Aether's Guard

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Aether's Guard Page 34

by Schinhofen, Daniel

  “Because she works at Armsmaster Gin Watashi’s home. He is our sensei.”

  The guard took a step back. “Ah, I see. Very well.”

  Gregory frowned as the guard started to leave. “Sir, what’s your name?”

  The guard slowed before turning back to Gregory. “Thompson. Why?”

  “I just wanted to commend you on your worry for the girl, Thompson,” Gregory said. “Elsa, step out here for a moment, please?”

  Else looked out of the carriage before she stepped out. “Yes, Greg?”

  “Thompson here said he was worried about your well-being.”

  Looking at the guard, Elsa’s lips thinned. “He doesn’t care about me. What he cares about is that I no longer have to give him a cut.”

  The guard paled before flushing. “Are you implying I took bribes?”

  “I’m sure she isn’t,” Yukiko said, poking her head out the open carriage door. “To accuse a guard without proof would be stupid, and I can say without reservation that Elsa isn’t that.”

  “No, I didn’t mean to imply that,” Elsa said, taking the way out Yukiko had given her.

  Thompson sneered, then turned on his heel and stormed off.

  Gregory exhaled. “Well, that’s over with for now, at least.”

  Elsa exhaled, her hands shaking. “I’m sorry... I didn’t think, and—”

  “It was true,” Yukiko said softly. “Come on, we’re going home now.”

  Gregory helped Elsa into the carriage before telling the driver to take them back to Gin’s.


  Baylyss greeted them at the door. “Welcome back. How was the celebration? Ah, I see Elsa has a new dress.”

  “Her old one and more will show up later today,” Yukiko said.

  “Elsa, want to show me your favorite flowers?” Jenn asked.

  “Yes,” Elsa said, taking Jenn’s hand and leading her away.

  Once Elsa was out of earshot, Yukiko exhaled. “Baylyss, we need to talk about her.”

  Baylyss’ lips thinned and she led them to the front sitting room. “What did she do?”

  “It’s more what happened to her,” Yukiko said.

  Yukiko explained what they’d learned, and what they wanted to do to help the other children Elsa knew. Gregory added in some points to the story, and the bit with Guard Thompson.

  “I see. I knew about her leaving things out, and I’d seen some of the ones who came to collect. It’s been odds and ends, nothing that was a problem. If you’re going to help, though, I’ll make sure that better things can be given. The clothing might be a problem if we just leave it out for them… I’ll wait for it to show up, and then Elsa and I can take it to them.”

  “Very well. Now that you know, I don’t feel bad about it,” Yukiko said. “We can’t help everyone, but we can help those of someone we care for.”

  “Yes. I do know people who could offer small jobs, too. Trustworthy people, but that will have to wait until they trust me a bit more. If I try to do too much too soon, it could drive them away.”

  “Understood,” Gregory said, rising to his feet. “We should get going.”

  A knock on the door came just before Elsa opened it and led Jenn inside. “Sorry I dragged her off,” Elsa said.

  “It’s fine,” Gregory said. “We’re done talking, and were just about to come find you.”

  “Back to the academy already?” Elsa asked.

  “We have other things to do, and there’s a birthday meal waiting for us,” Yukiko said. “We had a good day, Elsa.” Turning to Baylyss, Yukiko pulled out a handful of vela. “For the kids.”

  “Oh, yes,” Jenn said, going over and adding more.

  Gregory gave her some, too. “There, that should really help. I hope you have a good day, Elsa.”

  Elsa’s eyes were bright and she bowed to them at the waist. “Thank you so much.”

  They each gave her a hug as they said their goodbyes. Baylyss and Elsa saw them out, and the driver took them back to the academy.


  “Did you notice?” Jenn asked as they walked away from the postern gate.

  “Petak? I saw him,” Gregory said.

  “He was surprised to see us,” Yukiko said. “We did come back earlier than normal.”

  “It means that they’re still keeping tabs on the gate,” Jenn said. “Might not just be us they’re looking for.”

  “I would doubt it’s just us,” Yukiko said. “That’ll be a problem in the future, I’m sure.”

  “We can vary our return times,” Gregory said. “Yes, it’ll mean cutting our days shorter now and again, but it would keep them uncertain.”

  “Agreed,” Yukiko nodded.

  “They’ve been unusually quiet as of late,” Jenn said.

  “Must be plotting something substantial,” Gregory muttered.

  “Against us or someone else,” Yukiko sighed. “Worry about it tomorrow. We’re almost home, and there’s a birthday feast for tonight.”

  Jenn smiled. “I wonder what they made?”

  Chapter Forty

  Waking in the giant bed, Gregory chuckled. “Hello, Darkness. I take it this means I’m an apprentice in power now?”

  “Hello, dear one. You and Yukiko have both reached the next tier.”

  Sitting up, he found the darkness in the corner lessened from what it had been. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m more than okay. I’m very happy. You grow more powerful, and that’s why my darkness isn’t as deep anymore.”

  “If I keep growing, I’ll be able to see you?”

  “I’ll be laid bare before you.”

  Gregory laughed. “You do love using double meanings.”

  “It’s fun,” Darkness replied. “Besides, they’re both true.”

  “You could lay yourself bare before me now, though, couldn’t you?”

  “I could, but that isn’t how it’ll happen. Before we get too sidetracked, there’s something I need to tell you.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “Now that you’ve touched your next tier, you have the chance to actively see the lines of aether that people spin. You may now also try to catch hints of the immediate future, or even try to peel back the layers of fate and see what might come from a decision. Each of those comes at correspondingly higher aether costs.”

  “That’s good. Being able to see aether being used has kept me alive a few times. Having the ability to do that at will would make it better.”

  “Yes. The second tournament is coming fast— you need to work with your magic to be better used to it.”

  “I will.”

  “Good. Now, with that out of the way…” Darkness trailed off as Yukiko appeared in bed beside Gregory.

  “I had been wondering,” Yukiko said. “I’ll repay you now, Darkness.”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Huh?” Gregory asked, but he didn’t get anything else out before Yukiko kissed him.

  Gregory forgot everything but Yukiko in his arms. The kiss led them into other, more carnal activities, all while the darkness in the corner watched them in silence.


  Gregory exhaled slowly when he woke in his room. I love and hate that, he sighed to himself. Shaking his head in frustration, Gregory rose and cleaned up before dressing in his novice kimono. While he dressed, he noticed the medallion only had a single ring filled, but with sunflower-yellow energy instead of the white it had been.

  “A bit ugly,” Gregory chuckled. “Better get used to it. That’s next year’s kimono color, too.”

  The soft knock on the door came as he was crossing the room to it. Yukiko and Jenn gave him smiles when he opened it.

  “Good morning, dear one,” Yukiko smiled with a knowing twinkle in her eyes.

  “Morning, Greg,” Jenn said. “Did you become an apprentice, too?”

  Gregory blinked. “Too? You?”

  Jenn laughed, stifling it after a second. “No. Yuki showed me her medallion.”

bsp; “Oh. That makes more sense,” Gregory coughed, embarrassed. “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine. That does mean we need to send word to Alvis Alchemy for you both.”

  “Yes... I wonder what will change,” Yukiko said. “That’s getting ahead of ourselves, though. We need to start the day with food. Nessa and Daciana will be at the archive today and we promised we’d show them Magi Squares.”

  “Yeah. I’m glad they’re friends,” Gregory said. “They’d have a rougher time without each other.”

  “And friends can help push you to do more,” Yukiko smiled.

  “Yes, they can,” Jenn chuckled. “Encouragement is the key.”

  “Let’s get going, then,” Gregory said.


  They were in the middle of eating when Dia joined them. “Morning, Novices.”

  “Morning, Dia,” Gregory said, as he was the only one not in the middle of a bite. “Dia, can you send someone to Alvis Alchemy for us?”

  “I can. What is it you need?”

  “Just to let them know that we became apprentice-tiered,” Gregory said, pulling his medallion out.

  “Goodness, so soon?” Dia asked. “Our novices are surely the best in the academy. I’ll make sure they’re notified.”

  “Thank you, Dia.”

  “You plan to keep your normal schedule today?” Dia asked.

  “Yes, though we’ll be spending some of our study time helping a pair of friends,” Yukiko said.

  “That’s good. That would be Daciana and Nessa, correct?”


  “Admirable. They’ve both asked to speak with me, but I’m constrained by the rules. I notified each that until their year starts, we can’t discuss anything at all.”

  “Is it okay if we talk to them?” Gregory asked.

  “As long as you’re not trying to actively recruit them, it’s fine,” Dia said.


  “What’re you helping them with?” Dia asked.

  “Both expressed interest in Magi Squares,” Yukiko said.

  “That might prejudice their path,” Dia said. “Have you warned them?”

  “We did,” Yukiko sighed. “They’ve seen us doing them and wished to try.”

  “Hmm. The Peaceful Fist and Magi Squares?” Dia asked.

  “Yes, Dia,” Gregory said.

  “How unusual. Very well. I’ll make sure your message is sent. You’ve spoken to both of the not-yet novices. Do you believe they would fit in with the clan?”

  “Both are part eurtik,” Yukiko said. “They won’t find a clan more willing to help them excel without constraints. Both are respectful and eager to learn.”

  “I see,” Dia nodded. “Enjoy the rest of your meal. I have things to take care of. Quilet, have my breakfast sent to my office, please.”

  “Yes, Dia.”


  Simon welcomed them to the archive, letting them know the other two were already seated. Thanking him, the friends made their way to the table.

  “Morning,” Nessa and Daciana said together.

  “Got here earlier than normal,” Gregory said.

  “We were both eager to learn,” Daciana replied.

  “We are,” Nessa agreed.

  “I want to make sure that you understand doing this could prejudice your path to mind,” Gregory said.

  “We understand,” Daciana said.

  “Very well. Yukiko will help Nessa, and Jenn will help you, Daciana. I’ll be making the squares for both of you. The first one will be easier and give you an idea of how to complete one without it being mind-numbing. The ones after that will get progressively harder.”

  “Understood,” Daciana said, her tail wagging behind her.

  “Alright,” Gregory said. “Let’s begin.”


  Both Nessa and Daciana were quick studies, and needed very little help. It gave the others a chance to read, just not as much as they would have normally. Saying their goodbyes, Gregory, Yukiko, and Jenn headed out.

  “Novice, a moment?” Simon asked Jenn. “You asked before about a book on Buldoun’s magi. I can have that for you when you’re ready.”

  “Really?” Jenn asked. “I thought it couldn’t be done. It’s been so long since I asked.”

  “Sometimes, things just take a while to get approved,” Simon said. “Also, Pettit, there’s going to be a book for you, too. It’s about foresight.”

  Gregory smiled. “Thank you, Simon, and the chief archivist, too. It might help me understand my magic more.”

  “That was all I needed to say. Don’t let me detain you further.”

  As they made their way for the gate, Yukiko realized she had never asked Gregory what else Darkness might have talked to him about. She glanced at Jenn and frowned, knowing she couldn’t ask with her around.

  “Do you think it’ll help you?” Jenn was asking Gregory.

  “It couldn’t hurt. Now that I have an apprentice’s energy, maybe I can start trying to use it. I’d been cautioned about trying before that.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize it took that much aether.”

  “I don’t know, personally,” Gregory said, “though I’ll be finding out soon.”

  “Maybe you can see what our instructors are going to do and we can win a match,” Jenn joked.

  “That isn’t a bad idea, Jenn. It’d be a short test, but definitely something worth considering.”

  They left the academy and, as they headed for Gin’s, Yukiko whispered to Jenn. Nodding, Jenn picked up her pace and pulled away from them. Before Gregory could ask what was happening, Yukiko touched his arm.

  “I asked her to give us a minute,” Yukiko told him. “I realized I never asked what you and Darkness talked about before I joined you.”

  Gregory’s cheeks heated as he recalled exactly why she had forgotten. “Uh... I’ll be able to see strands of aether easier now to start. Beyond that, I should be able to purposely gain a few seconds of foresight. She also said that I’d be able to see hints of what a decision may bring in the future, but that one would be the most draining.”

  “You’ll be able to do this with purpose now?” Yukiko asked.

  “Yeah, instead of it happening when it wants, though that might still happen if Darkness has anything to say about it.”

  “She only wants what’s best for you, as do I.”

  “I know, Yuki.”

  “Did you mind?” Yukiko asked in an even softer tone. “That she didn’t leave?”

  Gregory’s face grew hot again, matched by Yukiko’s. “Honestly, I forgot she was there. I was entranced by you.”

  Yukiko gave him a smile, her cheeks flushed flame red. “She did say that would likely happen. It helps me repay her for letting us have those moments.”

  “I can’t complain, then,” Gregory said. “I need to repay her, too.”

  “You did,” Yukiko told him, “by not objecting, and maybe letting her continue to do so in the future. I’ve agreed that she can have a dream alone with you, as well, but she laughed and said that would be some time yet.”

  Gregory chuckled. “She’s told me I have to make her. I’m sorely lacking in the power to do that, and likely will be for years.”

  “I understand. I wanted you to know that I’ve approved of it, if it’s something you want.”

  “Dear one...” Gregory murmured, touching her wrist lightly. “Does it hurt you?”

  “Not with her. She’s part of you, and us. I’ll never disapprove of you and her, just as she doesn’t of you and me. Besides, you’re Aether,” Yukiko whispered. “It would be wrong of me to hold you entirely to myself.”

  “What do you mean, Yuki?”

  Yukiko shook her head. “Nothing to bother with for now, dear one. Come on, we have a game to play.”

  Chapter Forty-one

  Their routine changed a little over the next month. They did Magi Squares with Nessa and Daciana every morning, then read through several books, including the laws of
the other nations, how Buldoun treated their magi, and the book on foresight that Gregory had asked for.


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