Bossy Brit

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Bossy Brit Page 3

by Kendall Ryan

  He lifts me up and sets me down on his desk roughly. I spread my legs open and grab onto his shirt, pulling him in. Then we’re kissing again, his hands pulling my blouse out from my skirt and sliding up to trail along my stomach. I can feel my nipples pebble as his fingers inch toward my breasts, and I arch my back as he moves to kiss my neck.

  Working alongside him every day for the past three months has been a huge test to my willpower.

  I want Liam more than I’ve ever wanted someone before, and right about now I’m having a hard time remembering why we should stop.

  Chapter Four


  Noelle is in my arms, making tiny need-filled whimpers as I suck on her tongue. It’s been way too long since I’ve had any action, and I can see now that was a huge mistake on my part. I know I should put a stop to this, but she feels so good rubbing herself against my chest.

  While her hands curl, grabbing fistfuls of my shirt to hold me close, I push my fingers into the silky strands of her hair. I slide a hand up her neck and take her hair in my fist, something I’ve imagined doing every time she wears it down. I gently bite her bottom lip and she moans, the sound sending white hot electricity straight to my groin.

  I want her more than I’ve ever wanted someone before, and I know I should put a stop to what we’re doing, but it’s like every dirty fantasy I’ve had for the past three months is finally coming to life.

  I pull Noelle tighter against me. The feel of her breasts pushed against my chest almost sends me over the edge. Jamie was right—it’s been way too long since I’ve been with a woman. And if cutting loose feels this good, then I need to do it way more often.

  Our kisses become more frantic, and I feel a familiar pressure behind my zipper. As we kiss, she undoes the buttons of my shirt, pulling it open and running her hands along my chest. She lets a finger slide south, close to my waistband and I let out a groan.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,” she says, pulling back to look me up and down.

  “I think I might have an idea.” I lift her up in my arms and she lets out a little gasp that goes straight to my balls. “I should punish you for distracting me so much at work,” I say, easing her down onto the small leather couch beneath the windows.

  “I could say the same to you,” she says with a sly smile, grabbing the sides of my open shirt in her fists and pulling me on top of her.

  I reach for the buttons of her blouse, purposely taking my time. She breathes heavily, watching me with those big eyes. I pull the blouse back to reveal a lacy black bra that leaves little to the imagination. I inhale sharply at the sight of her round breasts, kissing between them and running my tongue along the edge of the lace, teasing her. I can feel her heart beating hard and fast. I move down to kiss along her stomach, and along the edge of her skirt.

  “Take it off,” she pleads. She wants this as much as I do, and the sight of that skirt hugging her full hips has been teasing me all day. I don’t waste any time unzipping it and pulling it down to reveal lace panties that match her bra.

  “Do you always wear lingerie like this to work?” I ask. It’s none of my business, but part of me needs to know. That little tidbit of information will fuel future fantasies of mine.

  She always dresses so professionally, and it drives me wild to think she’s been hiding this beneath her tailored suits and fitted trousers the whole time.

  “Maybe I was hoping someone would see it,” she says with a smile, her voice heavy with desire. She pulls me in close again, reaching for the zipper of my pants.

  “Patience,” I tell her, voice firm.

  She watches me in fascination as I gently press her legs open, moving between them and kissing along her inner thigh. Finally, she leans back, and I relish the way her hips rock with eagerness. I run my tongue along the edge of her black lacy knickers, then bite onto them and pull them to the side. I take in the sight of her, and we’re both breathing heavily. She’s waxed completely bare and I’ll never be able to not picture this when I’m working beside her. Fuck.

  God bless American women.

  I breathe in the feminine scent of her, my cock hardening impossibly more, then strategically place wet, sucking kisses everywhere except for where she wants me.

  Noelle groans in frustration. Her fingers push into my hair, rucking it up, but I couldn’t give two fucks. We’ve been building toward this moment for three long months.

  When I finally slide my tongue gently along her warm, silken center, she cries out. The sound of it sends me into a frenzy and I work her over faster, lapping her up until she’s trembling.

  Her body rocks against me so much that I have to use an arm to hold her hips in place, which only turns her on more, her small moans growing louder and louder. I slide my other hand up and slip it underneath her bra, gently pinching her nipple between my fingers. She lets out a loud cry at my touch and writhes beneath me. Her reaction to me is almost enough to make me come myself, and I can feel my erection pressing into the front of my trousers almost painfully.

  I move my tongue faster as her moans grow louder, and then she arches her back and cries out, the wave of her orgasm flowing through her and against my mouth. I slow the movement of my tongue to match the tensing of her body, and once she relaxes beneath me I rest my head on her thigh.

  “You’re good at that,” she says in wonder, still almost gasping for air.

  Before I can reply, I hear the squeaky wheel of a cart in the hallway. We both sit up, and realize the cleaning crew has come in. I quickly help her find her clothes before buttoning my shirt, and just as she’s zipped up her skirt the cleaning woman steps into the room.

  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” she says, looking between us. The small smile on her lips lets me know she’s completely aware of what just happened between Noelle and I. I clear my throat loudly.

  “You’re not interrupting, just give us a minute to pack up our things and we’ll be out of your way,” I say gruffly. Not much throws me off, but almost getting caught feasting on my assistant might be the exception.

  Bloody hell.

  The cleaning woman nods, still smirking, and moves to clean the next office.

  Noelle and I look at each other when she leaves, and then we burst out laughing. I can’t believe how good it feels to laugh with her. Never mind sex, I realize it’s been years since I’ve been around a woman I can relax and have fun with.

  With my ex, there was always arguing and accusations, but I’m realizing that not all relationships have to be that way. I look at Noelle as she packs files back into the cabinets, watching her move about my office while my brain spins. I’ve never met someone so carefree and full of life, and I never expected it to happen at work.

  She turns, catching me staring at her. “What?” she asks, smiling slightly.

  I shake my head, walking behind my desk.

  “Nothing,” I tell her, picking up my bag. “It’s late. We should call it a night.”

  She nods, and we grab our things and head to the elevators. It’s late and we’re the last ones to leave the building. Once the elevator doors shut, I step closer to Noelle, breathing her in. Her usual scent is mixed with the heavier scent of sex, and I feel a familiar pressure between my legs at the memory of tasting her.

  I take in the slight flush of her cheeks and her lips, which look even fuller than usual from our frantic kissing. She notices me staring and smiles up at me with those honey eyes. I slide an arm around her hips and pull her in close. When our lips touch a jolt runs through my body, and I have to stop myself from taking things farther.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  She nods, meeting my eyes. “I’m very okay. As long as you’re not going to fire me tomorrow?”

  My brows pinch together. That’s what she thinks of me? I’d be a complete arsehole to terminate her over what just happened. We both got swept away in the moment, and even though I should, I can’t seem to make myself regret it.
br />   “You’re most definitely not fired. In fact, you may be due for a raise.”

  She ducks her head, blushing slightly as the elevator slows to a stop, the doors opening with a ping, before saying, “I’d say you are due for a raise yourself.”

  “Touché, Ms. St. James.”

  We exit together and head toward the massive glass doors.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she says, looking up at me from under her long eyelashes.

  I nod, wishing I was taking her home with me. As I walk to my car, the memory of touching her clouds all other judgment. Not only is Noelle sexier than I’d ever imagined, she’s also smart and fun to be with. What just happened between us may have been wrong, but I’ve never felt more right about anything in my entire life.


  The next morning, I force thoughts of Noelle from my head as I deliver the presentation. The last thing I need is to sprout a boner in the middle of the most important presentation of my life. Luckily for me, it goes better than I could have imagined. With Noelle’s help, I was able to put together a proposal that’s going to net the company millions of dollars.

  With that out of the way, there’s just one more thing I need to take care of.

  As I leave the meeting, I pass Noelle at her desk.

  “Noelle, a word?” I ask tersely. Despite what happened last night, I’m trying to keep it professional during the workday. Even though all I want to do is pull off her dress and finish what we started.

  She follows me into my office, closing the door behind her. She’s wearing a black dress that hugs her curves and a pair of high, black heels that accentuate her long, toned legs. I’ve never thought much about the term fuck me heels before, but I think I’m starting to catch on. I shake my head, trying to keep my mind on the task at hand. I don’t know what Noelle is feeling after last night, and I don’t want to make any assumptions if she has regrets.

  Once we’re tucked inside my office, I close the door and turn to face her.

  “I just wanted to check in with you after what happened last night,” I say quietly, standing close to her. Her hair is down today, her dark waves bouncing each time she moves her head. The sight of it sends a pang of desire straight to my cock, which I do my best to ignore. “Are you okay?”

  “Are you asking if I’m freaked out that my boss went down on me in his office after hours and that we were almost caught by the cleaning crew?” she asks. “That’s just a typical Wednesday night for me,” she says sarcastically, grinning. She’s wearing red lipstick today that makes her full lips look even more irresistible.

  I laugh, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “I like you,” I tell her, losing myself for a moment in her honey eyes. “You’re honest, and funny, and to be frank, I haven’t had much fun in a long time.”

  She seems taken aback by my bluntness for a moment, but quickly recovers. “Forgive me for asking,” she says, looking up at me. “But are the rumors about your divorce true?”

  I nod, running a hand along her bare arm. I feel goose bumps erupt at my touch.

  “My marriage was over a long time ago. But we officially filed the papers a few months before you started working here.” I pause, knowing I have to continue but wishing this situation could be less complicated.

  “I have three kids. My life is messy. But I like you, and for once in my life I want to do something because I want to, and not just because I’m supposed to.”

  I watch her closely, trying to gauge her reaction. I know it’s a risk to lay it all out like this, but I need to be with a woman who can handle my baggage.

  She bites her lip. “Won’t that complicate things at work?”

  I let out a small laugh. “Probably, but what’s life without a little complication?”

  “Well, I never thought I’d see the day you’d be convincing me to have more fun,” she says with a smirk. “Okay, I’m in. What did you have in mind?”

  “How about a date? This Saturday night. And I mean a real date, not just Chinese food in my office,” I say, voice softening.

  Her full lips part into a full smile. “I think I could do that.”

  “So, it’s a date, then,” I say, and she looks around before giving my hand a quick squeeze. I watch her leave my office, her hips swaying seductively in her tight dress. Jesus, even the way she walks makes me want to fuck her.

  Long after Noelle has left my office and I’ve returned to work, I realize I’m still smiling. I might be about to make a huge mistake, but for the first time in my life I don’t feel the need to micromanage the situation. So far, things with Noelle have been better than I could have imagined. As unexpected as it is, I can’t deny my attraction to this woman.

  Chapter Five


  “You fucked your boss?” Maxine practically screams across the crowded bar. A few heads turn in our direction, and I cover my face with my hands.

  It’s Friday night at our favorite bar downtown, and now, thanks to Maxine, I can never come here again.

  “Can you keep it down?” I hiss between my fingers. “I don’t need everyone within a five-mile radius to know about this. Besides, we didn’t have sex.”

  “Yeah, even better, you got off and didn’t have to do anything in return.” Maxine raises a hand to high five me, and I ignore her.

  “So, was it good?” Jess asks at a more appropriate volume, sipping her vodka soda.

  “Beyond good,” I say, unable to keep the grin off my face. And it was. The memory of his tongue running down my body keeps popping into my head at random times, making me shiver and sending chills straight between my legs. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever had an orgasm that intense before. Usually the first time is a little awkward, but with Liam things flowed so naturally. Even talking about it now with my friends makes me feel a little hot and bothered. And tomorrow we’ll be going on a date, and, with any luck, finally having the mind-blowing sex I’ve been imagining for months.

  Oh my God, am I crazy?

  “Well I’m jealous,” Maxine pouts, bringing me back to reality. “I haven’t had sex in forever.”

  “I thought you hooked up with that guy from Tinder last weekend?” I point out, raising an eyebrow.

  Maxine pauses thoughtfully for a moment, then shrugs. “Yeah but that was a week ago.” She cranes her neck around the bar. “Now I’m looking for someone new. There has to be at least one cute guy here.”

  “Was it awkward at work the next day?” Jess asks as Maxine smiles flirtatiously at a man across the bar.

  “Honestly, no. Things have been great,” I tell her. After Liam checked in with me to make sure I was okay, any anxiety I had about what happened between us melted away. He isn’t some creep who’s just trying to get laid; he’s sweet and thoughtful. Plus, every time I walk into his office the memories of that night come flooding back. It feels like we’ve been having secret extended foreplay session all week. I’ve never felt this kind of anticipation before, and by this morning I was so horny I was ready to pull my clothes off and jump on top of him in front of everyone. Thankfully, I managed not to. Yay, me.

  “You haven’t told us the most important thing,” Maxine says, giving up on trying to flirt. “How big was his, you know?” She grins slyly.

  “I’m not telling you that,” I say, playfully slapping her away. “Besides, I didn’t even see it yet.”

  “You haven’t seen his dick?” Maxine says loudly again. A few people nearby turn to stare.

  “Can you control yourself?” I ask her, unable to stop myself from laughing even through my mortification. “I’d like to be able to show my face here again. Besides, I’ll probably see it tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” they practically gasp in unison.

  “You’re going to see him outside of work?” Jess asks, lowering her voice like she’s discussing top secret information.

  I grin, sipping my martini.

  “Yeah, why not? It’s not like it’s illegal to sp
end your free time with your boss. Especially since he’s the one who asked me out.”

  “It just seems so…” Jess trails off.

  “Naughty,” Maxine says, smirking at me. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “You’ll be even more proud of me after tomorrow night,” I tell her with a wink.

  Maxine laughs and Jess shakes her head, grinning. I can’t believe this is actually happening. I’m finally going to sleep with my boss, consequences be damned.


  I run my fingers through my hair, tousling it to accentuate my dark waves. It’s a few hours before our date, and I’ve been a wild mixture of nervous and excited all day. All of my easy confidence from last night is gone, and I keep thinking about everything that could go wrong. Sure, Liam and I make a great team at work, but what about in the real world? I’ve never even seen him outside the confines of the office, just the two of us. Alone.

  Plus, I’m still so turned on by the thought of him that I’m not sure I’ll be able to focus on conversation. Especially since that conversation will be spoken in his hot-as-sin accent.

  I’d gone to hot yoga earlier to calm my nerves but every pose, from downward dog to pigeon, just made me think about all of the positions I want to try with Liam.

  I slide a bit of rosy matte lipstick across my lips and apply a touch of mascara. As I pucker my lips the memory of Liam kissing me in his office flashes through my mind, and heat shoots through me. I breathe deeply, trying to refocus. I need to concentrate on getting through the date and stop getting so ahead of myself. Unfortunately, it’s easier said than done. It’s just a little difficult to focus when you’re about to sleep with the sexiest man you’ve ever seen, who also happens to be your boss.

  I head into my room to pick out an outfit, settling on a silky blue dress that accentuates my curves. It’s the perfect combination of sexy and classy. I don’t want it to be too obvious, but I also don’t mind sending Liam a subtle hint that I’m ready to take things to the next level. I slip on my lucky lingerie set before the dress, checking myself in the mirror. Liam will be here soon, and my heart is moving a mile a minute.


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