Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection Page 97

by Nova Rain

  “Don’t worry,” she smiled. “I’ll take it to her. Anyway, I need to change.”

  “You don’t mind if I watch, do you?” I asked with a crooked smile.

  “Knock yourself out,” Rosanna urged, winking up at me. The next couple of minutes were torture and a feast for the eyes at the same time. Her big breasts were busting out of her white bra. All that juicy flesh beckoned to be touched in more ways than I could imagine. As she removed her pants, the thin thread of fabric between her butt cheeks sent my pulse rising. Her panties were clinging to her, and I couldn’t lay a finger on her. And that little tease made sure to prolong that torture. How? Standing in front of me in her underwear, she gathered her hair in a ponytail. I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed her by the wrists and pushed her back, the locker shaking as her body made contact with the cold metal.

  Rosanna didn’t utter a word. Even if she did, I would silence her. Tilting my head down, I locked my mouth with hers and released her arms. In a split second, my hands were down, ready to explore her creamy body once again. I squeezed her hip, and then moved my fingers further down. The sensation of her outer thigh in my palm made my blood pump faster and faster. She hooked her leg around my hip, encouraging me to continue. I didn’t let that chance go to waste. I grabbed and held on to her delectable flesh as she nipped at my lower lip.

  “Oh, you have to stop,” she whispered in my mouth. “You’re going to get me in trouble.”

  “Alright.” I uttered on an exhale and took a step back. “I hate to stop, but if I’m going to get you in trouble, I’ll stop. You get off at four, right?”

  “Yeah,” she affirmed, grabbing her uniform from the locker. “Why?”

  “Because I’d like to take you out on a date, that’s why,” I explained. “Unless you think you’ll be too tired.”

  “No. The morning shift is my favorite because it’s usually slow,” she informed me, pulling her skirt up. “Pick me up at eight.”

  “Okay. Eight o’clock it is, then,” I accepted, stepping backwards.

  “What, no kiss?” She protested, her voice gaining in volume.

  “Trust me, if I kiss you again, I’m going to get you fired.” My crooked smile returned as I stole a glance down at her cleavage. “I’ll see you tonight,” I went on, reaching back for the door handle.

  “Eight o’clock, mess,” she chuckled, shoving her arm into the sleeve of her blouse. “Don’t be late.”

  I left the locker room with a grin. My new nickname had a nice ring to it. One of the best things about it, was that living up to it was a picnic. I just had to be myself. I was going to try again that night. This time, I would do much more than what I’d done our first night together. It wasn’t going to be easy. My girl was a living, breathing temptation, full of curves in all the right places. Resisting her would take more patience than I had ever exhibited. I just hoped that I would be able to control myself when the time came.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “How the hell could you have been so stupid?”

  The same question kept on bothering me for hours that morning. Why? Because I had allowed Chris to watch me undress. Had this occurred in my place or his, it wouldn’t have been a problem. On the contrary, it would have been the prelude to something amazing. Nevertheless, this had happened at my workplace. Anybody could have walked in on us, and what would follow would be… My God, I couldn’t even imagine the embarrassment. We would make headlines for all the wrong reasons. Losing my day job would be just part of my problems. Getting another one would be next to impossible. Who would hire a waitress with a history of fooling around at work?

  At any rate, the thought of my foolishness was not the only thing on my mind. Luckily for me, it had given me something else to think about.

  The taste of his kiss.

  Once more, he had reminded me how a man should kiss a woman. His kiss was riddled with passion. It wasn’t too firm by any means. He didn’t stick his tongue down my throat in the first couple of seconds. Chris just surrounded my lips with the right doses of affection and passion, taking his time with me. He didn’t grab me anywhere he could. My sexy hunk had initiated one of his rituals by mapping out my skin. I was leaving coffee mugs on tables, and all I could think of, was how good it felt to be pinned against my locker: tasting him, having him caress my leg, feeling his body heat…

  Needless to say, all this daydreaming gave me all sorts of dirty thoughts. At the end of my shift, I even considered heading over to his building to pick up right where we had left off. It would give Chris a good taste of what he had put me through. It wouldn’t be the same, because no one could fire him, but he would get an idea. Yet, it was past 4pm. Even if I did find him in his office, I was in no condition to seduce him. I was sweaty, and although it hadn’t been a busy day, I was still tired. No. This wasn’t how I should play this. I should go home, take a long bath, grab a bite to eat and prepare for our date.

  Back in my apartment, I began to wonder about my outfit. My choices were limited, but, even so, I could choose from a couple of ankle-long dresses and three, strapless, mini dresses. Classy or sexy? Had he not shown up at the hotel that morning, I would have gone for classy. But Chris had made a mistake that day. He had teased me too much. Now, it was my turn to tease him. A scarlet mini dress, matching heels and black stockings. The whole package sounded ideal for my plan.

  Ever so punctual, Chris arrived at precisely eight o’clock and gave my apartment buzzer a long hit. I put on my black coat and walked down the stairs, wondering where he would take me that night. It had been a while since I’d been on a proper date. Our first one hadn’t been bad per se, but we just went to his place. As I looked out the entry door, I realized that his car would be my ally in messing with him. It was a huge, black, Mercedes S Class. A sports car or a supercar just didn’t have enough room. Chris himself was standing on the curb, looking dashing in a brown suit and a red tie. I hadn’t even gotten out of the building, when he opened the passenger door for me.

  “Good evening.” He assumed his usual, calm tone. “You look phenomenal.”

  “Thanks. You don’t look so bad, either.” I complimented, pecking a quick kiss on his lips. I took my seat, for a moment thinking I was at the control deck of some sort of spaceship. There were dozens of buttons on the dashboard, their orange light disrupting the dark interior of the car. A big screen in the middle depicted the rear of the red van parked in front of the Mercedes.

  “This thing looks like it was taken straight out of Star Trek,” I said, my voice dripping with admiration.

  “Well, it should,” Chris gave a quick laugh as I reached down for the seat adjuster lever. “It cost quite a few bucks.”

  “Holy cow…” I exclaimed, the seat rolling back. “It’s more comfortable than my couch.” The ample legroom put a smile on my face. For the first time ever, I was able to cross my legs in a car. “Is it bad that I want one of these?”

  “Relax, girl,” he chuckled, driving off. “It’s just a car.”

  “To you? Yeah,” I responded. “You’re used to this kind of luxury. I have to go home to a couch that’s six years older than me.”

  “About that…” Chris threw a swift, sideways glance over at me. “Would it be okay if I tried to, um…” He paused. “Change something in your financial situation?”

  “If by ‘change,’ you mean ‘charity,’ then no,” I retorted, unable to hide my discomfort. “I made a promise to myself never to take charity when my father died. It’s a matter of…”

  “Pride. I get it.” He finished my sentence. “I don’t mean ‘charity.’ I’ve got something a lot better in mind than just a check.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, intrigued by the suggestion.

  “You’ll see in a few days,” Chris maintained, a small smile forming on his face.

  His attitude frustrated me. I couldn’t wait to hear what he meant by that. I wanted to insist, but we were in dangerous territ
ory. We were just at the beginning of our date, and we had already mentioned my poor finances. Continuing this conversation would be a waste of time. After all, if he wanted to disclose his idea, he would have done so. Furthermore, I still hadn’t set my plan in motion.

  I lay down on my side and let my foot dangle out of my heel, in an attempt to get his attention. My move worked like a charm. Chris’s gaze traveled up my calves, bypassed my knees and stopped at the hem of my skirt.

  “What are you doing to me, you little devil?” He wondered, bringing his eyes back to the road up ahead.

  “I’m just starting to return this morning’s favor.” I spoke in a lazy tone. “You like what you see, Mr. Fullerton?”

  He swallowed hard. “I fucking love it. I have a thing for nylons. Damn it…” He groaned, rolling down his window. “I need some fresh air. I can’t go out like this.”

  I lowered my gaze at the end of his sentence. He wasn’t overreacting. The huge bulge in his pants could attest to that. I burst into loud, hearty laughter, putting my fingers over my mouth. He was so predictable… That reaction was precious, and I had to admit that I didn’t just find it amusing. It also turned me on. Staring down at his crotch, I felt wetness gathering between my thighs.

  “It’s not funny,” he attempted a serious tone, tapping his fingers on the side of the steering wheel.

  “No, it’s not,” I agreed, reaching towards him. “It’s sexy.” Cold air rushing in, I cupped his inner thigh, just above his knee. “Where are we going?”

  “Keep this up, and we’ll end up in my apartment,” he complained and closed his eyes for a fleeting moment. “That’s it, I’m never wearing boxers on a date with you again.”

  “Ooh, that would be a shame.” I sweetened my tone, squeezing his thigh over his pants. “You wouldn’t want the big man down there to suffocate in briefs, would you?”

  “Alright, do you want to go out tonight or not?” Urgency crept into his voice as he eased on the brakes.

  “I don’t know,” I uttered, adding some rasp to my tone as I leaned closer. “Do I?” I wondered, cupping his crotch. I breathed in his masculine scent, bringing my mouth to his ear. A single kiss on his earlobe later, Chris was pulling the fancy car over. Whatever plans he’d made for us that night were thrown out the window. It was a bit disappointing, to be honest. I’d been wanting to see what he did on dates. Still, we had plenty of time for that. Nightclubs and bars wouldn’t go anywhere. After our sensual games that day, there was no room for dancing and drinking. Desire had prevailed, and now, my only want was to demonstrate how much I had been thinking about an encounter with him.

  Turning left and into his neighborhood, Chris had another statement for me.

  “You got your wish, but I’d appreciate it if you kept your hands off for now.”

  “I thought you liked it,” I said, surprise sending my voice up an octave.

  “I do, but if you keep on teasing me, we won’t make it past the elevator,” he remarked, the Benz rolling across the underground parking lot. “Just have a little patience. You’re going to love what I have in mind.”

  “It’d better me amazing,” I warned, returning to my seat.

  “Trust me, the word ‘amazing’ won’t do it justice.” His words sounded way too promising. In the next hour or two, I would see for myself if he’d take my breath away, or if he was just too confident. He’d given me a clue about what he could do in bed, which I had liked a lot, but there’s a big difference between liking something and losing your mind over it.

  Staying true to my word, I kept my hands to myself during the elevator’s ascension. The endless glass façade of his apartment entered my line of sight, the moment we strolled in. I wouldn’t mind enjoying another view of Central Park, but I was much too curious about what he had in store for me.

  “Go to the bedroom upstairs and wait for me. Don’t turn on the light,” he urged, peeling off his overcoat. “I won’t be long.”

  “Yes, sir,” I told him with a smile, the sound of my heels echoing through his living room. Climbing the stairs, I pictured us rolling around in his bed, kissing, while his hands explored my body. On my breasts, on my stomach, further south, teasing me just the way I loved to be teased. Caressing my folds, the heel of his hand rubbing against my clit…

  You’re daydreaming again, Rosanna…

  I couldn’t help it. This day had something erotic about it, which had triggered my imagination just after he took off from the hotel. I was looking forward to this so much that I couldn’t wait for him to undress me. I took my clothes off and left them in a neat pile on his dresser, leaving just my stockings on.

  Lying down on his huge bed, I heard his footsteps on the staircase first, and then the sound of him hitting the light switch. I noticed a flickering light, illuminating the hallway outside his bedroom. His imposing figure emerged from behind the wall, holding two trays. One of them contained four, tall candlesticks, whereas the other contained a large bowl of strawberries and a tube of whipped cream. He left that one on the foot of the bed and placed each candlestick in two corners of his room and the nightstands on either side of the bed. Moving around it, he picked the other tray back up and strolled over to me. Waves of lust washed over me. He was almost completely naked, wearing nothing more than a pair of blue boxer shorts. The left side of his body came into the pale light, the right one hiding in the dark. I let my eyes wander over the shadows of his chiseled abs. Delicious and rock-hard, tempting me to bite and lick them to my heart’s content.

  In silence, Chris seated himself beside me and unscrewed the whipped cream tube. He brought it over my chest, maintaining eye contact with me. A tiny gasp left my lips at the sensation of the cold cream. It formed a parallel line that stopped just before my stomach. Afterwards, he took a thick strawberry out of the bowl and dipped it in. Bending towards me, he raised it up to my mouth. Snaking my tongue out, I swiped it up the fruit, and then closed my lips around it.

  “Mmmm…” I hummed, closing my eyes against the rich taste of ripe strawberry and cream in my mouth. “Yum-yum.”

  “I was torn between this and hot fudge,” he spoke in a gentle voice. “I chose strawberries and cream, because I’ve been wondering what they’d taste like if I ate them off a creamy body like yours.”

  “See for yourself,” I urged in impatience. The next thing I knew, Chris had placed a strawberry between my breasts. He tilted his head down and trapped it between his teeth. I hissed, feeling his mouth on my skin, scooping up fruit and cream alike.

  “It’s a lot better than I imagined,” he confessed, licking cream off his upper lip. “I think it’s the second nicest thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.”

  “Really?” I raised an eyebrow, a wicked smile spreading across my face. “What’s the first?”

  “Your pussy, baby,” Chris uttered in a husky voice, our mouths half an inch from one another. “Your sweet, juicy pussy.”

  I tilted my head up, eager for one more of his kisses. Just then though, he leaned back, leaving me in a cloud of disappointment.

  “Oh, come on…” Wanton desire deepened my tone. “Why won’t you kiss me?”

  “Because I’m not done feeding you yet,” he replied, his voice calm as he dipped another strawberry into the cream. “Show some restraint, woman.”

  “Woman…” I gave a derisive snort, before crushing the fruit in my mouth.

  “I want to spoil you, hun,” he stated, gazing deep down into my eyes. “Is that so bad?”

  “No, but there are other ways to spoil me,” I said, my tone sweet. “You’ve already tried one, and I loved it.”

  “One thing at a time.” He smiled, laying a tender kiss on my chin. “This body…” He whispered, shifting his gaze down to my breasts. “There’s only one way to treat it.”

  Completing his phrase, he brushed his lips against the side of my breast, causing me to shiver with desire.

  “What’s that?” I whimpered, biting my lower lip.

; “Worship it,” he mumbled, kissing his way to the center. “Worship every single curve, every single inch of that silky skin.”

  “More,” I demanded, my legs twitching. “Tell me more.”

  Sparks coursed through my system, Chris’s mouth brushing my nipple, before I felt them at the base of my neck.

  “Suckle on those breasts…” He breathed, his kisses raising goosebumps all over my body. “Lick those nipples like there’s no tomorrow. And then…” He paused, reaching my ear. “Roll you over and start at the top of your spine.”

  I tossed my arm around his neck, arching my hips up. Flexing my bicep, I held him closer.

  “Down and down I go, making you squirm,” he continued, his voice just a touch louder. “The tip of my tongue caresses those tiny hairs on your skin. Your ass tempts me to stop there. I don’t. I want to save the best for last.”

  “What would you do to my ass?” I whimpered, kissing his forehead.

  “I’d rather show you,” he murmured, easing back. Chris swiped the tray off his bed. Its metallic surface hit the floor with a clang. Slipping one arm under my neck, he wrapped the other around my thighs and picked me up.

  “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful,” he complimented, stepping off the bed.

  “I’m all yours tonight, you sexy stud,” I said, my eyes locked with his. I could feel his chest muscles flexing during his short walk to the bathroom. He only took one arm off me to turn on the light, and then led me to the massive bathtub. Setting me down, he slid his boxers down and off. I caught a glimpse of a huge stain at the front; his little game had turned him on just as much as me. He turned on the water and pointed the shower head at my chest. Streams of hot water flowing down my body, I turned around. I bent over and reached up to grab the edge of the bathtub for support. Looking back, I saw Chris staring at my ass, licking his lips like he was about to devour me. I wiggled my butt to encourage him, unwilling to play the waiting game anymore. So far, it had been unbelievably good, but I wanted more from him.


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