Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3 Page 24

by Alex Wolf

  “Hmm…I want to drag my nails through your hair, pulling and pushing your head between my legs, shoving your mouth on me. I’m imagining your tongue licking me up and down, getting me nice and wet for you.”

  “God, I’m so close, Quinn.” I can already feel a load of epic proportions building in my balls. I didn’t expect her to talk so dirty over the phone.

  “God, Deacon. You feel so good. I want you inside me right now. I’m using my fingers but it’s not enough. I want you to take control. I need you inside me so bad.” She lets out a loud moan, but it’s too loud. It almost sounds like a shitty porn actress screaming while the dude fucks her.

  “You’re not really touching yourself, are you?”

  She belts out a laugh. “No. I’m sitting here staring at my notes wearing an oversized nightgown, pink fuzzy bunny slippers, and a green mud face mask.”

  I let out a sigh of disapproval. “All wood gone. Totally deflated.”

  She giggles, clearly amused with herself, and it’s ridiculously cute. “You brought it on yourself, sir.”

  “If you come over, I could probably tie a stick to it and still get it inside.”

  “Goodnight, Deacon.” She dies laughing and the line goes dead.

  My head falls back on my pillow and I stare down at my cock. “Just a minor setback, buddy. It won’t stop us.” I close my eyes and allow my thoughts to drift back to the fantasy she built moments ago. I imagine Quinn lying on her bed naked with her legs spread, stuffing her pussy with three fingers while thinking about my cock.

  My dick rallies in my hand, hard once again.

  Told you.

  I stroke back and forth, until I’m fucking my hand so hard my arm slaps against my thighs. I’d sum it up as vigorous masturbation. The woman drives me nuts. Her moans play through my mind. I can see it now, a crystal-clear image.

  I bet she’s touching herself, wishing she hadn’t hung up on me. Her fingers are slick and she’s thinking about riding me. Fuck. If I knew where she lived, I’d go over there right now and take what I want. If I was there, she’d give in. Quinn thinks she’s pushing me away but she’s only amping this situation up to eleven.

  She knows that smart mouth of hers turns me on.

  Sweat beads across my forehead. Quinn has me hot and bothered that’s for damn sure.


  I let out a groan and jerk harder and faster, thinking about what it’d be like to come inside her, mark her as mine. Fuck, that’s like my all-time fantasy rolled into one. Afterward, I’d pull out and put her down on her knees so she could clean her pussy off my cock with her tongue.

  The vision loops through my head until I can’t take it anymore. Hot spurts of come shoot up onto my stomach. I lie there, breathing heavily, hand all sticky.

  I should get myself cleaned up, but just the thought of fucking Quinn totally wipes me out.

  I’ve got it for this woman—bad.


  My alarm sounds and I groan, covering my head with my pillow. I’m so not ready to get up and get this day started. The first part of my morning is spent getting Dad out of bed and into his chair so he can take care of his morning business. Our bathroom is handicapped accessible so that takes some stress off both of us. Once he’s situated and I’m sure he doesn’t need my help with anything, I start breakfast and get ready for work. I still have nearly two hours, but the time will fly. I know from experience.

  Some days go smoother than others, depending on Dad’s strength. On a great day he functions with little help but on a bad day, he can barely hold a cup of water. Today’s a good day and I breathe a sigh of relief. A few times he’s fallen out of his chair or nearly caught the apartment on fire trying to do too much on his own. He’s truly as stubborn as they come.

  He wheels himself out of the bathroom and slides into his spot at the table. I notice some small pieces of tissue where he tried to shave and cut himself.

  “I could’ve helped.” I motion toward his jaw as I plate his eggs and toast.

  “I’ve been thinking, kiddo.”

  Here we go. I already know what’s coming.

  “Yeah? What’s that?”

  “I should move into one of those assisted living places. You’ve got enough to worry about without working so damn hard all the time to take care of my old ass. This isn’t the life I want for you.”

  I smile. He brings this up at least once a week. “There’s nothing I’d rather be doing. You need to stop. When Mom left, you could’ve dumped me off with the state. It would’ve been easier. But, you didn’t.”

  “That’s different. That was the best damn day of my life. You gave me purpose. Being your dad made me a better man.”

  I stand up and give him a peck on the cheek. “I love you, Dad. No more talk about you living in a home. Got it?” I point at him with a butter knife.

  “Fine. Got it, kiddo. Breakfast is good.” His hand trembles as he brings his mug to his lips, and I pretend not to notice. I hate that his health has declined so much these past few years.

  “Thanks. Your lunch is in the fridge. Tuna sandwich and fruit salad.” I finish my breakfast and rinse our plates in the sink. I glance at the clock and notice I’m making good time.

  Before I leave for work, I get the television set up for him. He loves Classic Sports on ESPN and they’re airing an old Bears game.

  Some of my fondest memories are going to games with him when I was a kid. His buddy Joe always went with us. God rest his soul. I know Dad misses him. I do too. They were like partners in crime. Not a single Sunday night passed by when they didn’t go out for a beer and to watch a game, once I was old enough to stay home by myself. I worry about him getting lonely. It’s been almost a year since Joe passed. He needs someone his age he can relate to.

  I kiss him on the forehead and gather up my stuff. “I should be home for dinner tonight.” I point a finger at him. “Stay out of trouble.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about me. Just inviting over a few strippers and the Ronnie kid from down the hall. He has the best weed.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t burn the place down. And no cigars!” I found his new stash hidden down in his recliner last week. Ronnie sneaks them in when I’m at work. Dad has all the neighbors on our floor wrapped around his finger.

  As soon as I get to my car Heather calls to tell me about her wild night with Stewart.

  “I think he might be the one.”

  I roll my eyes. “Every man is the one with you.”

  “Hey, some of us enjoy sex.”

  “I get plenty of attention. Don’t worry about me.”

  “Is that where you disappeared to Saturday when you stood me up?”

  “Got called into work.” My cheeks flush thinking about how Deacon bent me over his desk and had his way with me. I wonder if he’s pissed I left him hanging after our phone call.

  “Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”

  “Stop it. We’re so not talking about this.”

  “Killjoy. We will talk about this. Soon. Over drinks. You should come by the store this Friday. We’re having a big sale.”

  “Gotta go. I’m driving.”

  “Bye, bitch.”

  I drop my cell phone in the passenger seat and focus on the morning commute. I definitely don’t think about Deacon Collins at all on the way to work.


  The moment I get off the elevator at work, Tecker awaits me with huge smirks on their faces. “Welcome back, professor.” Decker snickers.

  Tate gives me the evil eye. I swear, Decker needs to fuck her better because she always looks pissed off. It’s sad too, because she can hurl insults with the best of them, and they’re pretty damn funny.

  “You’ll be happy to know the lecture was a success. They liked me so much they invited me back next week.”

  Decker smiles like he’s almost proud.

  “The offer was later rescinded after I was caught with my pants down and the top student’s lips w
rapped around my… Well, you get the idea.” I wink.

  My brother’s face hardens, and he narrows his gaze on me. “You better be fucking joking.”

  I love that he’s not sure. I hold my hands up like I’m weighing something with an invisible scale. “Maybe I am maybe I’m not.” I shrug. “That’s what you want to hear, right? That it was a shitshow.”


  Truth be told, I crushed that presentation. Every student in that class will be applying at The Hunter Group when they graduate.

  So Tecker can eat a shit pie.

  I head toward my office as they go into the boardroom for a meeting with Cole Miller, and conference call with Weston Hunter.

  Weston’s the big swinging dick in Dallas who took over our firm. I shouldn’t say he took over. They kept the name, but that’s about it. We all work together in a large partnership. Weston is Tate’s former boss and one of Decker’s old friends.

  Tate, God, that woman. We got along for a brief second, but I just find that I don’t like her all that much. She’s too intense. Her and Decker are a match made in heaven. I bet they sit around and go over their itinerary for the day in the mornings. Probably have a set schedule for every sexual position and have it mapped out to the second.

  And my brother is going to marry her. He proposed once our merger with The Hunter Group was complete. I should try harder to get along with her, but she makes it difficult. She thinks she runs this firm and it pisses me off. We’ve built this thing for a decade and she acts like she can walk up in here and start bossing people around.

  Fuck that.

  She wasn’t even a goddamn partner until the merger went through. When Decker started the firm, it was supposed to be something for us—the Collins brothers. Not the Collins brothers and Tate.

  I get why he did it; for Jenny. Part of me is happy he gets more time with her, but we could’ve figured out a different way without bringing in some ass clowns from Texas. If he’d just sat us down and talked to us instead of making the final decision and ambushing us with it.

  I do remember one thing, though. Decker fucked with me by sending me to the college. Thought he got one over on me.

  That shall not go unchecked. It’s just not my style.

  Smirking to myself, I walk into his office and start messing with all his shit like I did when we were kids. I’d rearrange his toys and he’d damn near bust a blood vessel.

  I go into Microsoft Office and change all the settings and fonts, then switch the language to Afrikaans. It’s the first one I don’t recognize. That’ll take some time. I’m sure he didn’t set it all up himself, so he’ll need to get Quinn or someone from IT to fix it.

  I plan to do enough damage it keeps him occupied half the afternoon. Once I’m satisfied with his computer, I turn the brightness on his monitor all the way down until his screen is black. His dumb ass will probably think it’s not turning on. That’ll occupy him for a bit until he figures it out, then he’ll have to deal with all his settings.

  Next, I start in on his desk and tape all his pens to the underside of his chair. He’s going to fucking lose it.

  I snicker to myself, mixing his paperclips and extra staples up after I empty the stapler. Yes, it’s childish but I don’t care. Serves him right for forcing me into that bullshit speaking engagement. Sure, I got to see Quinn out of the deal but that’s beside the point.

  Decker never takes me seriously. If he wants to treat me like an annoying kid brother, that’s how I’ll behave. I eye a stack of files that look important and wonder how much shit I’d get in if they were misplaced. Sure, I’m an asshole but that might be pushing things too far and actually hurt a client. I leave them alone and move to his bookshelf instead, rearranging all the titles with the spines facing inward.

  Finally finished, I survey my handiwork and smile to myself.

  That’ll do.

  When I exit Decker’s office, I spy Quinn at her desk talking to some guy with tattoos up his neck and down to his knuckles. I don’t like the way he’s looking at her.

  Fuck, she looks hot as balls too. She’s wearing a navy-blue skirt with a slit on the right side that teases at the lace tops of her thigh-highs.

  I have to force down a groan and adjust myself when nobody is watching.

  She smiles wide at the man and motions for him to follow her. My jaw ticks as jealousy spikes in my veins. It’s a feeling I’m not used to, and one I don’t like. I never get jealous. I already had a taste of it with that dipshit at the club, and I don’t like it any more today. I never care if women I fuck see other people. Quinn isn’t just any other woman, though.

  As they near, I recognize the man now. Cole Miller, one of Dex’s old buddies. He owns a chain of gyms and used to be a professional MMA fighter. He could probably kick the shit out of me. I wouldn’t seek out a fight with him, and he’s a client, but I don’t give a fuck.

  I’d die trying, if it came to that.

  Quinn is mine and I don’t appreciate the way he’s eye-fucking her in that skirt. His gym is being sued in a huge body shaming case. Decker has been working around the clock on it. It’s why he stuck me with those contracts for the Beckley brothers.

  “Cole Miller, Deacon Collins.” Quinn introduces us as she walks past me to get to Decker’s office.

  I exchange a quick handshake with the guy and his damn grip feels like it might crush a few bones. I don’t wince at all, though. Because fuck him.

  “They’re in the boardroom.” I nod toward the hall.

  “Thanks.” She shoots me a smile and turns to Cole. “If you’ll give me a moment, I’ll let Mr. Collins know you’re here.”

  He smiles at me then stares at her ass as she walks away. My hands ball into fists at my sides. I want to tell him to wipe that fucking grin off his face, but I know I need to be on my best behavior. Decker really would fire my ass if I fucked this case up for him.

  “Good luck with everything.” My words come out through gritted teeth.


  I hang back and wait for Quinn to show him in. When she returns to her desk, she’s all smiles, and it better not be because Cole was flirting with her.

  “Have a hard time getting off last night after our phone call?”

  I rub my jaw and grin. “Not at all.” I lean in close and whisper in her ear, “Never came so hard in my life, but if you’re still in need of some relief I’d be happy to help out. It’s getting close to lunch time and I’m starving.” My lips brush the shell of her ear.

  “Maybe you should get something to eat.”

  I whisper, “Your pussy is the only thing I’m hungry for.”

  By the way she just shivered a little at my words, I know I’ll be meeting her in the supply closet soon, I just have one thing I need to take care of first.

  Rick Lawrence, our firm’s private investigator, knocks on the door to my office.

  “Come in.” I close out a few windows on my computer and stand to shake his hand.

  If anyone can solve my problem, it’s him. He might be the cockiest bastard I’ve ever met, and he’s surrounded by the Collins brothers every day. That’s saying something. He’s early thirties and dressed in some tattered jeans and a Led Zeppelin stretch tee.

  He takes a seat and kicks his feet up on my desk. That’s how you know he’s the best at what he does. Dude has the balls to walk around like he owns the place, and nobody says shit to him about it. He’s a fucking magician and about to make my life a lot easier.

  “What’s up?”

  “You know that case I’m dealing with? Flynn? The heart surgeon? Sexual harassment shit?”

  “Yeah. Heard he gave some broad a slap on the ass and a ‘well done.’” He smirks like he doesn’t see anything wrong with that scenario.

  I have to fight back a laugh at his nonchalant attitude. “Yeah, it’s total bullshit, but it’s all he said, she said at this point. What I need from you is to do a full background work up and tail her around. I want to know w
ho she meets with, who she’s friends with, everything. Dig hard on it, but don’t let her know you’re there.”

  “No problem. I’ll be a fucking ninja.”

  “Perfect. This is top priority; put it ahead of everything else. I don’t give a shit what any of my brothers say.”

  His eyebrows rise. I know exactly what the gesture means.

  “Your cooperation will not go unnoticed.” Usually, I hook him up with some tickets to the firm’s suite at Soldier Field.

  He leans in. “I need something a little different this time. Call it alternate consideration.”


  “What do you have in mind?”

  “There’s a lot of new Dallas pussy running around this place.”

  He may be the most misogynistic person I’ve ever met. “I may have noticed.”

  “I want first dibs on my choice, above Donavan and Dex.”

  Fuck, this might be more difficult than I thought.

  “I’m not a damn pimp. Won’t some football tickets work?”

  Rick smirks. “Won’t need any help from you. Just keep them out of my way. I can handle the rest. Trust me.”

  I don’t doubt what he’s saying. I’ve never seen him have a problem landing some ass.

  “Did you have someone in mind?”

  He slow nods. “Oh yeah. Mary.”

  “Magdalene? The new paralegal who reads a bible during lunch and wears long skirts?”

  Rick leans back in his chair. “That’s the one.”

  I shake my head. “Well, I think you’re fine on that front. I’ve seen Dexter ogling Abigail nonstop, and neither of my brothers like to work to get laid. Mary’s not really their type.”

  “Well then. Consider this little problem of yours taken care of.”

  “Perfect. Let me know as soon as you find something.”

  He stands up. “No problem. I’ll get right on it, as soon as I’m done brushing up on a few bible verses.” He tosses me a shit-eating grin. “I’ll get out of your way. I know you have somewhere to be.”

  “Where’s that?”


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