Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3 Page 65

by Alex Wolf

  We slowly pull forward, heading down the hill, and I think my heart might explode it’s beating so fast. Then, it happens…

  We roll over the edge and my stomach leaps into my throat. I close my eyes and say about ten million prayers in the span of two seconds.

  My body vibrates all over the place while Abigail and everyone else screams their asses off. We fly down the hill, then through a tunnel and once we’re at the bottom, relief washes over me and I open my eyes. I can’t believe I didn’t pass out.

  “Oh fuck!” I scream.

  Just as everything gets a little calm, we’re yanked up a second hill. I was so focused on making it through the big one I didn’t bother to think about the rest of the roller coaster.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

  The thing tosses us back and forth, jarring my neck and my back all over the goddamn place. I grip Abigail’s leg so hard I worry I might be cutting off her circulation. It’s two minutes of hell. That’s exactly what the fuck it is. By the time we come to a stop, I exhale a gigantic breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding.

  Abigail leaps out of her seat, and I slowly stand up and make sure I didn’t, in fact, piss all over myself again. I hobble out of the fucking death trap from hell and Abby spins around.

  “Oh, babe, I’m so sorry.” She dives into me and hugs me.

  I wrap my arms around her. “It wasn’t that bad.”

  She glances up at me and flutters her eyelashes the way she always does, like she’s swooning over a romance movie. She leans up and pecks me on the cheek and whispers, “Thank you.” Then, she leans back and stares for a long second. “You’re never going on a roller coaster with me again.”

  I laugh as Decker, Deacon, and Donavan walk past and smack me on the back. “You didn’t do too bad,” says Decker.

  I snicker. “Yeah, right. You know what they say about facing your fears?”


  “It’s total bullshit. I’m never getting on one of those things again.”

  They all start laughing and we walk off.

  Everyone falls behind Abigail and me and I grin my ass off at Deacon.

  He gives me a fist bump on the sly, when nobody is watching. “It’s done.”

  I nod at him.

  “Oh my God, the pictures!” Abigail starts toward the little kiosk where they sell the photos of people going down the first big hill. You know, where everyone is making stupid faces and screaming their tits off on the big displays, then you can buy them for like fifty bucks.

  We walk up and Abigail is bouncing up and down. “I can’t wait to see your face in this picture, Dex. We’re blowing it up and framing it on our wall.”

  I snicker. “Thanks, babe. You always got my back.”

  She leans up and pecks me on the cheek. “You know you love me.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Go on, check them out.” On the inside my heart is still beating like a damn hummingbird’s wings.

  She’s grinning so wide her face might get stuck that way. I love how happy I just made her. I’ve pretty much forgotten about all the anxiety from the ride, but my stomach is still all twisted up.

  I take a few deep breaths as Abigail stares at the photo screen.

  Her hand shoots over her mouth and tears well up in her eyes. I walk over to see my brothers didn’t let me down. I look at me in the photo first, and it looks like I’m about to vomit everywhere with my eyes squeezed shut. Abigail has her hands in the air screaming and smiling.

  Behind her in the photo, Donavan holds up a sign at the rear that says, “Abigail.”

  Next is Decker and Tate, holding one up that says, “Will you.”

  Then Deacon and Quinn are holding the last one that says, “Marry me?”

  I already have the bright blue box out of my pocket, and I drop to a knee next to her. I open it up and reveal a princess-cut Tiffany solitaire in a platinum setting. She’s still staring at the photo on the screen, her whole body trembling, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  She turns and glances down to me on the ground, then looks around at everyone else. Tate and Quinn have their hands on their chest. My brothers are all grinning, along with Mr. Richards. Jenny flashes me a smile while her boyfriend stares down at his phone.

  “Oh my God,” says Abigail, when she sees Mr. Richards has a leash and Max is sitting on the ground next to him, watching us. She whips back around and stares down at me.

  “Abigail Whitley, I love you more than anything. There’s nothing I want in this world more than to ride the roller coaster of life with you. Will you marry me?”

  She nods so hard she might break her neck. “Yes! Of course, yes!”

  I take her hand and slide the ring onto her finger, then stand up and pick her up in my arms. Her legs wrap around me and I kiss the softest lips I’ve ever felt.

  “Someone’s chopping a damn onion out here,” says Tate.

  “Are you chopping it by Decker too?” says Donavan.

  “Oh fuck off, I’m not crying,” says Decker.

  I grin right at Abigail and press my forehead against hers. “I love you. I always will, no matter what.”

  “I love you too.” She shakes her head.


  “I cannot believe you rode that damn thing, knowing what it would do to you.”

  I glance around at our family and friends, then turn back to Abby. “Worth it.”

  “You’re always full of surprises.”

  “Speaking of surprises, hold that thought.” I glance around the corner of the roller coaster, set Abigail down, and yell, “Did you get it?”

  “Wait, what?” Abigail’s head flies around.

  “We definitely got it!” Mr. Whitley hollers with his phone in his hand as Mrs. Whitley comes sprinting over, barely able to control herself.

  “Mom!” Abigail takes off in a sprint and the two of them damn near tackle each other to the ground.

  Mr. Whitley walks up in his Texas Longhorns shirt and shakes my hand. “Congratulations, son. You did good.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  He tightens his grip on my hand. “Take care of my little girl.”

  “I absolutely will, sir.”

  He walks over and starts up a conversation with Mr. Richards, probably about dad stuff.

  My brothers, Tate, and Quinn walk up. Tate and Quinn both hug me at the same time. “You did so good! We’re so proud of you.”

  I give them a little squeeze then shrug them off me. “All right. All right. I’d love to remember this last part, but we can all forget about the minutes leading up to it, right?”

  “Oh fuck off,” says Deacon. “That ain’t happenin’.”

  I laugh when Jenny nearly tackles me and wraps her arms around my waist. “You’re the coolest uncle,” she whispers.

  I drop a kiss on top of her head. “And you’re the coolest niece. Best ever.”

  “Congratulations, Uncle Dex.”

  “Thanks, kiddo.” I turn to all of them. “You guys did great. It was perfect. Thank you.”

  Quinn shakes her head. “You really are a master at the over-the-top romantic gestures. You could write this stuff in Hollywood, you know?”

  I buff my nails on my shirt. “I have a particular set of skills.”

  “Damn right you do,” says Tate.

  I glance over and Abigail is talking to her mom a million miles an hour and keeps showing her the engagement ring.

  We all turn to Donavan at once.

  I smile big as hell. “Looks like you’re up next, asshole.”

  Donavan smirks. “Not a goddamn chance. You bitches are gonna hate me the rest of your lives, while I’m out doing whatever the hell I want, and whoever the hell I want.”

  I see Abigail in my peripheral vision, smiling her ass off. “Nope, got everything I need.”

  “Me too.” Decker wraps an arm around Tate.

  “Me three. Fuck that was lame as shit, but you know what I mean.” Deacon wraps his arm around Quinn.
r />   Donavan shakes his head. “Whatever, let’s go get hammered and celebrate.”

  “Sounds good.” I walk over to Abigail and her mom.

  “Oh, Dexter, I’m so proud of you.” She goes in for a hug. Once she has me in tight, she whispers in my ear, “We have a lot of guns, boy.”

  I laugh, but secretly I’m a little nervous. I’m not quite sure if she’s joking or not.

  “I can’t believe you got her here. I’ve been trying to get her to come visit for like a year.”

  “You know when I was away on business last Wednesday?”

  Abigail nods.

  I shrug. “It was family business.”

  Abigail’s eyes widen. “You went down and picked up my parents and drove them here?”

  “Yeah.” I smile. “They’re staying for the week then we’re going to rent an SUV and drive them back. Stay for a few days in Texas. I have a little work to do at the Dallas office. Then we’ll fly back out of DFW. Already booked the vacation time at work for both of us.”

  Abigail flies into my arms again. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of making her happy.

  Fuck, my life is awesome.

  Thank you so much for reading Filthy Playboy, we hope you loved it! But don’t go yet! We have a BONUS epilogue for you!

  Filthy Playboy bonus epilogue

  Cocky Playboy bonus epilogue

  Bossy Playboy bonus epilogue

  Grab your copy of Arrogant Playboy, book four in the Cocky Suits Chicago Series, where we introduce you to Donavan and Paisley!

  Also by Sloane Howell


  One of my favorite things about writing is building a relationship with readers. Join my newsletter for information on new books and exclusive deals plus a free copy of Panty Whisperer: Volume 1.

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  You can read more Sloane Howell books by clicking on the book below.



  The Matriarch

  Panty Whisperer

  Bad Dad

  Savage Beast


  Tommy Boy

  Alpha Bad Boys

  Chloe Comes for Christmas

  Also by Alex Wolf

  Cocky Suits - Dallas Boxset



  Naughty Girl

  Rock God

  Guitar God

  A Bad Boy for Christmas

  Professor’s Pet

  About Alex Wolf

  Alex hails from the Midwest and currently resides in Tampa, Florida with his girlfriend Chelle, his son and two cats. His daughter is currently serving in the U.S. Navy. He’s a huge fan of THE Ohio State Buckeyes and the Cleveland Browns.


  He enjoys writing steamy romance but more importantly he enjoys the “research” required to produce the steamy scenes. If you like filthy-mouthed, possessive alpha heroes and steamy romance, then he’s the author for you!

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