Academy of the Elites: Broken Magic

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Academy of the Elites: Broken Magic Page 10

by Alexis Calder

  I took the opportunity to feel for his buttons and fumbled with them while he slid his tongue into my mouth.

  He broke away from me, then climbed off the desk. I sat up, watching him though an intoxicated haze. I felt almost drunk on desire. Practically panting, I scooted toward the end of the desk, not wanting to be too far from him. I had to have his hands on me. I had to feel his skin against mine. I needed him inside me.

  He locked his gaze on me, drawing me into him as if he were a hypnotist. I couldn't look away. He grinned, an expression that made my heart soar. After weeks of him pulling away from me and avoiding me, I hadn't realized how starved I'd been for him.

  It was like he was the only sustenance I needed. I had to have him. "Ben," I whispered.

  He slid his pants down, freeing his erection.

  My eyes traveled down and my lips parted in surprise. He was a huge man, he towered above me and he was solid muscle, and oh so sexy. I shouldn't have been surprised that his cock matched the rest of him. Especially considering his hand was the size of my whole face.

  He tossed his shirt aside and moved closer to me, setting his huge hands on my upper thighs.

  My heart raced in anticipation, my breathing shallow. I'd never been with anyone this big before and I was a little nervous, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. Somehow, I knew this was supposed to happen. We were supposed to be together.

  He pulled me to the edge of the desk so my ass was barely on it and I wrapped my thighs around his waist.

  Leaning down, he slid his hands up my stomach toward my breasts, cupping each with his hands gently. Then he lowered his lips to my right nipple, pulling it into his mouth and sucking. At the same time, he pressed his cock to my entrance, teasing me.

  I gasped as tingles shot through me, all the way down to my center. Wetness grew between my thighs.

  He moved to the other nipple and I threaded my hand into his dark hair. I tossed my head back as I gasped in pleasure. Between the feeling of his cock pressed against me and his tongue expertly caressing my nipple, I was already nearing climax.

  Leaving the nipple, his lips traveled up to my neck, kissing along the way. He stopped, his face above mine. Panting he locked his gaze on me again and I felt like I was being pulled into those dark eyes. I never wanted to leave.

  We didn't need words. I could feel his want and I knew he could tell how much I needed him.

  He moved slowly, entering me a little, then pausing. I gasped as I adjusted to his large size. He moved in more and my pulse raced in anticipation. I'd never been filled this much before.

  His gentle tempo was excruciating after everything else. I wanted him now. I didn't want him to be gentle.

  I sat up a little, which moved my hips closer, and I grabbed his back, pulling him to me.

  He thrust in completely and I cried out, at first, in pain, but he thrust a few more times and I adjusted until the pain was replaced by gasps of pleasure.

  Digging my fingernails into his back, I held him close to me as he continued to thrust. Both of us were damp with sweat, breathing heavy in unison. My back arched as the pleasure increased with each thrust. Unable to contain it any longer, I cried out as an orgasm burst through me.

  Ben pressed his lips to mine, claiming my mouth as I came again, moaning into the kiss.

  He wrapped his arms around my back and lifted me so I was sitting, the two of us pressed together as he continued to thrust.

  As a third climax simmered I dug my fingernails into his back as I tossed my head back, gasping for air.

  Ben buried his face into my shoulder and just as I cried out with another orgasm, he bit down on me, sending shooting pain into my shoulder that mixed with the pleasure in a way that made my eyes roll into the back of my head. Gasping, I fought to take breaths so I didn't pass out.

  Ben leaned his head on my chest, breathing just as heavy as me. I kissed the top of his head. He looked up at me and when our eyes met, something changed.

  Something snapped into place and suddenly, it all made sense. All of my feelings for him rushed through me at once. None of it was logical but every primal thought I'd had about him seemed validated.

  "Raven," he whispered.

  I brushed his hair away from his eyes, taking in his handsome face. "I know."

  "I wanted to tell you," he said. "I was trying to protect you."

  "I don't care what you were doing, please just don't ever do it again," I said.

  He stood, backing away from me. "We shouldn't have done this."

  "I don't think we had a choice, unless I'm reading this wrong," I said.

  He moved closer to me and took my hands in his. "I've put you in danger by claiming you."

  "I don't care," I said, knowing it was true. I slid off the desk and my skirt fell back down around my legs.

  "You don't know what I just did," he said. "But I swear on my life, I'll keep you safe."

  I smirked. "You do realize I'm the one who has a thief after me."

  He smiled. "We make quite the pair."

  I touched his cheek and he looked down at me. I could tell from his expression that he was still conflicted.

  "What is it?" I asked.

  "My father," he said. "He blamed you for my loss of magic."

  "But your magic isn't gone anymore," I said.

  He pressed his hand on top of mine against his cheek. "That's true." Then his brow furrowed and he lowered my hand. "What about yours? I could smell it on you when we met in the hallway."

  "I was working on it with Professor Halifax and the twins," I said.

  He growled a little.

  "Jealousy isn't a good look on you," I said.

  "You're mine," he said.

  "I am," I said. "But you don't own me."

  "You might be the most difficult mate of all time." He set his hands on my upper arms, then pulled me closer to him. "But I have a feeling you're worth it."

  "I assure you, I am," I said with more confidence than I realized I had.

  He leaned down to kiss me and as soon as our lips met, I felt sparks shooting through my body. It was the same way I felt when my magic was activated.

  Gasping, I pulled away from him.

  "What is it?" Ben asked.

  I looked down at my hands and quickly moved through the motions for creating fire.

  A little flame burned in my palm. Orange and gold flickered in my hand, steady and soothing.

  "Does that mean?" Ben laughed.

  I closed my hand around the flame before it could go out of control. "My magic. That's the first time I've used it on my own."

  Brow furrowed, I looked at Ben. "When you shifted, you said it was because of me?"

  "Our mating bond, I've been feeling it for a while, but it flared, then all I could do was protect you at any cost," he said.

  "You bit me," I said.

  "It sealed the bond," he said.

  I laughed. "We used magic when you did that, I suppose?"

  He nodded. "Don't ask me how, but I know there's magic involved."

  "Ben, you freed my magic. I just needed to tap into it to unlock it all." This whole time, I thought it would be the magic meld with the twins. Who knew sex was the answer?



  I woke up in Ben's arms, still not believing that last night had been real. I got my magic back and Ben and I made up. Twice.

  I turned so I was facing him. His dark hair hung over his eyes and he was breathing slow and steady. In the time I'd known him, I'd never seen him look this peaceful.

  As I watched him, his eyes fluttered open and a lazy smile spread on his lips. "I wondered if I was dreaming."

  "I thought the same thing," I said.

  He tugged me closer and I breathed him in, memorizing the feel of his strong arms around me. We had a bond, that was clear. And apparently, he'd been feeling it for a while, but I still didn't know exactly what that meant for me. Ben wasn't the only one I'd felt a pull to.

Plus, there was that whole avoiding me thing and the veiled warnings about his father. "Ben, how long have you known?"

  "That you were my mate?" he asked.

  I nodded.

  "Almost since the day we met," he said.

  "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

  "Would you have believed me? You had just found out magic was real," he said.

  That was true. "You have a point. But why did you wait? After poker that night..."

  "I was trying to have you come to me," he said. "You can see how well that worked."

  This was the most open I'd ever seen him. Hell, it was the most open anyone had really been with me since I got here. I had to take advantage of it. "What about your dad?"

  He frowned and I could feel his muscles tense. "He's bad news, Raven. We're going to have to keep this between us."

  "Everyone saw us walk through the party toward my room last night," I said.

  "Everyone saw us walk toward our rooms," he said. "We are right next door."

  "True, but how are you going to get out of here?" I asked.

  "One at a time," he said.

  I shook my head. "We're both adults. How bad can it really be?"

  He laughed. "You've seen The Godfather?"

  "Yeah," I said.

  "You won't get a horse head as a warning. He'd just kill you and probably me. Give me some time to figure this out before we go public, okay?"

  "Okay," I said. For once, I found myself fully trusting a man who asked me to do something for him. There were no warning bells, no intuition screaming at me. Things with Ben felt right.

  I wasn't looking forward to going back to not speaking to each other, but it helped knowing that I had him in my corner. I sat up, my body instantly protesting against leaving his warm embrace. I knew we couldn't stay here all day.

  "You in a hurry?" he asked, sitting up next to me.

  "My magic came back last night, I'm officially obligated to inform Dr. Green when that happens. I have no intention of giving my PO anything else against me."

  "Go figure that the son of the biggest mob boss in the supernatural world tries to go legit and ends up mated with a criminal," he said.

  "You know it turns you on," I said, giving him a wink.

  He lunged toward me, knocking me back onto the bed. I squealed in surprise but he quickly silenced me with a kiss.

  Dr. Green could wait.



  I should have taken a shower before I headed to Dr. Green's office. At least I was in fresh clothes. That was going to have to do.

  Ben bolted from my room right after I left, and it was heartbreaking listening to him walk away from me without turning around to say one last goodbye. Though, we'd definitely made up for it in our morning tumble.

  Three times in less than twelve hours. Ben was going to keep me on my toes. In the best possible way.

  I moved through the nearly empty halls toward Dr. Green's office. I'd been here every week over the last few months to see my parole officer and I wasn't looking forward to having to explain my returned magic to him. However, returned magic was my ticket out of here, eventually. And surely, they wouldn't make me continue to meet with him once I was a graduate, right?

  The thought of no longer having meetings with the sweaty, pink-faced whatever-the-hell-he-was made me walk a little straighter. Now that my magic was back, I could prepare for the practice trials. I could move on with my life. I didn't realize how much of a holding pattern I'd been in. It was a liberating feeling.

  Plus, I felt more like myself again. I'd missed the hum of my magic just below the surface. It was comforting and reassuring to have it back.

  I passed a few students in last night's clothes, likely walking back from a late-night rendezvous in a different dorm than their own. We greeted each other with silent nods of understanding. Though, I was far more put together than them.

  The main office was empty, Dr. Green's secretary missing from her usual post at the front desk. I should have expected that. It was a weekend after all. I frowned, wondering if I wasn't going to find anyone here at all.

  Taking a chance, I knocked on Dr. Green's door. Then I waited.

  Noises came from behind the door and I knew it was occupied. Then more noises. The sounds of shuffling and hurried footsteps. Something fell to the ground with a thud.

  My heart raced and I grabbed the door handle, worried that something was wrong. "Dr. Green? You okay?"

  I turned the handle, prepared to enter if he didn't respond.

  "Wait," he called.

  I let go of the handle and stepped back. A second later, he opened the door, his pink face nearly red from exertion. His hair was mussed and his shirt was buttoned unevenly.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a female sitting in one of the chairs facing his desk. Her back was to me but she was smoothing her own disheveled hair.

  I pressed my lips together, trying to keep from laughing awkwardly. I'd clearly interrupted something. My cheeks burned in embarrassment. The last thing anyone wanted to do was walk in on their dean getting busy. I silently thanked whoever was watching out for me for making me drop my hand from that door handle.

  I couldn't even imagine the therapy I'd need if I had seen my demon dean getting it on.

  "Ms. Winters, what can I do for you?" He cleared his throat.

  "I'm sorry to interrupt," I said. "You told me to come to see you if my powers returned."

  "Your magic has returned?" A woman's voice asked.

  I looked from Dr. Green to the woman and then back again. He didn't seem to object to her asking the question. "Um, yes."

  "Well, well," the woman said. "That is reassuring to hear."

  My brow furrowed. Who the hell was this woman? She looked like she was in her mid-forties, though with magic, I was learning that age was a tricky thing to pin down. She was wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse. Her long brown hair hung loose around her face and had probably been sleek and straight before her activities with Dr. Green.

  "Raven Winters, I'd like you to meet Madeline Obscura, your benefactor," he said.

  My jaw dropped open and I quickly recovered, forcing a smile on my face. Now I really wished I had taken a shower. Though, from the looks of it, Ms. Obscura was in the same position as me.

  "It's lovely to meet you," I said.

  "You too, dear," she replied as she walked closer to me. "And might I add that you are even more beautiful in person. My sons have told me a lot about you, but I thought they were exaggerating. I'm thrilled to know they were not."

  Uncomfortable with her compliment, I shifted on my feet and tried to maintain my smile. "Thank you."

  "Why don't you come in, Ms. Winters?" Dr. Green asked.

  Relieved to have a reason to break eye contact with Ms. Obscura, I stepped into the room and settled into the chair next to the one she'd been occupying. She sat down next to me and Dr. Green took his place behind his desk.

  "Explain what happened," Dr. Green said. "Was it something from your session with Professor Halifax?"

  "Not exactly," I said. There was no way I was going to tell them that unlocked my magic by having sex. That was not the conversation you wanted to have with your friend's mom. Especially when you were interested in your friends. As it was, it was going to be hard enough if they ever found out the truth. I didn't need it to come from their mom.

  "So how did you do it?" Ms. Obscura pressed.

  "It was shortly after my training session last night," I said. "It sort of just returned."

  "Just returned?" Dr. Green said, lifting a skeptical eyebrow.

  "Yes," I said.

  "Ms. Winters, please, I've come to know when you're withholding," he said.

  "Seriously?" I said. "Can't we just be cool with the fact that it came back?"

  They both looked at me, unspeaking, waiting for an answer. The silence was heavy, weighing on me.


  "Fine. I had sex,

  Dr. Green's face turned crimson. "You're right, we didn't need to know that."

  "Not with that incubus, I hope," Ms. Obscura said, her nose wrinkling.

  "Madeline, I don't think we need the details."

  "Of course, Max," she said.

  I lifted an eyebrow. "Max?"

  "Dr. Green," he said.

  "Got it," I said. "The point is, I'm here to tell you that my magic is back so I'm not violating my parole."

  "Thank you, Ms. Winters. I'll send a message along to Officer M."

  I sat in the chair for a second as another round of awkward silence filled the room. "Well, if that's all, I can go."

  "Wait a moment, Ms. Winters," Ms. Obscura said. "Dr. Green, would you mind if the two of us had a chat?"

  My pulse quickened. I didn't really want to be alone with her in here, though I knew I owed her everything. If not for her paying my tuition, I wouldn't even be here.

  "Of course," he said. "I'll wait outside if either of you need anything, let me know."

  Ms. Obscura sat quietly while Dr. Green walked away from his desk. I heard the door shut and knew the two of us were alone.

  She leaned closer to me. "By now, I'm sure you've learned that I'm paying your tuition, yes?"

  "Yes, and thank you," I said. "It's beyond generous and I want you to know that I'll do what I can to pay you back one day."

  "I'm sure you will, dear," she said, her voice saccharine sweet. "However, I think it will be a different way that you envision."


  "I know you're close with my sons," she said.

  I swallowed, bracing for the stay away from my kids talk. I was from the wrong side of the tracks, for sure. They were practically royalty and I was like the hired help.

  "I want you to know that you have my full support with whichever son you choose to be with. In fact, I'd be happy to see you with both, if that's your preference."

  "I'm sorry, what?" My words weren't polite, but I was honestly lost.

  "As you know, finding pure blood mages is rare, especially in this day and age. Your parents were both mages. That makes you quite the find."


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