Aether's Guard

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Aether's Guard Page 55

by Schinhofen, Daniel

  “Now that the binding is over, let the feast begin,” Hao said, clapping his hands.

  Everyone moved to the sides of the room, where tables loaded with food sat waiting for them.


  The feast was lavish, with no expense having been spared. The musicians played soft music during the feast itself, loud enough to cover the conversations of others, but quiet enough to not impede people from speaking to those near them.

  As people reached their fill, Hao stood up, and the musicians stopped their song. When he had the attention of the entire room, Hao spoke, “Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Pettits and Warlins, we thank you for coming to this joyous event. In a little while, the old tradition of the dances shall begin. The bags will be set on the newlyweds’ table, so please form orderly lines near them and wait for your turn patiently.”

  An undercurrent of excitement filled the room as Gregory and Yukiko rose to their feet. Hand-in-hand, they moved to the middle of the room. Gregory was nervous, as his dancing was not great, but he’d had a bit of practice with Amoria over the years.

  Taking Yukiko’s hand in his, he rested his hand on her hip, and she rested hers on his shoulder. Staring into each other’s eyes, they moved as one when the music began. Both of them glided across the floor as smoothly as if they were on ice.

  Gregory let foresight go as the music ended, giving Yukiko a slanted smile. Yukiko leaned against his chest briefly. “You didn’t need to do that, dear one, but thank you.”

  “I wanted to make it as perfect as possible,” Gregory murmured as they separated.

  The lines near their table were long, as the majority of the guests had formed up to dance with them. The first two were traditional— Carmichael approached Yukiko, and Yoo-jin went to Gregory.

  “Mother,” Gregory smiled, “will you honor me with a dance?”

  Yoo-jin laughed lightly. “It is I who is honored, son. No need to use your aether, though. I can make sure we’re still smooth.”

  Gregory gave a small shrug as he offered his hands to her. “I’ll do as you say.”


  The dancing went on for over an hour, so both Gregory and Yukiko were tired when they finished. When the last person had had their dance with them, Hao got the musicians to stop the music.

  “It’s time for the new couple to head to their room for the evening. Normally, this is when we’d pray to Vera to bless their union. As they are both novice magi, that’s being omitted from this wedding. Instead, we’d ask for you to offer a prayer to Aether: that he bless their time in service to the empire, so that they might start their family when their obligations end.”

  Everyone bowed their heads and murmured a prayer. As they did, the couple walked toward the door. The carriage was outside, waiting for them when they exited. Getting in, Yukiko and Gregory sat side by side.

  “It’s finally here...” Yukiko said softly as the carriage began to roll.

  “Yes,” Gregory agreed, his hands starting to grow damp.

  Seeing his nervousness, Yukiko felt hers die. Taking his hand, she leaned against him. “It was hard waiting for today. A number of times, I almost tossed aside my father’s wishes.”

  “It was difficult,” Gregory agreed, his nervousness fading when he felt her against him. “I considered sneaking into your room every night for the past few months.”

  “I considered the same over many nights,” Yukiko replied.

  “Tonight, we don’t have to dream, nor restrain ourselves. Tonight is our night.”

  “Yes,” Yukiko whispered as she leaned in and kissed him.

  Gregory kissed her back with equal love.

  Reaching the house, they were both flushed and breathing a little fast. They’d had to fight their desires to go further during the carriage ride back to Gin’s. Helping Yukiko out of the carriage, Gregory gave the guard a nod as he led his wife to the door of the home.

  The house was quiet when they entered, and the pair were quick to strip off their footwear. Hand-in-hand, the newlyweds walked through the empty halls. Pushing open the bridal-room door, Yukiko entered, followed by Gregory.

  With butterflies turning cartwheels in his stomach, Gregory swallowed hard when Yukiko turned to face him.

  Yukiko looked nervous as she touched her obi. “We’ve done this twice in our dreams, so why does it feel like I’ve never been bare for you before?”

  “I don’t know... I’m just as nervous, Yuki.”

  “Would you mind if I started, dear one?”

  “Whatever you wish.” Gregory swallowed the lump in his throat as Yukiko began to unwrap her obi.

  Smiling at him, Yukiko stepped back as she started to undress. Dropping the obi, she patted the bed. “Please strip and come lay down for me? Tonight won’t last as long as we’d both like, but we’ll be awake and together far longer than we usually are.”

  Taking a deep breath, Gregory felt his nerves calm. Reaching for his own obi, Gregory crossed the room toward the bed. Thank you for the dreams before, Darkness. It will make this night better.

  Author’s Note

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  A big thank you to my editors, Samantha Bishop, and Sarinia Phelps. Also props to Geno Ferrarini, and Sean Hickinbotham for being my Alpha Readers. I’d be remiss if I didn’t include my beta readers, in no particular order: Zee ~*~ Ian McAdams ~*~ Scott Brown ~*~ Dame ~*~ A.J. Bishop ~*~ Kevin Kollman ~*~ Jay Taylor ~*~ Justin Johanson ~*~ Kenneth Darlin ~*~ Christina Norton ~*~ Sawyer Aubrey ~*~ Aoife Grimm ~*~ Shane Bird ~*~ Tanner Lovelace ~*~ Tim? ~*~ Version93.

  The cover for Aether’s Guard is brought to you by Anthony Bishop, a very talented artist. You can find him at

  A big thanks to my Patreon supporters who have gone above and beyond in their support:

  Gavin Lawrenson ~*~ Daniel Jones ~*~ Pamela J Smith ~*~ Rey T Nufable ~*~ Robert McCoard ~*~ Randall Kemper ~*~ Gregory Sanders ~*~ Jesus De Guzman ~*~ Richard Papst ~*~ Braekin ~*~ Matthew Zarember ~*~ Cole Depuy ~*~ CosmicOrange ~*~ Ian Weatherly ~*~ Jessie Redd ~*~ Max Madlaw ~*~ Terry Carter ~*~ Gslice 100 ~*~ David Simmons ~*~ Tom Richards ~*~ Dane Smith ~*~ Aryan Eimermacher ~*~ Stephen Caperton ~*~ Riley Dunn ~*~ Josh Sullivan ~*~ Chris Brown ~*~ Joshua Towns ~*~ Kurt Borek ~*~ Forrest Hansen ~*~ Joshua Stusek ~*~ Brian Sutton ~*~ Michael Moneymaker ~*~ Jamie Winford ~*~ Brandon Pio ~*~ Southern Celt ~*~ Don Jinkins ~*~ Sawyer Williams ~*~ Calidia ~*~ Dragonkain ~*~ Magnus Gammal ~*~ Nathan Goforth ~*~ Kenneth Freeman ~*~ Jose Caudillo ~*~ Robert Shofner ~*~ David Taylor-Fuller ~*~ Tishane McFarlane ~*~ Spencer Jefferson ~*~ Lui Adecer ~*~ Jamie Winford ~*~ Kurt Bodenstedt ~*~ Forrest Hansen ~*~ J. Patrick Walker ~*~ Kenneth Darlin ~*~ Pheonixblue ~*~ Tristitan ~*~ Joshua Towns ~*~ Chris Cannon ~*~ Brett Hudson ~*~ Ryan A Larkey ~*~ Tyller James ~*~ Matthew Malkin ~*~ John Curtis ~*~ Terry Carter ~*~ Tetsu-nii ~*~ Jacob Lawlor ~*~ Kyle Gravelle ~*~ Kevin McKinney ~*~ Damien Osborne ~*~ Ryan Luttinger ~*~ Xiao ~*~ Matthew ~*~ Travis Btmb
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  Other Books written by Daniel Schinhofen:

  Last Horizon: (Completed.)

  Last Horizon Omnibus

  Binding Words:

  Morrigan's Bidding

  Life Bonds


  Forged Bonds

  Flame of War

  Alpha World: (Completed.)

  Gamer for Life

  Forming the Company

  Alpha Company

  Playing for Keeps

  Fractured Spirit

  The Path to Peace


  Gamer For Love

  Apocalypse Gates Author’s Cut:


  Valley of Death

  Gearing Up

  Elven Accord

  Downtime and Death

  Can of Worms

  Aether’s Revival:

  Aether's Blessing

  Luck’s Voice:

  Suited for Luck

  NPC’s Lives:

  Tales from the Dead Man Inn

  Resurrection Quest:

  Greenways Goblins

  I would like to point you all toward some fellow authors whose works I enjoy:

  William Arand: Author of the complex interconnected series in the genre which all starts with Otherlife Dreams.

  Blaise Corvin: Author of Delvers LLC, which is an amazing GameLit series.

  Scottie Futch: Is a prolific author who can be found on Royal Road and Amazon. Scottie combines parody with zany humor that keeps me laughing.

  Michael Scott-Earle: He’s back, but not on Amazon. You can find all of his books through his own website, and through his Kickstarters and Indiegogos.

  Eden Redd: She might be mentioned last but she is definitely not least, and she is very worth the read, more so if you like some adult content. Her Lewd Saga series combines erotica and LITRPG.

  To find more LitRPG Books, please check out the Amazon store:

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