Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3 Page 48

by Alex Wolf

  After one last, quick shudder, I move my hand from her mouth and kiss her full on the lips.

  Her whole body relaxes so much, I almost think I need to hold her up, so she doesn’t just slide down the booth and onto the floor.

  She looks completely sated, just relaxed. Almost like she’s in another world right now.

  “That was...”

  I slide my hand out of her gently and adjust her panties back. “Just the beginning.”

  “You’re dangerous,” she whispers, her eyes still half-hooded.

  I lean in next to her again. “You’re right…” I look her up and down and pretend to adjust a non-existent flight suit. “Abby, I am dangerous.”

  She comes out of her orgasm coma and laughs. “You’re not a bad Maverick. Actually, you’re better because you have the height to go with the cocky attitude.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  “Gonna take me to bed or lose me forever?”

  “Hell. Yes.”

  I almost don’t even want to bother with dinner, but I hate to come here and not take advantage. I’m pretty sure Abigail is starving too. I know how long the days can be at the office.

  The rest of dinner goes perfectly, just like our first date. We slip in and out of easy conversations like two people who have known each other our whole lives. Right before we leave, she leans over and blows out one of the little candles on the table. Just one.

  After dinner, when we get back to her place, I escort her to the door of her apartment. It almost feels like a glitch in the Matrix because I just did this a few days ago.

  I know she was just quoting Top Gun back at the restaurant, and it’s too soon, but words can’t express how bad my cock wants to know what it feels like to be inside her. It feels right, and if she wants to fuck, I’m not going to say no, but something about this whole thing with her… I don’t know. I just want every moment to be special—memorable. I want us to have a highlight reel of memories, including the first time we have sex. This feels like a normal weekday night after a nice dinner.

  Abigail presses a palm to my chest when we get to her door. “I would invite you in, but my roommate is home and she’s not great company.”

  I don’t want the night to end, but I don’t let it show. I might not want to fuck her right now, but I could still eat her pussy and make out with her until the sun comes up. Or just sit around and talk. I just want to be near her.

  “Maybe you should come see my place sometime.”

  She nods. “I wouldn’t mind that. I had a good time tonight, Dex.” Abigail leans forward and kisses me then pulls back. “In case you chicken out like you did last time.”

  I nod, smiling. “Oh, it’s like that?”

  She laughs. “Yep. It’s like that, Collins.”

  I yank her harder into me, digging my fingers into her hips. “Be mindful of your provocations. I fulfill all verbal contracts.”

  She hooks both arms around my neck. “Why is it so hot when you talk like a fancy lawyer?”

  I kiss down her neck. “Why is it so hot when you come all over my hand in a restaurant?”

  Her cheeks go pink. “Dexter Collins, my mom would wash your dirty mouth out with soap.”

  I grin back at her. She’s something else, I’ve never met anyone like her. “I had a great time tonight too, Abby.”

  “Likewise, sir.” She pulls me into her for another kiss, then leans to my ear. “Yeah, I know you like it when I call you that.”

  I back her up against the door and press into her, my knee separating her legs in her skirt. I kiss down the side of her neck. “You have no idea, Abby.”

  “I might have an idea.”

  “Is that so?”

  She nods seductively.

  “What was that all about back at the restaurant?” I say.


  “When you blew out the candle. You had your eyes closed.”

  “It’s nothing. It’s dumb.”

  I brush some hair behind her ear. “Tell me. I want to know, even if you think it’s dumb.”

  Her lips curl up into a smile. “I like to blow out candles and make a wish, even when it’s not my birthday.”

  “What’d you wish for?”

  She shakes her head. “I can’t tell you or it won’t come true.”

  I kiss her on the forehead. “Okay.” Then I work my way down, peppering kisses on her cheek and then her neck. She presses her chest into me when I hit the spot halfway between her ear and collar bone.

  Always leave them wanting.

  I slide my hand up her skirt once more, through her panties, and graze her clit. She’s as wet as she was at the restaurant.

  Abigail’s head looks back and forth in the hall, like she’s checking to make sure nobody is going to walk up on us. I slide my fingers through her slick folds, just enough to give her a little tease, then pull my hand out and back away from her.

  “A little taste to remember you by until we do this again.” I slide both fingers in my mouth and it immediately brings back the memory of going down on her two days and twenty-two hours ago. “Night, Abby.”

  Then, I walk off.


  Things have been phenomenal the last few weeks with Abigail.

  Except at work. It’s driving me nuts. It’s like she changes into a different person at the office.

  We still haven’t had sex. Just more fooling around and light petting, nothing major. She’s holding back and taking things so damn slow my balls might shrivel up, but I don’t mind.

  I mean, I like her. I like her a lot.

  She makes me smile and I think about her nonstop. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing I want more than to fuck her, over and over.

  But, the timing hasn’t been right. I’ll wait as long as she wants me to. I want it to be perfect when we finally take that step.

  Something just feels, off when we’re at work. We don’t have that rhythm, you know? That natural melody that carries us along and makes conversations and actions effortless.

  I’m on my way back from court when I spot her by herself in the breakroom. My gaze immediately goes to her ass in the black skirt hugging her hips. How does she look so fucking hot every single day of the year? She’s wearing black stilettos with animal print on them. My mind immediately imagines her in nothing but those, legs spread on my desk, heels digging into my ass while I’m balls-deep in her.

  “You eating my pudding, knowing my mom sends them to me?” I sneak up behind her, wrap an arm around her waist, and move in for a kiss.

  The moment my lips graze hers, she yanks away, like she’s on fire or something. It’s harsh. Super harsh.

  I take a step back and narrow my gaze on hers. “The hell is that all about?”

  Her eyes dart around. “You can’t be doing that here.”

  I frown. “What? Why? You ashamed of me?”

  She glances around like someone might be watching us and lowers her voice. “Of course not. Why would you say that?” She wraps her arms around her waist and hugs herself, like she’s putting up some kind of wall I can’t break through.

  “You’re pulling away and looking around like someone might see. You don’t want me to meet your roommate. You seeing someone else?”

  She shakes her head like I’m an idiot or something. “It’s nothing like that. Calm down. I’m just not a fan of public affection.”

  “Didn’t mind in the restaurant.”

  She whisper-screams, “I don’t work in that restaurant. I don’t want people to think differently of me.”

  I take a step toward her, and she takes a step back. “People are going to find out about us.”

  Her eyes narrow into slits, and I can’t believe she’s actually upset about this. I don’t get her. We’re great together. She wants me. It’s obvious, and I feel the exact same way.

  She moves to go around me.

  Get your goddamn house in order, Dexter. This is ridiculous. You can land 10-figure c
lients but can’t handle a twenty-four-year-old paralegal?

  As she walks by, she stops, and her voice softens. “I want to talk about this with you, just not here at the office. Is that okay?”

  “Sure. Whatever.”

  I immediately feel like a dickhead, but fuck that. What if I want to talk about it here? Does she think I just want to mess around and have a middle school romance with her? We sneak off and fool around under the bleachers and then move on when we go to separate high schools? I’m not messing around with her. I want her, and I’m not putting on an act while I’m at work.

  I’m not going to walk around and pretend everything is platonic, then as soon as we leave the office where nobody can see she gets to turn into a new person and fuck my mouth and my fingers. That’s not how this works. People need to know she’s off limits, at least the men around here do.

  She frowns, almost looks hurt.

  I don’t think I have any reason to feel bad, but I do. I don’t like it when she’s upset. What the hell is wrong with me? Shit.

  She starts to walk off, and I narrow my eyes on her. “Hey, Abby.” I reach down and grip her forearm, stopping her in her tracks.

  Her gaze tilts up to meet mine. “Yeah?”

  “This thing here.” I motion back and forth between us. “It’s real. You can pretend all you want, for now, but you’re not fooling anybody. You’re mine.”

  “You’re ridiculous.” She scowls and stomps off.

  I don’t even try to hide my amusement. She can be as stubborn as she wants, it only makes my dick harder.

  When she turns the corner, I catch her profile, and she’s glaring even harder.

  Fuck, she makes me crazy.

  Now I want to go after her and kiss the shit out of her in front of the whole goddamn office.

  Just to show her I can, and I will.



  How is Dexter so cute and annoying at the same time?

  He looks so hot in his three-piece suit today, and I have to remind myself it’s no excuse for him to act like a damn caveman.

  Cornering me in the breakroom and trying to make out with me? What’s that all about?

  I honestly don’t know what I’m more upset about—the fact he damn near groped me at work—or the fact that deep down I really liked it. What the hell is wrong with me? It was so inappropriate and yet I wanted to lean into him, kiss him back.

  I shake my head at my ridiculous thoughts. I go out of my way to avoid office drama and politics. The Chicago firm is just as bad as Dallas.

  What I do on my own time is my business, and if people want to speculate about that, whatever. But I will be professional at all times at work.

  People still talk about Quinn and Deacon banging like rabbits in the supply room.

  It’s not that I don’t want Dex. We have great chemistry, and yeah, I feel something there, but I’m not ready to settle down and get serious. I’m just not. I’m too young. He needs to slow down.

  Dexter is amazing but the way he spoke to me in the breakroom, it’s like he thinks I’m his property.

  If I’m honest with myself, though—it’s hot. It makes me want him even more.

  I have to wonder if I’m actually irritated, or if my brain is just being a dick and telling me I should be irritated, and that’s what’s wrong. I’m so confused about this whole situation.

  Dex makes me feel so damn safe around him, and I don’t want to want a man to make me feel safe, if that makes any sense?

  Gah, I’m so confused right now.

  He has me spinning a thousand different directions, like a tornado blowing through my life and scattering things everywhere.

  He needs to get it through his thick head that I don’t belong to him before this gets even more out of control. I can already see this all playing out. I fall head over heels, he continues this behavior until I’m afraid to even talk to another man without him being petty and jealous. It all culminates with him breaking my heart and judging by the way I already feel when I’m around him, it will take a long time to get over it.

  I’m in a really good place right now. Well, other than needing to get a place of my own, but still. Professionally, I’m killing it. Decker hands me important projects and puts his full trust in me. Multiple partners praise me for doing a good job all the time. It’s the one place in the world where I have everything in order.

  I’ve made a life for myself here. I feel wanted and respected. I have friends.

  Some of them are guy friends and ugh, Dexter has a serious problem with that, I can already tell. I’m not going to ditch my friends and be a jerk because Dexter doesn’t approve.

  I’ve been blowing Kyle off ever since Dex and I started this up, dodging him in the hall of my building like a chicken shit. All because him and Dex don’t get along. That’s not like me. It’s not who I am. Even Barbie asked me what crawled up my ass the other day. For her to take notice of something I’m doing means it must be obvious as hell because she lives in her own little Barbie world every minute of the day.

  I pull out my phone and scroll through all the texts I’ve been avoiding.

  Kyle: Hey, just got off work. Wanna split a pizza?

  Kyle: Drinks after work, you in?

  Kyle: Where are you? I knocked earlier. Nick got Chinese if you want to come over.

  Right when I’m about to type out a reply, Rick Lawrence knocks on the edge of my desk. He has that same mischievous smirk across his smug face as always. He’s such an asshole, and I have to refrain from taking all my frustrations out on him.

  What the hell?

  He’s wearing rosary beads around his neck.

  Can the day get any weirder?

  “Got a minute?”

  I shake my head. “Not really.”

  “Great.” He cranes his head around, looking at the other paralegals. “You seen Mary?”

  I fidget with some files, pretending like I’m reading them and about to get up and leave, hoping he’ll take the hint and go away. “Did you try her desk?”

  “Yeah. Even checked under mine but she wasn’t there, where she belongs.”

  What is it with the male egos in this place?

  He stands there, staring at me, like this is an everyday conversation and he’s done nothing wrong.

  I sigh, because he won’t leave. “Haven’t seen her. Did you need something, Rick?” I think about calling him “Dick” instead, but he’d wear it as a badge of honor and stick around and make it even more awkward. Or actually comment on his dick and send me sprinting to HR.

  He leans in toward me.

  I immediately lean back because I don’t want him near me, and part of me knows Dex might come out of nowhere with a Macho Man elbow drop if he sees another man in my vicinity.

  Rick’s voice lowers. “Got new info on that secret shit for you and Decker. How would you like to proceed?”

  “Can you email it to me?”

  “Will do.” He takes one final glance around the paralegal bullpen. “You see Mary around, you tell her Rick says hey.”

  I roll my eyes. “Will do.” I’d agree to just about anything to get him out of here.

  “Peace be with you, sister.” He grins his ass off and kisses the cross hanging around his neck, then makes a cross with his finger over his chest. As he’s walking away, he hollers over his shoulder, “You both love your mothers. He loves Christmas too. Stop fighting it. You have a lot in common.”

  What. The. Hell.

  He never turns around, just disappears through one of the side doors.

  I swear to God he’s a damn soothsayer. If he warns me about the Ides of March, I’m finding a bunker, removing every sharp object, and locking myself in it. Finally, I shake my head and finish typing out my text.

  Me: Sorry about the last few weeks. I’ve been super busy with work and just life. Wanna meet up for drinks later?

  Kyle: Wrong number.

  The bubbles immediately start bouncing aroun
d before I can type out something snarky.

  Kyle: Kidding. Drinks sound good. We need to catch up. The Gage tonight?

  I lean back in my chair, already worried that it’s a bad idea. Dex goes there sometimes. Hell, it’s where everyone from work always hangs out.

  I shake my head at myself. I can have friends. I shouldn’t have to sit here and stew about this. I never had to before. I’m an independent woman and I can do whatever the hell I want. Dex doesn’t own me. Worrying about his fragile ego is not my concern.

  Kyle’s my friend. Nothing more. He’s never given me a reason to think he wants anything more than friendship and I’m not going to shit all over him because Dexter doesn’t like him.

  If he would stop acting like a Neanderthal around him, I think they’d actually get along.

  Me: Does 7 work?

  Kyle: See you there.

  “Do I know you?” Kyle grins when I walk up to the bar.

  “Stop. I said I was sorry. I was busy with work and Barbie has been nuts since the whole Chuck thing.” Most of that is true, but I still feel bad, knowing the reason I haven’t been around is because of Dexter.

  “You get a pass this one time.” He grins at me. “Nick has a table already. I ordered you a shot.”

  “Awesome, thanks.”

  The bartender walks over and hands us the drinks.

  I take the shot and knock it back. It tastes like heaven after the day I’ve had.

  Kyle loops his arm through mine as we head toward the table. It’s Friday night and everyone is ready to unwind after a long week it seems. The place is packed.

  “Hey,” I say to Nick as I sit down.

  “Hey, stranger.” Nick gives me a head nod. “Tell me you didn’t invite Barbie.”

  “Actually, she’s on her way. I told her I was meeting up with Kyle and you’d be here all alone. Hope you don’t mind. She said she thinks you’re the one.” I give him a smirk as his face pales. “Feeling okay? You don’t look so hot.”

  He glances to the door, looking for Barbie, then shakes his head. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  I finally can’t contain myself and burst into a laugh. Kyle follows suit.


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