Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1)

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Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1) Page 32

by Sarah Bailey

  Now I had to work out what to make. The girls tended to be picky, which drove Harriet crazy. She disliked how they’d be good for me about food, but not her. Maybe they’d behave today. I never knew with them. I could take them to the supermarket with me. They’d like that. If you made them feel included, they were more likely to eat what I’d prepared.

  “Girls, can you put your shoes on? We’re going shopping.”

  “We are?” Hetty asked, setting her red pencil down.

  I stood up, dumping my laptop on the sofa.

  “Yes, you can help me choose what we’re going to make Rhys tonight.”

  “Can we help you cook later?” Harmony put in.

  “Of course you can.”

  The girls jumped up from where they were sitting and grabbed their shoes, which they’d left next to them. I went into the kitchen to check what I did and didn’t have first. The girls and I would make sure Rhys enjoyed himself tonight. And hopefully, I could fix what I’d broken between us all those years ago.

  Chapter Fifty Six

  The buzzer went at five to six, right after I’d checked the chicken cacciatore in the oven. The girls were setting the table for me. The two of them were excited about having a guest and had asked me all sorts of questions about Rhys. I’d attempted to answer the best I could considering I didn’t know much about his life now.

  I walked out into the hallway and buzzed him in. Sticking my head back in the kitchen door to check on the girls, I found them placing napkins down carefully beside the plates. It had me smiling. If I could give them one weekend of normality, I would.

  The knock at the front door had me pulling back and walking over to it. I checked myself in the hall mirror.

  You look fine, stop worrying.

  Rhys stood there with his hands shoved in his jean’s pockets, his curly hair a little wind ruffled. And shit if it didn’t make him look sexy as hell.

  “Hi, come in.”

  I stepped back. He hesitated for a long moment before walking in. After I shut the front door, he slid off his coat and I hung it up on the rack next to me.

  My fingers itched with the need to run them through his hair. My eyes fixated on his lips, desperate to kiss them. My entire body craved his with such an intensity, I had to dig my nails into my palms to stop from acting on my impulses.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing here,” he murmured.

  “Dinner, you’re having dinner.”

  “I know but…” He waved a hand at me. “This isn’t me forgiving you. We’re not suddenly friends again.”

  My heart lurched. It would take time for him to trust me again. If he ever could. It didn’t stop hearing him say that from hurting me.

  “I don’t want to be your friend.”

  His eyebrow shot up.


  I took a step forward, making him back up.

  “I have no interest in being just your friend.”

  Another step brought his back flush with the wall. I had no idea what I was doing. Only the need to make him understand I wanted him back as my everything drove through me.

  “You know as well as I do that ship sailed years ago.”

  He stared at me, his eyes unnerving in the way they darkened to almost black.

  “Friends don’t fuck the way you fucked me last night,” I murmured, keeping my voice low so the girls wouldn’t hear.

  “Are you saying you want a repeat?” he asked, his voice equally low.

  “You already know the answer to that question.”

  The thought of his brutal pounding only made me want him more. I couldn’t allow myself to get carried away. He was here for dinner. So no matter how much the sexual tension brewing between us grew closer to exploding, I had to stay calm. Stepping back, I turned towards the kitchen.

  “Come meet my nieces.”

  Thankfully, he followed me without a word. Hetty and Harmony were stood by the dining table. Both their eyes fixed on me and Rhys when we walked in.


  The two of them came around the table and stared up at Rhys.

  “This is Rhys.” I turned to him. “These are my nieces, Hetty and Harmony.”

  I indicated them each in turn. They were almost identical except for one notable difference. Harmony had a beauty spot right over her left eyebrow.

  “Hello,” Rhys said, giving them both a smile.

  “Hi,” Hetty said.

  “Uncle Aaron said you were friends when you were at school,” Harmony added.

  Rhys glanced at me.

  “That’s right. We were best friends.”

  My heart tightened. Nothing would make me happier than to have my best friend back. But I wanted more. I wanted Rhys mine for life. Doubts about him being my one had never entered my mind. It’d been love at first sight for me, even if I hadn’t understood that when I was seven.

  “Did you know our Mummy too?”

  “Yes, she constantly said your uncle and I were joined at the hip, but that was a long time ago.”

  We had been. It’d taken a tragic accident my father had used to his advantage to drag us apart.

  “Uncle Aaron said you draw. Can we show you ours?” Hetty asked.

  “You can show Rhys after dinner, okay? Why don’t you show him where to sit?” I said, waving a hand at the table. “Do you want something to drink? I have wine, beer, spirits or juice?”

  Hetty and Harmony each grabbed one of Rhys’ hands and pulled him with them. He glanced back at me.

  “Beer’s fine.”

  I wandered towards the fridge, eying the girls as they made him sit down and started asking more questions. Grabbing two beers out, I set them on the counter and popped the caps with the bottle opener. Next, I checked the rice and took the chicken out of the oven. Once I’d served everything up on plates, I brought them all over to the table and went back to get the beers.

  The girls had sat Rhys next to me with them across from us. As I handed him the beer, I took a seat and nodded at the girls. I’d already put juice out for them earlier.

  “Well, tuck in.”

  I sipped my beer, eying the girls to make sure they started. My attention drifted to Rhys. Him being so close to me made my skin burn with need. I wanted to touch him so fucking badly. Doubt he’d appreciate it, so I refrained.

  As kids, we’d had constant physical affection between us. My body remembered it. It didn’t feel normal not to reach for him. To feel him against me in some small way. Perhaps I deserved this. The torment. Since I’d brought him so much of it. Didn’t make me feel any better.

  “Uncle Aaron,” Hetty’s voice floated over the table.


  My eyes stayed fixed on Rhys, who’d raised his beer to his lips. How could I do anything but stare at him? He was so fucking handsome.

  “We know you like boys, but does Rhys too?”

  Rhys choked on his beer. My head snapped to the girls. In all honesty, I should’ve expected it considering they were far too curious for their own good.

  “You cannot ask people that, Hetty.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s inappropriate.”

  “But why?”

  “We’re not starting the why game at the table. You don’t ask people outright about who they like. If they want to share it with you, they will, okay?”

  Hetty looked put out, but if you weren’t strict with the girls, they would run riot all over you. I’d got wise to them.

  “Now, apologise for being rude.”

  “Sorry, Uncle Aaron. Sorry, Rhys,” she said with no hesitation.

  “It’s okay,” Rhys said, glancing at me.

  I couldn’t stop the girls from asking questions. At least they listened to me when I told them off. They weren’t so good for their parents. Maybe since I refused to let them get away with anything, they were better behaved with me.

  When the girls’ attention
was back on their food, I leant closer to him.

  “Sorry, they’re kind of blunt sometimes,” I murmured.

  His lip curved up.

  “Aren’t kids always?”

  “They’re just going through a difficult time. Harriet and Ralph are separated at the moment. That’s why I have the girls, they’re working on their marriage.”

  His eyes met mine and the understanding in them had me remembering what he’d gone through all those years ago. Rhys understood the pain of trouble between his parents.

  “That’s rough. So, they know you’re gay, huh?”

  I swallowed my mouthful.

  “Uhuh, Harriet doesn’t have any issues with it, unlike their grandparents.”

  Rhys snorted.

  “Well, that’s hardly surprising.”

  I almost slapped myself for bringing up my parents. Rhys was not their biggest fan. In fact, he probably hated my father as much as I did. He was partially to blame for the breakdown of mine and Rhys’ relationship.

  “I don’t mind them knowing I’m gay,” he murmured. “Unless you do.”

  “I don’t.”

  Rhys had never shied away from being open about it. I didn’t want to confuse the girls after I told them he wasn’t my boyfriend, so it was probably best not to bring it up again.

  “What kind of things do you draw?” Harmony asked, making me pull away from Rhys.

  “I draw fantasy scenes for books mostly, and I make book covers. I also have a comic strip,” Rhys replied, smiling at my niece.

  I wish you’d smile at me like that again.

  “Will you show us?”

  “I can… if that’s okay with your uncle.”

  “Is it child friendly?” I asked, trying not to grin.

  Rhys would never show them anything inappropriate, but I had to check, nevertheless. Harriet would kill me if they saw something they weren’t supposed to.

  “Not all of it, but the latest update would be okay for them.”

  His dark eyes sparkled like something about it was funny and I wondered why.

  “I’m okay with it.”

  I didn’t stop him slipping from his chair whilst he pulled his phone from his pocket. He fiddled with it as he rounded the table and squatted down by the girls. We were all still eating, but my curiosity about this overrode telling the girls they’d have to wait until dinner was over.

  Rhys showed them his phone screen, pointing something out to them. The girl’s eyes flicked between me and the screen at least five times. Harmony leant closer to Rhys.

  “Why does the boy in the comic look like Uncle Aaron?” she whispered.

  I blinked.

  Wait… what?

  “Because I started drawing these when I was fifteen and your uncle was my muse.”

  “What’s a muse?”

  “Someone who inspires your art.”

  Rhys’ eyes flicked to mine. My heart constricted and everything narrowed to just him. I didn’t think he’d still be drawing the same character he’d based on me. Nor that he’d share it with the world.

  What do I say to that? What does it mean?

  “Can you draw me?” Hetty asked.

  Rhys smiled.

  “Maybe one day, but not tonight. You two need to finish your dinner so you can show me your drawings.”

  The girls instantly went back to their food. Rhys rose to his full height and came back around the table. He sat down and placed his phone between us on the wooden surface. I stared down at the screen. There, clear as day, was his comic strip. Harmony hadn’t been wrong. The main character looked exactly like me. And I remembered his sketchbook full of these drawings of a cartoon version of me he’d done when we were teenagers.

  Holy. Shit.

  “Why?” I whispered.

  “You already know the answer to that question,” he replied, echoing my exact words from earlier.

  Do I?

  Rhys couldn’t forget me. Not even after I’d broken his heart. And this was the comic strip which had made Emily want him to illustrate her book. Did she recognise it was me?

  I had to go back through all of them and read each one when I was alone. Maybe then I’d understand why. Maybe it’d give me some insight. Who fucking knew. This felt surreal.

  I went back to my food, unsure of what else to say. By the time we were all done, I sent the girls into the living room to choose a film whilst Rhys offered to help me clean up. We didn’t speak as I filled the dishwasher and put the leftovers away. He kept watching me, which had my skin itching with the need to have his hands all over me instead of his eyes.

  The girls had chosen Beauty and the Beast since it was one of their favourites. I got everything set up on the TV whilst they showed Rhys their drawings. He made appropriate noises, smiling at the two of them the whole time. I made them get changed into their pyjamas and brush their teeth before I put the film on.

  The girls insisted on sitting in between us. I didn’t put up a fight even though I wanted to be closer to him. Halfway through the film, they fell asleep on us. I paused it and Rhys helped me carry them to the spare bedroom. We put them in the double bed together and crept out.

  We stared at each other in the hallway. I was in half a mind to throw myself at him and beg him to let me love him again. Having him here tonight meant everything to me.

  “Maybe I should go.”

  Those were not the words I wanted to hear. I would do anything to keep him here.

  “Don’t… please, stay. We haven’t talked yet.”

  Chapter Fifty Seven

  My emotions were a complete and utter fucking mess. I’d come here tonight so I could have a conversation with him about the past. Fuck knows we needed to. Moving on would never happen unless I got a sense of closure. Except being around him only made me want him all the more. And meeting his nieces had been an unexpected joy. Seeing how good he was with them even as he made sure they didn’t step out of line. Aaron would make an amazing parent one day if he ever wanted that.

  His blue-grey eyes pleaded with me not to leave, breaking through all my defences, just like he’d always been able to. I took a step towards him, unable to help myself. My body wanted his touch. I wanted him. Us being alone without his nieces as a buffer only stoked the flames.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” I murmured.

  He glanced back at the door at the end of the hallway. I took it as a sign he wouldn’t stop me. Stepping towards him, my hand landed on his chest and I pushed him backwards. Aaron stared at me, wide-eyed and stumbling a little on our path towards where the inevitable would happen. Nothing about this decision could be called rational. I had to have him again. Nothing else would do. Talking be fucking damned right at this second. Anything we had to say could wait.

  I shut the door behind us when we got into his room. Not bothering with the lights as the curtains were wide open, I shoved him towards his bed. He fell back onto it and I was right there with him, pinning him down with my body on top of his. The temptation to kiss him had me in knots. Feeling his mouth on mine would be bliss. But I wasn’t going to do that. Instead, I buried my face in his neck, my tongue flicking out and running over his pulse point.

  I trailed a path towards his ear with my lips, kissing just below it. He panted, spurring me on. My teeth grazed along his earlobe. Between us, his cock hardened, matching my own, which already throbbed in anticipation.

  “Rhys,” he moaned.

  His hands landed on my thighs, gripping tightly as if he needed to anchor himself. I rocked my hips, making him squirm beneath me. Aaron wanted me. He wanted me as fucking badly as I wanted him. It should make me stop. It would be more of a punishment if I denied him this, but I couldn’t stop now.

  “I clearly need to shut you up before you get too loud,” I whispered in his ear.

  Pulling away and sitting up, I fumbled with my jeans, getting them open and tugging my cock out. I might want to fuck Aaro
n into next week, but I also wanted his mouth on me. I missed the way his tongue felt and the warm wetness encasing me.

  Shifting off him, I stood up and stared at him with my cock in my hand. My eyebrow quirked up. He lay there with wild eyes and if the bulge in his jeans was anything to go by, just as turned on and ready for this as me.

  “On your knees, prince.”

  Aaron pushed himself up and off the bed, dropping to his knees in front of me. I cupped his face, running my thumb along his bottom lip before pushing it inside his mouth. His eyes burnt with need as he swirled his tongue around the tip.

  “You want this?” I asked, stroking my cock right next to his face.

  He nodded. I popped my thumb out of his mouth, brushing the wetness along his lip.

  “If you want my cock, you know how to ask for it.”

  I understood why he’d always got off on control when we were younger. This power I had right now felt freeing. Like I could give in to these dark urges I had when it came to Aaron. I could do what I wanted with him and he’d let me without reservation or hesitation.

  “Please give me your cock. I don’t deserve it, but I want to give you pleasure. I want to make you come.” He reached for me, his hands curling into my jeans. “I want you so much, Rhys. Let me suck your cock, please.”

  I hooked my thumb in his mouth again and pulled it open. Even if he hadn’t begged, I would have given it to him anyway. He’d been good for me, so I wouldn’t tease him. Wrapping my hand around the back of his head, I pulled him closer and slid the head of my cock in his mouth.

  Fuck me. Just as I remembered. So fucking good.

  Aaron didn’t try to direct proceedings. He let me press my cock deeper into his waiting mouth. His eyes betrayed his need for this. This beautiful man who I still loved with every inch of my fucking soul would let me do exactly as I pleased to him.

  “You want to make me come, prince? Come right down your fucking throat?”

  He hummed his agreement around my cock, the vibrations sending shivers up my spine.


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