Captivated Souls (The Beautiful Souls Collection Book 3)

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Captivated Souls (The Beautiful Souls Collection Book 3) Page 15

by Ellie Wade

  “That’s true but I want to adopt him. He needs me.”

  “And you need to focus on yourself for a while, and keep getting better before you take on the responsibility of another life.” I hate the words as they leave my mouth but I just worry that a pet will be too much for Clementine.

  “Um, you said Saki saved your life. Gave you a purpose.” She pins me with a stare, ready for a fight.

  Quinn presses her lips together holding in a laugh.

  “What?” I look toward Quinn and she shakes her head. “No, tell me.”

  “I mean, you do say that. So it’s kind of like the same situation,” she says with a chuckle.

  Clem gives Quinn a nod of approval, and then turns to me. “Exactly.”

  “Maybe that’s true but you can’t have pets in the dorm anyway.” I pull out my next reason.

  Clem sighs, pouting out her lips. “That’s true. I could sneak him.”

  “You’d get caught.”

  “You could keep him until I leave the dorm and get an apartment next year,” she says to me.

  I shake my head. “I can’t do that to Saki. I’m sorry. I can’t stress her out when she’s so old. That’s not fair to her.”

  “No, that’s true. She’d hate it,” Clem lets out a resigned exhale. “I have to figure out a way.”

  “You could volunteer here a few times a week to visit him,” Quinn suggests.

  “Yeah, I should,” Clem wears a content smile as she rubs the elderly cat’s neck. “I just want him to know he’s loved. You know?”

  “He definitely knows,” Quinn says with a grin.

  Clem smiles down at the cat with such genuine affection and I can breathe a little easier. She’s always so tormented, everyday a constant battle. At this moment, she’s happy.

  Chapter 25


  Ollie paces across the back deck. His free hand cradles the back of his neck as he speaks into his phone. I’m not sure who he’s speaking to, but it’s obviously someone from NA, and it’s clearly stressing him out.

  I hold Saki to my chest and pet her head as she nuzzles into my neck. “I shouldn’t be spying on him, huh?” I whisper to the cat. Releasing the curtain, I let it fall and cover the window before retreating to the living room.

  “I just worry about him, you know? I mean, I always thought he was so carefree. He never seemed to worry about anything, and now that I really know him, I realize he worries about everything and everyone.”

  Saki purrs louder and licks the top of my hand. I smile down at the odd looking thing. “Ollie’s right. You are a good listener. You want some scrambled eggs?”

  I set the cat down and open the refrigerator to retrieve an egg. I laugh at myself as I whip the egg in a bowl. Ollie told me that Saki would have me wrapped around her paw in no time, and he was right. I remember thinking she was the ugliest creature I’d ever seen, but I can’t picture her that way now. She’s just so…adorable and sweet.

  I stir the eggs in the skillet, and they cook up in no time. Once finished, I blow on them for several minutes before scraping them into Saki’s bowl. She presses her body against my leg in a purr of thanks before she eagerly consumes her favorite treat.

  “Such a little queen,” I say with a grin.

  Inside Ollie’s living room, I notice a set of the Harry Potter novels on his bookshelf. I think back to all the times that Alma begged him to read them over the years.

  “You made her scrambled eggs?” Ollie asks, a smile in his voice.

  I turn toward him. “She wanted them.” I shrug.

  “Oh, I bet she did.” He grins.

  “Is everything okay?” I nod toward the phone in his hand.

  “Yeah, it’s fine…or it will be. I don’t know.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I ask.

  He shakes his head, forcing a smile. “Nah. Nothing you need to be worried about.”

  “Okay, so…” I change the subject. “I totally just saw your Harry Potter collection. Did you read them?”

  “I tried.” He laughs dryly, taking a seat on the sofa.

  I climb up on him, straddling his legs with my arms on his shoulders. “You tried?”

  He nods. “I got through a few of them. I wanted to be able to talk about them with Alma. You know how much she loves them.”

  “I do.” I grin.

  “To be honest. They’re such downers. The writing’s good, and the wizard stuff is interesting, but it’s so goddamned depressing. I mean, Harry has a shit life. Everyone is mean to him—that Malfoy douche, his family, and Professor Snape. It’s annoying. Everyone he loves dies. No one seems to stand up for him. Like you think Dumbledore is an okay dude, but he doesn’t stop Snape from bullying this kid. No one really stands up for him. It’s infuriating.” His hands hold my waist.

  I can’t help but smile. “You seem to have distinct opinions about this.”

  “Well, yeah, the kid has a shit life. I have enough real-life stress and shit to worry about with real-life people. I can’t waste my energy worrying about a fictional kid.”

  “Good things happen, too. Ron and Hermione are there for him. And Dumbledore is amazing, and Snape is actually kind of good in the end, though still a bully. I mean, yes, a lot of people die, but he’s not alone.”

  He shakes his head. “I’m sure the series has a satisfying ending. I just don’t think it’s my type of read. As I said, I deal with too much unfairness in my real life.”

  “So what do you like to read?” I ask.

  He presses his lips together. “Um, like magazines.”

  I laugh. “What kind of magazines?”

  “Motorcycle magazines, I guess.”

  “Really? There are motorcycle magazines?”

  “Of course. There’s Cycle World, and Motorcyclist, and…Rider Magazine, to name a few.”

  “Well, okay then.” I chuckle. “I had no idea.”

  “Yep. There’s no drama. Just reviews and information on bikes. What do you like to read?”

  “Anything with drama.” I grin. “Romance novels with lots of angst are my favorites. The more drama, the better.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me.”

  I lean down and press my lips to Ollie’s. “Well, at some point, you’re going to have to at least do a Harry Potter movie marathon with me.”

  “Okay, fine, but right now, we have to go.”

  I move the straw in a circle, swishing the root beer around the ice cream of my float. Clementine and Ollie are laughing together between bites of their chili dogs. We’re at Clem’s favorite restaurant, A&W. It’s not so much a restaurant as a mix between a diner and a fast food place.

  Servers in striped uniforms bring the food out, and everyone eats outside in their vehicles. Or, in our case, sitting on the hood of Clementine’s VW bug.

  “I have one,” I say. “If it were possible, would you rather know the day you’re going to die or not?”

  “Definitely not,” Clem says.

  “Not,” Ollie agrees.

  I bob my head. “Yeah, I’d say not know too. Oh, I have another one. Would you rather kill twenty puppies or one human?”

  “Dark, Quinn,” Clem states.

  “Do we get to pick the person?” Ollie asks. “I mean, it’s a no-brainer if it’s a pedophile or murderer.”

  I shake my head. “Nope. A random person.”

  “The person,” Clem says.

  “The puppies,” Ollie scrunches his nose, and Clem smacks him in the arm.

  “You’d kill puppies?” she shrieks.

  “Yeah. I wouldn’t want to, but I wouldn’t kill an innocent person who could be someone’s child or parent, someone who might cure cancer someday. You never know. Every life is valuable.”

  “Well, puppies are innocent,” Clem argues.

  “So are most people,” Ollie says.

  Clem scoffs. “Hardly. What about you, Quinn?”

  I bite the side of my cheek. “I can’t answer.”

nbsp; “Not cool. That’s not the way the game is played. You have to answer, especially if you’re going to ask such barbaric questions,” Clem protests, tossing the cardboard container from her chili dog into the paper bag of trash.

  “Well, I’m surely not going to kill someone’s child or sweet little grandma, and I couldn’t kill adorable puppies. So I can’t answer.” I shrug.

  “Cheater,” Clem grumbles and turns to Ollie. “You’re dating a cheater,” she states before plopping a chili cheese fry in her mouth.

  I feign remorse. “I’m sorry. I won’t ask questions I can’t answer anymore. How about would you rather eat nothing but super sour food or super spicy food for the rest of your life?”

  “Now you’re just lame.” Clementine hops off the hood of her car.

  “Hey! That’s a legit question,” I argue.

  “A legit lame question.” She picks up our discarded food containers and walks it toward the trash can.

  “You still have to answer!” I call out.

  “Sour!” she shouts over her shoulder.

  I turn toward Ollie, who’s wearing a satisfied grin. “Spicy.”

  “What’s so funny?” I ask.

  “You two. You argue like sisters. It’s cute.”

  “Cute?” I lift a brow.

  Ollie leans over and places a kiss on my lips. “Adorable. Thank you for being so cool and hanging out with Clem and me. I like having you here.”

  “Well, I like being with you, and she’s part of the package. Right?”

  “Right.” He nods.

  Clementine returns, and Ollie slides off the car hood. Turning back toward me, he lifts me from the hood and sets my feet onto the concrete parking lot of the restaurant.

  “We should get going, Clem. Do you want to ride together on my bike, and Quinn can drive your car back to my place?”

  Clem shakes her head. “You know. I think I’m going to skip the meeting tonight.”

  Ollie’s expression darkens. “What do you mean? You always go to the Sunday night meeting.”

  “I know, but I have a paper due for psych class tomorrow that I haven’t even started yet. I’ll just go to tomorrow’s meeting.”

  “Are you sure?” The concern in Ollie’s voice causes my heart to beat faster as worry settles in.

  Clem playfully hits Ollie’s arm. “Totally sure. Calm down, Papa Bear. I’m completely fine. I really have to finish my paper. I’m already precariously close to failing this class as it is. The professor is an absolute bore. Delaying the meeting one day isn’t a biggie.”

  “You’re good?” Ollie questions.

  “Yes. I promise.”

  Ollie releases a breath. “Okay, but you know that Sharon and Marty attend Sunday night meetings. There’s likely to be less complaining and judging at tomorrow’s meeting.” Ollie’s face of concern morphs into one of amusement.

  “I know. How will I ever survive a week without Marty’s judgmental eyes and Sharon’s constant pity party?”

  I’m not sure who Marty and Sharon are, but I’m grateful for their tension relief.

  Ollie pulls Clementine into a hug. “Tomorrow then.”

  “Yep.” She pats his back and pulls away to look toward his face. “And you can use this night to brainstorm how I’m going to adopt Oliver.”

  “Oliver?” Ollie questions.

  “Yeah, he seems like an old worrywart, doesn’t he? The name seems fitting,” she says, unable to hold in her chuckle.

  “Funny,” Ollie deadpans.

  “Fine. I haven’t decided on his name, but you really should be thinking about how to make him a reality for me.”

  “I’ll do my best.” Ollie grins.

  “Bye, Clem. See you later.” I wave as she opens the driver’s side door.

  “See ya, Quinn,” she says before the door closes beside her.

  Ollie takes my hand and leads us toward his bike.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” he says. “Just had a weird feeling there for a minute. I guess paranoia is a side effect of this gig.”

  “I see that.”

  He hands me a helmet. “You want to sleep over?”

  “Of course.” I tighten the strap of the helmet under my chin. “Can we stop at my place for a few things first?”


  Ollie sits on the other end of the couch. Saki purrs in his lap as he watches a Lion’s game on the large flat screen. My laptop rests on my thighs as I put the final touches on a PowerPoint presentation I need for work tomorrow. Just being here makes me so happy. It all feels…right.

  We haven’t been officially dating that long, yet it feels like we’ve been together forever—though, not in the bored married couple kind of way. Our forever feels exciting, and sexy, and comfortable all at once. I can be completely myself with Ollie. Every second with him is precious. Even the simple act of sitting on the sofa, each doing our own thing, feels amazing, like this is where I’m supposed to be.

  I don’t regret the past eight years of knowing him but not being with him. It wasn’t our time. Had we hooked up back then, it wouldn’t have worked out. We were meant to be together now.

  “What?” Ollie’s asks, breaking my stare, his tone is one of amusement.

  “Nothing.” I shake my head and turn back to my computer screen.

  Ollie chuckles. “It wasn’t nothing. What were you thinking just now?”

  I close my laptop and set it on the table beside me. I turn to face Ollie. “I was just thinking that I’m happy, here with you.”

  “Yeah?” His voice is deeper and sexy. Lifting Saki, he kisses her on the head, sets her down on the floor, and then pats his lap. “Come here.”

  I make my way toward him and straddle his lap. He tucks my hair behind my ears and looks at my face so reverently as if I’m the most beautiful person he’s ever seen.

  “What else?” His question is a husky whisper.

  “I was thinking how easy it is with you like this life has been waiting for me. Being with you is comfortable and exhilarating all at once.”


  I nod. He runs his palms down my arms, causing a torrent of goose bumps in their wake.

  “I feel the same way.” His fingers dig into my hips. “I wish it wouldn’t have taken so long.”

  I shake my head. “It had to. That was our journey. It wouldn’t have worked any earlier. We both had to be in the place we are now. I had to experience my life up until now to be ready for what we have. Same with you.”

  His desire grows beneath me, and I rock into him. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you. You were nineteen and way too young for me. Yet you had this fearless energy. It was enthralling, and I felt this pull toward you that shouldn’t have been there. It wasn’t right, yet I couldn’t stop myself from wanting you. I’ve wanted you since.”

  “I remember, and I felt it, too. I called you gorgeous within seconds of meeting you.”

  “You did.” He smiles. “My desire for you these past eight years has bordered on addiction, Quinn. Every time I hang out with Alma, I hope you’re there.”

  “Same.” I thread my fingers through his short hair. “You don’t have to want me anymore because I’m yours.”

  “I’ll always want you, even if you’re only a room away.”

  I press my mouth to his in a gentle kiss. “You can always have me,” I whisper against his lips.

  He deepens the kiss, his fingers sliding against my scalp as he pulls me closer. There are no more words to be said but so much more to say, and it’s our bodies that do the talking now.

  I break the kiss, only to stand and remove my clothes as Ollie does the same. I straddle him once more and slide down onto him with a heated groan.

  “God, Quinn,” Ollie huffs out a broken whisper as he digs his fingers into my waist, guiding me.

  Every time I make love to Ollie is different. Sometimes, we’re so frenzied that we’re straight-up fucking hard and rough and fast. Other
times we make slow, purposeful love. I’ve worshipped every inch of his body with my mouth and tongue as he’s done mine. This connection with him is perfect every time. His body was made for mine. I’ve had some great sex in my life, but nothing compares to this. Nothing.

  Our tongues twirl together amidst moans of pleasure as I continue to ride him, moving my body so he hits all the right spots.

  His breathing increases as he pumps his hips harder against me, and I know he’s close. I move my hips faster, chasing the orgasm that threatens to explode. I drop my forehead to his shoulder, unable to concentrate on anything other than the sensations invading my entire body.

  Ollie releases a hand from my waist and settles it between my legs, where his thumb rubs against my bundle of nerves, and I throw my head back with a scream as I fall over the edge. Two more thrusts and Ollie’s groaning as he falls with me.

  Like every time, it’s perfect.

  Chapter 26


  Quinn’s body lies against me, her soft skin warm against mine. I’ve never been a snuggling type of person. My body has always craved distance after being intimate with a woman. I’ve always wanted her on the other side of the bed or preferably out of my house. But not Quinn.

  I love the feeling of her against me. I crave her silky skin beneath my touch. I want to touch her every moment of the day. My need for her is insatiable. She’s different than any woman who’s come before her. I’ve never needed anyone the way I do her.

  The room covers us in darkness and is silent save for Quinn’s breaths as she sleeps. I woke up a few minutes ago, unable to fall back to sleep. Extending an arm, I reach for my phone on the bedside table to check the time.

  It’s three o’clock in the morning, but it’s not the time that causes my veins to run cold. It’s the missed call and voicemail from an unknown local number.


  I slowly remove my other arm from beneath Quinn and quietly roll out of bed. Taking my phone, I exit the bedroom and play the voicemail as I put my phone to my ear.

  This message is for Oliver Hale. This is Diane from St. Joe’s hospital. You are listed as Clementine Allen’s emergency contact. Please call me back at…


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