Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3 Page 58

by Alex Wolf

  His hand caresses my hair. “You’re my world, Abby.”

  I nuzzle into his shoulder, loving how safe he makes me feel.

  He rolls to his side and his palm rests on my cheek. “I mean it. I love you, Abigail Whitley.”

  Holy crap! Dexter Collins just said he loves me!

  I should be scared out of my mind right now, but I’m not. I’m not because it’s Dexter and I can see he means it with every fiber of his soul. And the scariest part is, I love him too. I love him so much. To hell with my plans, when you find the right person, you just know. And I just know. We were meant to be together from day one. I could feel it then, and I feel it now, I just wouldn’t admit it to myself.

  “I love you too, Dexter Collins.”

  I wish I had a camera to capture the smile on his face right now. He looks like I just made him the happiest man on earth. I take a mental snapshot, because I never want to forget the way I feel and the way he looks.

  He reaches over and puts my hand on his chest, right over his heart. “You own this. It’s yours. And as long as I’m breathing, I’ll fight every day the rest of my life for you.”

  I blush. What else can you do when the man of your dreams says something like that to you?

  He reaches over and lifts my chin so I’m looking right in his eyes. “I mean every damn word. You can trust me with your heart. I promise.”

  We kiss once more and then I snuggle back up on his shoulder.

  This is all too good to be true.

  I ease out from underneath Dex, wondering what time it is. There’s a cart at the end of the bed with breakfast on it. I grab a mug and pour myself a coffee then start looking for my phone.

  I find my purse and blink when I see the time. Oh no. “Dex.” I put a hand on his shoulder and shake him.

  He stirs, mumbling under his breath as he squints and glares at me. “What?”

  “I don’t mean to panic but how the hell are we getting to work?”

  “You worry too much.” He smirks and rolls out of bed.

  My eyes naturally roam south, where his thick cock swings between his legs like a pendulum. Dex sees where my gaze is trained and grins. “Didn’t get enough last night?”

  My cheeks flush. He woke me up in the middle of the night with his face buried between my legs. “Stop distracting me. How are we getting to work? We’re on a boat in the middle of the lake.”

  “Stop stressing. I took care of everything. It’s covered.” He yawns.

  “Okay, well get your dick covered too, or we won’t make it there in time and I need my job.”

  “Fine. You’re no fun.”

  We both scurry around and get dressed. I stare out the window and it doesn’t look like we’ve moved an inch. “We haven’t gone anywhere. The boat’s not moving.”

  He grins like he’s amused with the whole situation. “Will you stop freaking out? Come on.”

  I’ve never been late to work a day in my life and I don’t plan on starting today. “Umm, okay.” I take his hand and follow him up some stairs.

  Then, I hear it. Whop whop whop.

  Dex opens a door that leads out to the helicopter landing pad.

  I can’t help but feel a little like a Bond girl, going on crazy adventures with a suave man in suits.

  The cold air whips all around us as we walk hand in hand over to the chopper. The pilot takes our bags and puts them in a compartment, then makes sure we’re both buckled in. Once everyone’s secure, he straps himself in and we lift off.

  I can’t stop going back and forth between me and Dex, looking out my window then leaning across him and looking out his. The yacht turns into a speck on the horizon.

  “Enjoying the view?” Dex asks, laughing his ass off at how excited I am.

  I’ve never flown in a helicopter before, not that it matters how we’re flying. “I really am the worst. You always want to give me the window seat if we fly on a plane. This is even worse because of windows on both sides.”

  He smiles and takes a sip of coffee that I have no idea where it even came from. He looks like he’s done this a million times. “I see that.”

  I give him a smack at his chest, then gaze out the front of the helicopter where the Chicago skyline grows bigger and bigger as we head right toward it. It’s so beautiful. My eyes roam back and forth between the lake and Dexter.

  Chicago is growing on me, fast. It’s starting to feel like home, and I know it’s a beautiful city with amazing food and culture and nightlife. But, part of me knows Dex is the biggest reason I have these feelings. He’s anchoring me to his city, and I clearly don’t seem to mind one bit.

  The helicopter makes a large loop around the city, giving us a view of downtown from all angles. I wonder if the pilot did it to be nice and show us the city, or if it’s because of some air traffic rules from O’Hare. Regardless, it’s incredible. Finally, we hover the pier, and the pilot drops us off right where the yacht picked us up yesterday.

  Once we’re in the limo again, I curl into Dex in the back and fall asleep until we arrive at my apartment. Dexter carries my bag and walks me to my door, lingering long enough to kiss me. When we’re done, he gives one of my breasts a quick squeeze. “One for the road.”

  I shake my head and can’t stop cheesing like an idiot as I watch him walk to the elevator.

  I can’t believe this is all happening. It’s totally surreal.


  Abigail snuggles up next to me on the couch. There’s nothing better than having a fire going and wrapping my arm around her. It’s perfect.

  I talked her into staying in at my apartment tonight. I ordered takeout because it’s colder than fucking Hoth outside. She giggles when I pull out a tauntaun blanket I ordered when I saw it on a Facebook ad. You can unzip it, crawl inside, then zip it up around you.

  We share one container of twice-baked spaghetti I ordered from a place down the road on DoorDash. The fireplace crackles and spits a few sparks when I adjust the logs. The night couldn’t be more perfect. We watch two girly Hallmark Christmas movies even though it’s still not even Thanksgiving yet. Multiple glasses of wine are had by both of us.

  I shake my head at her after the last movie, even though I know this will work in my favor in the future. I know these movies like the back of my hand. “You have to admit the plots are almost identical. There’s always a catastrophe that robs her of her Christmas spirit, and the hero always has some tragedy that’s caused him to lose hope in humanity and become a loner. He springs into action and his name is always Nick and her name is always something like Holly. He does something monumentally stupid that seems unredeemable, then makes a huge gesture and begs for forgiveness. They share a wonderful PG-rated kiss, Christmas is saved, the end.”

  “Wow.” She laughs. “You’ve really done your homework on this.” She takes another drink, finishing her third glass of wine.

  “I want to see one where they break up. Or it looks like they’re about to kiss and make up and instead he fucks her brains out. Or one where it doesn’t work out and he just lives his days hating Christmas even more. It’d keep me on my toes, not knowing if the happy ending was coming or not.”

  Abigail glares. “It’s not romance if they don’t end up together.”

  “Okay, well how about one where she screws up and has to beg him to take her back for fuck’s sake? We need more equality in Christmas movies.”

  “Eww, no. Nobody would watch that.”

  “Why? It’s the same shit, just gender reverse the plot.”

  “Because, Dex.” She grabs my chin and gives it a shake like I’m a puppy who just got caught digging. “The hero has to mess up and redeem himself. It’s the natural order of things. Women don’t do stupid stuff like men do.”

  I laugh. “Oh really?”

  She shrugs, biting back a smile. “Yep. We’re perfect and you guys need to beg for our affection. That’s how the world works.”

  “I’ll show you how the world works.” I tickl
e her ribs then plant a kiss on her mouth.

  “Mmm, show me more.” She purrs the words against my lips.

  Abigail switches the channel and a rerun of Jeopardy is on the TV.

  I slip my hand between her legs. “I’ll take Abigail’s pussy for five hundred, Alex.”

  She smacks at my chest. “You’re terrible.”

  “You like it.”

  “You’re not wrong. But you know what I like even more?”

  “What’s that?”

  She slides down to her knees, situating herself between my legs, and fumbles with my zipper. “Your dick.”

  “I do not mind this at all.” My head falls back against the cushion.

  Abigail tugs my pants down. “You did so well, indulging me in my cheesy movies. I feel I should return the favor.”

  I lift my hips as she slides my pants down to my ankles and my hard cock springs free. She strokes her hand up and down my shaft and I already feel like I might pass out. She drives me crazy with even the slightest touch. I’m addicted to her. Every time she walks out of the room withdrawal sets in. When I’m with her, all I can think about is burying myself inside her.

  “Mmm, I missed you.” She smiles at my dick, fist wrapped around my shaft. She kisses the tip, her eyes locked on mine, savoring every second she gets to tease me. Her lips part and she slowly slides me into her mouth.

  My fingers go straight to her hair and I make a fist. Abigail sucks me deeper, swirling her tongue around me.

  When she takes more of me, my eyes roll up to the ceiling then land back on hers. Her hand grips me at the base and she pumps up and down while taking the rest of me in her mouth.

  It’s so fucking good, but I want her pussy. I’ll go crazy if I don’t get it soon.

  I tug her head back, sliding myself from her soft lips. “Need you naked, now.” I stand up and make quick work of undressing her and then myself. I lay her on the couch, ready to eat her pussy until she hollers my name then fuck her senseless. I’m about to dive in right when my phone rings.


  “What’s wrong?” Abigail glares at me like don’t you dare answer that right now.

  “It’s my mom. I have to take it.”

  She covers herself up like my mom might see then nods. “Okay.”

  “I’m sorry.” I hold up a finger. “Just give me a second.” I grab my phone off the coffee table. “Hey, Mom.” I could say it nicer, but my balls ache like a motherfucker.

  “Hey, Dex. We’re gonna be there in a few days for Thanksgiving.”

  “I know. I’ll see you then.” I keep my eyes locked on Abby while I try to get Mom off the phone.

  She starts in on some story about what her and Dad did today.

  “Now’s not a great time, Mom, can I call you back?”

  “Why, what’s going on? Are you working late?”

  I never lie to my mom but I’m not about to tell her my girlfriend is spread eagle in front of me, covering her tits with her hands. “No, no, nothing like that.”

  “Well I feel like I never get to talk to you or any of my boys for that matter. Deacon is always busy with Quinn or her dad. Decker is always running around taking Jenny to something or sneaking away with Tate. I just love Tate, she’s perfect for him.” She yells in the background. “Yeah, Tate. Decker’s fiancée! That’s what I said. Decker and Tate. Deacon and Quinn. I said it right, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”


  “Yeah, honey?”

  “You gonna talk to me or Dad?”

  “Oh, yeah, sorry. Did you get the pudding I sent?”

  I grin, then look down and remember everything I did to Abigail with the pudding she made me. It’s ridiculously awkward talking to my mom with Abigail’s pussy staring me in the face. “Yeah, I got it. It was great. Thank you.”

  “You already finished it? I’ll get you—”

  “Mom, I’m not done. I just had some and it was great so far. Anyway…”

  “I miss seeing you. You know I don’t play favorites, but still… You’ll always be my little Dex, even with the tattoos and the suits.”

  “Mom, I love you. You know this. But I—”

  “Deacon said you have a new girlfriend. Why am I hearing it from him and not you? You used to tell me everything. Is something going on with you?”

  I sigh and I think Abigail can hear Mom through the speaker because she’s covering her mouth and trying not to laugh so hard it’s shaking her breasts. And if I don’t stop staring at them, I’ll have to mute Mom and put them in my mouth. “Of course not. I meant to tell you, I’ve just been…”

  She feigns being upset and teases. “For years I want you boys to settle down and get your lives in order. Then you all get girlfriends and forget all about the woman who gave birth to you.”

  I laugh. “I still call you all the time.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Can’t even tell me about your new girlfriend.”

  I glance down and Abigail is still grinning her ass off like she’s enjoying this more than my mouth.

  “Have to hear all about it from your twin brother. Maybe I should be sending him pudding in the mail.”

  “You’re being a little dramatic, don’t you think?”

  She laughs. “I’m so excited for Thanksgiving. I’ll have everyone together again. All my boys.”

  “We’re excited too.” Deacon and I haven’t had the heart to tell her Decker and Donavan are barely talking. We both keep hoping it’ll resolve itself before she finds out.

  “Well anyway, I expect to meet her on Thanksgiving. Is she coming to Decker’s?”

  “No. She’s probably going home to spend time with her family. She’s from Dallas. Can we talk about it later? I really need to go.”

  Abigail raises a brow at me.

  I shrug like I’m so sorry.

  “Well, ask her what she’s doing.”


  “Ask her.”

  “I will, okay? I’ll call her as soon as I get off the phone.”

  “Dexter, it’s not polite to lie to your mother. Just go ahead and ask her right now.”

  “What lie? You want me to call her then call you back?”

  “No, I know she’s right there. It’s the only acceptable reason you’d have for hurrying me off the phone at this hour.” I can’t fight back a smile. She knows me too well. I should know better.

  Abigail’s grinning from ear-to-ear when I glance at her.

  “My mom wants to know what you’re doing for Thanksgiving?”

  She leans forward, like she’s talking directly to my mom instead of relaying the answer to me.

  I finally just sigh and put it on speakerphone.

  “Hi, Mrs. Collins. I was planning on staying in town. My roommate is going to her family’s house, so I figured I’d just volunteer at a shelter or something.”

  “Oh no. That’s not happening, sweetie.”

  I mouth “I’m sorry” to Abigail over and over, but she seems amused. I don’t know if it’s because of my discomfort or because my mom is well, Mom.

  Mom shouts into the phone and it blares through the speaker. “Dexter, you’re bringing her to Decker’s for dinner. That’s final. And you know when I say final that’s it.”

  “If she says yes will you hang up?”


  I glance to Abigail and shrug like, this is the only way we’re getting rid of her right now.

  Abigail grins wide and looks at the phone. “I’d love to, Mrs. Collins. Thank you for thinking of me.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetie. And you let me know if my boy is anything less than a perfect gentleman. I’ll drag him out of the room by his ear if—”

  “Mom!” I holler the word before I can stop myself.

  Abigail dies laughing.

  “Okay, I’ll leave you two alone now after Dex does one thing. He knows what it is.”

  My eyes roll up to the ceiling then land back on the phone. “Sorry for lying
, Mom.”

  “That’s a good boy. Can’t wait to meet you, Abigail. Love you, Dex.”

  “Love you too.” I say the words as fast as possible and Mom laughs right into the speaker before it cuts off.

  I grin at Abigail as I move back between her thighs. “You’re in for a treat.”

  “I’m so nervous.”

  My eyes widen. “Why? I’ve eaten your pussy half a dozen times at least.”

  She smacks at my chest. “I mean about meeting your entire family at Thanksgiving. Were you talking about going down on me when you said I’m in for a treat?”

  I smirk. “Of course, what else would I be talking about?”

  She laughs and shakes her head at me. “You are the most arrogant—”

  I dive down and flick my tongue across her clit.

  “Phenomenal man on the planet.”

  I grin against her slick wet heat. “What I thought.” I lick the length of her slit, then go back to focusing on her clit. “Don’t be nervous. It’ll be fine. You’ll love my parents.”

  “Mmhmm. Oh, God. Whatever you say. Just don’t stop what you’re doing right now.” Her fingers tighten in my hair as her hips grind against my face.

  I take two fingers to the hilt and curl them up to her favorite spot. Her greedy pussy squeezes tight around them. I make a ‘come here’ motion inside her, hitting the mark over and over again while my tongue works lazy circles.

  Abigail makes this cute whimper sound that tells me she’s about to come.

  “You want me to keep going or you want my dick?” I glance up at her.

  “I need you inside me.”

  I shove off from the couch and pick Abigail up. Her legs wrap around me and her hot, wet pussy grinds against my shaft. We make it halfway to the bedroom and I can’t take it anymore. I slam her back up against the wall and it knocks a picture frame to the ground. Fortunately, it doesn’t shatter everywhere.

  “Can’t wait.” Before she can respond, I shove my cock into her. Her head smacks back against the wall.

  Before I can stop myself, my hips are a blur, bouncing her up and down on me as I thrust deep into her. She bites down on my shoulder, like she always does when she’s about to come.


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