Texas Baby Conspiracy

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Texas Baby Conspiracy Page 17

by Barb Han

  Was it the payouts? There was no way cash could be traced. She would have to have some other physical evidence linking the Judge to the crime. She’d put two and two together after Liz showed up.

  Surprisingly, there was no tape over her mouth. But then, they wanted her to talk. If she could remember what they wanted and where it was, she wouldn’t hesitate at this point. She’d hand over any information in exchange for her freedom.

  The driver was tall in stature and had on a black hoodie. That’s all she knew. She wouldn’t be able to pick him up out of a lineup if her life depended on it. The Judge? One of his henchmen?

  Then, there was Liz. How could she do this to Blake?

  Breathing through the next cramp was useless. She grunted as the pain gripped her.

  “Hey, settle down back there,” the driver said. Not a voice she recognized.

  Had she met the Judge before?

  She remembered a box. There was a box that looked like one of those library lending boxes people set up in neighborhoods to exchange books. There was a false panel on the side, and she slipped the envelope inside. The drop-off was at the end of a street near the border town of Laredo. She was supposed to drive there once a month, just like her father had.

  Memories came crashing back. On his deathbed, her father had told her about a video recording. He kept it at her apartment in case someone came looking in his. The thumb drive was taped inside the red toolbox he kept in her one-car garage.

  Her father knew who Bus Stop was and that would have led to the Judge. Could Liz be the Judge? Alyssa didn’t think so. The cop fit the bill as Bus Stop. Being stuffed in the trunk stirred a memory. She’d been leaving for work early in the morning when two strangers approached her at her car. In the next moment, a rag of some kind was suddenly over her nose and mouth. There was a tacky smell...something strong that she couldn’t quite identify. And then she was picked up and placed inside a trunk. That was as much as she recalled. Part of her wondered if she was blocking out the traumatic experience.

  A few minutes passed without a cramp. Alyssa faked one anyway, discreetly noticing the driver checked the rearview mirror. All she could see clearly were dark eyes. Brown, almost black. Nervous.

  She played up the nonexistent cramp.

  “Everything all right back there?” If he wasn’t the Judge, he might be taking her to him. Or out to a field where he could shoot her and leave her for dead.

  The thought fueled more drama on the fake cramps.

  “Lady, are you okay?” He slowed the vehicle and then pulled to the side of the road.

  “No. I’m not. I’m having a baby right now in the back seat. I’m a high-risk pregnancy, and I’m guessing that if anything happens to me before you or your boss—” she stopped long enough to fake a cramp, this time screaming. “I’m guessing you’ll be in real trouble if you can’t deliver me in one piece. So, you need to get me to a hospital.”

  Nervous eyes seemed to be assessing her. She turned up the drama another notch and acted like she was trying not to scream again. She was sweaty from the actual contractions.

  He threw the gearshift in Park as he blew out a sharp breath before throwing his left shoulder into the door to open it.

  The vehicle was still running. Could she lock him out? It seemed like all anyone had to do was put a hand near the handle to get the doors to unlock. The option was out. He was tall and thin. Was he strong? Could he fight?

  She glanced around, searching for anything she could use as a weapon. There was nothing on the floorboard, nothing in the seat except for her and she was taking up the entire thing.

  So, that left nothing to use but her feet. She pulled up her knees as far as she could get them, coiling them like a spring. As the door opened and he looked in, she saw headlights coming from behind.

  He stopped, resting his arm on the top of the door and casually leaning against it. She waited for the car to get a little closer before she kicked. Panic tightened her chest as she tried to slow her breathing.

  When she could hear the other vehicle’s engine and the lights blared through the rearview, she tightened the coil. As the vehicle moved to pass them, she unleashed the spring. Her foot connected with the center of his chest with enough force to knock him back a couple of steps. She heard the screech of brakes as she scrambled to sit up. Back against the opposite door, she managed to grab the handle. She pushed it open and then fell out of the SUV, landing hard on her backside.

  All she could do at that point was roll onto her side to try to absorb some of the fall. The wind was knocked out of her. She struggled to catch her breath. And when she did, she filled her lungs full of air and then screamed.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The crack of a bullet split the air.

  Blake saw the shooter as the man scrambled around to the back of the SUV for cover. Blake slammed his foot on the gas pedal, wedging his Jeep in front of the other vehicle to effectively pin it in. Dispatch was on the line for the second time.

  “Sir, it sounded like a shot was fired.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He performed a quick check and didn’t see any blood, and then gave a quick rundown of the situation.

  “The closest officer I have is ten minutes out. Can you hang in there, sir?”

  “No choice. Send an EMT, possible woman in labor.” He left Dispatch on the line as he grabbed his backup gun, a Sig Sauer P938. He exited the driver’s side, coming around the front of the vehicle. He dropped down on his knees, searching for the shooter.

  It was too dark to see that far, so he’d have to move blind. Leading with his weapon he rounded the front of the vehicle and immediately ducked when another shot fired his way.

  One shooter.

  Blake liked those odds. Since the SUV had temporary tags and a trigger-happy driver, Blake figured this was the person he was looking for. He surveyed the area, looking for Alyssa. She had to be here. The fact she was silent was so not good.

  His heart jackhammered his ribs, battering him from the inside out.

  “My name is Officer O’Connor. Put your weapon down where I can see it,” he demanded, using his authoritative cop voice.

  There was no response.

  Blake moved around to the back of his Jeep based on a hunch. Yeah, the guy was trying to climb inside his SUV. He could back away and leave the scene. Nope.

  “Freeze. Stop right there,” Blake ordered.

  Another shot fired at him.

  Blake took aim, locked on to his target and fired. The guy’s left shoulder flew back on impact. A look of shock darkened his features.

  “I said freeze.”

  The perp started to lift his right hand but something from behind knocked into him. He dropped onto the asphalt. Standing behind him with a look of fierce determination and a heavy-looking rock was Alyssa. She stepped on his right wrist as Blake rushed over.

  First, he disarmed the perp. Then he had Alyssa grab a spare pair of zip cuffs from the glove box. He could see her struggling as the welcome sounds of sirens filled the night air.

  “How did you find me?” she asked, before bending over with a cramp. One hand on the SUV, the other cradled her bump. Based on her breathing, this was a hard one.

  “Liz,” he stated. Frustrated he had to sit on the perp, Blake offered soothing words. When her breathing slowed, she looked over at him. Her skin had paled.

  “Can you sit inside the Jeep?”

  She nodded and struggled on her way over, stopping twice to brace herself with one hand on a vehicle.

  “Tell me your name,” Blake instructed.

  “Cameron James.”

  “Cameron James?” Blake parroted. He was a known leader of a human trafficking ring, a weapons smuggler, and Blake could add a few more items to the list. His operation spanned Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and across the border to Mexico. “Are you
the Judge?”

  “Judge and jury.”

  A squad car pulled up almost immediately followed by an ambulance. An officer flew out of his vehicle, weapon at the ready.

  “Officer O’Connor here.” He rattled off his badge number as he held his hands in the air so the officer could see them. “My pregnant wife is in my Jeep possibly going into premature labor.”

  The officer waved over a pair of EMTs, who zipped right past Blake. They weren’t far from the hospital and that was one of the few positives coming out of this situation aside from the arrests being made tonight. He could only hope the baby would be okay. Despite having just days to get used to the idea of becoming a father, Blake was already forming an attachment to the kiddo. And he knew this because the thought of losing her practically gutted him.

  What was it about facing loss that made people realize just how much they wanted something? And the realization included the baby’s mother. Now that Blake realized why Alyssa left, the no-win situation she was in, he knew they belonged together. But there was a caveat. A deal breaker that needed to be out in the open if she felt the same way.

  As the officer took over, Blake jumped up to standing and couldn’t get to Alyssa fast enough. One of the EMTs took off toward the ambulance and his heart clenched. From this angle, all he could see was Alyssa curled up on her side. One of the EMTs was talking to her. His voice was too low for Blake to hear exactly what was being said.

  The second EMT was already hustling back with a gurney. All Blake could do was step out of the way. It didn’t take but a minute for her to be loaded up.

  “Are you Blake O’Connor?” one of the EMTs asked.


  “You want to follow us to the hospital or ride in the front?”

  “I’ll follow.” He wanted to have his vehicle with him in case she was released tonight. Of course, it was probably just a hope. With Bus Stop and the Judge behind bars, he wanted to bring his wife home.

  He barely got a look at her face as she was wheeled by him. Sheet white, his stress levels skyrocketed. All he could think about was how brave she’d been to do what she had. If she hadn’t hit the perp in the back of the head, who knew where they’d be right now.

  In a few seconds, he was behind the wheel and turning his Jeep around. The ambulance hauled to the hospital and that had him worried. His work as a police officer told him a fast ambulance was always a bad sign. He started imagining the worst. Had a bullet hit Alyssa?

  Thinking back, he didn’t remember seeing any blood.

  Was she having a miscarriage? He couldn’t even go there hypothetically in his mind.

  The drive to the hospital seemed like it took forever. The ambulance diverted to the ER bay. He parked as close as he could without getting towed.

  Watching as Alyssa was unloaded from the back and seeing a nurse running toward the glass door from inside the hospital wasn’t helping to calm his nerves. He caught up to them and ran inside.

  The nurse stopped at the doors marked Authorized Personnel Only. She put her hand up to stop him. “Sorry, sir. Are you her husband?”

  “I am,” he said with conviction.

  “If you’ll take a seat in the waiting room, someone will be with you shortly.”

  Blake thought about throwing his family name around for a hot second. In the end, he figured he could wait just like everyone else who had a loved one behind those doors. He nodded before turning toward the glass-enclosed lobby.

  There was a coffee machine. For lack of anything better to do, he made a cup. Besides, it could end up being a long night and he had no plans to leave. Once he made coffee, he sent a text to his brothers in a group chat. He didn’t prefer to communicate that way, but it was more efficient than reaching out to each one individually.

  His cell blew up almost immediately with words of encouragement along with offers to show up. His brother Riggs said he was on his way. No questions asked. No request needed. He’d sit in the parking lot if Blake wanted to be left alone.

  He realized he had three unread texts from Aaron.

  News is all over the dept re: Liz.

  Seriously messed up!

  You okay?

  Blake couldn’t agree more. He responded with, At hospital. Talk later?

  After returning his cell to his pocket, he spent the next half hour sipping coffee and pacing. Waiting was the worst. He’d rather be the one lying in a hospital bed. Knowing Alyssa was back there and not having any idea what was happening with her or the baby made him wish he had a punching bag. In fact, hospital waiting rooms should have workout equipment instead of chairs. He could go for a run on the treadmill about now to work off some of the tension stringing his muscles so tight it felt like they might snap.

  A familiar face peeked into the waiting room... Aaron’s. Blake made a beeline for his friend, meeting him halfway across the room. Aaron pulled him into a bear hug.

  “I got here as fast as I could,” Aaron said.

  “You didn’t have to come.”

  “Yeah, I did. How is she?”

  “No idea.” Blake shrugged his shoulders.

  “No one’s been by to tell you what’s going on?”

  “Not yet.”

  “I’m sure everything’s okay. This is a great hospital. She’s in the best possible hands,” Aaron said.

  Blake appreciated the words of support. He issued a sharp sigh. “I hope they’re doing all right.”

  “For what it’s worth, Liz is ready to talk. She wants a lighter sentence in return for testifying against Cameron James. She’s saying he blackmailed her once he found out she was your partner. She’d gotten herself into some financial trouble that she’d been hiding. Word was about to get out and he needed her protection here in Houston. She made sure he was the one your ex-father-in-law dealt with when she did a little digging into his business. He was easy pickings and needed help. They believe your father-in-law videoed Liz at the drop as insurance. They knew he had something on them and once he died, it would come out.”

  “I can’t believe someone I trusted could turn on me like that.”

  “She’s the reason your wife left you. Liz saw it as a bonus. She thought she had a chance with you. But then you were like a lovesick puppy and she realized you’d never get over Alyssa,” Aaron said.

  “Liz needs to be locked behind bars for what she did. We’re supposed to be the good guys,” Blake said.

  “Makes it ten times worse when one of ours goes down like this,” Aaron agreed.

  “Speaking of which, I’m resigning as soon as I can meet with my SO.” Blake hadn’t expected to share the news beforehand, but he didn’t want Aaron to be blindsided. “My place is with my family on the ranch.”

  “You are part of the millionaire ranching family.” Aaron laughed. “I knew it.”

  “I’m still me. And I hope you’ll come visit the ranch sometime.” Blake meant it.

  “It won’t be the same without you on the force. But you gotta do what makes you happy.”

  “Blake O’Connor.” A doctor stepped in the room, looking for the person who answered to that name.

  “I’m Blake.” He crossed the room with Aaron on his heels.

  “First of all, your wife is resting comfortably and the baby is fine. Both are doing well. However, we’d like to keep your wife overnight for observation.”

  “Whatever you think is best.” Relief was a flood to dry planes. “Can I see her?”

  “Technically visiting hours are over. Under the circumstances, we can make an exception.”

  Blake had no plans to leave the hospital. Whether that meant sleeping in this lobby or being in her room, Alyssa would not be alone through this. She’d gone through too much of her pregnancy without his support. There was no way he was allowing that to happen tonight.

  “I’ll take off.”
Aaron pulled Blake into another bear hug.

  “Let’s connect later. Play some ball before I move on.”


  The doctor led Blake down a series of hallways and into an elevator. The final hallway was short, and he definitely pulled some looks from nurses and attendants. The halls were dimly lit and quiet.

  The doctor stopped in front of a door. “Based on the look on your face, you’re staying all night. One of the chairs should turn into a bed.”

  “Thank you.”

  Blake took a few steps inside the room. “Hey. Okay if I come inside?”

  “Yes.” Her voice sounded sleepy and it tugged at his heart strings.

  “The doc said I could stay all night,” he said, moving to her side. He pulled up a chair beside her so she could see the seriousness in his eyes. “If you want me here, I’d like to stay.”

  “Yes.” Her answer came fast, encouraging him to say what else was on his mind.

  He took her hand in his and drew circles in the palm.

  “You’re okay?” he asked.

  “Better now that you’re here.” With her free hand, she rubbed her bump. “I have to say that I’m feeling incredibly lucky right now. She seems to be doing fine despite the events of the past week. You’re here.”

  Her eyes welled with tears. He reached up and gently thumbed one off her cheek after it fell.

  “I don’t mean to get sentimental.” Her cheeks flushed in the warm light.

  “You don’t have to hold anything back around me, Alyssa. In fact, I want to see all sides to you. Especially the ones that are hard to show.”

  She studied him for a long moment. “You mean that, don’t you?”

  “Every word.” He took a deep breath, deciding to go all in. “The only time I’ve ever meant words more was the day I told you that I would love you for the rest of my life. I meant it on our wedding day, and I mean it now. I never stopped loving you, Alyssa.”

  More of those tears streaked her cheeks.


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