“Not as odd as you might think,” Yukiko said. “She isn’t wrong about eurtiks and other clans. Some of the newer and smaller clans aren’t as prejudiced. If her magic is strong, then some of them will be very interested in her. Her father likely made a strong impression on her, though.”
“He did seem very excited about the idea,” Gregory said slowly. “She might change her mind by the end of the first tournament, but we should still let Dia know about her.”
“Dia can look into it more, but right now, I’m looking forward to actually playing Empire’s Gambit today,” Jenn said, changing the topic.
“Yes,” Gregory nodded. “I need to stop by the courier’s office, too.”
“You still haven’t said why,” Yukiko smiled.
Gregory grinned. “Surprises.”
Jenn shook her head. “I don’t think we’re going to get more out of him.”
“You’re probably right,” Yukiko said. “We can split after we leave. You can take a rickshaw to the office and we’ll go to Gin’s.”
“I’ll see you there,” Gregory said.
When he arrived at Gin’s home, Gregory thanked Baylyss for letting him in. “Are they in the garden?”
“With Elsa,” Baylyss replied. “She was nearly fanatical wanting to learn this week.”
“Rewards are great motivators,” Gregory chuckled. “We’ll see how she feels after a week or two.”
“Yes. Achieving for the short term is easier than staying motivated over an extended period.”
Entering the inner courtyard garden, Gregory watched Jenn and Yukiko moving through the slow, controlled movements in unison. He saw Elsa staring at the two women, doing her best to copy them.
“The first time or two, concentrating on the motions is good, but you’ll eventually reach the point where you can meditate while doing it,” Gregory told her. “Do you think you understand the basics?”
Elsa’s balance wavered, and she had to take an extra step to not fall over. “Not yet, but I will.”
“I won’t meditate today,” Gregory said, moving closer to her. “I’ll walk you through the first kata until you have it memorized. Ready?”
Elsa took the stance that the Peaceful Fist started with. “Yes, sir!”
“Okay. First, we go to the back foot, and extend the left hand,” Gregory explained softly, putting motion to his words.
“Your guests have arrived,” Baylyss announced.
“Good, we were just finishing,” Gregory said. “Good work, Elsa. You have the first two katas down flawlessly.”
Elsa beamed. “Thank you, sir!”
“Sensei might be a better title when he’s teaching you,” Yukiko said, her own meditation ending about a minute prior.
“Thank you, Sensei,” Elsa said, bowing formally to him.
“Your training time is done for today,” Baylyss said kindly. “We must make the tea for them now.”
“Yes,” Elsa said as she walked toward Baylyss with hurried steps. “Baylyss, can I practice every day?”
“Only if you finish all your other work and your learning tasks are completed.”
“Yes,” Elsa said happily as she stepped around Baylyss. “I’ll go start the tea.”
When she left, Baylyss turned to the three novices. “As I was telling Gregory earlier, she is fanatical with her learning because of this being her reward, but I worry how long it will last.”
“Time will tell,” Yukiko said, “but I don’t think she’ll lapse.”
“No. She’s as motivated as I was to spend time in the forge,” Jenn said. “She’ll only fail if people discourage her. Since that isn’t likely to happen, I don’t think she’ll fail.”
“Very well. Let me escort you to your guests,” Baylyss said. “They brought quite a few things with them today.”
“It’s for Empire’s Gambit,” Gregory said.
“Oh, that’s a complicated one. Dia talked about it some when we were younger.”
“It is complicated,” Gregory agreed. “We started reading about it last week. Today, we’ll be getting hands-on experience.”
“From what I recall, don’t get discouraged the first few times you attempt it,” Baylyss said. “It can be quite rough if your opponents are skilled and you’re not.”
“We’ll keep that in mind,” Yukiko said.
“Ah, there they are,” Lon said when the group entered the room. “We’re still setting it up, but come on over and get a look.”
They looked at the tables the instructors had pushed together so they could arrange the game board. Several unit figures stood on each side of the game board. The playing area depicted grasslands with some light woods near the center.
“We’re going with the easiest tileset to start with,” Lon said. “Plains doesn’t have any negative modifiers, though the woods will hinder cavalry movement. We’ll discuss the basics first.”
“We’ve been reading about the game,” Gregory said. “We understand the very basic premise, but not how it all ties together.”
“Okay,” Lon grinned. “We’ll be splitting into teams; us against you. Each of us will have a unit to control, but you have to appoint one of you to be the general in charge of finances.”
“Yuki,” Jenn said without hesitation.
“Agreed,” Gregory nodded.
Yukiko nodded. “Very well.”
“We’ll be playing an even match. We’ll all control a light foot unit, with a magus in command. We’ll match your selection on magus type.”
“Physical,” Jenn said.
“Fire,” Yukiko said.
“Earth,” Gregory added.
“Very well. Pick your side of the board,” Lon said.
“Your markers,” Vexlin said, handing them each a banner for their unit. “It represents the magus in charge of your units.”
“We start with the same supplies and vela,” Cal said. “I’m the leader for our side. That’s important because it means my unit has the pay chest, just like Yukiko’s does.”
“In order to win, all three opposing units need to have fallen, surrendered, or have fled.”
“Understood,” Yukiko said.
“Here are the starting stats for your units,” Vexlin said, handing over plaques with the pertinent information, “and your list of supplies and vela.”
“We start by placing our units on the board within two hexagons of the edge,” Lon said. “Good luck. If you have questions, ask as we go.”
Gregory nodded as he set his unit on the map. “We will. The easiest way to learn is to ask.”
Baylyss was showing them to the door hours later. “You appeared to be having fun, but I’m not certain.”
“It was frustrating,” Jenn said, “but fun at the same time. I never thought learning was this fun until I joined with Greg and Yuki.”
“Fun and frustrating is accurate,” Yukiko said. “The minutiae of the game is where an experienced player can dominate. I look forward to next week.”
“Thank you, Baylyss. This is only possible because of you doing everything you do,” Gregory said. “We’ll be meeting with them for the next few months, which is far longer than my original proposition.”
“It’s fine,” Baylyss said. “I was asked to make things as easy as possible for you.”
“Where’s Elsa?” Gregory asked, noticing she was missing.
“She passed out an hour ago,” Baylyss chuckled. “I’m letting her nap until you go. This is the first time she’s run out of steam before bed.”
“The Peaceful Fist is surprisingly taxing if you aren’t used to it,” Jenn said. “She’ll be able to handle it soon, though.”
“I’m sure she will. Good evening to you all. We’ll be looking forward to your return next week.”
Saying goodbye to Baylyss, the friends started the jog back to the academy.
Chapter Thirty-eight
There had been no new challenges thrown at them
over the last four weeks, but the other novices used Franco as a champion in every challenge they could, keeping him from issuing any challenges himself. The Eternal Flame stopped all challenges without any seeming reason, and the Swift Wind clan lost a novice in a challenge against the Han clan. The healer had not been fast enough to save him during the brutal fight.
Gregory devoured law books about Krogga and Buldoun after spending a few days reading on horse care. Yukiko had dived through the rich lore on Aether, and Jenn struggled with the laws of the empire after finishing dwarven lore.
Daciana had taken to arriving at the archive to study a little after they did every day. Besides wishing them each a good day, she didn’t speak much with them, but Gregory knew she was watching them while she read.
Taking their seats in the archive, the group was excited. It was Jenn’s birthday, and they had plans.
“Remember, we’re having lunch at Stabled Hunger,” Yukiko said. “Elsa will be joining us, too.”
“She was very excited when we asked her last week,” Jenn smiled. “Reminds me of my youngest sister... so excitable and innocent.”
“Dedicated, too,” Gregory said. “Hasn’t wavered on her learning at all, according to Baylyss. She managed to get through all of the Peaceful Fist last week.”
“We’ll be starting a new game of Empire’s Gambit against the instructors soon,” Yukiko added. Three games over four weeks and we haven’t come close to winning. Every time we get close, they have a new trick and the citations about why it’s a legal move.”
“It’s frustrating...” Jenn grumbled as she pulled out paper to start Magi Squares.
“And fun, because it’s difficult,” Yukiko said. “I’ve been enjoying it, even when we lose.”
“At the moment, it’s just learning, but we’ll need to know the game for next year and beyond. If we do end up commanding people in the field, we’ll be glad we have some knowledge ahead of time.”
“I understand that,” Jenn said. “I’d just like to win, even once.”
“We will before the end,” Yukiko said. “With the three of us helping pay for it, we can easily keep them employed until the end of the first year. I feel better that Greg isn’t paying for it alone, anyway.”
“Not like I’m spending the stipend on much else,” Gregory said.
“We need to look into getting clothing again,” Yukiko smirked, “but that’s after lunch. I have the day all planned, and I let the instructors know they have today off last week.”
“So that’s what that was,” Gregory nodded. “I saw you whispering to Lon just before they left. I’d been wondering.”
“I’ve arranged things,” Yukiko said. “Now, let’s focus on our task.”
“Good morning,” Daciana said softly as she moved to the nearby table.
“Morning, Daciana,” Gregory said. “How’s your studying going?”
“Slowly,” Daciana replied with a pained smile, “but I’ll continue to push forward.”
“That’s the only way,” Jenn said. “Just make sure you’re learning. Reading without comprehension isn’t learning.”
“I understand,” Daciana said. “Please, don’t let me disturb you.” She paused as she took her seat. “Might I ask a question? I’ve seen some novices starting to form groups... Is this approved? I made a friend, but we’re not sure if we can study together.”
“It’s fine,” Yukiko said. “If you have questions like that, the archivists here or the keeper for your dormitory can answer them for you.”
“I see. Sorry. Thank you.”
“We’re happy to help,” Gregory said, “but instead of waiting to ask us, there are others who can guide you, too.”
“I’ll bring her with me starting tomorrow. I’m sorry for interrupting you again. Thank you.”
Leaving the archive, the group briefly discussed the books they were currently reading. “I believe the eurtik history has to be more entertaining than your books,” Jenn said.
“Law books are dense,” Yukiko sighed. “Buldoun is heavily focused on commerce laws.”
“Yes, it took me longer to get through that than the empire’s laws,” Gregory agreed. “Limaz laws are different, though. They hold to equal laws, with no separation on station or power. Kill a person there and it doesn’t matter if you are a pauper or the most powerful magi— both are treated the same.”
“I can see the good and bad in that,” Jenn said.
“It’s decidedly different,” Gregory said.
“On a different subject,” Yukiko said, looking over her shoulder, “Daciana has been respectful, but do either of you feel like we’re being placed on pedestals?”
“She’s trying to mimic us,” Jenn said. “Not sure it’s being raised up so much as just being used as role models.”
“She’s going to have a hard time if she tries to copy us,” Gregory said. “I don’t think she can train like we do, and it might hurt her if she ends up on a path unsuited to her.”
“The rules of the academy don’t say anything about offering advice to lower magi,” Yukiko said. “We can still try to help her and her friend, whoever that turns out to be. We should warn her about people like Nick, too.”
“That we should definitely do,” Gregory agreed.
“She’s earth magic,” Jenn said. “Her magic wouldn’t be greatly hindered by one path over another. At least, not as far as I know. We don’t even know what she’s studying.”
“We can ask tomorrow,” Yukiko said. “For now, let’s focus on your birthday.”
“Yes,” Jenn grinned. “I should tell you both something, too.” Seeing she had their attention, she slipped her medallion out of her kimono. “I reached the tenth rank.”
“That’s another reason to celebrate,” Yukiko laughed. “We need to stop by Alvis Alchemy today to let them know to upgrade the ingredients again. Since you just rose in power, Greg and I shouldn’t be too far away.”
“We’ll all be into apprentice ranks by the time the next tournament comes. I wonder who will be close to us?” Gregory mused.
“Nick,” Yukiko muttered. “He’s undoubtedly pushing himself and Jason up. Maybe Michelle and Gina, too, depending on how much they are willing to do for him.”
“Rather cut my own throat...” Jenn shuddered.
“I’d rather you didn’t,” Gregory said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Yuki and I would be sad if you did.”
Jenn’s lips quirked upward. “I can’t have that.”
“Good,” Yukiko said. “Besides, we’d never let that happen to you.”
The next couple of hours at Gin’s home passed by with meditation and exercise. The group split up to have a quick rinse off so they were fresh for the rest of the day. Elsa was all but vibrating with excitement when they finished bathing and said goodbye to Baylyss.
“We’ll bring her back before sunset,” Yukiko said.
“That’d be best, since you all need to be back at the academy by then,” Baylyss replied with a hint of a smile.
“We’ll bring her back with plenty of time,” Gregory assured her.
“I’d like to make sure of that,” Baylyss said, “which is why I arranged for something.” They were puzzled until Baylyss opened the door, revealing the carriage waiting for them. “The driver has been informed that he’s to bring Elsa back here if you need to separate.”
“But…” Elsa said before she shook her head. “That’s the right thing to do. I am a guest for their birthday lunch.”
“Thank you,” Yukiko said to Baylyss. “I hadn’t thought of that.”
“Of course. Consider it my gift to you,” Baylyss said to Jenn.
“I accept it. Thank you.”
“Let’s get going or we’ll be late,” Gregory said as he headed for the carriage. “We’re in your hands, sir.”
“I’ll getcha there safe,” the driver said.
The trip to Stabled Hu
nger was peaceful in the carriage. Yukiko and Jenn passed the time quizzing Elsa on different subjects. Gregory just sat with Elsa beside him, congratulating her on each correct answer and explaining the ones she got wrong.
The driver dropped them at the front door, telling them he’d be in the back while he waited for them. Leading the others into the building, Gregory went to greet Ramon, but before he could, he was interrupted.
Aether's Guard Page 32