Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3 Page 54

by Alex Wolf

  I close the door behind me.

  I don’t know why, but for some reason I lock it too. Okay, I know exactly why I lock it. Because I know exactly what Dexter is up to and I don’t want to look intimidated. I want to look confident and sexy. The lock clicks and the sound of the bolt echoes through the room. Or maybe I just imagine it did. It sounded so loud inside my head I could swear the whole office heard the noise.

  You’re being paranoid.

  I gingerly step toward Dexter who still hasn’t looked up. “You wanted to see me?”

  I can’t read him. He’s emotionless, staring down at some papers on his desk. “Come here.”

  I shuffle forward and start to take a seat in front of his desk, but he shakes his head at me with that devilish smirk.

  “Abigail, I said come here. You’re over there. I want you over here.”

  I sigh. “Dex.”

  His voice goes low and he speaks slowly, enunciating each syllable. “I said come here. Now.”

  Something flashes in his eyes, a primal hunger that ties my stomach in a knot. He has his damn jacket off, and the whole sleeves-rolled-up thing again too. I think he does it on purpose to torture me. Does he just accidentally look this hot and commanding, or does he practice it in the mirror at home?

  My feet urge me forward though my head screams no. I know what he wants to do and it’s completely inappropriate. “I’ve told you. Not at the office.”

  “Don’t make me get up.”

  I want him so bad I can’t see straight. My entire body is on fire. I know I locked the door and nobody can see in here, but still.

  I shake my head at him but bite my lower lip at the same time. I shouldn’t tease him because it’s so not cool, but it’s like my actions are completely separate from my brain at this point.

  “It’s gonna be worse.” He starts to get up and I walk over to him.

  I can’t believe you’re doing this.

  Every time I think Dex can’t turn me on more than he has before, he proves me wrong.

  “What are you going to do?” I inch my way around his desk.

  He doesn’t respond and my heart is about to redline its way out of my chest.

  As soon as I’m in front of him, he reaches out and snatches my forearm. I don’t even know what happens, because it’s all a blur, but suddenly I’m bent across his lap and he has me pinned down with one arm.

  Holy. Shit.

  I’m on fire inside, and for two different reasons. I’m so into this, but it’s so wrong. “We’re at work.” I hiss the words out at him, knowing it’s only goading him even more.

  His hand slides up the back of my thigh and scorches a trail of fire up my leg. “Why’d you lock the door then?” His voice comes out all gravelly.

  Warmth spreads through my veins and I soften to him automatically. I have no answer. “I… I don’t know.”

  “Strike one.” His firm hand squeezes my ass over my skirt. It feels so damn good I have to bite back a soft moan in my throat. I’m so damn weak for him, not myself at all when he’s around.

  “Don’t lie to me.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Strike two.”

  “What are you talking about, strikes?”

  “Too much talking. Strike three.” Dexter yanks my skirt up and his strong fingers knead my ass over my panties.

  My eyes dart around the room, making sure all the shades are drawn. If someone saw this, I would never be able to show my face in this office again. “What the hell, Dexter?” At the same time I say the words, I close my eyes because it feels so damn good.

  I squirm in anticipation because I know he’s about to spank me and ever since he did it the first time at his apartment, I’ve wanted him to do it again.

  He shakes his head back and forth. “Fight this all you want. I told you what was going to happen.”

  “I fell asleep,” I say in the most innocent tone I can muster while his fingertips dig into my ass.

  “Is that so?”

  “Uh huh.” I nod my head.

  “That’s the story you’re going with?”


  He laughs. “Okay, maybe I’ll let you off the hook this one time.”

  Disappointment washes over me at once. He’s such a tease.

  His hold loosens for a second, and then his hand grips my hair.


  The pain radiates from my ass straight up my spine, and God, it stings so good. I let out a gasp.

  “That one is for lying. Tell me the truth, Abby.”

  “I-I did.” I can barely get the words out because I’m so damn aroused and out of breath.

  His palm rubs over me, like he’s warming me up for another one.


  “Okay, okay!” I grin and huff out a breath. “Fine. If you must know…”

  “The truth this time. I’ll know if you’re lying.”

  I crane my neck around and fake-scowl back at him. “I got… distracted.”


  My cheeks must turn a bright shade of pink. “I, umm, I was taking care of myself.”

  “You finished without me?” He growls the words and nips at my ear lobe. His tongue traces the shell of my ear.

  Holy shit. The sex at his apartment was phenomenal but this dominant, possessive side of Dexter is heating me up in all kinds of new ways I didn’t know I enjoyed until just now.

  “I like these.” He runs his fingers along each one of my garter belts that ride halfway up my thighs. He snaps them against my skin one at a time, like he has all day to mess with me.

  I yelp.

  “Shh. Don’t want anyone hearing you alone in here with me, with the door locked and the shades drawn. What would people around the office think?”

  “Oh my God.” I exhale the words.

  His hand slides over my mouth while his free hand continues to massage my ass. He continues to take his time, enjoying playing with me like I’m some kind of toy put here for his amusement.

  I bite his palm but it’s useless. He only tightens his grip.

  One. Two. Three. Four.

  The swats come in quick succession and I gasp into his palm.

  The outline of his hand throbs on my ass, and I feel the heat rush back into my rear.

  Dexter releases his palm from my mouth, and I look over my shoulder at him. My eyes narrow on his.

  “Want a few more?” He smirks.

  “What if I do?” I mumble.

  I’m at his mercy and it’s impossible to resist him, and judging by the look on his face, he knows it.

  He leans down to my ear and growls, “That can be arranged.”

  “I’m gonna get even for this.”

  He smirks. “We’ll see.” He pats me on the ass, gently this time. “Oh, we’ll see about that.”

  “Don’t threaten me with a good time.” I slide down from his lap, then make my way up and straddle him. Grabbing his hand, I suck two of his fingers into my mouth getting them good and wet.

  His gaze pierces through me and his breaths grow ragged at the sight. His eyes go half-hooded.

  “Touch me, Dex.” I lean next to his head and lick around his ear. “Fuck me with these fingers.” I push his hand down between my legs. “I’ve never been this wet for you before. See for yourself.”

  As his fingers rub up against me and he feels my heat, his eyes roll back. “Fuck, Abby. I won’t be gentle.”

  I grind against his hand. “I don’t want you to be.”

  He grips my panties and yanks them to the side.

  I wrap my arms around his neck. “Please, I need it so bad.”

  “This what you want?” Dex forces two fingers inside me.

  Holy shit. It hurts so damn good.

  “You want to fuck my fingers while you’re at work? Like a dirty little office slut?”

  Oh. My. God.

  I can’t believe he just said that, and I can’t believe how much I liked it.

  I nod and purr agains
t his lips. “I’ve been bad. I deserve to be punished.”

  His thumb slides up to my clit and he does exactly what I asked for, pumps two fingers in and out. “Yes, you do.” He cups me in his palm and squeezes hard, digging his fingers into me. “This pussy is mine. Nobody touches it unless I say they can. That includes you. Is that understood?”


  “Say it, Abigail. Tell me who this belongs to.” He grips me harder and digs his fingers in.

  I whimper through a shaky breath. “It’s yours.”

  He shoves two fingers back in me and his thumb moves back to my clit.

  I’m so close already, it’s not going to take long. Before I know it, I’m riding his hand while he stares into my eyes. My center coils tight like a spring and I’m on the edge, so damn close. An intense heat funnels between my legs and I gasp in his ear. “Let me come, please.”

  His free hand massages my breast through my top, then he pinches one of my nipples so hard it yanks my mind out of the clouds.

  “You have my permission to come on my fingers like a little whore.”

  And I’m done for.

  I buck and thrash on his hand, every muscle in my body constricting and contracting as the orgasm fires through every nerve ending in my body. “Oh God, Dex.”

  “Yeah, say my name. Tell me who owns this.” He shoves his fingers in deeper.

  I shudder a few more times. “Dexter Collins, it’s his.”

  “Goddamn right it is.”

  I exhale a huge breath. Once I’m finished, I stand up in front of him and straighten my skirt.

  Dex stares down at his tented slacks, then back up at me.

  I pat him on the shoulder. “Sorry my little office manwhore, I need to get back to work.”

  “What the fu—”

  I’m already almost to his door before he can stand up and turn to face me.

  I smirk. “Told you I’d get even.” I unlock the door and open it halfway, then turn back. “Maybe I’ll make it up to you later, if you take me to dinner.”

  He smirks his ass off right back. “You’re in a lot of trouble.”

  “A lot?” I grin.

  “That’s strike twenty-three. Better pack a fucking lunch tonight, Whitley.”

  A tingle rips up my spine at the thought of what he’ll do to me. Mission accomplished. My entire day is going to be amazing now, anticipating tonight.

  “See you later, Mr. Collins.” I sway my hips as I walk out the door.

  I step off the train and head a block toward Dex’s apartment, hurrying as fast as I can. It’s difficult carrying the casserole dish with me. I had to rush around my apartment while Barbie whined nonstop while I made it.

  I pray it’s a sufficient peace offering because I have no idea what Dex will have in store for me when I get there. I left him hanging and even felt a little guilty, but it’s so much fun. I’ve never played these little sex games like this. It’s so hot. When he finally gets what he wants, it’ll be that much better for both of us. That’s what I tell myself, but secretly, I worry I pushed things too far. Somehow, he just makes me feel so damn comfortable and sexy around him, that I’m not afraid to do anything I want. The more I think about it, the more I think that’s the way it should be.

  I love how confident he makes me feel in the bedroom, or the office, when the doors are locked and nobody can see, obviously.

  I walk through the front of the building and hop on the elevator up to his floor. When I get to his front door, I ring the doorbell.

  The door opens but nobody is in front of it.

  “You’re late.” His voice echoes through the entryway, but I still don’t see him anywhere.

  “I brought…”

  “Get your ass in here.”

  My heartbeat kicks up about twenty notches.

  I take a few tentative steps through the door and I feel a presence slide in behind me. I start to turn.

  “Don’t fucking turn around, Ms. Whitley.”

  My breath hitches. “So, we’re keeping things formal are—”

  Something wraps around my face, cutting off my sentence, and I realize it’s one of Dexter’s silk ties from work. He covers my eyes and ties it off in the back, a little more forcefully than needed.

  “What’s this?” He takes the dish from my hand.

  “Umm, h-homemade banana pudding.”

  There’s complete silence and I can’t see. It’s a little disorienting to say the least.

  “Dex, what are you doing?”

  His finger slides up to my lips. “Shh. You just do what the fuck I say, understand?”

  This is so freaking intense. I don’t know if I should be scared or elated. Does he have one of those red rooms in his apartment I don’t know about? I don’t know how I’d feel about all that, but something inside me really wants to see where this goes.

  “Follow me.” He takes me by the hand and leads me down the hall.

  At least, that’s where I think I’m going. I have no earthly clue where I’m at in his apartment at this point. He turns me into a room then releases my hand.

  “Stay there.”

  I do as he says, then hear him set the dish down on something.

  I hear his feet on the wood floor as he walks back over. His hands go to the buttons on my jeans and instinctively I squirm.

  He grips both of my hips and digs his fingers in. “Hold still, or you’ll only make this worse for yourself.”

  For some reason I can feel the grin on his face, like I can sense that he’s enjoying this immensely.

  “Would that be so bad?”

  “Probably not.” He pops the buttons on my jeans. “For me, anyway.”

  He slides my pants down and I kick my heels off then step out of them. Next, he grips the hem on my top and lifts it slowly over my head.

  “Fuck, your body belongs in the Louvre.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  He hisses out a breath. “You have no idea what it does to me when you call me that.”

  His hands roam my body, caressing and massaging every square inch of me up and down, until I feel his face right in front of mine and his warm breath plays across my lips.

  He doesn’t kiss me, though. Just teases the hell out of me like he might do it.

  I’m already wet for him. My panties are soaked through.

  He slowly inches me back with nothing but his hard frame pressed against my chest until I run into what I assume is the bed. I jolt at the sudden impact.

  His hand slides up my stomach to one of my breasts and he grips it tight over my bra, then all at once, his fingers splay across my chest and he shoves me backward.

  Panic rips through my body while I fall until my back makes contact with his mattress.

  I pant uncontrollably, my heart racing. “Holy shit.”

  I hear him walk around the bed as I scoot to the middle.

  “Lay down.” His voice booms through the room.

  I do exactly what he says because holy hell is this hot. My senses are dialed up to eleven. Sound, smell, touch… Everything is so intense.

  He takes one of my hands in his and ever so delicately, I feel him slip something around my wrist and he ties it off. Then as my brain processes what he’s doing, he yanks my arm back and ties me to the bedpost.

  “Oh wow, I’ve never been tied up before.”

  “Good.” He leans over in front of my face, so that I can feel him inches from me. “I’ll be your first for everything from here on out.” There is zero uncertainty in his voice as he says it.

  He does the same thing with my other arm and both of my legs, until I’m stationary in the center of his bed, all four limbs stretched out, in nothing but my bra and panties.

  Dexter climbs up on the bed. I feel his weight shifting around on the side of me.

  “Look at this fucking body.” His hand glides along my ribs and he traces a finger down my shoulder. “So helpless. Nowhere for you to go.”

  I squirm but it’s no u
se. I can’t move at all.

  “I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to you right now, Abigail.”

  Be sexy. For the love of God, be sexy and turn him on more right now.

  “Do it then.” I spit the words at him.

  He snickers. His hand travels over both of my breasts. “I could fuck your tits.” His fingers slide up and he shoves two of them in my mouth so hard I nearly choke, but his words remain calm and composed. “Could fuck this pretty mouth.”

  Oh my God, I might die.

  His hand slowly makes its way down my stomach and he cups me in his palm. “This pussy.” Two fingers slip down lower and he presses them hard up against my ass.

  I squirm on the bed, but oh my God, it feels kind of nice.

  “So fucking dirty. Look at you. You’re enjoying yourself.” He applies even more pressure and I hear his breath go ragged. “I could definitely fuck this ass. I could shove my cock anywhere it’ll fit in you.”

  My thoughts race, but I don’t even have time to process all the filthy things he’s telling me because his hand slides up around my throat.

  It’s extremely possessive, but he doesn’t choke me, just grips tight enough for me to know his hand is there. I gasp out a breath because I don’t know how much longer I can stand all this anticipation.

  “Don’t worry. I have you for the entire night. I think I’ll take my time.”

  His hand slides down to my breast and in one violent motion he yanks the cup down, exposing me to the air. My nipples harden at his touch. He reaches over and yanks the other down the same way. Ever so slowly, he leans down and grazes my nipples with the tip of his tongue.

  I shudder and fight against the restraints for a quick second, before I relax again. I want to grab his head and put it between my legs, but I can’t do a damn thing all tied up like this. It’s agony.

  His hand slides down and he caresses my pussy over my panties. “Look how wet you are, Abby. You get off on this dirty shit, don’t you?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “It’s not doing it for me.”

  He doesn’t fall for it at all. Just snickers. “Sure. Sure. You fucking hate this, don’t you?” He slips a finger inside my panties and rubs it over my clit. “Yeah, look how fast you’re breathing. I can hear your damn heart racing. You definitely want me to stop.”

  My hips betray me and lift against his hand.


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