Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3 Page 46

by Alex Wolf

  I drape it around her shoulders as soon as we’re out of the car.

  “Dex, you’re gonna freeze.”

  “I don’t get cold. I’m fine.” I toss her another wink, but inside I’m shivering my damn tits off. Fuck, I should’ve worn a long-sleeve shirt. I don’t let my teeth so much as chatter, though, because I’m no pussy, and there’s no way I’ll let her know I’m cold.

  She’s warm and that’s all that matters.

  I walk next to her and our hands brush up against each other. If I was cold before, I’m not now. Even the slightest touch sends heat rushing through my veins.

  The second time our fingers graze, they interlace, and we hold hands the rest of the way to the arena.

  Her hand fits perfectly in mine and she doesn’t pull away. By the time we get to the gate, my lips mash together in a thin line because I have to let go of her. The moment we pass through, our hands naturally gravitate back together. We make our way in and head down toward the octagon, ringside. There’s media everywhere. Some chick who was obsessed with Decker years ago flies out of nowhere and snaps our picture, damn near blinding us with the flash.

  Once her eyes pop out from behind the camera, her shoulders slump and she lowers her head slightly. She was probably expecting Decker and Tate.

  Finally, we make it down. Cole wasn’t fucking around. We’re on the front row next to a shit ton of celebrities and families of the fighters.

  Abigail’s hand grips mine a little tighter. “Holy…”

  “Yeah, it’s a different world down here.”

  She grins back and I pull her closer to me.

  “There’s Cole. Let’s go say hi.”


  Our heads crane around, taking in the packed arena as we make our way over to him.

  My eyes roam down to her. She’s so small and petite. “Ready to see some naked dudes kick the shit out of each other?”

  Abby blushes and looks away. “Nah.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “What? Thought that’s why you came?”

  “No, I came because some cute guy asked me to.” Her teeth sink into her bottom lip.

  I want nothing more than to kiss her right now, but it’d be too forward, and we need to go make appearances. It’d be rude not to. “Good answer. C’mon.”

  We navigate through a sea of people on our way over to Cole.

  “You made it. Nice.” He holds out a hand.

  I shake it. “Wouldn’t miss it. Was that 50 Cent back there?”

  “Yeah, man. He loves this shit.”

  “This is Abigail. Abigail, Cole.”

  He reaches a hand out. “Of course. I think we met at the office. Great to see you again.” He flashes his million-dollar smile at her.

  I scowl.

  Abigail takes his hand in hers, and I really want to smack his damn hand away from her, but I know I’m being ridiculous. “Oh yeah. I remember you. You offered me a discount at your gym.” She smiles.

  “Hey, filling the place with beautiful women is good for business.”

  “Well, if you guys will excuse me, I’m going to hit the ladies’ room.” Abigail turns back to me. “See you at our seats?”

  I nod. “Sure.”

  Cole and I both watch her melt into the crowd.

  He turns and slaps my chest. “Holy shit, son. She’s hot as fuck.”

  I narrow my brows. “Hell yeah she is, and she’s all mine so don’t get any fucking ideas.” My words come out on a growl before I can stop them. What is this woman doing to me?

  He holds both his hands up and laughs. “Jesus fuck. Calm down, caveman. I got you. Look around. There’s plenty of women here tonight.” He shakes his head. “I swear to god, you Collins assholes. Quinn led me to a meeting a few months back at the office, and I thought Deacon was going to crush my goddamn fingers when I shook his hand on the way out.”

  I grin. “We do like our women, don’t we?”

  “If I couldn’t kick all your asses with ease, I might actually be intimidated.”

  He’s got a point. We’d go down swinging, though.

  I nod and try to cool it. I don’t know what it is about Abigail, but she has me ready to fight any man who even looks in her direction.

  Cole straightens up and his brow furrows. “On a serious note, I’ve been meaning to set up a meeting. I know you handle the finance stuff at the firm, right?”

  “Yeah. You need a consult?”

  He nods. “Once this bullshit with the lawsuit is done, I’d like to have a face-to-face and talk shop. I’m looking for some angel investors or VC for an infusion. I know a few, but I want to exhaust all my options. Or look at franchising options. We’re starting to stagnate and I’m looking for new growth and capital to make that happen, know what I’m saying? Merchandising and product too. I’m looking to do my own bottled water, protein, and workout gear. It’s one of the reasons 50 is here, he did the Vitamin Water thing and made millions. Hell, I may even do my own workout equipment if I can get the capital. I’m not above Chuck Norris-ing my ass on some Total Gym informercials.”

  I’m surprised he hasn’t had a sit down with Covington. Maybe he doesn’t know he’s in town. “Absolutely. Have you called Wells?”

  “No, I think it’d be too weird. I don’t like mixing friendship and money.”

  Makes sense. “Okay, well we can run an analysis and I can put you in touch with the right people. With your connections we could get you new capital easy. I don’t handle marketing, but we have a department and I can set up a meeting with my cousin Harlow. She just opened a firm in town. In the meantime, just keep networking with all these celebrities. Do them as many favors as they want and get them in your gyms. When the time comes, they’ll return the favor. Like Dre and Jimmy Iovine did with Beats. It’s free exposure. Send these celebrities and influencers free shit and have them post pictures with it on their Instagram. Make your stuff the next cool thing and stay relevant.”

  “I like the sound of that. You know your shit. Always have. Speaking of favors, you think Decker would be into some kind of trade for services? I can get your employees a discounted rate at the gym.”

  “Definitely, he’s been on this big wellness kick anyway. It’s all the rage in corporate America right now, keeping employees healthy and happy. Cuts down on healthcare costs, which reduces insurance rates. Preventative health. I’m sure you could work something out.”

  “Great. I’ll call the office. Enjoy the fight. And you better get over there. Some asshole is chatting up your woman. Maybe we’ll get an undercard fight in the stands before this starts. You might even win this one.” He laughs then walks off.

  I look over at our seats and Abigail is laughing at something the old man seated beside her says. He looks old enough to be her grandpa.

  Fucking Cole.

  I hang back a second to watch her. I swear she could make a new best friend anywhere. Everyone is drawn to her. Now, she’s striking up a conversation with the guy next to her. I can’t see his face because she’s blocking the view.

  I strut over there toward my woman. Fuck. I’m already thinking shit like that.

  It’s too soon.

  I know it’s a first date, but I just want to zoom a hundred miles an hour into the sunset with her.

  Her gaze meets mine and she smiles.

  My heart squeezes in my chest at the sight. That’s a smile that’s only for me. There’s this sparkle in her blue eyes as I get closer, and I can’t remember ever feeling this way before her.

  I take my seat and realize she’s sitting next to J.B. Pritzker, the Governor of Illinois.

  I stand up and shake his hand. “Governor.” We’ve met once or twice at a few functions and at the Capitol building.

  “I was just telling your girlfriend here I don’t usually come to these things, but I couldn’t say no. It’s quite the turnout.”

  Abigail’s eyes go big when he says girlfriend but neither of us correct him. Not that I want to. I like the sound o
f it.

  No, if I’m being honest, I love the sound of it.

  I love that he immediately thought that.

  “Yes, sir. Great for tourism and the local economy. Lots of tax revenue.”

  We have a seat and I take her hand on my thigh, giving her a gentle squeeze.

  The main lights go down and colored lasers dance around the arena. Music fires up and Abigail leans into my shoulder. She smells amazing, like strawberries and vanilla.

  “Who should I be rooting for? I don’t know any of them.”

  I tell her about each fighter. Of course, she picks all the underdogs. Chicks usually do.

  We fall into easy conversation during the undercard fights, and Abigail winces a few times when dudes knock the hell out of each other about ten feet from us. We’re so damn close you can see blood and sweat on the concrete around the octagon.

  Finally, it’s time for the main event.

  Bruce Buffer announces the first fighter. “Hailing from the southside of Miami, for Team Takedown, weighing in at one hundred sixty-nine and a half pounds, Callum Black.” The crowd goes crazy.

  This fight is a big deal.

  Cole trained Pedro so I have to root for him.

  “And your hometown hero, fighting out of Team Miller, weighing in at one hundred seventy pounds, the undefeated, welterweight champion, Pedro Mandez.” The dude is a damn beast.

  This will be his toughest fight, though.

  Abigail’s eyes are trained on the octagon and right now I only have eyes for her. I have to force myself to watch what’s going on, because all I want to do is stare at her.

  The referee calls them to the center and they tap gloves, then the fight is underway.

  Pedro comes in strong, working Black with jabs. He’s a striker so he’s trying to stay off the mat. He’ll have to do that if he wants to win. They fall into the fence locked together.

  Abigail is practically bouncing out of her seat as she cheers. She’s such an adorable goof. I take that back; she’s a sexy Christmas clown.

  “This is awesome. Thank you for bringing me. I’m having a great time.”

  “No one else I’d rather be with.”

  “Now who’s being an adorable little clown?” Her teeth graze her lip.

  I lean in about to claim those tempting cherry lips. The crowd roars and Abigail squeals. The moment is lost but I know she felt it too. Fuck she’s incredible, and I’m glad to see her cutting loose and having a good time.

  “Oh shit!” The words come out before I can stop them. I’m obviously rooting for Pedro. He’s Cole’s boy. Abigail is cheering for Callum, since he’s the underdog.

  Callum takes him down, and the crowd goes deathly quiet. Pedro is the hometown boy.

  Callum has Pedro on the mat, hammering his head with his fist, legs pinning him down. He moves with lightning speed and wraps him up in a hold.

  Abigail is the only one around us cheering Callum on. “Tap him out!”

  Somehow Pedro breaks free and scrambles, rolling away from him. The crowd surges to life.

  The bell rings, just when they’re about to obliterate each other.

  “That was freaking intense.”

  I look over and Abigail is breathing heavily. Her breasts are expanding and contracting in her halter top, and fuck, I gotta get out of here for a second, before I put on a real show for these people, in my pants.

  “I’m going to go grab us a couple beers.”

  Abigail grabs my forearm and her eyes are dilated, face flushed. “Hurry back, okay.”

  I smile. “Be back before you know it.”

  Holy shit.

  I need her, right here, right now. It’s bad.


  Dexter keeps his hand on my thigh the whole drive back to my apartment.

  The holes in my tattered jeans allow his fingers to brush across my skin, and my entire body is on fire.

  I had no idea I’d get so worked up watching grown men beat the crap out of each other. There’s just something so manly and primal about it. My adrenaline spiked, and it hasn’t come down at all. I’m one-hundred percent sure the reason is sitting right next to me, driving a manly car, looking manly as hell. He had to be freezing his ass off when he gave me his jacket, wearing nothing but that thin t-shirt the whole way, but he didn’t so much as shiver once.

  It’s hard to put into words what walking into a room with Dexter Collins is like. I just feel—safe, invincible even.

  Tonight has been perfect. I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun. He’s a true gentleman, but part of me wishes he wasn’t. I keep getting this feeling like he wants to kiss me but he’s holding back. There was a moment during the fight when I thought he was going to. I don’t get it at all. I’ve thrown out every signal in the book, short of taking out a billboard ad. I lie my head back at a red light and look at him with my lips parted hoping he takes the hint, but he just grins at me and squeezes my thigh.

  “What’d you think about Callum getting knocked out at the last minute?”

  “That was freaking insane. I thought for sure my guy was going to win. Pedro looked dead on his feet.”

  “Yeah, I thought he was done for. He dug down deep for that knockout.”

  “I wanted the underdog to win, but it was fun either way.”

  “Honestly, I didn’t think he’d pull it off. I thought it’d be close though.”

  Dexter and his beast of a car rumble down my street, and I don’t want this to end. It’s been perfect. I wonder if Dex is going to walk me to my door. Is he finally going to kiss me again? Should I invite him in? Why did I not think about any of this until just now? I don’t go around sleeping with every guy who takes me on a date or anything, but I’m attracted to Dex and if he wanted to… I don’t know. I guess I’ll have to see where things go.

  I’m like ninety-nine percent sure he’s into me, like a lot, but I’m still young and don’t know that much about guys. Dex and his brothers are mysteries too and intimidating. Maybe he just likes hanging out with me. Which will suck because I really like him more than I should.

  The Chevelle rolls to a stop and Dex parks along the curb. He slides out and holds his hand out to me. Before I know it, his jacket is on me again.

  I pull my keys out as we get into the elevator, and I wonder if Barbie’s home. Even if he does want to come in, she might ruin the whole damn thing. We get to my door and Dex hasn’t even tried to make a move to kiss me in the elevator. Maybe he’s just waiting until the timing is perfect. He’s been super fidgety ever since we got out of the car.

  We pause in front of my door. I wish I could just read his damn thoughts. I want to know what to do, because I want him to kiss me more than anything in the world. I want him to crash into me, and shove me up against the wall, and do whatever the hell he wants. Anything other than staring at me and saying nothing.

  He takes his jacket back, and I stick my keys in and twist the knob.

  I turn to face him, and his hands are shoved in his pockets like he’s scared to touch me after he held my hand all night and rubbed on my leg. What the hell is going on here? “Well thanks. I, umm, had a great time. We should hang out again. If you want to.”

  His eyes say he wants to eat me alive, the way he’s leaned against the wall next to the door, practically searing a hole in my chest with his gaze, but he’s still holding back. I feel like a crazy person. I’m going to explode if he doesn’t do something.

  His jaw ticks and he swallows hard. “Yeah. I had a great time too. See you soon, Abby.”

  I blink. “Okay, umm, goodnight.” I don’t know what else to say and I’m not going to act like an idiot and throw myself at him. That would make work weird as hell come Monday, especially if he rejects me.

  I open the door and quickly close it behind me.

  My entire mood deflates like a balloon. How the hell did I go from being on top of the world to feeling like absolute shit? My heart pinches in my chest. I don’t think I realized jus
t how much I like Dexter Collins until right now.

  I kick off my shoes wondering what in the hell that was. I sling my purse to the couch as the doorbell rings. My blood heats to a million degrees, and I think I just switched from confusion to rage in two point two seconds.

  I swear, if that’s Kyle I will punch him in the face if he gives me any lip for going out with Dex. He probably walked past him in the hallway and is coming to give me shit.

  It’s the last thing I need when my ego just took a beating. I’m not vain, but I know I looked as hot as I could for our date, I gave off all the signs saying I was interested. I dressed sexy. I shaved my legs and trimmed up the rest nice and neat just in case…not that I thought we’d have sex, but I wanted to be prepared. What did I do wrong?

  I march to the door and throw it open.

  Dex barrels into me and the door closes behind him.

  His intense stare is on me and his arms move around my waist. I start to ask what he’s doing but his mouth crashes down on mine, and I’m floating. Just floating on the damn clouds, electricity flooding my veins. A wildfire burns through me and funnels down between my legs. My body just—needs, it needs Dex. It’s a want so intense I may burst into flames.

  Sweet lord can this man kiss too. His tongue thrusts into my mouth and consumes me from within. He pins me to the wall, kissing me so deep and hard it’s a good thing he’s pressed up against me or I might melt into the floor.

  I whisper against his lips, “About time.”

  “Should’ve done that a few minutes ago. Wanted to do it all night.” His words come out against my lips as a growl.

  “I’m glad you did.”

  His hand grazes my jaw, and his forehead rests against mine. His breath fans over my lips. “Is your roommate home?”

  “No. You’d definitely know if she was.”

  “Good.” His lips claim my mouth once more and I don’t hold back.

  I give as good as I’m getting, running my hand up under his shirt feeling the hard wall of muscle there.

  His lips meet my neck and I might just die. “Which way?”


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