Un billet de loterie. English

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Un billet de loterie. English Page 7

by Jules Verne


  It was on the afternoon of the following day that Joel was to returnhome; and Hulda, who knew that her brother would come back by thetable-lands of the Gousta and along the left bank of the Maan, went tomeet him at the ferry across that impetuous stream. On arriving thereshe seated herself on the little wharf which serves as a landing-placefor the ferry-boat, and abandoned herself to her thoughts.

  To the deep uneasiness caused by the non-arrival of the "Viking"was now added another great anxiety. This last was caused by themysterious visit of Sandgoist, and Dame Hansen's agitation in hispresence. Why had she destroyed the bill and declined to accept themoney due her as soon as she learned her guest's name? There must besome secret concealed under all this--and a grave one.

  Hulda was finally aroused from her reverie by the approach of Joel.She first caught a glimpse of him as he was descending the topmostslope; soon he reappeared in the midst of a narrow clearing betweenthe burned and fallen trees. Then he vanished from sight behind aclump of pines, and at last reached the opposite bank and jumpedaboard the ferry-boat. With a few vigorous strokes of the oar hepropelled the boat swiftly through the rapids, and then leaped uponthe little pier beside his sister.

  "Has Ole returned?" he asked, hastily.

  It was of Ole that he thought first of all; but his question remainedunanswered.

  "Have you received no letter from him?"

  "Not one."

  And Hulda burst into tears.

  "Don't cry, little sister," exclaimed Joel, "don't cry. You make mewretched. I can not bear to see you weep. Let me see! You say you havereceived no letter. The matter is beginning to look a little serious,I must admit, though there is no reason to despair as yet. If youdesire it, I will go to Bergen, and make inquiries there. I will callon Help Bros. Possibly they may have some news from Newfoundland. Itis quite possible that the 'Viking' may have put into some port forrepairs, or on account of bad weather. The wind has been blowinga hurricane for more than a week, and not unfrequently ships fromNewfoundland take refuge in Iceland, or at the Faroe Islands. Thisvery thing happened to Ole two years ago, when he was on board the'Strenna,' you remember. I am only saying what I really think, littlesister. Dry your eyes. If you make me lose heart what will become ofus?"

  "But I can't help it, Joel."

  "Hulda! Hulda! do not lose courage. I assure you that I do notdespair, not by any means."

  "Can I really believe you, Joel?"

  "Yes, you can. Now, to reassure you, shall I start for Bergento-morrow morning, or this very evening?"

  "No, no, you must not leave me! No, you must not!" sobbed Hulda,clinging to her brother as if he was the only friend she had left inthe world.

  They started toward the inn. Joel sheltered his sister from the rainas well as he could, but the wind soon became so violent that theywere obliged to take refuge in the hut of the ferryman, which stood afew hundred yards from the bank of the Maan.

  There they were obliged to remain until the wind abated a little, andJoel was glad of an opportunity to have a longer conversation with hissister.

  "How does mother seem?" he inquired.

  "Even more depressed in spirits than usual," replied Hulda.

  "Has any one been here during my absence?"

  "Yes, one traveler, but he has gone away."

  "So there is no tourist at the inn now, and no one has asked for aguide?"

  "No, Joel."

  "So much the better, for I would much rather not leave you. Besides,if this unpleasant weather continues, it is not likely that manytourists will visit the Telemark this season. But tell me, was ityesterday that your guest left Dal?"

  "Yes, yesterday morning."

  "Who was he?"

  "A man who resides in Drammen, and whose name is Sandgoist."


  "Do you know him?"


  Hulda had asked herself more than once if she should tell her brotherall that had occurred in his absence. When Joel heard how coolly theirguest had conducted himself, and how he seemed to have come merely toappraise the house and its contents, what would he think? Would nothe, too, fear that his mother must have had grave reasons for actingas she had? What were these reasons? What could there be in commonbetween her and Sandgoist? Joel would certainly desire to know, andwould be sure to question his mother, and as Dame Hansen, who wasalways so uncommunicative, would doubtless persist in the silence shehad maintained hitherto, the relations between her and her children,which were so unnatural and constrained now, would become still moreunpleasant.

  But would Hulda be able to keep anything from Joel? A secret from him!Would it not be a violation of the close friendship that united them?No, this friendship must never be broken! So Hulda suddenly resolvedto tell him all.

  "Have you ever heard any one speak of this Sandgoist when you were inDrammen?" she asked.


  "But our mother knew him, Joel; at least by name."

  "She knew Sandgoist?"


  "I certainly never heard the name before."

  "But she has, though she had never seen the man until day beforeyesterday."

  Then Hulda related all the incidents that had marked Sandgoist'ssojourn at the inn, not neglecting to mention Dame Hansen's singularconduct at the moment of his departure. Then she hastened to add:

  "I think, Joel, it would be best not to say anything to mother aboutit at present. You know her disposition, and it would only make herstill more unhappy. The future will probably reveal what has beenconcealed from us in the past. Heaven grant that Ole may be restoredto us, and then if any misfortune should befall the family there willat least be three of us to share it."

  Joel had listened to his sister with profound attention. Yes, itwas evident that Dame Hansen must be at this man's mercy, and itwas impossible to doubt that he had come to take an inventory ofthe property. And the destruction of the bill at the time of hisdeparture--a destruction that seemed only right and proper tohim--what could be the meaning of that?

  "You are right, Hulda," said Joel. "I had better not say anything tomother about it. Perhaps she will feel sorry by and by that she hasnot confided in us. Heaven grant that it may not be too late! She mustbe wretched, poor woman! How strange it is that she can not understandthat her children were born to sympathize with her."

  "She will find it out some day, Joel."

  "Yes; so let us wait patiently, little sister. Still, there is noreason why I should not try to find out who the man is. Perhaps FarmerHelmboe knows him. I will ask him the first time I go to Bamble, andif need be I will push on to Drammen. There it will not be difficultfor me to at least learn what the man does, and what people think ofhim."

  "They do not think well of him, I am sure," replied Hulda. "His faceis very unprepossessing, and I shall be very much surprised if thereis a noble soul concealed under such a repulsive exterior."

  "Come, come, little sister, it will not do to judge people by outwardappearances," exclaimed Joel. "Don't be so suspicious, Hulda, andcheer up. Ole will soon be with us, and we will scold him roundly forhaving kept us waiting."

  The rain having ceased the pair left the hut and started up the pathleading to the inn.

  "By the way, I must go away again to-morrow, little sister," saidJoel.

  "Go away again to-morrow!" repeated Hulda.

  "Yes, early in the morning. On leaving the Hardanger I was informedby a comrade that a traveler, coming from the north by way of theRjukanfos would arrive to-morrow."

  "Who is this traveler?"

  "I don't know his name, but I must be on hand to conduct him to Dal."

  "Ah, well! go, then, as there is no help for it," replied Hulda, witha sigh.

  "Yes, I must start to-morrow at sunrise. Do you really feel so badlyabout it, Hulda?"

  "Yes, brother, I feel much more unhappy when you leave me, even if itis only for a few hours."

  "Ah, well, this time I shall not go alone."<
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  "Why, who is to accompany you?"

  "You, little sister. You need diversion, and I am going to take youwith me."

  "Oh, thank you, Joel, thank you!"


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