Rogue Prince

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Rogue Prince Page 7

by Cameron Drake

  “Is something wrong?”

  “He plans something. An attack.”

  “What?” Sebastian came to stand over the boy, peering down at him on the floor. He lifted him to his feet. I realized too late that I’d exposed myself. Exposed one of my gifts. “How do you know?”

  I lifted my chin, knowing I was condemning the boy to death. But he’d been planning to kill his masters. Or perhaps he’d been glamoured to kill me.

  I looked at him.

  “Were you instructed to harm me?”

  His mouth opened slightly but no sound came out. His eyes widened in stunned horror. Sebastian lifted his hand from the boy’s back to reveal his still-beating heart. He caught the blood streaming from it in his mouth and then took a bite.

  He held it out to me.

  “I’m being rude. Would you like some?”

  “It’s a bit messy.”

  I tried to sound nonchalant, as if seeing humans slaughtered was nothing to me. Instead, I felt sick inside. Pity and anger at what had happened to the boy. Fear that I’d already uncovered a plot to kill me.

  But when we won, when I sat on the throne by my father’s side, humans would not be treated as disposable, even if they committed a crime. Their lives would be respected.

  This would not happen under my reign.

  “Bring in the others.” He smiled at me. “I was saving them for later but thought you might enjoy a little fun.”


  “They’ve been drinking wine all day.”

  I smiled.

  “But you forget, I can drink wine. And blood. I don’t need either.”

  “You don’t need blood?” Elaine leaned forward, peering at me as if I was a strange and mysterious creature. Her sister Claire actually looked interested for the first moment since I’d met her.

  It was odd, but with their pale skin, dark hair, and striking green eyes, they looked like they were actually sisters, perhaps turned at the same time. I looked at Sebastian. In fact, the family resemblance was strong with all of them.

  Just wait till you meet Horace, Wallace, and Matilda.

  So they are all related?

  Some are distant relations, and others were turned at the same time by the same Ancient. But they are so old that I’m pretty sure they’ve forgotten.

  Well, Maxim was being extremely helpful. Caleb must have been counting on that. And he must have known it would soften me toward him.

  “No. I don’t need blood. A few drops now and then keep me healthy and strong. I do enjoy it, though.”

  I was never going to mention that I found Fae and Vampire blood particularly tasty, lest it give him any ideas.

  Wise move.

  Sebastian stared at me as though I was a strange creature. I had deliberately kept my fangs out. Now I smiled wide and let them snap back in. Claire gasped audibly.

  “You can control your fangs? Even when there is blood around?”

  “Yes.” I smiled at her and let that sink in. “I look forward to meeting the rest of the family.”

  “Horace is out hunting with Wallace and a few others. They will return in time for the Polo match.”


  “Yes, at midnight. Do you play?”

  No, I definitely don’t freaking play polo, I thought. I shrugged instead.

  “Surely, you don’t have enough players.”

  “We have invited others to visit. They have been arriving all weekend. Enough for a game. They will be joining us shortly.”

  “I see. Thus, the hunt.”

  Elaine nodded regally and I almost laughed. She was giving me a run for my money in the royalty department.

  “We don’t want to end up short-staffed during such an auspicious time.”

  I didn’t respond. I was too busy observing the three of them, their home, and the nervous looks of the servants as they were periodically fed on.

  At second glance, some of them did look blissed out, clearly glamoured. But others… they looked nervous and almost eager. These were the ones who were here willingly, I realized.

  I wondered if the dead boy was one of them. Was he a favored pet who’d been tasked with killing me? Or had he secretly hated them all?

  I couldn’t really fault him with that.

  “Let’s retire to the drawing room so they can clean up the carpet.”

  I nodded and waited for Caleb to offer me his arm. He squeezed my hand once. I knew I was doing well. Well, other than accidentally revealing that I saw visions when I drank blood.

  We settled into generous dark green leather seats and Sebastian offered me a glass of red wine. They all stared at me while I sipped it. I ignored them, staring into the crackling fire.

  A face appeared in the flames. It was the face of Balthazar. I narrowed my eyes as he looked around and saw me. I kept my face a calm mask as my heart began to beat rapidly. I knew the other Vamps nearby could hear it, but there was nothing I could do.

  I had just conjured up one of the New Leaders.

  I yanked my power back and the face melted away into flames. But how much damage had I done? Did he know who these Vamps were? Where we were? Would we be under attack in a matter of hours?

  I was going to have to break our rule and talk to Caleb.

  I’ll text him instead.

  I exhaled.

  Thank you.

  There was a pause while I assumed he was texting Caleb. Actually, he had to text Bernard who was the only person with Caleb’s burner number. A soft ping had Caleb rising and excusing himself.

  Have you done that before, Sasha?

  Yes. But with water.

  These powers of yours put you at risk. You must train harder.

  I know.

  If it’s possible they might recognize the room, you must leave.

  But aren’t they in Europe?

  Most likely. But they have allies.

  I feel as if I’m in a room full of them. This is a calculated risk. I can’t turn tail and run now.

  I felt Maxim sigh.

  Bernard is writing back.

  I heard a muffled curse.

  Caleb agrees with you. He said you will know by tomorrow if you were seen. He finds it unlikely unless they also have a seer.

  I turned just as half a dozen Vamps entered the room and bowed to me. I knew better than to stand up. They introduced themselves one by one.

  The twins, Wallace and Horace, both handsome with dark hair and unnaturally blue eyes. Matilda had similar coloring. And their guests who were here to meet me, an imposing dark-skinned Vampire named Varni with a melodious African accent, a girl called Georgina who was turned in her teens with beautiful curly blonde hair, and an older female called Delisi who told me she had come all the way from India to meet me.

  Wallace leaned against the fireplace and stared at me as if I was something strange that he might want to eat. I ignored him. I found myself more drawn to Delisi and Varni.

  I was here to make allies, after all.

  I asked them about their journeys and laughed at Varni’s story of being stowed in a luxury storage container and terrifying several deck hands on a massive cargo ship when he stepped out for air.

  A clock struck midnight, and I realized I had been enjoying myself. Actually enjoying myself. It was a shock. Caleb’s approving nod told me I hadn’t lapsed into teen girl giggles.

  Thank Nightfall for small favors.

  Elaine clapped her hands. “Come. It’s time for our match.”

  “I’m bored with Polo,” Horace announced, looking at no one in particular.

  “What did you have in mind, brother dearest?” Claire purred. I did my best not to cringe at her tone. I really wanted to know if they were actually brother and sister.

  Or maybe I didn’t.

  “Let’s hunt instead.” He grinned evilly. “I brought a fox.”

  Chapter 10

  There were kinds of evil I’d never even imagined. My worst nightmares had never even come close.

/>   They were hunting humans.

  Scratch that.

  One human.

  I knew perfectly well that they fed on humans. I assumed they tried to catch and release, as most Vamps did when they wanted to keep a low profile. Yes, some Vamps enjoyed the kill. It was in their nature, especially when blood sources were scarce. But most of us were civilized much of the time. Or at least, I thought we were.

  This was different.

  They were well-fed. Satiated. This was purely for the sake of cruelty. And they didn’t intend to release this particular human after they’d had their fun.

  Steady. This is another test, Maxim warned.

  They want to see if I am sympathetic to humans.

  Yes. But they won’t respect you if you just hang back and let it happen either.

  Right. I have to win and claim her as my own. Then I can keep her safe.

  They might demand that you finish her.

  They can try. As far as I know, none of them have a legitimate claim to the throne, I replied silkily, taking a dig at Maxim’s own status.

  It’s risky, Princess.

  There is no other way, I shot back.

  I was seated on an undead horse, its flesh cold beneath me. It was a beautiful animal, or it had been. Now it was something else entirely. Not monstrous, exactly, but strange and macabre. Its beauty only made the contradiction of life and death more pronounced.

  His name was Jupiter.

  I was tempted, so tempted, to remove my gloves and touch him. He was a ferocious beast. Vicious. Perhaps my touch could soothe him.

  I was well aware that the Cotswolds had given me the largest and most dangerous horse in their stables.

  They were indeed testing me. Or they wished me dead. I smiled grimly, unconcerned about their intentions. I was harder to kill than most.

  But that was nothing compared to what they had done to the girl standing before me. She was in high school, I thought. My age. Apparently, they’d swarmed a kegger, fed until no one was left alive, and found her hiding after the fact. She had seen everything and had not been glamoured.

  The poor girl was terrified.

  They never intended to let her live.

  I had to win, or she would be torn limb from limb as the other Vamps tore into her. I was relieved to see a hint of revulsion on Varni’s handsome face. Delisi looked impassive but not eager.

  This cruelty was more suited to the New Leaders than potential allies. I wasn’t so sure I wanted them on my side. The truth was that I wanted to end them all right now. I was that furious. That disgusted. I gave Caleb a look and he shook his head subtly. I knew he was right. Causing a scene would not help the girl or our cause.

  I had to win. There was no other option.

  Claire stood before us and held a silk scarf high above her head. She turned her head and smiled at the terrified human.

  “Run, little girl.”

  The girl took off, running into the darkness of the rolling lawns toward the woods and the sea. She wasn’t given much of a head start. With an evil grin, Claire dropped her arm and the horses sprang forward as one.

  Chapter 11

  I couldn’t allow this to happen. I wouldn’t.

  Jupiter lurched forward, already at the front of the pack. They may have given me the wildest mount, but he was also the fastest. I smiled grimly, leaning forward and urging him forward.

  It was true that I’d never ridden before, but I had read extensively on the subject. Plus, I had a natural affinity for animals, alive or undead. The smooth muscles bunched and relaxed beneath me in a steady rhythm. I was almost certain she had headed toward the woods. But I didn’t want to lead the pack that way.

  I would take an abrupt turn and cut her off before she stumbled over the cliff. I needed to separate from the pack, and the only way to do that was to be the fastest. The best.

  I needed to be a princess now, for real. A warrior princess.

  The moonlight illuminated the grounds, turning the grass into a deep blue-green. The trees looked black and purple. Beyond that, I could see glimpses of the horizon, where the sea met the sky.

  It was exquisite.

  Exquisite and evil.

  As I veered onward, looking for an opportunity to break into the trees, I wondered how many hunts they’d held over the centuries. How many servants had been disposed of. Whether the woods were littered with bodies.

  How many innocent humans had died for their amusement?

  Too many to count.

  I saw an opening and turned sharply. I heard others behind me, but not too close. I glanced back to see Horace and Sebastian leading the fray. They fanned out in all directions as the hunt began in earnest.

  I guided Jupiter through the dark woods. Human eyesight would never be able to see what I could. We hunters could see every detail, every leaf, with our heightened Vampire vision. I caught an artificial smell as I got further into the manicured woods. The faint smell of bubble gum-scented body spray and detergent. Even here, the grounds were manicured. There were no weeds. Only cool moss underfoot, proud pines, and air scented by the salt air of the ocean.

  There you are, I thought as I caught a glimpse of white in the trees.

  The girl had been wearing a white hoodie over a camisole and jeans. Those silly little slip-on sneakers were useless for running. I felt another stab of pity.

  Her eyes were wide with fright. I slipped off Jupiter and slapped his flank, sending him careening back toward the estate. I was as silent as possible as I approached her.

  “Shh… I don’t want them to hear. What is your name?”

  “Camilla?” she said as if it was a question. She was scared out of her wits.

  I nodded encouragingly.

  “I want to get you out of here, but it’s going to be scary. Can you be brave for me and not scream?”

  She nodded, and I swooped over, lifting her over my shoulder and running for the cliffs at top-speed. I had a half-formed plan. I had to get her away from them so they couldn’t crowd us and demand that I feed. If I could throw them off the scent…

  Princess. Do not do what you are thinking about doing.

  Maxim’s voice in my head was strained, anxious. I’d never heard him sound anything less than self-assured and relaxed before. I grinned as the edge of the cliff came into view.

  Please, Sasha. Do not do this.

  I’ll be fine.

  The girl screamed as I leapt off the edge of the cliff, pushing out far enough that we would land in the water. It was at least a hundred-foot drop to the choppy waves. The girl I carried would be injured unless I took the brunt of the impact.

  I curled myself around her so that we were falling backward toward the sea. I felt the impact of the cold, hard waves. If I were human, I would have broken bones. Because I was not, I was hurt but already healing.

  The girl gasped, and I lifted her up so that her head was above water.

  “What happened?”

  “It’s okay.”

  “They are Vampires! They wanted to hunt me!”

  “It’s okay. I won.”


  “The hunt.”

  Her eyes were still full of fear. I was holding her lightly up so she didn’t get pulled under by the rough waves.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” She blinked and I smiled. I knew I was the first face she had seen without fangs on this night. “Trust me.”

  I looked up at the cliff and saw that the hunt was still on. Only one still figure stood at the cliff edge, watching us. Only one had understood what I was doing.

  Sebastian. Of course it was him.

  “Hold onto me.”

  She slung her arms around my neck, and I started swimming. My plan was to get her to safety before returning to the estate. But luck was not in my favor. I heard the hoofbeats as I reached the shore.

  I knew without a doubt who waited for me on the thin sliver of sand.

  Nightfall, he’s persistent. What do I do now?
br />   Brazen it out. Say you wanted a swim.

  I laughed silently.

  “Don’t say anything,” I murmured as we found our feet and walked to the shore. I felt Camilla shiver beside me.

  “You haven’t eaten her yet. Care to share?”

  “No. I like to keep my pets close at hand and pampered.”

  “Such a shame. She has to die, you know. She’s seen too much.”

  “I’ll glamour her if I lose interest. For now, she stays with me.”

  “You really don’t like killing humans, do you?”

  I shrugged as if I didn’t care.

  “I’m a pragmatist. I hate waste.”

  He smiled, showing his white fangs in the moonlight.

  “It’s not a waste if you are well-fed.”

  I laughed. “I’m always well-fed. I constantly have humans offering themselves to me.”

  “Why the midnight swim?”

  “I enjoy the rush. Don’t you?”

  He chuckled approvingly and offered me his horse. I set Camilla up there first. I ignored his hand and leapt onto the stallion. Sebastian’s eyes were on my body where the wet fabric clung to me. I straightened my back, even though I wanted to kick him in the face for that assessing look.

  “You’re a wild one, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. I am.”

  I turned the horse and rode toward the estate.

  Chapter 12

  Sometimes, it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

  The rest of the evening was spent trying to calm Camilla and Caleb and playing cards with the twins and their sister just before dawn. Maxim had been right about Horace. He was as bad a flirt as Sebastian, if not worse. Matilda was extremely possessive of him. She glared at me throughout the game as her brother hung on my every word.

  Please tell me these two are not related.

  They’re not, except by time.

  They’ve been undead together for a while then?

  Close to six hundred years.

  I exhaled and excused myself from the game as dawn struck. I asked for coffee to be sent to my room. I had left Camilla glamoured, just enough to be calm, but I would need her alert today. I could use a cup myself before what I was going to do.


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