Bossy Brit

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Bossy Brit Page 6

by Kendall Ryan

  Once we’re finished eating I help him clear the table and stretch out my arms.

  “Well, I guess I should get going,” I say, turning toward the bedroom. “I don’t want to hijack your whole day.”

  “Oh.” There’s disappointment in his voice. “I was thinking you could stay,” he says, his face falling for a moment. “If you don’t have anything else to do, that is.”

  I grin, my heart jumping up into my throat. Usually after my first night with someone it’s so awkward that I can’t wait to leave, but there’s something so sweet about the fact that Liam wants me to stay. I figured he’d wake up rigid, saying he needed to work or something, but I love this version instead.

  “There’s a great farmer’s market around here, or we could catch a matinee, get an early dinner,” he trails off, a devilish grin creeping across his face. “Maybe do some more of that strenuous activity.”

  I laugh, walking over to him and sliding my arms around his waist.

  “I think I can move some things around in my schedule to make that work.”

  He leans down to kiss me, but before our lips touch I hear the sounds of a key in the lock.

  “Who…” he starts and trails off as we hear a small voice shout, “Daddy!”

  I watch as what seemed like a dream come true turns into my worst nightmare. Liam’s three kids just burst through the door, trailed by a woman I can only assume is his ex-wife. She’s tall and thin, with long, red hair that’s styled perfectly straight. She’s wearing a tight blouse, black jeans, heels and Jackie O sunglasses. She looks so glamourous that I instantly feel like something that crawled out of the dumpster fire in my baggy clothes and un-brushed sex hair.

  “Liam, I need you to… Oh,” she says, stopping in her tracks as she sees me. Her eyes move up and down my body, taking in the fact that I’m wearing Liam’s clothes.


  I feel a flush creep into my cheeks as I realize it’s painfully obvious what happened between Liam and I last night.

  The kids run up to give Liam hugs, and he picks Charlie up as the girls cling to his legs.

  “Hey kiddos,” he says, grinning at them. “I didn’t think I’d see you until next week.”

  “I need you to watch them today,” his ex says coldly, tearing her eyes away from me to look at Liam. “That is, if you’re not already doing something else.” She glances back at me, putting an emphasis on the word doing. I try my best to appear unbothered, even though I feel like bolting back to my apartment to hide under the covers. Liam sets Charlie down with a pat on the head.

  “You can’t just come barging in here like this,” he says in a low voice to her as the kids run into the playroom off the kitchen. “This isn’t your house anymore.”

  “And whose fault is that?” she snaps at him, before closing her eyes and putting her hands up. “I don’t have time for this. I cut my finger making breakfast and I need stitches.”

  She holds out a hand, her finger wrapped in a bloody bandage.

  “Jesus, Lexi, that looks bad. Are you alright?” Liam asks, his tone instantly softening as he takes a step toward her to examine the cut.

  She pulls her hand away, stepping back from him.

  “It’s fine. I don’t need you to look at it, I need a doctor. Can you just watch the kids today?”

  He nods. “Of course, don’t worry about it.”

  She walks into the playroom to hug the kids goodbye before passing back through the kitchen. As she walks by she gives me a look so cold it could shatter glass, and I have to hold back a gasp. I’ve never been so obviously hated by someone I don’t even know before, and I’m clearly not well equipped for it. She turns to give Liam a similar look before walking out the front door without another word.

  I watch her with my jaw hanging open, shocked that Liam was able to spend an hour with her, never mind marry her and produce three children. She’s like every super villain rolled into one deceptively beautiful woman. I’m finally understanding the horrific divorce he alluded to, and all the complications that came with it.

  “Give me a second.” He turns to me, gripping my arms with his hands and giving me a quick kiss on the forehead. He heads into the playroom where the kids are racing toy cars.

  “Who wants to watch a movie?” he asks and the kids jump up, screaming, “Me, me, me.”

  They trail behind him as he shepherds them toward the stairs. Charlie pauses before walking down and turns to me.

  “Who are you?” he asks sweetly.

  “I’m Noelle. I’m a friend of your dad’s,” I say, smiling down at him.

  “Why are you wearing his clothes?” he asks.

  I open my mouth, not sure how to proceed, when Liam swoops in and saves me.

  “Charlie, let’s give Noelle a break before we start interrogating her,” he says, patting Charlie on the head. “You better get upstairs before your sisters pick out the movie without you.”

  Charlie glances at me once more before bolting up the steps. Liam shakes his head, grinning at me, and I stifle a laugh.

  Once they’re gone I sneak up the stairs, gathering up my clothes and purse. Just when I’ve finished strapping on my heels Liam walks into the room.

  “Sorry about Lexi,” he says, sighing. “Sometimes she can be…”

  “Terrifying?” I offer, and he laughs.

  “Yes, exactly,” he says, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. “I feel terrible that our day is ruined.”

  I wave a hand in the air. “Totally not ruined,” I say, shaking my head and smiling. “I knew you a had a lot going on when I agreed to this. And between running a company, raising three kids and dealing with a divorce, I’d be more weirded out if things didn’t get crazy sometimes.”

  “I know I come with a lot of baggage, but please don’t let it scare you off.” His voice is gentle, his green eyes latching intently onto mine. “I had an amazing time last night.”

  I swallow, and cup his jaw with my hand.

  “I did, too.” I stand on my tiptoes to give him a quick kiss. “Go be a dad today. We’ll talk tomorrow at work.”

  He nods, then walks me down the stairs. He insists on ordering my Uber, and I’m blown away by how sweet he is. Seeing him with his kids is a whole other side of him I didn’t know existed. Between our date last night, the mind-blowing sex and seeing him with his family, I’m starting to think I could get used to being a part of Liam Bennett’s life.

  Chapter Eight


  “First we’ll pitch the structural changes and then we’ll pull out our dildos and use them on each other’s butts. Sound good, buddy?”

  “Hmm?” I raise my head at Jamie’s voice, his words not quite registering.

  He scoffs, annoyed with me. “What the hell is with you today? You have the attention span of a gnat and you obviously haven’t been listening to a word I’ve said.” His brows are creased, and his concerned gaze is locked on mine.

  “I was listening,” I lie.

  We’ve been meeting in my office for the past twenty minutes, discussing a new building project, I think. Shit, actually I’m not sure. I think we may have finished that discussion a few minutes ago. I have no idea what topic we’re on now.

  He grins. “So you heard the part where I offered to peg you with a pink dildo?”

  I break into easy laughter. “Okay you got me, I wasn’t listening. And you’re not getting anywhere near my arse. Sorry, mate.”

  “So, tell me what’s wrong then. What’s got you so wound up this time?” Jamie crosses one long leg over the other, leaning back in his chair and waiting for me to come clean. Even if I wanted to keep my little office tryst with Noelle a secret, not much gets by Jamie. And besides, he’s my best friend, it wouldn’t hurt to hear his perspective on things.

  “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just distracted is all.” I lean closer, placing my elbows on the desk between us. “I may have started seeing someone. It’s new.”

  Jamie’s features soften.
He had a front row seat to the collapse of my marriage, and all the anguish I went through when I learned that Lexi was cheating. And he’s watched in silent protest as I remained single throughout my entire lengthy separation. “Fuck yeah, that’s great man. It’s about damn time.”

  He might not think it’s so great if he knew I was shagging my assistant.

  “Who’s the lucky lady?” he asks, reading my mind.

  I smirk, trying to hide my discomfort. “Noelle St. James.” God, even her name is cute.

  Jamie’s brows pinch together in surprise. “Your assistant?”

  “The very one.”

  His mouth twitches. “But that’s so unlike you.”

  I grin. “I know.” And there’s something about that fact that feels remarkably good. Like I was shedding my skin and emerging on the other side of this mess a new man. Someone who remembered that sometimes you had to take a risk in order to enjoy a big payoff. It felt bloody fantastic.

  “You sure you know what you’re doing?”

  I run one hand through the hair at the back of my neck. “Not a fucking clue. But I’m having fun doing it.”

  Fun doesn’t even begin to describe it.

  The memory of Noelle in my bed?

  I can’t let my mind go there or I’ll spring a sudden erection in front of Jamie.

  He nods. “Then that’s all that matters. You’re smart. You’ll figure it out.”

  I sure as hell hope so.

  “And if it goes to shit, you can always find a new assistant.” At that, he rises and nods once before strolling from the office.

  Watching the door slide closed, I frown. That thought hadn’t occurred to me. If this goes well, and Noelle and I end up dating, she can no longer be my assistant. Barking out orders at your assistant is one thing—doing it to your girlfriend is quite another. And if it ends badly and we break things off, she’d certainly want to leave for a job where she didn’t have to see her ex-fling every day.

  But Jamie’s right, I can’t worry about all that just yet. For once in my life, I’m going to do something that’s just for me. Instead of fulfilling an obligation, I’m going to fulfill a fantasy. And sexy, sweet, funny Noelle is the perfect person for the job.


  “You can’t be serious. That movie is so bad.” Noelle shakes her head.

  I groan with mock disgust. “It’s a classic. I watch it every year on Christmas Eve.”

  Noelle chuckles and rolls her eyes, clearly not agreeing that Die Hard is one of the best Christmas films of all time.

  When I’d asked her to come here for dinner tonight, it’d really been selfish on my part. I loved the idea of being alone here together with no distractions, and no one to share her with.

  And it had nothing at all to do with the fact that my bed was a mere fifty paces away.

  Nothing at all.

  Yeah right.

  But God, she makes me feel like a teenager again. She has the unique ability to level me with one flirty stare, one cheeky remark, and I’m done.

  Which was why I found myself half-hard during dinner. I rarely have time to cook, but I do enjoy it. And tonight I’d made her one of my favorite dishes—risotto with mushrooms and goat cheese, a simple salad on the side and crisp white wine. The adoring look in her eyes as I plated her food and brought it to her could have reduced me to a puddle on the floor.

  And now, we’re seated side by side on the couch, discussing favorite movies—hers are chick flicks, and hobbies—she likes pottery and yoga, and a multitude of other things, I’m learning.

  Noelle swirls her wine, finishing the last sip before setting the glass on the coffee table.

  “Did you bring your swimsuit like I asked?”

  She nods, her gaze landing on mine. “It’s in my purse. Why? What did you have in mind?”

  My voice drops lower. “Go change and I’ll show you.”

  I point her toward my bedroom at the end of the hall, and Noelle disappears inside.

  By the time I’ve changed into a pair of navy swim trunks in the guest bathroom, Noelle emerges from my room dressed in a tiny white two-piece bikini with little pineapples printed all over it in a happy pattern.

  I almost swallow my damn tongue. Her curves are exquisite, and I want to fill my hands with them immediately. Instead I work to keep my eyes on hers.

  Noelle does no such thing. Her gaze tracks hotly down my torso, her pulse thrumming wildly in her throat as she takes me in. I feel like a piece of prized meat being appraised by the butcher. I almost puff out my chest with pride. Almost.

  It makes me glad for all the extra hours I spent at the gym trying to avoid dealing with the shit in my personal life.

  “This way,” I say, mouth twitching, once she’s had her fill.

  Noelle blinks once, her teeth dragging against her lower lip in a way that is so enticing.

  When I open the glass door to my backyard, the chill in the air nips at our skin, but it’s only a few short steps along the travertine walkway until we reach the warm, bubbling water of my hot tub.

  “Oh wow. This is magical back here,” she says.

  It really is. There’s a cedar arbor perched high above the jetted spa tub, with a lovely globe chandelier hanging from the center.

  Noelle doesn’t wait for an invitation. She steps into the water, sighing softly as she sinks down. The tops of her breasts are barely visible above the water, but it doesn’t stop my libido from roaring to life.

  “So what else do you like to do for fun?” I ask, settling beside her.

  My life in comparison to hers is quite boring. Between work and my kids, there’s little downtime that’s just for me. And even if there were, I wouldn’t have the first clue how to fill it.

  But I like listening to Noelle talk, and I’m enjoying learning more about the woman who’s kept me operating at such efficiency at work for the past three months.

  She closes her eyes briefly, considering my question as the water swirls around us.

  “There’s nothing I won’t try once. You name it, I’ve probably done it. Swing dancing. Salsa lessons. Sky diving. I even got into long distance running before I hurt my foot and had to give it up.”

  I nod, chuckling at her. “You’re quite adventurous,” I say, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  Noelle meets my eyes, and it’s then that I wonder if I’m one of the things she’s trying on for size—a fun distraction from the day to day grind. Fuck, I hope not.

  Rather than dwell on it, I push the somber thought from my head. Tonight isn’t supposed to be filled with worry about the future. Tonight is supposed to be fun. Me embracing my life in a way that I nearly forgot how to do.

  Noelle moves closer on the bench seat until her thigh grazes mine, and my heart begins pumping faster, all my doubts slipping away.

  “Tonight has been amazing,” she says, eyes on mine.

  I bring my lips to hers for a soft kiss. “I quite agree.”

  I couldn’t seem to stop touching her. Affectionately running my fingertips along her spine, gently caressing her palm as I held her hand in mine. I didn’t realize I was so starved for affection until Noelle.

  “I liked watching you in the kitchen,” she admits, voice now soft.

  By the time her hand drifts under the water, I’m so hard my cock aches for her attention. I wasn’t going to be the one to tell her that, however. I’d invited her here for dinner because I enjoyed her company and wanted to spend more time with her. And I’d wanted to make it up to her since we’d had our last date interrupted. I wanted to watch her face light up in laughter and see her let her walls down. And just because I fed her, I don’t expect anything physical to happen.

  Only now, it was clear that she wanted it to. The lust-filled look in her honey-colored eyes and the way she wets her lower lip with the tip of her tongue are clear indicators.

  Her silky palm drifts over my thigh, moving closer to her target. My pulse quickens as I
let her hand explore.

  She cups me gently, squeezing my shaft and slowly stroking me through the thin fabric of my wet bathing trunks. It feels fucking wonderful.

  Her eager hands work on the tie holding my trunks together, and then she’s running her palm up my shaft in one smooth motion.

  A groan rumbles inside my chest, and I take her jaw in my hands, guiding her mouth to mine.

  Kissing Noelle is a thing of beauty. Her full lips part, and her greedy tongue sucks on mine.

  I make quick work of her bikini top, tugging on the strings holding it in place, and then fill my hands with the soft weight of her beautiful breasts. Lightly teasing her, I graze my thumbs over her nipples, and she trembles and leans into my touch.

  If I’d been worried before about her backing off over my personal-life drama, all thoughts of that have disappeared.

  Her mouth moves to my neck while her hand continues its naughty magic below the water.

  “Love?” I groan, my tone deep and husky. “Maybe we should go to my bedroom.” I don’t particularly want to come in my hot tub. I want to come inside Noelle—preferably after I’ve wrung one or two orgasms from her eager body.

  She chuckles, teasing me. “But we just got in.”

  “Yes, and I clearly overestimated my self-control when you’re near.”

  The cheeky little mix grins at me. “You have a thing for pineapples, huh?”

  My gaze drifts down to the front of her chest where her bikini top is still askew. “I have a thing for your pineapples,” I clarify.

  “Yeah?” she breaths.

  Somehow I know that when I get to work in the morning there will be a fucking pineapple sitting on my desk. I smile at the thought.

  “Let’s go inside,” I suggest, and she nods, her half-lidded eyes colliding with mine.

  When we rise to our feet and exit the water, I wrap her body in a fluffy white towel, tying another around my waist. Then we head inside, leaving wet footprints along the wood floors as we make our way down the hall.

  I don’t bother with the light, the room is dimly lit with a soft-glowing lamp in the corner from when she changed earlier.


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