Academy of the Elites: Broken Magic

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Academy of the Elites: Broken Magic Page 16

by Alexis Calder

  I didn't question it, though. She was delighted that I agreed to be her date. It worked well for both of us because while her potential date never gathered the courage to ask her, mine was far too complicated.

  I'd seen both Ben and Luka separately in the days leading up to the ball and neither of them brought it up.

  I supposed it was hard to navigate when you were dating two males but one of them was a secret.

  The ballroom was only used for special occasions and as we climbed the stairs to the rarely used fourth floor, I wondered what it would look like. Most of our classes were on the first two floors and I'd been on the third floor once or twice to look around when I first arrived. The fourth floor was the ballroom, and guest suites for when people visited. Which, I supposed would be full come parent’s day in the new year.

  I shuddered at the thought of having to see Ms. Obscura again. Hopefully, things would be less complicated between me and her sons by then.

  Music wafted down the stairway as we climbed higher. It wasn't the usual party music with its loud, thumping bass. This was sweet and dreamy and a little bit sad.

  We arrived on the fourth floor and I saw several students milling about in the hallway outside of the massive double doors that led to the ballroom. Makayla slid her arm into mine and we walked inside, arms linked.

  A string quartet greeted us, their music filling the room louder than should be possible. It took on an eerie quality that reminded me slightly of the siren music I'd heard at the vampire party. But it didn't have quite the same pull to it.

  The dance floor was full of students moving to the music. They seemed to know the steps to a formal dance I wasn't familiar with. I wondered if I could spend the evening at one of the round tables along the wall.

  "Come on," Makayla said. "Let's grab a drink."

  We walked over to a bar and each of us took a glass of champagne. Sipping the bubbly, I looked around for any signs of Luka or Ben. The first people I spotted were Zach and Matt. I frowned, trying to tell myself that I wasn't looking for them or that I didn't care what they were doing, but I did. They were both dancing with other mages. Jealousy rolled through me and I forced myself to look away. I had no right to feel like that. They were free to dance with anyone they wanted. Besides, I was already in a complicated relationship with two males. I didn't need to add more to my dance card.

  "Do you see Luka or Ben?" I asked quietly.

  "Not yet, but I'm sure they'll be here soon," she said.

  "Hey, beautiful," a smooth male voice said.

  Makayla and I both turned and as soon as I saw who it was, I glanced at her in time to see her expression light up.

  "Jonah," she said. "You sure clean up well."

  "And you look good enough to eat," he said.

  "Just think, you could have had all of this if you'd bothered to ask me to the dance," she said.

  "I didn't ask you to the dance because Ben told me not to," he said. "But he didn't say anything about me not asking you to dance."

  "Wait, what?" she passed her champagne glass to me and I took it from her.

  "Ben asked you to?" I asked.

  He shrugged. "Guess he wanted to make sure his mage had company."

  Makayla scowled then turned to me. "It was his suggestion that I ask you."

  "I see." I threw back the champagne in one swig and then drank Makayla's glass too. "Seems he didn't want anyone else to ask me."

  I set the glasses on the bar. "If you'll excuse me, I have a wolf to find."



  I expected Raven to be upset when she found me. I didn't expect her to look as sexy as she did.

  My inner wolf growled low as she approached. Raven was always hot as hell. She always made me want to tear her clothes off. But tonight she took that to the next level.

  It was taking all of my will power not to run to her and throw her over my shoulder and carry her out of here.

  She stopped in front of me with a hand on her hip. "For some reason you decided that if you couldn't be my date to the dance, nobody could? Did you tell Luka not to ask me too?"

  "Not exactly," I said.

  She lifted an eyebrow, clearly annoyed. "I'm waiting."

  "I might have called in a favor with him," I said.

  "You saved his life and your favor is for him to not ask me to a dance?" She shook her head. "You wasted your favor."

  I reached for her hand and was pleasantly surprised that she didn't pull away from my touch. "I don't think of it as a waste. It's time we make this official."

  Her brow furrowed. "What are you talking about?" She pulled her hand away. "We can't do that. You said so yourself."

  "I had a chat with my dad," I said, waiting for the realization to dawn on her.

  "So we went from my dad is going to kill us both to my dad is fine?" she asked.

  He laughed. "Turns out the only thing he wants more than his son being legit is a connection to the underworld."

  "How does that help us?" she asked. Then her eyes widened. "Luka."

  "Turns out having a mating bond with a girl who also has a mating bond with the most powerful demon in Hell is a good thing."

  "A good thing for whom?" She glanced around, probably looking for Luka. "Seems to me your dad and Luka's mom shouldn't be anywhere near each other for the sake of the world."

  "Normally, I'd agree with you." I took hold of her other hand and gently urged her closer to me. "But I'm willing to let them hash things out among themselves if it means I get to have you."

  "I'm not sure I’m worth it," she said.

  "You are, trust me," I said.

  "Please tell me you didn't cause the end of the world or something," she said.

  I laughed. "They might have a lot of power, but my dad is only interested in money, I doubt we've ushered in the apocalypse with their introduction. Besides, I just arranged for them to meet. They still have to get along on their own."

  "And if they do?" She bit down on her lip, a nervous habit of hers.

  "Then they'll figure out a way to form a business relationship." I shrugged.

  "And if they don't?"

  "We'll cross that bridge when we get there. But I don't want to talk about my dad tonight. Or Luka's mom. Or Luka." I slid my arms around her waist. "I want to have a dance with the most beautiful girl at the ball."

  She smirked and I could feel the tension releasing from her. She was probably still worried but like me, the pull toward her mate was overpowering her better judgement.

  She had a point that it might have been dangerous to introduce those two, but I wasn't worried about them. They'd figure it out. If anything, they were dangerous to each other. And if it allowed me to be with Raven, to really be with her, it was worth it.

  I led Raven onto the dance floor.

  "I don't know the steps," she said. "In the human world we just grind on each other."

  "Wow, never thought I'd be jealous of the human world," I said.

  "You'll have to come to the next vampire party with me," she said.

  "Sounds like a date." I led her through the motions, guiding her steps. After a few rounds, she had the dance down. She was graceful and a natural dancer.

  In this moment, I knew my favor with Luka and the agreement with my father had been worth it. Raven was everything I ever wanted. And she didn't know that my favor meant I got her for the whole night. Luka even promised to stay out of her dreams.

  Though, he did offer to join us if I wanted him there.

  I frowned momentarily and shook the thought away. Sharing Raven was the one thing I didn't like. But if that demon played fair, I'd do it for her.

  Suddenly, an ear-piercing scream broke through the ballroom and the music came to a halt.

  Mumbled chatter filled the room as everyone looked around in confusion.

  "What was that?" Raven asked.

  "I don't know." The two of us moved with the motion of the crowd, toward whatever the issue was. My heart p
ounded harder and I kept Raven slightly behind me, ready to protect her if needed.

  "Where is that time mage?" A female voice called.

  "Raven, get out of here. Run," another female voice called. It sent chills through me as soon as I realized who it was.

  "Makayla," Raven said, dropping my hand. She pushed through the crowd toward the voices and I ran after her, shoving people out the way to keep up with her.

  "Raven, get back here," I hissed. What the hell was she doing? Whatever was going on up ahead was a trap.

  I caught up to her and grabbed her arm, pulling her toward me. "We have to get out of here."

  "Run, Raven," Makayla said again. Her voice was shaky, and she sounded like she was fighting tears.

  "I won't run," Raven said. "I will never run."

  My jaw tensed as I stared at the determined expression on her face. "Then we go together. And you let me help."

  She nodded.

  As we moved forward, the crowd parted for us.

  Finally we reached the edge of the crowd and I dug my fingers into Raven's upper arm to keep her from running.

  In front of us, the time thief held Makayla in front of her. She had a blade on Makayla's throat. I could see a silver band on Makayla's wrist that looked like a magic lock. The kind they gave shifters to keep them from shifting. She was helpless to fight back, likely weakened from the magic lock.

  "Makayla, hang on," Raven said.

  "Well, well, how nice to see you again, Raven." The time thief flicked her eyes to me. "And you brought your pet dog."

  I growled, my free hand clenched into a fist. I was ready to shift. I wanted to rip that woman's throat out but I had to be careful not to hurt Makayla.

  "Before you complete that thought," the time thief said, "consider your friend here."

  She pressed the tip of the blade into Makayla's throat, drawing blood.

  Makayla gasped and then quickly locked her gaze on me. "Don't even think about it. That's what she wants. Don't let her win."

  "Let her go," Raven said. "Your fight is with me."

  "I have no fight with you, little girl," she said. "I simply want your magic."

  "You can't have it," I said, stepping in front of Raven.

  "Aw, aren't you the adorable protective pup," she said.

  "Ben, stay back." Raven set her hands on my back. "Let me handle this."

  "No," I said. "She's not getting you or your magic."

  The crowd shifted again and I saw Luka making his way toward us. I lifted my chin in greeting. I might not like the guy, but I knew he'd do anything he could to protect Raven, just as I would.

  What surprised me was that following behind him were the mage twins. I knew they were friends with Raven, but I didn't know they'd be willing to face a thief on her behalf.

  "You're going to have to go through all of us to get to her," Luka said.

  The thief shrugged. "As you wish."

  Then she dragged the knife across Makayla's neck.



  I leaned into Ben, my hands on his back for support. I knew the thief was strong. I knew her magic was likely even stronger than it had been last time we'd met. I also wasn't sure if I was strong enough to get my magic back again if she took it from me.

  I needed a plan.

  There had to be a way to outsmart her.

  Like the bell. I didn't have to go through the extra obstacles, I just had to ring the bell.

  This time, I had to save Makayla. Whatever else happened didn't matter. I just had to keep my magic long enough to get Makayla away from her. I'd fought her before, but not while she was holding a weapon against one of my friends.

  A flicker of hope rose in my chest when I watched Luka and the twins break through the crowd. Maybe there was a way we could take her down together. Maybe between the five of us we could even catch this mad woman.

  My brain whirred, trying to come up with a plan as Luka faced the thief.

  "You're going to have to go through all of us to get to her," Luka said.

  The thief shrugged. "As you wish."

  Then she dragged the knife across Makayla's neck.

  My magic flared to life and I didn't fight it. I didn't care if it wasn't allowed. I embraced it, letting it explode out of me.

  And like before, time stopped.

  Before I lost control, I pushed past Ben and walked up to the thief. To my surprise, she lowered the knife.

  I risked a glance at Makayla. The cut didn't look too deep and I had to hope they'd get her medical attention as soon as time started again.

  "Your magic doesn't work on me," she said. "But I'm glad you froze your helpers. It'll be so much more satisfying to have them enter time again to see you dead on the ground."

  "I don't think so." I kicked her hand, sending the knife skidding across the floor.

  Then, I channeled my magic the way Professor Halifax had taught me. Holding onto it, I broke the time stop.

  "How?" the thief asked, her eyes wide.

  Ben, Luka, and the twins all slammed into her, wrestling her to the ground.

  I stepped back and ran to Makayla.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks and she held her hand to her injured neck.

  "Are you okay?" I asked, gently moving her hand so I could look at her cut.

  "I think so," she said. "I'm still alive so that's good."

  Dr. Green cut through the crowd. "Everyone back to their dorms."

  The students protested in grumbled murmurs.

  "Anyone who is still in the ballroom in two minutes will be sent to confinement," he said.

  The students shifted, moving away from us.

  Dr. Green stopped next to Makayla and looked at her injury. He frowned. "Head to the hospital wing. They'll get you cleaned up."

  She nodded.

  "I'll go with her," I said.

  "No, you stay," he said. "Matthew Obscura, please make yourself useful and accompany her to the hospital."

  "I'm fine," Makayla protested.

  "Just let him help," I said.

  Matt squeezed my hand on his way past me to Makayla and the two of them walked away.

  I turned my attention back to the pile of bodies that was pinning down the thief.

  To my great surprise, she wasn't fighting back.

  Several security guards circled the thief and Luka, Ben, and Zach stepped away.

  "You think this is over, time mage?" The thief asked as one of the security guards snapped silver bracelets on her wrists.

  "You've lost you sick bitch," I said.

  "That's what you think," she said. "But I always win."

  My pulse raced but I tried not to show her that I was afraid of her.

  "Get her out of here," Dr. Green said. "And don't let her escape this time."

  Ben wrapped his arm around me and pulled me next to him as we stood in silence watching the guards walk her to the doors.

  Then the lights flickered. No. Not again.

  I broke free of Ben's grip and ran toward the thief. "You are not getting away this time."

  In a burst of blue light, I was knocked backward onto my ass. Quickly, I righted myself and blinked to clear my vision.

  The guards were on the ground and the thief was bolting toward the door.

  "No! Someone stop her!" I ran after her. I was not going to go through this all over again.

  The thief ran right into Professor Halifax. In another burst of blue light, the thief was on the ground.

  I stopped just short of the fallen female.

  Professor Halifax glared down at her. "How dare you."

  "You," the time thief gasped up at her. "You traitor."

  Professor Halifax leaned down, sending another round of blue light through her hands onto the thief.

  When she stood, the thief was no longer moving.

  I stared at Professor Halifax in horror. I'd never seen anyone use that kind of magic before except for the time thief. "What are you?"

  I backed away, terrified that I'd traded one monster for another. "What did you do?"

  "She was never going to stop hunting you, and now we know how she kept evading them." She squatted down to the dead thief and brushed her hair away from her ears.

  My eyes widened as I watched the thief transform right there. Her body seeming to melt away into another form.

  She was tall and thin, with high cheekbones. And her ears were just as pointed as Professor Halifax's.

  "She was fae?" I asked.

  The professor stood. "She was. Which is why none of their weapons could hold her. I didn't have a choice."

  I was surrounded now by guards who quickly moved to the body.

  "So it's over, then?" Ben asked.

  "I guess so," I said.

  "Professor Halifax," Dr. Green called. "You'll need to come to my office. I'm sure the authorities will have a lot of questions for you."

  "Did she kill her?" Ben asked.

  "Yes," I said.

  "The thief looks fae," Luka said.

  "Apparently she was," I said.

  "That explains why they couldn't hold her," he said.

  "I'm glad she's dead," Ben said. "She can't hurt you anymore."

  He pulled me into an embrace and kissed the top of my head. "You're safe now."

  I took a deep breath, trying to let myself feel safe but it wouldn't come. I couldn't help but think there was more to this story. Maybe I needed some time.

  "I'm sorry I ruined your night," I said to Ben.

  "Are you kidding?" He kissed my head again. "I don't care what happens as long as you're safe."

  Suddenly, another set of arms wrapped around me. I didn't even need to see him to know it was Luka.

  Ben grunted as Luka squeezed harder.

  "We're doing group hugs now?" Zach called as he crashed into us.

  I laughed as the three of them squeezed me. I didn't get the night I expected, but this was a pretty good way to end it.




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