Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1)

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Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1) Page 19

by Sarah Bailey

  It made me wonder how many fingers he’d used, but if I thought too hard about any of this, I might blow my load on his covers rather than inside him. My dick was hard and throbbing. I tried not to rub it against the sheets to relieve the ache. So I gave him another finger, making him wince a little, but he told me not to hold back.

  After a few minutes of stretching him out, I added a third. He panted, his body undulating in front of me as if he couldn’t get enough. I was still stroking his cock, which throbbed restlessly in my hand.

  “Aaron, please.”

  “Does it feel good?”

  “Yes, god… I won’t lie, it burns too, but I don’t care.”

  I kissed his inner thigh, knowing if he wanted me to stop, he’d tell me. His eyes were on me, the lust dripping from them making me harder than ever. His hands curled around the sheets, fisting them as if he was trying not to grab me. I kept thrusting my fingers inside him, stretching him further because I sure as hell didn’t want to make this an unpleasant experience for either of us. He moaned and struggled against me as if he couldn’t control himself the moment my fingers brushed up against his prostate.

  “Please, please, god, A, I want you in me.”

  I pulled my fingers from him and sat up, hoping he was ready now. Popping open the cap again, I liberally applied it to my hand before stroking it into my cock.

  Holy shit, I’m about to lose my virginity to my best friend.

  Rhys was more than that. He was the love of my life. He was the only one I ever wanted to give this part of me to. Reaching down, I grabbed one of his discarded t-shirts off the floor and wiped off the excess lube from my hand.

  I held onto the back of his thigh with one hand and guided my cock to his hole with the other. He stared at me, eyes dark with arousal. He wanted this as much as me.

  “Ready?” I whispered, almost unable to get the word out.

  “Make love to me, A.”

  After all our talk about fucking, it seemed so at odds, but it’s what we were about to do. Make love to each other.

  I pressed forward, finding a little resistance until my cock slid into him. He let out a grunt and I bit down on my lip so hard, I almost tasted blood. Nothing could prepare me for the intense sensation of his heat wrapped around the head of my cock. I almost came on the spot, but I gripped the base of my cock hard to stop the pounding need to erupt.

  “Rhys… you okay?”

  I don’t know how I managed to get those words out but seeing his closed eyes and the tense expression on his face concerned me.

  “Give me a sec.”

  I needed a damn second too, so I could compose myself because everything about this was fucking heaven and we were only just getting started.

  When he opened his eyes and smiled at me, relief flooded through me.

  “Okay, you can keep going.”

  I wanted to kiss him then and I would once I’d worked my way inside his tight heat.

  I went slow as hell, giving him time to adjust with each inch I fed him. My whole body was burning up from the strain of holding back. When I was halfway inside him, I pulled my hips back and thrust in again, needing to move a little to relieve the ache inside me. I applied more lube, to make sure he was comfortable. Watching his expression change every so often as he tried to adjust to the new sensation, I attempted to gauge if he was okay.


  His eyes popped open and widened when he took in my face. He reached out a hand to me and I leant over so he could cup my face.

  “I’m okay, A. I promise… keep going.”

  I pulled back again, pushing deeper with the next thrust. He let out a little pant. The damn noise making me crazy. He moved his legs higher so I could lean over him. I let go of his thigh and planted my hand by his head. As I built up a slow rhythm, he lifted his head from the bed and kissed me, nibbling on my bottom lip. I groaned, the feel of him overwhelming me. This whole thing was nothing like I expected. He felt so fucking good. So… everything.

  He wrapped a hand around my neck and tugged me closer, kissing me harder.

  “A… fuck,” he moaned. “Fuck me.”

  It was if he gave me permission to give it to him and I couldn’t help it any longer. I thrust deeper, loving the way he gripped me. The tightness and the heat. He felt incredible and I really fucking hoped he was enjoying himself too.

  “Yes, god, Aaron, don’t stop,” he panted, his head falling back against the pillow.

  His hand dug between us and he gripped his cock, stroking it as I gave it to him harder. We lost ourselves in each other. Moaning and grunting with each thrust. I wasn’t going to last much longer.

  “Fuck, I don’t think I can hold on,” I panted, gripping his hair in my fist.

  “So close, A… shit… coming!”

  I felt hot streams splatter both of us and it set me off. I groaned as I emptied myself inside him, revelling in the way he tightened around me with each spurt of his cock. The moment his hand fell away from between us, I all but collapsed on him, completely out of breath and utterly spent.

  I don’t know how long it was before I felt him kiss my cheek, his hands stroking up and down my back. His touch soothed me in so many ways.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  I shifted, putting my hands on the bed and shoving myself up. Then I slowly and gently pulled out of him, sitting up on my knees. I watched him for a moment, trying to gauge his feelings, but he gave nothing away.

  “Was… was that okay for you?”

  “Yeah, A, it was.”

  “You sure?”

  He smiled at me, his dark eyes lighting up.

  “I can see I’m not going to get away with a vague answer. It was uncomfortable at first, but then it felt good… more than good. Besides, I just came all over the both of us so I think you have your answer there.”

  I shook my head and smiled. Then I went to try to lie down next to him in the cramped space but he sat up and stopped me.

  “You mind if we like clean up first before cuddling? I’m all sticky.”

  I couldn’t help snorting.

  “We’re going to have to make a run for the bathroom.”

  “Shit, I hope they didn’t hear us. I almost forgot they’re both home.”

  We got up off the bed, him wincing a little, but his hand on my arm reassured me he was okay. The two of us cleaned up as much as we could with a t-shirt first before pulling boxers on. We made a dash for the bathroom, me cleaning up thoroughly first before leaving him to.

  When Rhys came back in his bedroom, he curled up against my chest, stroking his fingers down my side.

  “Was that everything you hoped it would be?”

  I wanted to ask him the same thing.

  “It was more.”

  He kissed my chest as I stroked his hair.

  “I love you, Rhys… like fuck loads.”

  I felt him smile against my skin.

  “Oh, I’m aware… I felt all your love when you came in me.”

  I couldn’t help sniggering and I had a feeling he meant to make me laugh.

  “You’re an idiot.”

  “Maybe so, but you love me anyway.”

  My arm tightened around him and I kissed the top of his head.

  “I do. I’m going to love you forever so you better get used to it.”

  His fingers stroked along my stomach.

  “Same goes for you, A, you’re mine for life.”

  There was no question about it so I didn’t even try to deny the simple fact.

  I was Rhys’ and he was mine.

  Chapter Thirty Five

  Aaron had spent the past half an hour of us lying on my bed together pestering me to draw him. So here I was, my personal sketchbook and pencil in hand, sat on my desk chair whilst he laid out on my bed in a pose that was straight up from Titanic.

  “I’m not drawing you like that.”

  I dumped
my book on the end of the bed and got up. He let me move him into a more appropriate position where he wasn’t fully on show considering he’d refused to put clothes on. Not that I planned on showing anyone else this sketch, but Aaron naked? That was mine and mine alone to see. If I sounded a little possessive, it’s because I was. Every inch of his glorious body was one hundred percent mine. A body which had utterly claimed and tamed me not too long ago. I tried not to shiver at the memory of him inside me.

  “You don’t want to draw this?” he asked, pointing at his dick.

  “You’re a perv, A. No, I’m not going to draw your cock.”

  He grinned and I retreated to the chair before he could say anything else. I picked up my sketchbook, eyed him for a long moment and then I began. He sat there quietly for five minutes, just watching me whilst I outlined him, making sure I got everything in proportion.

  “Why didn’t you want to draw me before?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “I don’t now, but someone is insisting.”

  I could sketch people and had to do fine art as part of my A-Levels, but I preferred a more comic book style of art. Aaron didn’t know I’d drawn him a thousand times over, but just as a cartoon version of him. I had an entire series of them as part of one of my GCSE Art and Design projects. Something I’d never shown him. Maybe I would now we were together. Then he’d see how long I’d been fascinated with him. It’s only I hadn’t realised my fascination was really because I had feelings for him. Deep-seated and visceral emotions which intrinsically linked me to him.

  “Am I not pretty enough for you to draw?”

  I snorted.

  “You’re plenty pretty, Prince Charming. Why do you think I keep winding you up about girls swooning over you? Too bad for them you’re mine.”

  “I’ve always been yours.”

  I smirked. If only I’d known, but then again, would I have been so accepting of all of this if we’d been younger?

  “If I’m Prince Charming, are you my damsel in distress?”

  I raised one of my shoulders in a shrug.

  “You did save me so I guess so.”

  I didn’t look up to see his expression as I was busy trying to get his eyes right.



  “I didn’t save you… I just helped you save yourself.”

  If that’s the way he saw it, it was his prerogative. In my mind, he had saved me. He’d forced me out of my shell and helped me grow into the person I was now. I’d never stop being grateful to him for sticking by me this whole time.

  “Oh, the ladies are going to be swooning even more when they hear that. A modern-day feminist Prince Charming we’ve got here.”

  “Fuck off.”

  I grinned, glancing up to find him scowling.

  “No frowning, love, did you forget I’m trying to draw you after you begged me to?”

  His expression cleared but not before he stuck a finger up at me. I raised an eyebrow until he settled back down and became still again.

  “Okay… babes.”

  I shuddered. I hated that word and he knew it.

  “It turns me on so much when you call me that, baby.”

  “Really? Can’t see you getting hard from here.”

  “Someone wore my dick out.”

  He snorted.

  “I doubt that. I bet if I came over there and ran my tongue over it, you’d be hard in seconds.”

  I shifted in my seat, trying to shove the mental image away. Trying and failing.

  “Whatever, tease.”

  He started to move, but I put a hand up.

  “Don’t you dare, I’m trying to finish this damn sketch so sit there and shut up.”

  His smile was absolutely radiant. That boy knew exactly what he was doing to me.

  Little shit.

  I was going to get him back for it. And I had just the plan once I was done with this drawing.

  Thankfully, he stayed still and silent whilst I finished up. I sat back and admired my work for a moment, making sure I’d caught his likeness. Then I signed it and set it aside on the desk. His brows turned down immediately.

  “You not going to show me it?”

  I crawled onto the bed and forced him down on his back. Aaron might like to be in control most of the time, but I was determined to make him lose it.

  “Later, baby.”

  Leaning down, I ran my tongue along his pec before circling his nipple. He let out a choked moan. He tried to reach for me, but I pinned his hands down on the bed. Aaron’s eyes widened, the grey more pronounced than the blue as heat radiated from them.


  That single word made his breath hitch. He’d had plenty of time exploring me. I wanted to touch him this time. My fingers itched to be on his skin. I leant down again, trailing my tongue along the grooves of his stomach. He shuddered and twitched, sucking in air as he tried to contain his reaction.

  Oh, Aaron, seeing you struggle with your need to be in control is so fucking sexy.

  There would be no containing this. His dick hardened before my eyes as I continued my torturous path across his stomach with my tongue. His skin was soft but his edges were all hard muscle. I loved every inch of him. His dips and curves.

  “Rhys, please,” he moaned.

  The sound was so delicious. I never thought I’d hear him beg like this.

  “What was that?”


  “Use your words, baby.”

  He let out a strangled moan as my tongue skimmed the head of his cock, tasting his salty pre-cum for the first time.

  “Fuck you, don’t call me that.”

  I chuckled, moving away which only made him let out a little whine in protest. He strained against my hands pinning his to the covers, but I didn’t let him up. No matter how much he liked to be in control, I was still stronger than him and he knew it. Probably why me submitting to him drove him wild. The trust between us was immeasurable.

  “Do you want me to suck your cock or not? If you don’t stop struggling against me, I’ll quite happily keep teasing you.”

  His eyes were a raging cocktail of lust and need.


  “Then keep your hands right here, got it?”

  He nodded, biting down on his lip. I released his hands slowly, making sure he was going to keep still before I gripped his cock. Considering I hadn’t done this before, I was nervous, but the need to bring pleasure to my Prince Charming outweighed my doubts. I ran my tongue up his shaft, eliciting another moan from him. His hands fisted in the covers, making me smile. My poor boy wanted so much to control the narrative.

  I stroked the base of him as I wrapped my lips around his head. He was hard yet soft at the same time. I revelled in the feel of him against my tongue, throbbing with need. Keeping my teeth sheathed, I took more of him, running my tongue along the underside of his cock as I did so.

  “Fuck, Rhys.”

  It took me a few attempts to find a natural rhythm, but he didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. His hips bucked as I sucked him, his knuckles going white in the covers. The little gasps and pants escaping from his lips fed me. His eyes were so dark and stormy, making my cock throb in response. I swear Aaron could make me hard as fuck with a single look. His eyes just did something to me. They had done since we were seven, except now the sexual edge to our relationship only made me want to stare at them all the more.

  “Please, god, faster,” he begged before letting out a garbled cry, his hands releasing the covers and digging into my hair instead.

  I reached up and grabbed one, shoving it back on the bed. Releasing him, I raised an eyebrow when he whimpered in protest.

  “What did I tell you?”

  He released my hair, fisting his hand against his stomach instead, giving me a mutinous look. I adored how much he hated and loved this in equal amounts. I could see it in his eyes.<
br />
  “You’re mean,” he grumbled.

  “I can show you mean if you want,” I retorted, squeezing the base of his cock.

  He jerked upwards, whining again.

  “Please don’t, I’m sorry, please make me come.”

  “Only if you beg.”

  I licked up his cock which made him buck once more.

  “Rhys,” he whimpered. “This isn’t fair.”

  “All’s fair in love and war, Prince Charming.”

  He slammed his fist down on the bed and groaned as I took him in my mouth again.

  “Please, god, I can’t take it. Please save me from my own personal hell, only my knight in shining armour can rescue me from this torment.”

  I tried not to laugh with my mouth full of his cock. If he was my prince, then I was definitely his knight who’d stand by his side and protect him through thick and thin just as he’d done for me over half our lives.

  “Rhys,” he choked out as I went faster, knowing he was close to erupting.

  And when he did, he trembled all over, crying out without words as he planted his fist against his mouth to stop the loud noise. The taste of him made me shiver. I could do this forever with him. Drive him crazy with need until he came. There was no sight quite like it.

  He closed his eyes, his chest heaving as he lay there on my bed, utterly spent. I swallowed hard after releasing him before I crawled up his body and kissed his cheek. He wrapped an arm around me, forcing me to lie on him. I stroked his face, watching the beautiful boy I’d driven crazy smile lazily.

  “You are undoubtedly a troublemaker, knight,” he muttered.

  “You complaining, prince?”

  “Fuck no. Now, show me this drawing. I want to see if you’ve made me all sexy and shit.”

  I rolled my eyes. In my view, he was always sexy so it wouldn’t matter how I drew him. Hopping off the bed, I grabbed the sketchbook and handed it to him. He sat up and stared down at my drawing of him. Gently, he ran his fingers over it, his eyes growing soft.

  “This is… amazing.”

  I shrugged and sat back in my desk chair. If I had more time, I’d have highlighted all his finer details, but I didn’t want to spend too long on it.

  “You can keep it… it’s yours.”


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