times already, this isn’t a goddamn vacation. We’re going to risk our necks out there. Our enemies could try to hurt us through you. I don’t know about Donny, but I don’t want to take my chances.”

  “Joe’s right,” I said, turning to Ava. “I’m sorry, babe. Things will get dicey. You can’t be around when they do.”

  “Okay, but…” She paused, sadness spreading across her face. “Barcelona? That’s not even in the US for God’s sake!”

  “It’s out of Howard’s reach,” Joe saved me the trouble of having to explain why she and her friend had to go to Spain. “You’ll be safe there.”

  “Is there anything I can do to change your mind?” Ava asked, sweetening her tone as she brought her gaze back to mine.

  “Sorry, girl, you can’t get me like that,” I responded, sadness creeping into me. “We’ll go to Vegas together some other time.”

  “I’m going to miss you,” she whispered, running her hands up my chest.

  “I’ll miss you, too,” I muttered, the wetness in her eyes putting me in a difficult position. “Don’t be like that. Please?”

  “I can’t help it. I like you, Donny,” she admitted, tears pooling in her eyes. “We have so much to do together. I don’t…” She faltered. “I don’t want to think we’ll never do them.”

  “Then don’t,” I urged, my voice a tad stiffer. “I’m coming back to you, Ava. That’s a promise.”

  She leaned in as I put my arms around her. I held her in my arms and kissed the top of her head, the coconut scent of her hair sweeping into my nostrils. So sweet, so intense that I wouldn’t take my lips off of her. Yet, the sound that escaped her in seconds forced me to end the moment. It was a sniffle. The situation was awkward enough. Lingering there would just make it worse.

  “Call us when you land,” I requested, leaning back as Joe tossed a suitcase into the back of his Landcruiser. Ava nodded assent, wiping the tears off her face.

  “Be careful,” she whispered with a sigh and waved at me.

  I moved towards the car, wishing I didn’t have to leave her like that. I meant to take her with me, so I could watch over her. That way, I wouldn’t have to worry about her getting hurt. Still, we were heading to Las Vegas. It was unknown territory to all of us. It was also the worst place in the world for a recovering gambler. Ava’s passion could well drag her into a casino. In case she did go, there was a good chance I would never see her alive again. Vegas was Howard’s turf. He owned a casino, and had to have people everywhere in the city…

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “Drive safely,” Michelle advised as the SUV rolled away from her house. I watched it get smaller, until it turned right and out of the neighborhood. I could still smell the diesel fumes when she picked up her suitcases.

  “I don’t understand you,” I complained, crossing my arms. “I thought you’d insist more on tagging along with them. You barely said a word. Why?”

  “You’re in love with him, aren’t you?” Michelle’s question along with her cunning smile added to my frustration.

  “What?” I squinted. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I did say a word. Actually, I said plenty of words back in the house. You just weren’t there to see it,” she claimed, heading to the open entrance of her garage. “Then, I realized I should follow a different approach. I’d seen those plane tickets. They fell out of his jacket last night when he took off to go to the bathroom. If I’d kept on bugging him about coming with, he would have driven us to La Guardia. That’s where the flight to Barcelona leaves from.”

  “Let me guess.” I suggested, two dozen cars spreading out in front of me. “We’re not going to be on that flight.”

  “Nope.” She offered me a sarcastic smile, before striding off across the garage. “Go get your suitcases, sweetheart. We’re going to Vegas.”

  Luckily for me, I just had to cover five or six yards to satisfy her request. Once I got back into the garage, I found Michelle standing behind a red Golf GTI.

  “We’re not staying in Vegas, are we?” I asked, trotting near her. “I hate to admit it, but the guys had a point. It could get dangerous.”

  “No, we’re not staying in Vegas,” she replied, easing her last suitcase into the trunk. “It’s either Henderson or Indian Springs. I’m debating.”

  “Thanks a lot for this, Michelle,” I told her with a smile, handing one of my suitcases to her. “I don’t know what I’d do if we ended up in Barcelona.”

  “Here are some not-so-much-fun facts about that city,” she began, pushing down the trunk lid. “It’s the capital of Catalonia, an autonomous community within Spain. If you’re an arts lover or you’re interested in strange religious structures and soccer, that place is for you. Camp Nou, the biggest soccer stadium in Europe, is the home ground of FC Barcelona. It’s a lot more interesting in the summer because it’s got some great beaches, but since it’s March, I’d rather stay in the US.”

  “That makes two of us,” I agreed, entering the car. A sense of relief came over me as I seated myself. I had avoided a long flight to Spain, and the angst that would follow upon landing there. I would have been in a foreign country, thousands of miles away from Donny. I had nothing against it, but I wanted to be closer to him. I didn’t believe it would be that dangerous if Michelle and I stayed out of the city. That way, he wouldn’t have to worry about me, and I would remain a safe distance from casinos.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Two hours after we’d left Westchester, Joe, Bryan, Jimmy and I were en route to Las Vegas. Unlike in the summer, when Bryan and I couldn’t shut up about the heist, none of us were in a talkative mood. Maybe we had all realized that this was much, much bigger and harder than a simple heist. Stealing that money had taken about thirty minutes. Our lives had not been endangered. The only real risk was failing to steal that money. One of the security guards could have alerted his company headquarters, or a witness could have called the cops. In both cases, we would have run. We would have gone back to New York empty-handed but alive.

  What we were about to do though, would not last minutes. It would be a full-on battle that could cost injury or even death. And one of the things that worried me, was the fact that I wouldn’t be able to choose my battleground. It wouldn’t be an alley. It wouldn’t be a hotel room or a restaurant I’d been to hundreds of times. Instead, we could find ourselves fighting for our lives in the hills outside of Sin City. Inhospitable, filled with dust and sharp rocks, and most of all, unknown to all of us.

  As we approached a diner on the I-80, Jimmy left the front seat and joined us in the back of his van.

  “I had a tough time singling out a dirty cop, I’ll say that much,” he stated, picking up the case of his laptop.

  “How come?” Joe wondered as Jimmy scooted over beside him.

  “Because there are a lot of dirty cops over in Las Vegas,” Jimmy explained, the brightness of the screen illuminating the back of the van.

  “Why am I not surprised…?” I groaned, bringing my knees to my chest. “Vegas is the city of degenerate gamblers and filthy-rich casino owners. Why wouldn’t the cops want a piece of the shitload of money that’s being made?”

  “This is our target, gentlemen,” Jimmy continued, the picture of a chubby man in his fifties coming up on the screen. “Steven Pope, fifty-seven, divorced, father of two. He’s been accused of bribery twice, once in 1999 and once in 2008. He was acquitted in both cases. No wonder he’s spent half his career on the Force as a Detective. He doesn’t get promoted due to those allegations.”


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