Jailbait (Southern Rebels MC Book 1)

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Jailbait (Southern Rebels MC Book 1) Page 8

by Kristin Coley

  “I’m pretty sure commenting on a woman’s weight is one of those things we shouldn’t do,” I grumbled at him and he held up his hands.

  “Man, I thought women considered it a compliment to be told they needed to gain weight,” Clutch threw his opinion in the ring and Sloan shook her head.

  “I’ll help you all out,” she interrupted, silencing our argument. “Stick with you look nice and don’t go near her weight either way and you’ll be fine.”

  “Good to know,” Deacon commented, smiling at her, and I felt my mouth flatten.

  Clutch elbowed him before I could open my mouth and say something I regretted. “As the only guy with a girl, why didn’t you bring her by?” He jerked his head toward Sloan. “She could probably use some friends that aren’t….” he trailed off, but his pointed glance said what he didn’t. Candy and Gloria sashayed around the room, tits spilling out as they rubbed against different guys, whispering in ears.

  “Yeah, but Norah ain’t a fan of the clubhouse,” Deacon answered, shooting me a glance. “But she’d probably like you,” he continued, giving Sloan a considering glance. “You’re not what we expected.”

  Sloan glanced over her shoulder in time to see Candy glower at her sitting with us. “You mean desperate?”

  I choked as a laugh rumbled from Deacon. “Yeah, something like that.” He glanced at me. “Norah has some cream she uses on bruises. Gets rid of the soreness and helps them heal faster. I’ll see if she can make some for Jailbait.”

  I nodded in appreciation. Every time I saw the bruises anger knotted my gut and it was all I could do not to go after the guy who’d hurt her.

  Our conversation caused Sloan to touch her face self-consciously. I nudged her hand away as I said, “Thanks, man.” A lock of hair fell into Sloan’s face and it was all I could do not to tuck it back behind her ear, knowing the action wouldn’t go unnoticed.

  “So, you really don’t have anything?” Clutch asked, interrupting the moment and earning my gratitude. She shook her head, lowering her eyes.

  “My backpack,” she told him and with a quick glance at me, “And my life.” She chewed her lip and I knew her mind had gone back to her mom. Clutch shot me a panicked glance at her suddenly somber mood. I rolled my neck as my own shoulders tightened.

  “We could go get your stuff,” I offered, ignoring the startled glances of Deacon and Clutch. Her gaze shot up to mine and the trace of hope I could see on her face had me nodding more firmly. “I bet you left a few things behind that you want.”

  She exhaled shakily, hope fading as she whispered, “They might be there.”

  “They?” Deacon questioned, keeping his deep voice low and soothing. “The men that did that to you?” He gestured to her face and when she nodded his voice tightened minutely, “Cause I’d like a chance to talk to them.”

  Rage strangled my ability to speak as I wondered if this was my opportunity to exact retribution for what they’d done to her.

  “I think we all would,” Clutch drawled, crossing heavily muscled arms over his thick chest. “Like to talk to them,” he tacked on, no mistaking his meaning.

  Sloan shook her head frantically, her hair slipping forward to cover her face. “There’s nothing,” she squeaked, clearly lying in some misguided effort to protect us.

  I unclenched my fist, taking a deep breath as my hand hovered over her delicate shoulder before carefully resting my hand on the fragile bones. “There’s something,” I prodded and her gaze darted to mine. The look in those wide green eyes caused my gut to clench. “We’ll keep you safe,” I promised, my gaze searching hers.

  “What about you?” She whispered, the sound almost lost in the crowded bar. She rubbed her hands over her arms, like she was chilled, but the bar was hot as hell, packed with so many bodies.

  I tilted my head toward hers, my nose bumping against those silky locks and as I inhaled I knew where the citrus scent in my bed had come from. “Don’t worry about me, Jailbait. I don’t break so easily.” I leaned back from her as she eyed me. “If there’s something you want, tell me. We’ll get it.”

  She swallowed, her gaze darting between us uncertainly, and I knew whatever it was that she wanted, it was important. “I’d have to go with you,” she murmured, licking her lips. “She hid it.”

  We exchanged curious glances and Clutch shifted back, eyeing me before saying, “We don’t mess with illegal shit.” Deacon tensed, seeing my reaction, as Sloan shook her head rapidly.

  “No, no. It’s not…illegal,” she emphasized. “It’s just something my mom never wanted me to have, but –”

  “But she’s gone and you want it,” I finished for her and she nodded at me gratefully. “You can tell us where it is and we’ll get it for you.” I wanted her at the clubhouse while I went after the guys who’d put that fear in her eyes.

  “No,” she said, more strongly than I expected, shaking her head. “You won’t find it without me and the owner won’t question my being there.”


  “Of the trailer park where we live,” she stopped, a flicker of emotion crossing her face, so quickly I couldn’t place it. “Lived,” she corrected, taking a deep breath. “He’s nosy and he’ll call the cops if he sees you poking around the trailer.”

  “Won’t be the first time,” I muttered unconcerned and she gave me a sharp glance.

  “I’ve already caused you enough trouble. I doubt Johnny would appreciate having to bail you out of jail,” she retorted, getting respectful stares from the guys.

  “She thinks Johnny would actually come bail you out,” Deacon commented with a chuckle. “She’s got a point though. We go clean her stuff out, might raise some questions. She goes….”

  “Makes it look legit,” I finished with a sigh. I spared a glance toward Clutch. “You ride with us?” He gave a regretful shake of his head.

  “I got that transmission tomorrow.”

  I closed my eyes. “The one I’m supposed to help you with,” I remembered and he waved me off.

  “This is more important,” he answered. “It can wait.”

  “No,” I disagreed, “It can’t. Johnny crawled my ass already about taking any more time,” I stopped, not wanting to say it in front of Sloan.

  “With me,” she stated. “He doesn’t want you wasting any more of your time on me,” she clarified ruefully.

  “It’s not exactly like that,” I replied awkwardly, even though it was exactly like that. “He wants me to stay focused.” On the club and not the way her deep breath drew my attention to the soft swell of her breasts.

  “Then we definitely don’t need to go get it,” she replied, nodding firmly. “It’s not worth getting any further on Johnny’s bad side.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Clutch answered. “I’ll get Crew to help me. He’s always looking to make a little cash and he can learn a thing or two.”

  “You sure?” I questioned, his offer reminding me I still needed to straighten out the electric bill before it got cut off. Clutch nodded and I glanced at Deacon, who nodded before I could even get the question out. “You’ll ride along?”

  “Of course,” he replied, pushing himself up. “I’ll head home now and let Norah know I’ve got club business tomorrow.” He tilted his head to Sloan. “I’ll get her to make that cream for your bruises too.”

  “Thank you,” Sloan whispered, smiling gratefully. I stood, bumping his hand, and he nodded. “You don’t have to do this,” she told me again and I shook my head.

  “It’s important to you,” I answered, not stopping to think about why that meant it was now equally important to me. “You know the name of the guys who ran y’all off the road?” I changed the subject abruptly not wanting to talk about why I was doing this anymore.

  She looked startled, but answered readily. “Grant,” she stated before tugging on her lip. “I don’t know his last name though,” she admitted. “Mom didn’t usually bring her boyfriends around. I guess she thought he might stic
k around.” She shuddered, hugging herself, and I fought the urge to hit the table.

  “That’s a good start,” I replied soothingly, my jaw working to keep my voice even. “Hopefully, he’ll have taken the hint and stay away.” Her eyes flew to mine, like she couldn’t believe I’d said that and I heard Clutch chuckle.

  “I think she’s got you pegged,” he mumbled so only I could hear him. I was about to comment when Sloan yawned so wide I could see the back of her throat. She blinked and I saw the exhaustion she’d been trying to hide.

  “I think its time you went to bed,” I mentioned, fighting the urge to ask if she wanted company. She wasn’t one of the girls, she wasn’t Candy, and the fact that I had to keep reminding myself of that fact worried me.

  She nodded, glancing between us as she stood up. Her movement drew some looks but a hard stare had them redirecting their attention.

  “You’ll be fine, but if you need me just shout or call,” I added, unable to resist stroking her arm lightly. “Anything,” I reiterated until she nodded shyly. I’d made sure she had my number and Mary’s when she’d come back from Ronnie’s. I didn’t want to take any chances that she couldn’t get a hold of me if she needed help.

  As she walked back toward her room, I saw Weasel break away from the group he was with to follow her. I tilted my head in appreciation and his gaze skittered away from mine as he nodded jerkily, keeping his focus on Sloan.

  “I can see why Johnny is worried,” Clutch said, raising a beer to his lips. “You might not make it until she’s legal.”

  I didn’t respond because I wasn’t sure he wasn’t right.


  Heavy knocking jerked me from sleep and I blinked blearily at the door wondering who was dumb enough to bang on my door in the middle of the night.

  “Creed,” a voice muttered, taking a break from knocking. Weasel’s familiar voice woke me the rest of the way up and my feet hit the floor before I realized I was moving.

  I yanked open the door, scaring Weasel. “Sor-sorry,” he stuttered, rubbing his hands along his sides. “You said to get you – ”

  “Jailbait,” I growled, grabbing him and shaking lightly. “What’s wrong?”

  He shrugged or tried to as my grip immobilized him. “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?” I asked sharply, inhaling as I tried to control my need to shake him harder for answers. I knew that wouldn’t work and Weasel was doing me a favor. “Why did you wake me up?” I tried again, striving for patience.

  “I heard her,” Weasel responded. “In her room. Sounded like she was crying, but she didn’t stop crying. You said if anything was wrong….” He gave me a worried glance. “Was I wrong?”

  I shook my head, releasing my hold on him as I tried to smile kindly. “No, you’re not wrong. You did exactly the right thing coming to get me.” Weasel nodded in relief, standing there, and I gestured for him to go ahead as I pulled the door shut behind me. We walked down the hall, not seeing anyone else and I wondered how late it was. “Thank you,” I said to Weasel as we came to the corner and I heard the distinct sounds of muffled crying. “You did good.” Weasel nodded happily, turning to go back to his bunk when I grabbed his arm. “You never saw me,” I told him, giving him a pointed glare until he nodded. I let him go and went to Sloan’s door, knocking gently. The sounds of crying cut off abruptly and I knocked again. “Jailbait,” I whispered quietly and the sound of feet shuffling to the door reached me.

  “Creed?” She questioned, the lock clicking when I confirmed it was me. The door edged open and I saw she was wearing the donut pajama set she’d picked out, her eyes swollen and red, tears staining her cheeks.

  “Aw, babe,” I hummed, slipping through the door and tugging her into my arms without thinking. She nestled into my embrace like we’d done this a million times and I hugged her tighter. “It’s okay,” I murmured, rocking her gently. “It’ll be okay.”

  “I keep seeing her,” she sniffed, rubbing her cheek against my bare chest since I’d forgotten to pull a shirt on before coming over. “Lying there on the ground.” Her nails bit into my sides as she whimpered, “I left her there.”

  “You had to,” I replied instantly, tightening my hold on her. “There was nothing you could do for her.”

  “I know that,” she cried, “But I can’t help but think I’m a horrible daughter for abandoning her.”

  “You didn’t abandon her, Jailbait,” I said softly, my hand stroking her back instinctively. “You did what she would have wanted. You protected yourself. That’s what she was doing too. You can’t ever believe she would think badly of you for that.”

  A bitter chuckle escaped Sloan. “She would have hated you,” she murmured, startling me.

  “The leather and bike don’t always give the best impression,” I conceded and she nodded her head against me.

  “That’s exactly why she would have hated you,” she admitted, something in her tone telling me there was more to it than just looks. When she didn’t elaborate, I let it go, instead rocking her gently as I hummed a wordless tune.

  A few minutes later, she shifted in my embrace and I lowered my arms, suddenly feeling awkward. I’d barged in when she was vulnerable and was now highly aware there wasn’t much between us except a dancing donut pajama set.

  “You alright?” I asked gruffly, scrubbing the back of my neck so I wouldn’t reach for her again as she shuffled back a step, her own expression hesitant. She didn’t meet my eyes as she nodded shyly and irritation sparked through me. “Hey, we good?” I barked, causing her gaze to shoot to mine. Fear flickered through her eyes and immediately I felt like an ass. At the sight of her crossing her arms protectively across her chest, I forced myself to gentle my tone. “I mean, are we okay?” My fingers gestured to my bare chest and her gaze followed, her cheeks flushing before her eyes darted away. “I shouldn’t have just come in like that,” I added, knowing damn well I would do it again in a heartbeat.

  “It’s okay,” she murmured, “I let you in.” I didn’t bother to say what we both knew and that was her permission wasn’t necessary. “Thank you,” she added softly, her face a mottled mess of bruises and red splotches from crying. She shouldn’t have been beautiful to me in that moment, but staring into those innocent green eyes I couldn’t have named anyone more beautiful.

  “I should go,” I forced myself to say, reaching behind me to blindly search for the doorknob. “Don’t cry anymore,” I ordered and she appeared startled for a second before giving me the faintest hint of a smile and nodding. The knob twisted under my hand and I backed from the room, her gaze following me until I shut the door.

  Chapter Six


  “You can do this,” I whispered encouragingly, staring at my puffy eyes in the mirror as I clutched my little bag of toiletries to my chest. “They aren’t mean girls.” I snorted at my own lie, taking a deep breath as I debated just dashing to Creed’s room to shower and get ready before we went to my house. The memory of his chiseled chest and the prominent bulge that had nestled against my stomach vetoed that idea almost instantly.

  I wasn’t ready to come face to face with him again, at least not without layers of clothing as protection. A thin door and even thinner shower curtain screamed bad idea. I nodded resolutely to myself in the mirror and marched to the door, yanking it open before I chickened out.

  I eased the bathroom door open, exhaling when I saw it was empty. It was designed dormitory style and made me wonder if the ‘clubhouse’ hadn’t been built for a stable of women, and if I would eventually be forced to be one of them. I shoved the thought to the side as I hurried to one of the showers, grateful for the cheap, plastic shower curtain as I ducked behind it.

  I forced myself to make it quick, even though the hot water felt good on my bruises, I wasn’t prepared to face any of the women I’d met so far with my ass out. I glanced at the bandage Creed had wrapped around my torso and decided against attempting it myself. I didn’t think I
needed it and doubted I’d manage to get it tight enough anyway.

  I tugged on jeans figuring I was in for a long ride on Creed’s bike, then layered a white t-shirt with a long sleeve plaid flannel that had appeared with the pile of clothes in my room. The worn cotton didn’t feel new, instead it reminded me of the often washed, well-loved clothing I’d had to leave behind at home.

  I was dragging a comb through my tangled hair when I heard the door creak open. I froze hoping they’d go away, or at least go to another shower and let me make my escape without encountering them. My hopes were dashed though as the thin curtain separating me from the room was torn open and I came face to face with –

  “Candy,” I stated, my gaze drawn inexorably to the bouncing behemoths staring me in the face. “Do you ever wear clothes?” I asked, unable to stop myself, and her eyes narrowed.

  “What are you doing in here, you little boyfriend stealing whore?” She countered, crossing her arms and lifting her boobs to new heights. Her accusation rubbed me the wrong way, sparking the anger that had been building inside of me since I’d found myself flying down the road, trying to escape another person that wanted to abuse me.

  “Showering,” I said curtly, grabbing my stuff as I stepped forward, hoping she’d get the hint and move. “And now I’m done,” I added as she stood there, blocking my exit. When she didn’t move, the rage flamed higher and it took everything in me not to scream at her. “Also, I didn’t steal anyone’s boyfriend. In case you missed it, he broke up with you.”

  There were a few snickers as she huffed, making me realize we weren’t alone.

  “We were on a break,” she hissed, glaring at me. “Now we’re not.” She glanced at her nails, inspecting the hot pink color as she gave me a sideways glance. “In fact, we made up all night,” she informed me in satisfaction, her gaze carefully watching me to see what I thought of that.


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