The Rookie

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The Rookie Page 17

by Kendall Ryan

  “Okay,” I say slowly, wondering where this story is going.

  “Except Graham was worried. Like an overprotective mother hen. First, he took off his jacket and placed it over her shoulders, even though she insisted she wasn’t cold.”

  I raise one eyebrow, recalling a similar move from Logan, who insisted on buying me boots when I first arrived here last year and snow was starting to fly. “What was she wearing?”

  “Uh, a dress, I think.” He scratches at the stubble on his chin.

  Actually, it’s more than stubble now. He’s been working on growing a beard the past few weeks at the encouragement of the guys on his team. They’re making a push for the playoffs, and apparently playoff beards are a thing. I still have a lot to learn about hockey. But he’s handsome both ways—clean shaven and scruffy like this.

  “And then,” Logan says, continuing his story, “he asked her if she had a sober ride home. She said a friend was coming by later to pick her up.”

  I’ll admit, my interest is piqued. In all the time I’ve known Graham, which admittedly isn’t all that long, he’s never had a relationship. Not even a one-night thing, unless he’s just super discreet. Which is entirely possible because Graham is one of the most guarded people I’ve ever met.

  “He got up right then and tossed a couple of twenties on the table, and told her he was taking her home.”


  Logan touches my hair, brushing his fingers through the long strands hanging over my shoulder. I don’t even think he realizes he’s doing it, but he’s always finding small ways to touch me. I love how affectionate he is.

  “Yeah. And when Austen made a joke about Ella being too young for him, Graham looked like he was going to hit him.”

  I laugh. Now that sounds more like the Graham I know—settling a minor dispute with the threat of physical violence.

  “He left before he even got to talk to Duke, the owner, about getting his beer on draft there. It’s all he’s talked about for weeks, but he didn’t even wait for Duke to come by our table. It was like the second he saw Ella, his entire demeanor changed.”

  “How so?” I tilt my head.

  “All he could focus on was getting her covered up and out of there. He threw some money on the table and then drove her home.”

  “He just left?”


  “Wait, wasn’t he the one who drove you all there?”


  “So, he just stranded you?”


  “And that’s why you’re late getting home?”


  Laughing, I place my hands on Logan’s scruffy face and pull him in for a kiss. His lips press lightly to mine, and a small thrill zips through me at the chaste contact. No one has ever affected me like my husband.

  We talked about a long engagement, about taking our time. But in the end, we were married within a couple of months of meeting each other. When you know, you know, as they say. And I knew Logan was my forever.

  We had a long discussion about our future after we got engaged. Logan plans on playing hockey for another five or six seasons. He said his plan is to retire from professional hockey by the age of thirty, and then we plan to start a family.

  I’m completely on board with that plan. The idea of five years to build my practice, five years to enjoy the newlywed lifestyle I already love—it sounds perfect to me.

  I’m still so thankful our paths crossed the way they did. I took a big chance coming out here to work with him, but I guess that risk paid off. I smile as he brings his arms around me and holds me close.

  “I love you, Summer.”

  “I love you too.”

  We sit together for a few minutes, watching the fire while I ponder this new information about the oldest Tate brother.

  I didn’t think Graham was a relationship type of guy. Granted, that probably isn’t going to happen with Ella, but still, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. Although him settling down would make Jillian happy. I know she worries about him.

  And as fascinated as I know Logan is about this new development, he has bigger things on his mind. The season is in full swing, and his team has gotten off to a great start. In fact, all during this time away, there has been a constant stream of texts from his teammates.

  It was all in good-natured fun—lots of trash talking, teasing, and banter. One particular text had him chuckling, and when I asked to see it, he warned me it was a photo of Saint mooning the camera. I opted to pass.

  I guess this is their way of keeping stress levels down. Although I do wonder how exposing your bare ass to a camera accomplishes that. Still, I’m glad Logan has the guys in his life.

  He rises from the couch and tugs me up with him. “Come to bed?”

  We’re staying in one of the cabins on the far end of the property, rather than at Jillian’s house. She wanted us to stay in a guest room since it’s just her and Al in the main house, but Logan politely declined. I don’t think it would be prudent to risk my mother-in-law overhearing us having sex. And let’s just say our bedroom activities can get a little . . . noisy. Not that I’m complaining.

  But all lucid thoughts drift from my mind as Logan slowly begins undressing me.

  “Need you,” he whispers against my collarbone, where he places a soft kiss. “That okay?”

  We made love this morning, but I’m not about to deny him. Things are still so heated between us. I keep waiting for that to fade, but so far it hasn’t.

  “Yes,” falls from my lips.

  Once he’s succeeded in leaving our clothes in a pile on the floor, he pulls me onto the bed on top of him. And a few minutes later when he joins us, I let out a gasp. Nothing has ever felt this right. A loud sigh pushes past his lips as he presses his face to my throat.

  He whispers sweet words, kissing them into my skin. “You’re mine, Summer.”

  Nothing sounds better in the world to me than that. Belonging to this man. Being part of this family.

  This is all I’ve ever wanted in the world, and now it’s mine.


  • • •

  Ready for more? Up next in this series is Saint’s story, and believe me, you do not want to miss this!

  What to Read Next

  The last thing my newly single—and pregnant—neighbor Kinley needs is a fling. So, I make it my job to protect her from guys like me.

  Which is the perfect distraction, because I’m suddenly in a whole bunch of hot water.

  My coach hates me. And with our team captain now watching my every move, I need to start taking things more seriously.

  Forced to walk the straight and narrow or face serious consequences, I’m willing to try something new—being a good guy. But the part of this that’s not an act? Helping out Kinley.

  There’s just one problem. The girl I’m falling for? She’s the team captain’s sister.

  Kinley is funny and sweet and she’s . . . um, very pregnant.

  And even though my spot on this team depends on it . . . I can’t let her go.

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  Other Books by Kendall Ryan

  Unravel Me

  Filthy Beautiful Lies Series

  The Room Mate

  The Play Mate

  The House Mate


  The Fix Up

  Dirty Little Secret

  xo, Zach

sp; Baby Daddy

  Tempting Little Tease

  Bro Code

  Love Machine

  Flirting with Forever

  Dear Jane

  Only for Tonight

  Boyfriend for Hire

  The Two-Week Arrangement

  Seven Nights of Sin

  Playing for Keeps

  All the Way

  Trying to Score

  Crossing the Line

  The Bedroom Experiment

  Down and Dirty

  Crossing the Line

  Wild for You

  Taking His Shot

  How to Date a Younger Man

  Penthouse Prince

  The Boyfriend Effect

  My Brother’s Roommate

  The Stud Next Door

  The Rebel

  The Rival

  The Rookie

  The Rebound

  For a complete list of Kendall’s books, visit:




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