Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1)

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Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1) Page 35

by Sarah Bailey

  “I don’t know what to say… thank you so much.”

  “I could say it’s because we all believe in your ability at work but really, I did this to make you happy. Getting to see you smile is all the thanks I need.”

  If I was a more cynical person, I’d have thought Aaron was doing this to win me over. Aaron never did anything for other people out of selfishness. He might have been raised with privilege, but he still had the biggest heart of anyone I knew. I never took his over the top gestures as anything but a need to make me happy.

  “Do you have any more surprises? You know, just so I can prepare myself.”

  He grinned and shook his head.

  “Didn’t want to scare you away.”

  I reached for his tie, loosening it so I could tug it from his shirt. Aaron eyed me, his eyes growing stormy the way they always did when he got aroused.

  “I don’t want sex,” I blurted out, making his eyes go wide.


  “I mean, it’s not that I don’t want to have sex with you. I definitely do… like you look so damn hot tonight. I just… god, this is coming out wrong.” I slipped his tie from his shirt and placed it on the coffee table before running my hands along his shoulders. “I feel like I’ve been using it to avoid my feelings and I don’t want to do that tonight. Can… can we just like cuddle? Or is that way too lame?”

  He bit his lip before reaching out and running his fingers through my mop of curls.

  “I’d like that.”

  I leant towards him.

  “I’m still going to kiss you.”

  His smirk made my blood pound.

  “No objections here.”

  Our lips met and my hand curled around the back of his neck. Love flooded me. Love for this beautiful man who owned my heart and soul even if I’d not told him that yet. Saying I love you again would take me a little more time. I wanted to know we worked now we were older and no longer had anything holding us back. I wanted to trust Aaron again.

  My phone buzzing in my pocket made me pull away. Noting it was Mum’s part-time carer, I answered.

  “Hi, Daria.”

  “Hi, Rhys. I’m afraid I have some bad news.”

  My blood ran cold.

  “What is it? What’s happened to Mum?”

  “I came to check on her like I usually do at the end of my shift, but I found she’d taken a really bad fall. The paramedics are here and will be taking her to A&E. They want to have her ankle x-rayed as they’re worried it’s broken. She’s in a lot of pain and I’m not able to go with her as I need to get home for my kids.”

  I stood up abruptly.

  “Oh god, shit. How did she fall?”

  “She tripped over the rug in the hallway. I’ve told her we need to get rid of it.”

  I rubbed my face.

  “So have I. I’ll deal with it. Thank you for letting me know.”

  “Of course, do let me know how she is. I’ll find out where they’re taking her and text you, okay?”

  “Thank you, I will do.”

  She hung up. I’d told Mum a million times she couldn’t have rugs in her flat as she wasn’t always steady on her feet. Hating I’d been proved right, I rubbed my face again. The last thing I needed was her breaking her ankle.

  Aaron put a hand on my arm, getting my attention.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Mum’s had a fall and they’re taking her in to have her ankle x-rayed. I need to go be with her. Daria, her carer, can’t as she’s got to be home for her kids.”

  He stood up, his eyes growing concerned.

  “Do you know where they’ve taken her?”

  “Daria’s going to text me.”

  He reached for me, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck.

  “Will you let me drive you? If she’s broken her ankle, she’ll need help getting home.”

  I nodded, feeling my phone buzz in my hand. I checked the message and noted the hospital they were taking Mum to. Aaron hadn’t even hesitated to offer help. And really, I needed him. Seeing my mum hurting killed me every single time.

  I showed him the message and he took my hand, giving me a sad smile.

  “Let’s go, hey?”

  I let him lead me from his flat and out to his car. The whole way to the hospital, my leg bounced in the footwell. It’s not like I could help being worried about her. She still had good and bad days. This latest incident just about killed me since it happened needlessly. If she wasn’t so stubborn about that damn rug. As soon as we got her home, I’d be rolling it up and taking it away with me. She needed to stay safe.

  Aaron parked and got a ticket before taking my hand and following me into the hospital. I couldn’t see her in the waiting room so I went straight to the front desk. The lady manning it looked up from her computer.

  “Hello, how can I help you?”

  “My mother was brought in a little while ago, Stephanie King.”

  Mum had never bothered to change her name back after the divorce.

  “Hold on, let me have a look…” She tapped on her screen for a moment. “Ah yes, she’s been taken through.” The lady looked at Aaron sceptically. “She’s in bed six through the double doors there.”

  “Is my partner allowed through with me?”

  I needed Aaron. Panic I didn’t want to feel had started to set in. My stomach got all twisted and I wanted to be sick. Aaron’s presence grounded me.

  “Yes, I’m sure that’ll be fine.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  My hand tightened around Aaron’s as we made our way through the double doors and down the beds until we found Mum. My breath whooshed out of me all at once when I saw she was sat up in bed whilst a nurse was checking her over. I waited a moment until they were finished. The nurse looked over and raised his eyebrow.

  “Can I help you?”

  My mum looked up and broke out into a smile.

  “It’s okay, Dale, this is my son, Rhys.”

  “Mum.” I was by her bedside the next moment, dragging Aaron along with me. I reached out and touched her cheek with my free hand. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, love. They’ve given me something for the pain.”

  The nurse, Dale, smiled and shook his head.

  “She’s been telling me all about you for the past ten minutes. They’ll be along to take her up to x-ray soon, but you’re welcome to sit with her.”

  “Thank you,” I replied with a nod.

  He left, pulling the curtain over to give us some privacy. I dropped my hand from her face and shifted on my feet.

  “You look very dressed up, were you out somewhere?” she asked, her eyes roaming over me.

  That’s when Mum noticed I had someone with me. Her eyes widened and her mouth went a little slack.

  “Um, yes, I was.”

  “Aaron? Is that you?”

  I glanced at him and his flushed face.

  “Hi Steph,” he replied, rubbing the back of his neck.

  She looked between us, confusion written all over her face when her eyes landed on our joined hands.

  “What’s going on, Rhys?”

  I hadn’t mentioned Aaron to her at all, wanting to be sure this was the real deal between us before I opened that can of worms. She’d picked up the pieces after our breakup and had to go through hell on earth with me. It concerned me how she’d feel about me getting back together with Aaron. And I hadn’t considered that when I’d rushed over here with him.

  “Um… well… Aaron and I are kind of back together.”

  Kind of? You are back together, aren’t you?

  I glanced at Aaron whose eyes were on me and full of hope. We hadn’t explicitly stated we were boyfriends again, but it’s what I wanted.

  “Back together? When did this happen?”

  “The getting back together part?”

  Her brows turned down.

  “All of it.�

  “Maybe I should…” Aaron started, pointing towards the curtain.

  I’d promised him I’d fight for us. It included telling my mother we were back together and not shying away from a tough conversation. Aaron’s presence gave me courage. I took a step back from her bedside and looked at him.

  “No, I need you here.”

  Those blue-grey eyes spoke volumes. The affection and love grounded me. He wouldn’t leave me to flounder on my own.

  My eyes fell on Mum again who was watching us with cautious eyes.

  “We saw each other again three weeks ago when Johnstone & Parrish offered me the opportunity to illustrate an urban fantasy book. Aaron had no idea the creative department had contacted me so it wasn’t on purpose or anything. We’ve spent a lot of time together since then. He understands he hurt me and we’re trying to move beyond what happened in the past. I know it might be hard to understand, Mum, but our feelings are still there. You know I haven’t dated and well, he’s why. It’s always been Aaron.”

  Aaron’s hand tightened around mine. Mum’s eyes flicked to him.

  “Does he know what you did?”

  I knew exactly what she was referring to.


  She leant forward.

  “Do you realise I almost lost my son because of you?”

  Aaron flinched. This wasn’t how I expected her to react to the news of our reunion, but then again, she didn’t understand everything Aaron and I had gone through together. She didn’t know what really happened with Valentine. How it’d affected our relationship in ways I never expected. Despite everything, going through that shit together had brought us closer even as it ripped us apart. If his father hadn’t interfered, Aaron and I would’ve only gone from strength to strength. I would’ve helped him heal from it. Instead, we had to do that by ourselves. And perhaps it had been better for us in the long run.

  Aaron and I had learnt how to be without each other. How to stand on our own two feet. So us coming back together was on even ground this time. I was successful in my own right. His privilege no longer hung over us like a black cloud. His father no longer had any power here. We were equal and it showed.

  “Yes I do, Steph, and I’m sorry,” Aaron said, his expression falling. “If I could take it all back, I would. Rhys means everything to me. I never wanted to hurt him. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to him. I love Rhys more than anything.”

  “I’m working on the forgiveness part, Mum. We both are,” I added.

  She sat back and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I’m not going to say I’m happy about this, but I trust you know what you’re doing, Rhys.”

  I looked at Aaron. He made my heart fucking swell. He’d been my entire world when we were younger. He was still my entire world now even though that world had expanded. Aaron took up the most space in it. That would never change no matter what happened between us.

  I can’t stop loving you even if I try. And I don’t want to try. I just want you, Aaron. You… forever.

  “I do. I promise I know exactly what I’m doing.”

  The porters came then to take Mum down to x-ray. Even if she didn’t understand right now why I’d agree to get back together with Aaron, she would eventually. He’d show her just as I would.

  I felt stronger with him next to me.

  My anchor. My soulmate. My everything.

  Chapter Sixty One

  I couldn’t say I exactly blamed Steph for reacting to the news of Rhys and I getting back together the way she had. It made me more determined to prove I would do anything for him. That I deserved this second chance he’d given me.

  Whilst Steph had been at the hospital, I didn’t leave Rhys’ side knowing he needed me there. Thankfully she hadn’t broken her ankle, it was just a nasty sprain, not that it made Rhys feel any better. I’d taken them both back to Steph’s flat after she’d been discharged and helped get her upstairs with Rhys. We got her settled in bed for the night. Rhys let Daria know what was happening for when she came to see Steph in the morning.

  We’d gone back to his for the night as it was closer in case Steph needed anything. Rhys had fallen asleep tucked up against me out of sheer exhaustion. I’d lain awake watching him. My beautiful man who’d begun to let me back in despite everything I’d done. He gave me meaning. And he’d shown me without words how much he wanted this to work between us.

  When I awoke, I found him laid out on his front, the covers half falling off him as if he’d kicked them away in the night. His back was bare and made my mouth water. The temptation to touch him overrode everything else. I moved closer and ran my fingers down his spine, revelling in the softness of his skin. He mumbled something I couldn’t hear and shifted a little, but it didn’t stop me. Leaning over, I pressed kisses down his back. I didn’t want him to think I was being a creep or anything, touching him in his sleep, but I’d not had a chance to do this so freely.

  My hand curled around the covers, pulling them lower so I could take him in fully. I felt like a right fucking perv staring at him like this. Especially since my eyes were on the curve of his behind and the memory of the way he’d let me fuck him assaulted my senses, making my cock stand to attention.

  You are not going to ask him about that. If he wants it, he’ll tell you. He’ll ask you.

  I hated feeling this way. Like it wasn’t enough we’d come back together. He always made sure I was satisfied when we were intimate.

  “Don’t stop,” came his muffled voice, startling me.

  “Kissing you?”


  I continued my path down his back, carefully shifting over him so I straddled the backs of his thighs. My fingers followed my mouth. He shifted under me, pressing back against my touch. When I met the base of his spine, my hands drifted lower, splaying out over his cheeks tentatively. It made my cock throb. I wanted him so fucking much.

  “Take them off.” His voice had a commanding note to it, making me shiver.

  My fingers curled into the waistband of his boxers, tugging them down his legs. He didn’t try to turn over or stop me when I touched his bare skin with my fingertips. He shivered and let out a little pant.


  I snatched my hands back, scared I’d gone too far.

  “Sorry, do you want me to stop?”

  “No. Touch me. I know you want to.”

  Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who could read him. He read me like an open fucking book. Then again, I wasn’t trying to hide my feelings or emotions from him.

  I leant over him again, trailing my tongue down his back this time. He moaned in response, arching up against me. It made me brave. Braver than I’d ever been before. My hands splayed out over him again and I spread him open for me. The moment my tongue brushed across him, Rhys jerked in response.

  “A… what… fuck…”

  I shifted, using one hand to keep him spread whilst the other slipped beneath him, wrapping around his hard cock. He let out a strangled moan as I tongued him. He rocked back against me, encouraging my exploration, which only made me eager to please him further. I concentrated on stroking him, feeling him throb harder under my fingers.

  “Aaron,” he groaned. “Fuck, fuck. God.”

  I pulled back slightly.

  “You like this?”

  “Can’t you tell?”

  I grinned, watching him strain towards me as if he couldn’t get enough. So I gave him what he wanted, loving the way he panted and moaned as I brought him closer to the edge.

  “Please,” he breathed. “Please, A, fuck, please… please fuck me.”

  I thought I’d misheard him. Pushing myself up, I stared down at him.


  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  He looked back at me, his dark eyes wild with need.

  “Please, I want you.”
/>   Who the fuck was I to deny him? I wanted to do this, but I’d been scared to ask, wanting it to be his choice. Reaching over to his bedside drawer, I tugged it open and grabbed what I needed. Then I worked him with my fingers, opening him up to me whilst he panted, moaned and writhed beneath me.

  “A, please.”

  I pulled off my own boxers, ripped open the foil packet and rolled the condom on. Whilst we’d not been with other people, we’d not fucked bare yet like we had done as teenagers. Making sure to use enough lube, I pressed against him, taking a deep breath before sliding inside. He was exactly as tight and hot as I remembered. So damn perfect around my cock.

  “Fuck,” I groaned. “You feel so good.”

  “I want to see you,” he whispered as I leant over him.

  Pulling out of him, I let him turn over on his back. His eyes were so full of desire and affection as he reached for me. I settled back between his legs and slid inside him again, building a steady but slow rhythm, knowing if I went too fast, I’d blow my load. My hands were planted by his head as he held my face, his other hand resting on my shoulder.

  “Thank you for yesterday.”

  “What part?”

  “All of it… the date, being there for me at the hospital. It made me realise something.”


  He nodded, tugging me closer until our lips brushed.

  “I forgive you.”

  I swear my heart just about stopped.


  “I don’t want to live in the past. I can stand on my own two feet, but I don’t want to be without you. You bring me happiness. You know me inside out. You give me everything I need without me having to ask for it. My world is a better and brighter place with you in it. I choose you, A. I choose this. I choose us.”

  I pressed my lips to his, sealing away his words because they made me feel too many emotions.

  “I love you so much,” I whispered against his mouth.

  “I know.”

  It wasn’t an I love you back, but it was enough for me. Whatever Rhys chose to give me would always be enough.

  I kept kissing him as my thrusts grew harder and more erratic. All my love poured out of me with each kiss. Each touch. We lost ourselves to each other. To this moment where nothing else in the world mattered but us. Loving Rhys was the only thing I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Showing this man he was the single most important person to me. Giving him my all.


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