Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection Page 62

by Nova Rain

  “Jacuzzi!” she cheered, her voice overwhelmed with excitement as she stopped behind the railing. “It’s got a Jacuzzi!”

  “I told you you’d like that more.” I smiled up at her.

  “Well, don’t just stand there. Come up here and join me,” she urged, her voice deepening.

  “Sorry. I need to cook.” I gave her the first excuse that came to mind, wondering how determined she was to seduce me.

  “I’ll make it worth your while,” Penny promised, trailing her index finger along the railing.

  She would never know, but she had me from “join me.” How could I resist that curvaceous body, knowing it would be immersed in water, too?

  I shuffled off, the sound of the water running filling my ears. Clearing the stairs, I heard the low rumble of the pump. By the time I entered the bathroom, Penny was already in the tub, water forming a small whirlpool just beyond her feet. Holding a brown sponge, she ran it down her leg, spreading foam over her inner thigh and her calf.

  “Sexy as hell…” I commented, unzipping my pants.

  “I can’t help but wonder…” she remarked in a husky tone, pouring more foam bath over the sponge. “Would you do this with me if this was a normal bathtub? Men don’t really like foam baths.”

  “We like them with a wet, naked lady in the bathtub,” I pointed out, removing my shirt. I raised my leg over the edge and eased it down into the water, scanning her body from bottom to top. Her left foot was resting on the side of the tub, most of her leg out of the water. The foam over her midsection blocked her waist from view. Her breasts were also exposed, their undersides brushing the surface. My body caused the water to rise as I immersed in it.

  “So, it’s a matter of motivation,” Penny concluded, bringing the sponge to her chest.

  “Pretty much.” I nodded, the moment more foam landed on her skin.

  “Let’s spice things up a bit,” she suggested, the rasp in her voice making my cock twitch. This simple sign was just the prelude of what she had in mind. Lowering her foot into the water, Penny put the sponge aside, and rubbed the foam across her chest. I swallowed hard at a light sensation on the side of my shaft. A look down at myself revealed its source. The arch of her foot was sliding up my cock. She brought it down in a gentle motion, before I felt her other arch on my inner thigh.

  “Someone’s getting excited,” Penny remarked, her hand disappearing under the water.

  “I love it…” I muttered, my gaze on hers. “Keep it up.”

  “Oh, you bet I will,” she added, taking her other hand off of her. Using it to push the foam aside, she squeezed my manhood between her feet as I noticed her fingers between her legs.

  “What are you doing there, you crazy girl?” I asked, staring at the sight that had made my blood pump faster.

  “Showing you how much I love your body,” Penny replied, arousal thickening her voice. “Should I stop?”

  “No,” I rejected her idea, leaning forward. I shoved my hands into the water and eased her feet away from my tool. “You should get more comfortable.”

  “Okay…” she said on an exhale. “I’d like it more if we did this together.”

  “Say no more,” I urged, loosening my hips. I let my body float upwards, holding on to the side of the jacuzzi.

  “Oh, my God…” Penny whimpered, her eyes on my cock as it emerged from the surface. I wrapped my fingers around it, the view of her own fingers moving in circles around her clit turning me on even further. I was a little confused. Why had she chosen to touch herself in front of me, instead of jumping into my arms? But I wasn’t going to look for an answer, and I definitely wasn’t going to complain. Pulling my foreskin back, I exposed the head, Penny’s whimpers sounding like music to my ears.

  “Imagine my tongue swirling around your clit.” A moan fled her lips at my command. She tilted her head back, my hand travelling up and down my shaft. Raising her legs up and out of the water, she held her mouth open, and quickened her pace. Just then, I realized that I couldn’t keep up what I had been doing. I loved watching her, but I would enjoy helping her out much more. So, I crawled across, and bypassed the whirlpool. Penny tilted her head forward, returning her gaze to mine.

  “Kiss me…” she hissed, throwing her free arm around my neck. I angled my lips and claimed her mouth, reaching towards her slit. I eased her fingers away, swiping the tip of my tongue along the seam of her mouth. I felt the softness of her pussy on my fingertips, our bodies bumping into one another. Penny held on to me, her thick juices sticking to my skin.

  “Awwww, yeah!” she moaned as my middle finger slipped through her entrance. By then, I was sure that pre-cum was oozing out of my cock. Having her this close, feeling her body heat, her moisture and her sounds of pleasure in my mouth was an incredible combination. I curled my arm around her waist and held her onto me, the palm of my hand hitting her clit with each thrust. With the full weight of her breasts on my chest, I gently bit her chin. Penny was slamming her crotch into my body, her moans gaining in intensity by the second. I could feel the warmth of her juices surrounding my fingers, my manhood rubbing against her lower stomach and her groin.

  “Don’t stop!” Penny groaned, clinging to me, her orgasmic cries spurring me on. Throwing her head back, she surrendered to the fury of her climax. Sucking in gasp after gasp, she let her orgasm sweep her away as her inner walls clenched around my finger.

  I reached up to the panel over the Jacuzzi and turned it off. We had had an amazing time in there, but I believed we should take this to the bedroom. In an instant, the noise of the motor ceased. The water level began to drop, and I focused my gaze on her.

  “Excellent idea,” she praised, leaning in, her voice riddled with lust.

  “The bed downstairs is a lot more comfortable,” I uttered in a raspy tone.

  “Screw comfortable,” Penny commanded, using her weight to push me back. My shoulder blades made contact with the wet floor of the bathtub while she reached around and gripped the base of my shaft. Pulling it out from under her, she rubbed the head along her slit, the hunger in her eyes compelling me to stay put. She shut her eyes and let out a deeper moan, my stiff inches sliding through her entrance.

  “Feel what you did to me,” she urged, her lips millimeters from mine.

  “I’m about to do a lot more,” I used the same tone, smoothing my hands over the curve of her ass. With a firm squeeze, I bucked, her breath tickling my nostrils.

  “Yeah, baby,” Penny moaned, moving her fingers up either side of my neck. I grabbed on to her delicious ass cheeks, doing what she asked of me. I felt like my cock was dipping into a hot pool of lava, sticky warmth spreading down its length. That sensation was sweeter than the sweetest honey I’d ever tasted. At the same time, my desire transformed into an uncontrollable urge to pound her. I wanted that as much as she wanted it.

  With my deep thrusts rocking her body, Penny tipped her head back, offering me an ideal chance to pay attention to her breasts. I laid a fiery kiss around her nipple, loving the feel of her wet ass in my hands. I pressed her cheeks together first and then spread them, taking her hard nipple in my mouth.

  “God, it’s so fucking deep!” she moaned, biting her bottom lip, her breasts bouncing up and down.

  “Just the way you like it,” I spoke, before flicking my tongue over her nipple. A tremendous cry of pleasure served as her response. Penny clenched her ass cheeks, in an attempt to feel me even deeper. Tiny droplets of water were thrown across the floor as I slapped them one at a time. Bucking up faster, I took a large portion of her breast in my mouth, sending her over the edge. Her hands were grabbing my shoulders so hard that I was sure they would leave a mark. My hips bumped into her ass, sending ripples through her flesh as I nibbled on her breast. Penny released my neck, and threw her hands up. Shoving her fingers into her hair, she reached another, powerful climax, her moans resounding through the walls of the house. I withdrew, spasms shaking my legs before a series of grunts escaped me. Feeling
the last drops of my juices spurting out of the tiny hole of the head, I looked back up at her glorious face. Dominating her expression, was a huge smile of contentment. She lay down on her side next to me, her breath still coming out fast.

  “You really have to let me get more involved,” Penny drawled out in a low tone, running her hand up my stomach.

  I gave a quick laugh. “I don’t recall telling you not to.”

  “Yeah, but by time you’re done teasing me, I just can’t help myself,” she confessed, lightly pinching me.

  “Okay. Point taken.” I smiled down at her. “Now can we please go make something to eat? You’re starting to look like a chicken.”

  “In a minute,” she responded, locking her gaze with mine. “I just want to enjoy this a little more.”

  I nodded in agreement, unwilling to argue with her. After all, I was enjoying this closeness myself. It had been years since I’d felt so close to anyone. I had missed this feeling. I had missed those long moments where neither I, nor my partner said anything. We were just with each other, thinking about each other in absolute silence, acting like this was our one and only concern.

  Chapter Seventeen


  My conduct and my statement that day had surprised me more than Jake.

  We had known each other for a few weeks, and yet, I had done something I had never done for any of my ex-boyfriends. I hadn’t even considered touching myself in front of them. In my mind, it was way too personal. I just didn’t feel comfortable enough to do such a thing around them. In addition, I’d spoken to him like we’d been lovers for months, but we’d only known each other for a few weeks. I didn’t spend a second debating that statement. It just flew out of my mouth. Perhaps it was the amazing sex that had stripped me of the will to ponder over my words. Jake hadn’t fulfilled my request, but he had done something that had aroused me much more than just watching him. Maybe it was his honesty about his past. He didn’t think twice before narrating his painful memories with his dead girlfriend. Regardless of the reason behind my bluntness however, I didn’t have any regret. He had been straight with me, and I had been straight with him. This kind of honesty was fundamental to good relationships. I believed that I had taken the proper course of action. Already, I knew that what I’d done in that Jacuzzi had thrilled him. I was confident that he would not forget my words after the end of our encounter.

  The sky over Vermont didn’t resemble at all the bright, moonlit canvas we came across the night before. Dark clouds veiled the stars, the moon peeking from between two of them. The same hint of drizzle was in the air, drawing me out like a moth to a flame. In general, I hated cold. Winter in New York City was by far my least favorite time of year. Yet, that place had a certain quality to it that rendered the low temperature a minor detail.

  By my request, Jake parked his SUV just within the town limits. The crisp air was laced with a wonderful mix of fragrances. I recognized balsam fir and cedar almost immediately. There were others for sure, but I just couldn’t tell which. What I could tell, was that we were on a somewhat narrow, main road, lined with lampposts and bushes. Locals were using crates to carry firewood into their homes, the soft light from fireplaces illuminating parts of the sidewalk. There was no hastiness in their actions, although their burdens were quite heavy. Some of them even stopped outside their front doors to wave to oncoming friends and talk to them.

  “Goodbye New York City, hello nineteen fifties.” I joked, clutching Jake’s fingers in my hand. “No central gas heating. No alienation. Just a spirit of friendliness.”

  “It does feel like we’ve gone back in time.” He agreed. “By the way, Michael’s grandpa built that house in the fifties. Smart man, God rest his soul.”

  “Here’s a question. Actually, it’s not a question; it’s more of a general wondering.” I regretted the prologue, but there was no easy way for me to ask what I had in mind. “Have you ever thought what you’ll do when your career is over? I mean, where would you like to live when you retire? Do you have any preferences?”

  “I think it’s too early for me to think about something that’s more than twenty years away,” he shared his opinion, his tone steady. “I’ll think about it when the time is right.”

  “I’d like someplace warm; warmer than New York anyway.” I gave him my viewpoint as we approached the town’s square. “L.A. springs to mind. I’d consider Miami, but it’s a bit too humid for my taste.”

  “I doubt you’d like Los Angeles,” he shook his head, pursing his lips. “Sure, it’s a lot warmer than New York, but it’s like two worlds over there. You go to Beverly Hills and you see all that luxury, and you think ‘this city is incredible.’ Then, you pop over to San Bernardino, and you realize that not everyone in L.A. is a millionaire.”

  “Maybe you can help me choose,” I suggested. “You’re a living, walking tour guide. You wouldn’t mind helping out an old flame, would you?”

  “Old flame?” His brow shot up, before he came to an abrupt halt.

  “Well, yeah,” I affirmed with a nod. “You don’t think we’ll be together thirty years from now, do you?”

  “I don’t see why not,” Jake shrugged his shoulders, his voice bass deep. “We like each other, we have a lot of fun, and there’s good chemistry between us.”

  I parted my lips, willing to respond to him, but just then, he took his gaze off of me and looked up to the sky. Out of the blue, a big smile lit up his face. Raising his arm right over my head, he continued to avoid eye contact. Once he brought it back down and opened his hand, I discovered why. A snowflake had been crushed between his fingers, its larger chunk sliding down his index.

  “This is how cold I was feeling inside before you came along,” Jake declared, his voice dropping in volume. “I love my job; I think I was born to be a pilot, but it’s not the same without someone waiting for me back home. And the girl I’ve been seeing lately, is hands down the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.”

  Holy God…

  Those words were born in my mind at the end of his short speech. But, no matter how much I loved it, it was impossible for me to think of a comeback. His words had sent shockwaves down my spine. I stayed still, staring up at him as the realization hit me. Captain Turner’s romantic side had found the perfect place to surface. Up on the mountain, amid the freezing cold, during a gentle snowfall. I snaked my arms around him, the vapors of my breath shooting up in the air. I hugged him tight, mad at myself for my lack of faith in us. One could argue that it was too soon, but Jake had a point. We were great together, and I believed that our relationship wouldn’t last. Snuggled into his arms, I made a promise to myself: to hold on to him, for as long as I could.

  Chapter Eighteen


  A feeling of sadness swept through my senses while I watched Michael’s house shrink in the rearview mirror. Penny and I had had a blast. We had spent almost two days with each other, filled with laughter, romantic walks in the wilderness, amazing sex, and great food. But, like all good things, this had come to an end as well.

  On our way back to the city, I couldn’t help but remember what I could go up against in the days to come. Penny’s company had helped me forget all about the storm. My girl had wiped it completely off my memory. In spite of my worry, I didn’t share it with her. Storms and bad weather in general were just part of my job. Furthermore, I didn’t turn on the radio, either. I was afraid that a report from any affected areas would upset us both. I was confident that I could handle it, but I had no idea how she would take it. Penny was a fine woman; yet, her ability to keep a cool head was not one of her best qualities.

  My sadness intensified when I left her outside her apartment building. To comfort her, I repeated the fact that I would be back in five days. To be honest, I didn’t know if I was trying to comfort her or me. Both of us were in a bad mood. No matter the words we gave to each other, they didn’t help us feel any better. Nevertheless, my job dictated that I had to be at
JFK later that evening. So, I held her and kissed her, unwilling to waste any more time in something that felt pointless.

  Much to my satisfaction, the man I would be flying with to New Orleans that night was none other than Michael Compton. However, finding him in the cockpit also gave me cause for concern. Having two, experienced pilots on the same flight wasn’t standard company policy. Nine times out of ten, there was one seasoned pilot and a co-pilot with one or two thousand flight hours.

  “Evening,” he muttered under his breath. Even his demeanor was different than usual. Michael was a pleasant guy, who loved to make jokes. For some reason I couldn’t fathom, he pressed his headset to his ears, his gaze on the controls in front of him.

  “What’s wrong, man?” I asked, taking my seat.

  “Put your headset on.” He advised, throwing a swift, sideways glance at me. “Our meteorologist can explain things better.” I did as told, a wave of fear creeping into my stomach. “Holden, Captain Turner is just listening. Repeat what you just told me.”

  “Hurricane Alexis…”

  “Sorry to interrupt, but did you just say ‘hurricane’?”

  “That’s affirmative, Captain Turner. The phenomenon we discussed in Vegas, turned into a hurricane. It hit South Florida yesterday, and made landfall near Venice, Louisiana just two hours ago. I’m surprised you haven’t heard about it.”

  “I was in an area with poor cell service,” I explained. “Tell me more.”

  “At the moment, it’s a category ‘three.’ We’re getting reports of one hundred-and-ten mile an hour winds hitting Venice. I’m uploading the data to your computers as we speak. You should be able to fly around it, but as I’m sure you know, hurricanes tend to be very unpredictable. In case you get caught in it, expect heavy rain, hail, microbursts, lightning, wind shear and severe icing. Use extreme caution.”


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