His Love

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His Love Page 5

by Davenport, Fiona

  I climbed off the bed and jogged to the master bath, my dick bouncing because while I’d softened just a touch, I was still fully erect. A stack of washcloths sat folded on a shelf in between the double sinks. I lifted the top one off the pile and ran it under warm water.

  My cock was covered in her sweet cream and it had a pink tinge to it, proof that I’d made her a woman. I hesitated to wipe it off, wanting to wear the proof like a badge of honor. However, I was afraid Blair might realize just how bat-shit-crazy I was if she saw me coveting her virgin blood. I needed to make sure she was madly in love with me, wearing my ring, and carrying our baby before she saw the true extent of my obsession with her. Otherwise, it might send her running. Not that she’d get far. I wasn’t ever going to let her go. If she got freaked, she’d come around eventually.

  After cleaning myself up, I took a fresh, wet cloth back to the bed and tenderly washed between her legs. “You’re pretty red, bunny,” I sighed. “Shit. I shouldn’t have taken you so hard your first time.”

  Blair drew my attention by placing a hand on my arm. “It was perfect,” she whispered when our eyes met. There was nothing but sincerity in her blue depths.

  “I’m happy you feel that way.” Our lips met in a sweet kiss, then I pressed her back down onto the bed. I made sure she was still situated with the pillow angling her hips up, then crawled in and laid down beside her. I put one arm under her head and cupped one of her ample tits with my free hand, then threw one leg over both of hers. “It just means I’ll have to get creative for the next day or so,” I murmured sleepily.

  “Creative?” she sounded amused, and it brought a smile to my lips.

  “Creative ways to fill your pussy with my come without hurting you,” I explained. Then my tone turned cocky. “Don’t worry, I have endless ideas when it comes to your body, bunny.”

  Chapter 9


  When I woke from our nap, Blair was awake and studying me with a worried expression while she chewed on her bottom lip.

  “Don’t, Blair,” I admonished. “I’m the only one who gets to bite that lip.” Yep. I was jealous of fucking teeth.

  I brushed loose strands of straight blonde hair back from her face. “What’s going on in that head of yours, bunny?”

  “What is this?” she asked timidly.

  “This?” I raised a brow. “You’re going to need to be a little more specific. And I’m going to assume you aren’t talking about my dick because that would just be insulting.”

  Blair giggled, but the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I meant, this—you know—us.”

  I leaned up on my elbow so I could see all of her face while we talked. “That’s it. Us.”

  She looked confused by my answer.

  “You”—I pointed at her chest—“me”—I pointed at my own chest and then at her tummy—“and baby makes three. For now.”

  Blair laughed, and the beautiful bell-like sound warmed my heart and hardened my cock. “So, I’m your baby momma?” She asked it flippantly, but as usual, she wore her true feelings on her face, and I could clearly see that she was afraid I was going to say yes.

  “Bunny.” I turned her on her side so we were facing each other. “Don’t ever refer to yourself like that again. You are the mother of my children—”

  “As in plural?” she interrupted with a squeak. Her face flushed with delight, clearly liking the idea.

  “I intend to keep you pregnant for a long time,” I stated. “You’re going to be too irresistible when you’re wearing my ring and dripping milk from your sexy tits.” I licked my lips in anticipation as I eyed her chest hungrily.


  “I fucking love the way you say my name,” I sighed.

  “Justice, focus!” she snapped.

  My head flew up in surprise, and I grinned at the glimpse of her backbone. I loved that my girl was so soft and sweet, but I had a feeling that attitude I glimpsed from time to time would end up making her a tigress in bed.

  “What, bunny?”

  “Did you say ring?”

  I frowned. “Of course, I said ring. You think I’d let my wife walk around without a ring, so every bastard around her knows she’s taken?”

  Blair tensed and stared at me in silence.

  “What?” I finally asked.

  She huffed with impatience, and it was cute as fuck.

  “Are you going to ask me?”

  “Ask you what?”

  “To marry you!” she practically shouted.

  My brows drew down, and I scowled. “Absolutely not.”

  Blair sat up and stared down at me incredulously. “You just said you wanted me to have your babies and wear a ring. But we’re not getting married?”

  I shifted so I was sitting up too before replying. “We are getting married.” My tone made it clear this was not up for debate.

  Blair shouted in frustration and pulled on her hair. “What the heck are you talking about? How can we get married if you aren’t asking me?”

  Ah, then it all made sense. “Bunny, I’m not asking because you have no other choice. We’re getting married, and that’s final.”

  “So….” She started ticking off her fingers as she made a list. “I’m moving in”—I nodded—“we’re getting married”—another nod—“and I’m apparently going to be baring you a gaggle of babies. Does that about sum it up?”

  Her voice held a hint of sarcasm, and I narrowed my eyes while I waited for her to make her point.

  “Why? Why do you want all that with me?”

  “Because I love you,” I said with exasperation.


  I laughed at her befuddled expression. She clearly hadn’t expected my answer. Although I didn’t know how she hadn’t figured that out yet. “Bunny, I’ve loved you since long before I should have.” I decided to lay it all out for her. “There are no limits to my obsession with you, Blair. I’m going to be a possessive, jealous, domineering asshole sometimes, but no one will ever love you more than I do.”

  She clasped her hands in front of her chest, and I was very proud of the fact that I didn’t let it draw my eyes down to her tits. “I love you, too,” she chirped brightly.

  “Good.” I gently pushed her shoulder until she was once again lying on her back. “Now, let’s work on those babies.” After adjusting the pillow, I decided to eat her pussy until she came, then come all over it and push as much of it as I could inside. After that, I jacked off with my dick inside only an inch or so. Then we fell into another exhausted heap and slept.

  It was morning when we woke up next. Actually, she woke me when she dragged me out of bed, having discovered the birthday set up she hadn’t noticed the night before.

  She opened her presents, the last one being a little blue box that contained a five-carat diamond ring that I slipped on her third, left finger.

  While she went into the bedroom to put her new things away, I made my way to the kitchen and served up a huge slice of her cake. When I walked back into the bedroom, she was looking around with a puzzled and slightly amused expression.

  She was clearly just noticing that all of her things were already moved in and put away. Talking her dad around to my way of thinking had taken work even though she was going to be right next door, but he’d finally caved when he realized I wasn’t going to budge. But, that was all forgotten when she spotted the plate in my hand. Her eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.

  I swaggered over to her, and she reached for it but I held it away. “You can have some cake, but I’m going to feed it to you.”

  She opened her mouth, and I smirked. “Nope. We’re going to eat it my way.”

  She quickly learned that my way meant I fed her some cake and ate the rest off of her body. After licking most of the frosting from her pussy, I buried my eleven inches to the hilt and filled her like a Twinkie with my own thick, sticky cream.



  Almost 2
years later…

  Sweet milk splashed in my mouth as my orgasm barreled through me. I sucked hard on her nipple, hungry for more as my hips punched up while my wife rode my cock and cried out my name. “Gently, bunny,” I cautioned her as I stroked her swollen belly.

  Sucking Blair’s milky tits while I fucked her always made me come so hard, I nearly passed the fuck out. And, it made Blair turn wild. Her nipples had been extremely sensitive when she’d been pregnant with our son. I’d often made her come just from playing with them. But when she got pregnant with our daughter two months after Trevor was born, we’d discovered that knocked up and nursing was a lethal combination for Blair. I could give her orgasm after orgasm, right on the heels of each other by slamming my cock into her pregnant pussy and lavishing attention on her incredible breasts. So far, we’d gotten to five before she shoved me away and swore if I came near her again, she’d have her tubes tied after this baby.

  I’d laughed because we both knew that pregnant Blair was horny all the time and she’d be begging for it soon enough. I was determined to get her to six one of these days.

  “So?” she asked when we were sprawled out next to each other in bed, content and satisfied.

  I grinned when I looked down to see her watching me through her lashes, twin pink spots blooming on her cheeks.

  “There is no comparison,” I declared quietly. “My fantasies have never lived up to the real thing.”

  Blair grinned and turned her head to kiss my chest, then raised her eyes to mine again. “What’s the score now?”

  I laughed and dragged her into my arms. “I’ve lost count, bunny.” When Blair found my duffel of towels in the back of the town car one day, I ended up confessing to her about my morning fantasies. To my surprise, she wanted to know if she would trump my dreams of her. It came as no shock to me when she blew them away every single time.

  “What’s next?” she asked eagerly, and I chuckled.

  “How about we stop trying to outdo what isn’t real and focus on trying new things?”

  Blair scratched her fingers down the whiskers on my face, making me shiver, and gave me a wicked grin. “Like the time we decided to see if the skin under your goatee was particularly sensitive?”

  Yeah, turned out that was quite an erogenous zone for me. Go figure.

  “How about we see if I can pump enough come into your pussy to turn this pregnancy into twins?” I teased.

  “Good grief.” She rolled her eyes playfully. “Then I’d be nursing two babies at once! My boobs would be huge!”

  I cupped her tits and squeezed, then leaned down to lick them clean, making Blair moan. “Don’t worry, bunny.” I winked. “I’ll eat their leftovers.”

  Blair arched her back, thrusting her breasts into my face and whimpered. “More,” she begged.

  Before I could give her what she wanted, a high-pitched wail came out of the baby monitor on the bedside table.

  “Fuck,” I groaned as I rested my forehead in the valley between her tits.

  Blair giggled and moved to get out of bed, but I held her back with a hand on her shoulder. “Stay here, bunny. I’ll bring him in.”

  After she fed the baby, we played with him until he fell back asleep. Blair and I watched him for a few minutes, enjoying the life we’d made for ourselves. I stood behind her with my hands resting on her growing belly. We only had around eight weeks left before we’d meet our daughter.

  Once the doc gave her the “all clear” I was honest enough with myself to know that the Neanderthal wouldn’t be too far in the shadows. She’d more than likely be bred again by the time our baby girl was three months old.

  I removed one of my hands but kept the other on Blair’s waist and guided her next door to our room. I flipped on the monitor and shut the door before going to work on removing Blair’s clothes.

  “About trying new things…” I trailed off, and she gave me a sassy look, making me laugh. “I’d like to get back to the attempt to turn one baby into two.” I flashed her a cheesy grin, and she giggled.

  “You just want to go for six,” she argued.

  “That should do it, don’t’ you think?”

  Blair rolled her eyes. “I think five’s my limit, babe.”

  I proved her wrong on two counts.

  First, I got her to seven.

  Second, it seemed turning one baby into two wasn’t as impossible as it seemed.

  After Blair delivered our daughter, the doctor blanched while looking at the computer screen, then yelled for the staff to get ready for another one.

  They told us that little Jenna had been hiding Dani, and no one had realized it was twins until the birth.

  I still maintained that it was the seventh orgasm.



  Four and a half years later...

  Watching Justice play with our children was one of my favorite things. He was such a great father. Justice was involved in every aspect of the kids’ lives. K-Corp was more successful than ever, but he and Thatcher had quickly learned how to delegate to make time for what was important to them.

  Justice even took over Trevor’s t-ball team last year...after he got into it with the coach for supposedly flirting with me. I hadn’t noticed anything inappropriate, but Justice insisted that the guy kept staring at me and had to go. I didn’t argue since his possessive displays gave me a little thrill. It also didn’t hurt that Trevor thought having his daddy as his coach was the best thing ever.

  Of course, that led to his sisters complaining because Justice wasn’t their coach too. The twins were four, and they weren’t used to hearing no very often since they had their daddy and big brother wrapped around their little fingers. Rubbing my rounded belly, my lips curved up in a smile as I thought about how much Jenna and Dani had pestered their tumbling class teacher until she agreed that I could assist her.

  But that had only lasted a few months before we found out we were expecting our fourth child. Justice tended to treat me like I was breakable when I was pregnant—except when he lost control in bed. And even then it was only to a certain extent. He didn’t let go quite as much as normal.

  Justice definitely didn’t trust a bunch of rambunctious preschoolers to roll around on the mats with me. Especially not when he’d waited three years to knock me up again so I could finish my bachelor’s degree. It’d been difficult with three babies at home, and I’d only managed it because of Justice’s support. He wanted me to have everything I desired, and I’d learned early on in our relationship that he’d go to whatever lengths needed to make sure I got it. Not that he found taking the kids to the in-house daycare at K-Corp a hardship. Quite the contrary, he loved being able to pop in to see them throughout the day. And now that I was done with school, I was on site too because I’d taken over the running of the daycare so Pandora could retire. It was the perfect job for me, surrounded by kids—including all of my own until Trevor started kindergarten in the fall—and close to my husband.

  “Help us get Daddy,” the twins screeched in unison.

  “Noooooo,” Justice cried when Trevor switched sides and teamed up with the girls to reach up and tickle his sides and belly.

  I’d been watching from the doorway of their playroom without any of them noticing me, but then a giggle slipped past my lips when Justice staggered backwards and crashed to the floor in an exaggerated fall. All four heads turned in my direction, and big grins split their precious faces.

  “Wanna tickle Daddy, too?” Trevor offered, his gray eyes twinkling with delight. “I’ll hold him down so he can’t get you back.”

  “Yeah, Dani and me can grab his arms,” Jenna added, climbing over Justice’s body to wrap her little hands around his left bicep.

  Dani mirrored her action, throwing her body over Justice’s right arm. “C’mon, Mommy! Get ‘im!”

  “How can I pass up an offer like that?” I laughed as I moved forward.

  “Don’t move, Daddy. We have to be careful with Mommy
since she’s pregnant,” Trevor warned, mimicking what Justice had told the kids about a million times over the past few months as he held his legs down.

  Justice craned his neck up to meet Trevor’s gaze as he said, “Thanks for the reminder, buddy.”

  I barely held in my snort at Justice’s response as I lowered myself to my knees next to him. He didn’t need anyone to caution him when it came to me since he’d wrap me in bubble wrap if he could. And then I’d just have to get him all worked up until he couldn’t wait to rip it right back off.

  When my fingers brushed against his stomach before heading to his sides, Justice’s eyes darkened to a stormy gray, and a low groan bubbled up his throat. I couldn’t torture him too much with the kids so close, but I also couldn’t resist the temptation to cop a feel of his abs when they were right there in front of me. Not with my pregnancy hormones raging through my system, or at least that was the excuse I was going with.

  Before we got any awkward questions about the sudden tightness of his jeans, I aimed for an especially ticklish spot just under his rib cage. When he roared with laughter, the kids wanted a turn too. By the time we were done, we were all laughing so hard that our sides hurt.

  “Alright, guys. I think Mommy has had enough tickle time and needs a snack. How do cookies and milk sound to everyone?” Justice asked.

  “Cookies! Yay!” the kids cheered, scrambling to their feet to race towards the kitchen.

  “I’ll get you back for that later,” Justice murmured against my ear after helping me up from the floor so we could follow after them.

  “You’d better,” I whispered back with a wink, looking forward to some quality alone time when the kids went down for the night.

  My life was better than I’d dreamed it would be in my wildest dreams about Justice. But just like he’d told me a million times about his fantasies, reality far surpassed my imagination.


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