Meant to Be

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Meant to Be Page 3

by Lucy Darling



  I sit up, almost spilling the drink in my hand. “What!” I stare at Leo, who has a smug look on his face. He demands it so it’s true. If he says I’m his fiancée then I am. That’s how he’s always been. Not that I don’t love the idea of belonging to him, but a heads-up would have been nice.

  My body and mind are still in a buzz from being in his lap. I have no idea how I kept it together while I sat there pretending to play it cool. I could feel every single inch of him. It took all my courage to walk into his office and go over to sit in his lap. I am proud of myself. I made it look as though I’d done it a thousand times before. Then I straddled him and pushed my boundaries a little more. I tried to read his expression when I told him about my plans. He gave me nothing, really. His cock though. That sucker told me everything. I’m not sure if that is normal for a man or not, but I am taking it as a small victory.

  “That’s all, Cindy,” Leo dismisses her.

  I glance over at her and I can tell she wants to stay and get more information. We are both shocked by Leo’s announcement. She turns, shooting me a side glare before stomping off in her too-tight suit that’s not appropriate for the office. I don’t know how she walks in it. I want to be a brat and give her the middle finger, but that will not help with me trying to prove to Leo that I’m all grown up now. I know Cindy has a crush on Leo but that small show proved it. I look back to Leo who doesn't see her small fit because his eyes are on me. I sit up, placing my lemonade on the table next to the sofa I’m still sitting on. This suit is starting to get itchy. I feel like I’m trapped inside of it.

  “Why would you do that?” I ask. I don’t tell him not to let people know though. It’s better if everyone thinks he is off the market even though this is all a sham. It will eventually come to an end if I don’t get Leo to see me as more than his friend. I have a lot of obstacles to overcome with him. He needs to not look at me as his friend’s little sister or the girl next door. Okay, I live downstairs but you get what I’m saying. He needs to not see me as a little girl anymore. If he doesn’t do that than I’ll have to leave on my own. My heart can only take so much and pretending to be his girl is already going to wreak havoc on me.

  “You said it yourself. You hate your home. You think I’m going to let you go back there?” He leans back in his chair, leveling me with a stare. One I’ve seen him use on people while I laid on this very sofa while he had meetings right in front of me. I pretended to read when really I was paying attention to everything Leo did and said. I couldn't help myself. I’d shamefully get turned on when he went into hardened businessman mode. Then, with a flip of a switch, the person would leave the office and he was once again the sweet man I called my best friend.

  “But—” I trail off, not understanding. Why is he doing this? It’s all too much. Our small plan of me being his buffer is growing into something way bigger.

  “You’ll come stay with me. If people are already whispering about us being together than I don’t think your father would take kindly to you and me shacking up without some sort of commitment. We should at least be engaged?”

  “Oh.” I love and hate the idea. Leo stands and walks over toward a painting he has on his office wall. He gives it a pull to reveal the small safe he has behind it. I’ve only seen him use it a few times. He gets something out before closing the safe and coming over to sit next to me. I can see he has whatever it is in his hand but I can’t tell what it is.

  He takes my hand in his, revealing the blue velvet box. The air in my lungs freezes for a moment. I know what it is. His grandma Sally’s ring. Leo’s grandma was the only other person I’ve ever met in his family besides his father. His dad was a big old jerk and died years back. Leo didn't have much reaction to his death, but I remember when his grandma passed. She had always been a big part of his life. She was more of a mom to him than a grandma. I remember the ring she’d worn and she’d tell me the story of how she fell in love with Leo’s grandpa. I never got to meet him. He was long gone before I was born. She loved that man deeply. She always said that one day Leo would give this ring to the woman he’d marry. I’ve wanted that ring from the moment she told me that.

  “Leo.” I shake my head no. Not like this. I want this to be real. I can’t put that ring on and this not be real. It feels so wrong. He opens the box to show me the emerald ring that Grandma Sally said matched my eyes perfectly. He takes it and slides it onto my finger. My eyes start to water. I want to tell him we shouldn't but I can’t bring myself to say anything that could cause the ring to be pulled from my finger.

  “It's a perfect fit,” he tells me. His eyes come up from my hand. “She was right. It really does match your eyes.” Our eyes stay locked. Something I can’t place passes between us. He leans in and I mirror the action. Is he going to kiss me? I lick my lips, wanting to taste him so badly. The weight of the ring on my finger only pushes me toward him more.

  “Going to kiss you, Ro,” he tells me. “If we are going to be a couple people will expect to see us kissing.” I nod in agreement. They will. That totally makes sense. He leans down, his mouth almost to mine. I close my eyes, my heart pounding in my chest. It’s happening. He’s finally going to kiss me. Not one of my stupid dimples that are too deep for me. His warm breath tingles across my mouth as he softly presses his lips to mine.

  “Sir.” I jump at the sound of Cindy’s voice. I probably look like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. I really don’t like that woman. From the bark of anger that comes from Leo I don’t think he does either.



  “You better know what you’re doing.” I look up to see Hillary standing in the doorway to my office. As always she looks put together like a lawyer who could castrate you if she felt the need. She is an intimidating woman when she wants to be. She's been my right hand since I took the company over from my father. He left the place in a mess but she and I have been able to pull it together and make it better than ever. It’s why she has the liberty of giving me shit whenever she feels it is warranted. I let her because I know she's only doing it with the best of intentions.

  I left the door to my office open because my girl is down the hall in an empty office getting ready for tonight’s event. Every woman should be made to feel pretty and pampered. I am making sure that Ro gets that experience. She deserves it. I’m going to treat her so well that she’ll never want to leave me.

  Lonely. Her one word has haunted me since it crossed her lips. I’d fucked up but I am going to fix it.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask, flipping through the documents I’m going over for some company I’ve been thinking about acquiring. My head of security, John, appears behind his wife. They got married two years ago. They met right here at work. Both of them have played giant roles in keeping me sane when it came to Ro. I’m not sure if they have caught on to my obsession or believe I see her as a little sister. That’s what I believed everyone thought around here. According to Ro I am way off on that, which is weird, because I am never off. It has to be because it involves her. She’s the only person that throws me off my game.

  “Knox is watching her,” John says before I can ask who has eyes on my girl. She might have felt lonely but I always have someone watching her. It is the only way to keep me in check. If I didn’t know she was okay I couldn’t concentrate. I don’t know how I ever thought I would make it through her going to college but it is looking like maybe it is something I don’t have to worry about. She has my ring on her finger now. That was way easier than I thought it was going to be. She let me slide it right onto her delicate finger. Then I almost got my first real taste of her. Almost being the operative word. The moment was stolen from us. I’m really considering firing Cindy.

  I give a nod to John. I shouldn’t have asked him about Ro because he is always on top of his job. I can’t help myself when her safety is at hand. Hillary steps more into my office. John closes the door behind them.
I don’t have many friends in my life. I spent my early years with Colden and Ro growing up. I had my grandma until she was taken too soon from me. Then my father died. I’ve spent my time fixing all the fuck-ups he made and the rest with Ro and Colden. I wouldn't let the mess my father left ruin our family name because of my grandma. What her and my grandpa built together won't go down because my dad was a spoiled asshole who only ever cared about himself and whatever woman he could get into his bed next. I vowed to myself I would never be like him. I decided I wanted to be like my grandpa. My grandma said such wonderful things about him and that’s the type of man I strive to be. I was too young to remember much more than bits and pieces of him but they had a love for each other that I longed for. One that I want with my Ro. I think my grandma knew even before I did that Ro was meant to be mine. I’d caught her many times telling Ro about the ring. Ro knows how special it is. I know that it’s finally where it belongs.

  “Leo!” Hillary snaps my name. She’s a few years older than I am. I know the tone means she’s not fucking around and when Hillary gets pissed it is best to stay out of her way. Normally, her wrath is hurled at someone else in my favor but right now I can tell it’s locked on me. “What I’m talking about is Cindy has been crying in the bathroom all afternoon. Rochelle’s father has been blowing up our phone lines all day and I saw the ring.”

  I don’t give a shit about Ro’s dad. I never did and I don’t now that I see how much his absence has hurt her. I’ve never given it much thought because I enjoyed when my father was gone. He was an asshole that the world wouldn't miss. I still have no idea who my mother is but I wouldn't blame her from running from my dad. I might have held resentment for the woman if I hadn't had my grandma.

  “Cindy?” I ask.

  Hillary closes her eyes, giving a small shake of her head. I know she’s doing it so she doesn't shout. John fights a laugh from behind her.

  “The women who brings you your coffee,” she supplies when she gets it together.

  “Oh, that Cindy. I fired her.” I thought she was talking about a different Cindy. I do have a rather large staff. I can't keep track of everyone. That’s why I hire people to handle those things. Why would the Cindy I fired still be here?

  “I know you did. You have fired her four times now.”

  “She can’t follow simple instructions.” Generally I don’t care if Hillary goes above me on some things. I can get on edge and I know I am bad with assistants.

  “That’s fine. I’ll find someone else but that’s not really the issue here.” She walks farther into my office. “You hurt that girl.” She lays her hands on my desk. I lean back to look up at Hillary. “We’re going to have a fucking problem.” I know she’s not talking about Cindy. Hillary loves Ro. It’s why Ro spent most of her morning in Hillary's office. How can you not love her? She is so bubbly and full of life. Well, she was, but something is off recently. I am going to figure that out and fix it.

  “I’d never hurt my Ro.” I smile, enjoying how protective Hillary is over my girl.

  “Rochelle is a sweet girl, Leo.” She adds, “And you.” I know what’s she’s going to call me. I’ve heard the words muttered about me before. Cold, ruthless, lacking of emotion. Pick one.

  “I’m always sweet with her,” I counter. I might be a dick but I am never that way to Ro. Maybe some of the things I do behind the scenes are but that is only to keep her safe. I guess selfish could be added to the list of things people call me too.

  “You are. I know that, Leo, but something is off with her and I worry.” Hillary's eyes soften as she talks about my Ro. “I knew this day was coming but you better follow through.” She leaves me at a loss. I guess if anyone knew how I felt about Ro it would be Hillary. We’ve worked side by side for a long time. I’m sure it can’t be missed with my obsession with checking on her. Constantly asking John what Ro is doing probably sent up a red flag. They aren’t stupid. That’s for sure.

  She turns before I can respond, leaving my office.

  “An hour?” John asks. I nod before he follows his wife out of my office door. I call to him. He turns to look at me.

  “Her things.”

  “It's all been handled.” I nod in satisfaction. One less thing to handle. My email dings again and this time I see it’s Colden reaching out to me. I’ve been ignoring him and Ro’s father’s emails all day. They started pouring in when I decided to ignore their calls.

  Either Cindy did her job and got word out that Ro and I are engaged or someone alerted them about me moving her things from her room. Either way this is happening. Hillary didn’t have to worry about that. I am following through. Once I slid that ring on her finger I knew there was no going back. The wait is over. Ro is mine. Now I have to convince her of it.



  I fidget in the dress, wondering if this was the best idea. I picked a dress that I thought fit my style but is a touch sexier than I normally wear. I typically choose flats but I am trying heels tonight. Now I am really out of my comfort zone. It doesn’t help when Leo keeps touching every inch of exposed skin. The whole ride here his hands were everywhere. I’m not sure if he’s doing it on purpose or not. I try to remember if he’s always touched me this much. I feel as though I would have noticed it before. Maybe the almost kiss and sitting in his lap has my mind running wild.

  “You’re going to have to get used to my touch,” Leo reminds me. He pulls me more into his side as we enter the giant ballroom. People turn to steal glances at us. Of course everyone knows who Leo is. As for me, I’m more known by name than anything and mainly because of Leo and my brother. I wonder what my brother is going to think when he hears about this. Colden has never said much about me dating, nor had he gone around threatening boys who did try to date me. When I think back on it there wasn’t anyone to threaten. I was either getting through school or hanging around Leo as much as I could. That’s all I wanted to do even if it sounds pathetic. God, am I pathetic?

  Leo’s mouth brushes my bare shoulder, causing me to jerk from my thoughts. “You can’t pull away.” He kisses my shoulder again. If only he knew how hard I am trying not to get closer to him. There is no way that I would deliberately try to jerk away. I only had that reaction because he surprised me. This time I lean in to him as he places a few more lingering kisses. I’m happy I went strapless, leaving my shoulders bare for his mouth. I know this isn’t real. We’re only faking it but I am going to enjoy every second of it.

  “You look beautiful.” he adds.

  I smile up at him. The nervousness I felt about the dress melts away. I spent my afternoon getting pampered. From my hair to my nails and everything in between. Leo had a mini spa set up in a room down the hall from his own office. When I was done I looked at myself in the mirror and felt like a woman. I worried that Leo would only look at me like a girl playing dress-up. The way his eyes heated when he saw me, I knew he wasn't looking at me like the ten-year-old little girl who was always trying to hang out with him and my brother. He’d always let me against my brother’s protest. No, the heat in his eyes had been different. I swear something was there lingering under the surface.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself.” He’s still in a suit but he’s changed his shirt and tie. He always looks good. It doesn't matter if he’s in his gym shorts or jeans. He could wear a sack and still look handsome.

  “This dress is lower cut than the pictures alluded to.” Leo’s fingers drift across my collarbone and down to the valley of my breasts, causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

  “Mine are bigger than the model’s,” I try and tease. His touch lingers, making my breathing pick up. My breasts rise and fall under his touch.

  “That they are.” He shifts so I’m pressed to his front now and not his side. The hold is intimate. My hand goes to his chest, wanting to stay this way with him.

  “Everyone is looking at us,” I whisper to him.

  “Like I give a shit.”

  I laugh be
cause I know he doesn't. I don’t really either but this feels real with people seeing us like this. That we aren’t faking this. To think of Leo really having a girlfriend. I could never see him as the PDA type. I don’t want to think about that at all.

  “I know you don’t but it’s just—” I trail off. It’s so hard to get a read on Leo. It has been for the last few months. All of this, tangled together with the ring now on my finger, has me second-guessing what I’m doing. I am playing with fire and I’m probably going to get burned. I can feel the lick of the heat on my skin now. Leo must see the uneasy look on my face as he pulls me from the ballroom.

  “Where are we going?” I ask as I try and keep up with him in these freaking heels.

  “You’re uncomfortable.” He leads me back into the lobby of the hotel where the event is being held. I’m pretty sure Leo owns the whole place. I often forget who he is at times. To me he’s just Leo. The boy I’ve been in love with my whole life. Well he’s no longer a boy. He quickly turned into a man right in front of my eyes. He spots a set of chairs off in the corner and guides me over to them. Once again he sits down, pulling me into his lap. I mold against him, putting my face in his neck and allowing his scent to calm me. This is definitely not something I’m supposed to be doing. I know that. I am in over my head. I’m terrible at being a buffer for him. Instead he’s here comforting me.

  “I think I’m supposed to be your buffer,” I remind him. “Making you feel comfortable.” Gosh, I really am a mess. If anything, me being at his side is causing more attention to be drawn to him. Everyone in this place is trying to steal looks at Leo and me. No one has come up to us yet, but we’ve only been here for a little bit. I’m sure the vultures will circle soon enough.


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