Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1)

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Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1) Page 21

by Sarah Bailey

  The angle was perfect, knocking against the right spot again and again. Nothing could stop this and I hadn’t even wrapped my hand around my cock. The first wave hit me all at once.

  “Oh fuck.”

  Aaron’s eyes were on me as I came, crying out and straining against him as he continued to fuck me into submission. Fuck me so I knew I was his completely. The mess on my stomach only made him wilder. His thrusts growing erratic and his breathing laboured and uneven.

  “Rhys,” he moaned, his hands around my thighs digging in as he erupted abruptly.

  I loved watching him when he came. His head thrown back, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly parted. Aaron in the throes of ecstasy was a sight to behold. Him at his most vulnerable moment. Nothing sexier than that.

  His eyes opened as his head dropped and he licked his lip.

  “Satisfied?” I asked, grinning.

  “More than.”

  He leant over me, running his tongue up my chest and neck until he met my jaw, then he kissed me. My hands curled into his hair, holding him to me so he couldn’t escape.

  “My prince, I’ll do anything for you,” I murmured.

  I felt him smile before his tongue drove between my lips. No doubt I loved this boy to death. He was my sun, my oceans and my storms. The one who made me feel alive.

  He pulled away and let me up so I could get cleaned up in the bathroom with him. The two of us laid out on his bed afterwards with the windows wide open and the fan on in our boxers. The entire house was roasting hot. Aaron put the TV on and had brought up a pitcher of ice water along with glasses.

  “I swear to god this heat is making me sleepy all the time,” I complained, as I sipped my ice water.

  “Or I’m just wearing you out with sex.”

  I snorted.

  “Okay, also that.”

  “You sure you want to go to this party on Friday?”

  I’d had a message from Becky whilst we were on our way back to Aaron’s with the details.

  “Yeah, why not? Can’t do us any harm to get out more.”

  He reached over and stroked my hand.


  I turned my head towards him. His brows were turned down and his expression wary.

  “What’s wrong? You don’t want to?”

  “No… it’s not that.” He lifted his shoulder in a shrug. “I just got a really weird vibe off Valentine earlier.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “What kind of vibe?”

  “I don’t know, Rhys, he looked at me strangely. Not with hate like usual. Maybe I’m seeing things. He was acting weird though.”

  “He’s always acting fucking weird. I’m sure it’s nothing, A.”

  He didn’t look convinced, but he smiled at me. Nothing concerning Valentine was ever good.

  “We don’t have to go to the party… he’ll be there, guaranteed.”

  He shook his head.

  “No, we should go. It’ll be fun.”

  I didn’t know if I believed him but decided to drop it. We were both hot and bothered right now. No point getting into an argument or anything.

  It was just a stupid party.

  What’s the worst that could happen?

  Chapter Thirty Eight

  The heady beat pumped out of the speakers someone had brought over. Sweaty bodies crowded around us, drinks in hand whilst they swayed to the music. Some had their hands in the air. Some were grinding against each other obscenely. Others were so high off the drugs one of Olly’s friends had smuggled into the house, they barely knew what was up or down any longer.

  My fingers were hooked into Aaron’s belt loops whilst his arms were wrapped around my neck. The two of us gazed at each other, moving in tandem to the music. Almost lost in our own little bubble. Neither of us were drinking, but it hadn’t stopped us having fun. Getting to be with him like this was a high all on its own. I’d take this any day over an artificial one.

  Aaron’s eyes held a promise for later. His hand curled around my neck, pulling me closer so our foreheads touched. My eyes flicked down to his lips, wondering if he might kiss me. A cheer went up around us as the next song came on and someone bumped into us when the dancing became ever more vigorous.

  “Want to get some water?” I all but shouted at Aaron.

  He nodded, releasing me so he could take my hand instead. I turned and battled my way through the bodies given I was the bigger of the two of us. My hand tightened around Aaron’s, keeping him locked to me. It was a little quieter in the kitchen, but not by much. One entire side of the counter was filled with various bottles of booze and mixers. We’d seen the inside of the fridge earlier, filled to the brim with beer. Outside in the garden beyond were huge buckets full of ice with beers too. Everyone had been encouraged to bring a bottle or two. I’d heard Olly’s parties were legendary and this just proved it.

  Aaron grabbed some plastic cups and filled them both with water, handing one to me. We were both hot and sweaty from dancing. I leant up against the counter and he stood next to me, leaning his head on my shoulder.

  “I’m glad we came.”

  I glanced down at him.


  “It’s nice not to hide who we are, you know.”

  I nodded slowly. Aaron hadn’t admitted his sexuality to anyone but me before everything happened between us. Now we’d both come out to everyone here without having to say a word. Our closeness with each other made a statement. And no one seemed to care. Wasn’t like we were the only queer couple here. I’d seen a couple of girls sucking face in the corner and others getting handsy with each other.

  We’d told my mum about our relationship. She’d been over the moon, especially since she knew how much it’d eaten me up inside. Seeing me and him find happiness together gave her everything she’d ever wanted for me. Graham likely knew, but he hadn’t said anything to me. We’d barely shared more than two words since he’d come back after Mum kicked him out. Me being gay probably made him hate me even more than he already did. I didn’t care what he thought. He’d lost the right to be my parent the moment he started hitting me and Mum.

  “You sure it’s not because you get to touch me up without breaking public decency laws?”

  Aaron snorted and shoved me.

  “Shut up.”

  “What? I see those looks you’ve been giving me.”

  “Can you blame me?”

  I waved a hand at myself.

  “Oh, you’d like a piece of this?”

  He grinned up at me.


  I leant down towards him.

  “You think anyone would notice if we disappeared for a little while?”

  Heat flickered in his blue-grey depths as I stared at him.

  “Can’t wait until later?”

  I bit my lip, knowing what it did to him.

  “Oh I can, but I’m not sure about you.”

  He straightened and took my cup off me, placing both of ours down on the counter. Then he took my hand and dragged me out into the hallway. We had to push through the bodies littering the corridor and the couples making out on the staircase. There was a line for the bathroom, but we by-passed it, heading down the corridor. Aaron opened a door at the end, checking inside before tugging me in. He pushed me up against the door, closing it with a loud click. We seemed to be in a pink bedroom, which was only illuminated by a nightlight.

  “Um, are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked, waving at the surroundings whilst he ran his hands down my sides.

  “Not like anyone will find out.”

  His fingers worked the buttons of my jeans open as his mouth landed on my neck, licking, kissing and sucking my skin. I let out a little pant, knowing it wouldn’t be long before he had his mouth wrapped around my cock.

  “But this is a kid’s bedroom, A.”

  Probably Olly’s younger sister’s room. It seemed so wrong to be d
efiling the place in the way we were about to. According to Becky, his parents had taken his younger siblings away to the Caribbean for three weeks, but Olly hadn’t wanted to go.

  “Close your damn eyes then.”

  I flattened my palms against the door and did as he said, feeling him drop to his knees and his hand pull my hardening cock from my boxers. No more protests fell out of my mouth when he licked his way up my shaft.

  “Prince,” I whimpered the moment his mouth closed over my cock.

  He hummed in approval, making me twitch. No matter how many times he went down on me, I always wanted more. It’s not as if we always had sex. Sometimes it was just this and sometimes a handjob. Any type of sex with Aaron set my blood on fire.

  The deeper he took me, the more I fought against making too much noise. My hand curled into his hair, but I was wary of messing it up. He knew exactly how to draw this out until I begged him to let me come. Tonight, it wasn’t about that sort of game between us. He wanted me to come quickly. I could tell by the pace he set. His hand curled around the base of me whilst the other was lower, brushing against my hole and making me shiver.

  “Aaron,” I panted. “Going to…”

  He merely sucked me harder and that was it. I groaned, spurting wildly in his mouth with my release. My eyes were still closed and my chest heaving when I came down. He cleaned me up and put me away, rising to his feet and cupping my cheek. Then I felt his lips against mine and I opened. I could taste myself on him as he kissed me.

  “Better, knight?” he murmured.


  Anytime Aaron’s hands or mouth was on me, everything felt better. I cupped the back of his head and kissed him deeper. I smiled when he pulled away, his blue-grey eyes full of unrepressed emotion.

  “Want me to repay the favour, baby?”

  “I’m going to let the fact you called me that slide.”

  I reversed our positions in the blink of an eye, pushing him up against the door and running my hand over where his cock throbbed in his jeans.

  “Why? You want my mouth on you that much?”

  “Please, knight.”

  He knew I couldn’t resist him. I wasn’t in the mood for taunting. Not after he’d made me come. Didn’t take me long to work open his jeans and drop to my knees. The moment his hands wrapped around my head, I knew he wanted to be in charge. I let him, opening my mouth wide so he could sink his cock deep inside. He groaned, his hips thrusting forward as he began to fuck me. I really got off on letting him take control. Aaron’s dominant streak had me surrendering to him every single time.

  “Rhys,” he moaned as I gagged slightly around his dick when he pressed right up against the back of my mouth.

  I gripped his jeans, holding on whilst he thrust harder. My eyes flicked up to his, watching the way his mouth parted, signalling he was close. When he erupted, his grunt echoed in my ears. The salty taste of him made me tremble. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and smirked. The satisfaction on his face made me grin back.

  I tucked him away and rose to my full height, stroking his face with my hand.

  “We’re kind of sick for doing this in here.”

  He laughed and shoved me away before opening the door. We stumbled out and ran slap bang into the very last person we wanted to see.

  “I knew this party was going to suck,” came Valentine’s voice as he stared at the two of us with no small amount of disapproval.

  “Oh, why? Because we got invited?” I retorted as I felt Aaron stiffen next to me.

  Valentine’s eyes narrowed.

  “What were you two doing in there?”

  I snorted and took Aaron’s hand. As if I’d tell him we’d just gone down on each other in a kid’s bedroom.

  “None of your fucking business.”

  I shoved past him, dragging Aaron along with me. Valentine had dampened my mood entirely. I could feel his heated stare at our backs.

  “What a dick,” I heard Aaron mutter behind me.

  “You’re telling me.”

  We made our way back downstairs and into the crowd dancing. The two of us got lost in the beat for a while, but it didn’t feel the same any longer. So when Aaron told me he was going to get in line for the toilet, I went into the kitchen to get a drink.

  I’d just started making my way back into the living room when someone shoved my shoulder as they walked by, making me spill my entire cup of water all over the place. Feeling more than a little bothered, I turned to find Valentine glaring at me.

  “Watch where you’re going, gay boy.”

  I don’t know why his statement made me see red. Perhaps it was the number of times he’d called me that. Or maybe I was done being bullied. Either way, my temper got the better of me. I threw the empty cup on the floor and glared at him.

  “You were the one who knocked into me.”


  He turned to go, but I grabbed him by the shoulder and shoved him against the wall.

  “I’ve fucking had enough of your attitude. I don’t know what your problem with me and Aaron is but you need to back the fuck off, right? So what if we’re gay, it’s not a fucking crime. Get over yourself, you absolute prick.”

  He shoved me off him and started getting up in my face.

  “Watch what you say to me, King.”

  “Or what? You going to hit me? I’ve done fuck all to you, Valentine. Fuck all.”

  “You’re damn fucking right I’ll hit you, cunt.”

  I pushed him away from me, not wanting to get into a fight even though rage coursed through me.

  “You hit me, I’ll just hit right back. You think I’m fucking weak, huh? Just fucking try me. Guaranteed I’ll hurt you far more than you’ll ever hurt me. Back off and stay away from me and Aaron, got it? Or I’ll fuck you up.”

  Valentine tried to take a swing at me, but I stepped back, narrowly avoiding his fist.

  “Hey, hey, guys break it up,” called someone from behind Valentine.

  He kept coming at me, but I backed away, putting distance and bodies between us.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you,” he roared.

  Two guys grabbed hold of Valentine and held him back.

  “You fucking try it, dickhead. I’ll rain down hell on you if you dare come at me,” I called to him. “You better watch yourself.”

  I was so done with this place and this prick. Before anyone could say anything else, I turned and pushed my way through the crowd. I forgot all about the fact Aaron was here. Frustration and anger pumped through my system, making me want to hit something or someone.

  As soon as I got out the front door, I took a deep breath and stared up at the night’s sky. The sun had set a couple of hours ago. It was probably after midnight by now. Time I got out of this place. I didn’t want to be around anyone until I cooled off. So I took off, walking down the road and turning into an alley at the end. The moment I got into a small park that opened out beyond it, the oppressive air of the party started to leave me.

  Fucking Valentine.

  The prick had ruined my entire evening with his bullshit.

  Aaron would be wondering where I’d run off to, but right then, I couldn’t bring myself to text him and let him know. I wanted to calm the fuck down first. Otherwise, I might do something I later regretted. Valentine wasn’t worth it. I should’ve ignored him instead of making a scene in front of everyone.

  At least I didn’t hit him.

  Famous fucking last words because this evening wasn’t done shitting on me just yet. Not by a long shot.

  Chapter Thirty Nine

  I heard raised voices in the hallway as I fought my way back downstairs. A moment later, I saw Rhys shoving his way through the crowd and walking out the front door without turning back. My heart got tight wondering what happened. I turned to the person next to me.

  “What’s going on?”

  The guy glanced at me with wide eyes.<
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  “Oh, didn’t you see? Valentine Jenkins got into it with Rhys King again. That guy really has it out for King.”

  My heart sunk to my feet. I needed to go to my boyfriend. He’d likely be angry and understandably so. Valentine had put a damper on our evening. Having him get up in our faces right after we’d got each other off had been particularly unpleasant. Valentine had a way of rubbing Rhys up the wrong way.

  I didn’t bother finding out what was said. No point when it was probably nothing good. I fought my way through the rest of the bodies and got out the front door myself. Looking up and down the street, I couldn’t see him.

  “Fuck,” I muttered, running my hands through my hair.

  I pulled out my phone and fired off a text.

  Aaron: Where did you go?

  I didn’t get an immediate response nor did it look like he’d even read it. Deciding not to wait, I trudged off in the direction of the park nearby, knowing Rhys might have gone that way to cool off. I made my way down the alley at the end of the road, shoving my hands in my pockets.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” came a voice from behind me.

  I stopped, glancing back to find Valentine standing a few feet back from me. Why on earth had he followed me out here? I hadn’t seen him when I’d left the party.

  “What do you want?”

  He started towards me, making me feel uneasy.

  “Came to fucking finish what I started with your idiot boyfriend.”

  I turned fully, frowning.

  “What is your problem with me and Rhys?”

  He laughed, the sound sending a chill down my spine. I took a step back, wanting to get out of the dark alleyway and into the light at the end.

  “Oh, Parrish, I don’t have a problem with you. It’s him.”

  I frowned and took a further step backwards.

  “Sure seems like you have a problem with me.”

  He shook his head, giving me a smile which did nothing to make me feel any less nervous. I glanced behind me. A few more steps and we’d be under the streetlamp. I didn’t like the shadows around us. They made everything seem far more sinister.


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