Rule Breaker By Accident

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Rule Breaker By Accident Page 2

by Parker, Ali

  Short, light-brown hair glinted with natural highlights in the fluorescent light of the hallway he was walking down, what I was willing to bet was a strong back disappearing toward a slightly frantic redheaded woman.

  Seriously, doctors shouldn’t be that hot. They should be old, gray, and kind with soft, warm hands and gentle voices.

  This guy was not old or gray, and while I didn’t know if he was kind or had a gentle voice, those hands didn’t look like the soft, warm kind I’d have imagined belonged to a doctor. Since I’d dropped my gaze from his so fast, I’d had time to notice his hands even though he hadn’t stopped to talk or anything.

  They were large, with long fingers and dark veins. The kind of hands even I could picture running all over my body and making me weep with the things he could do with them, and I wasn’t even a fantasizer. But crap. A surgeon. You just know he can use his hands.

  If it were Heidi or Valerie who had made the comment the voice in my head just made, I’d have rolled my eyes at them. I knew I would have, because I had done it many times over the years when one or both of them made remarks about men around us.

  I was half tempted to roll my eyes at myself, since I was nothing if not consistent. I couldn’t quite bring myself to do it, though. Maybe it was hypocritical of me, but the guy was hot, and it wasn’t like I’d thought any of those things on purpose.

  “Do you know that guy?” I asked Will once Dr. Hottie was out of eyesight.

  He shrugged, his gaze firmly rooted on the cutest baby in the world. “Not anymore.”

  I knew better by now not to question Will on anything about his past. His vague answer intrigued me, but it also made me realize that the guy was most likely related to one of the topics we didn’t talk about.

  Will was an interesting guy. I really liked him. He got along great with Valerie and me, and he was really good to Heidi. Well, he was good to—and for her—now.

  Back when they’d met, before the little miracle in his arms had been so much as a thought spared by either of them, I hadn’t been so sure about him. There was something about Will that had made me uncomfortable from the very start.

  At the same time, I saw how happy he made my friend and all I ever wanted was for my two best friends to be the happiest they could ever be. It was one of the reasons why I was the way I was.

  They teasingly called me the mother of the group, and while I wasn’t a fan of the nickname, I’d often wondered if they knew I worried so much about them so they could be free to be the way they were. Both of them had grown up significantly in the last couple of months, but I’d never wanted them to have to change who they were before they were ready to.

  The result was that I picked up the reins on adulting so they wouldn’t have to, and that had earned my spot as the mom of the group. Ironic how the one who used to kick against the future and planning the most … was now the first real mother of the group.

  Heidi had started changing the second she met Will, though I still didn’t know if she’d even realized it at the time. I had seen it clear as day, the way her life started changing when she met the love of it.

  It had made me long to find someone to love myself, a feeling that had only intensified when Valerie met Fulton and made several drastic changes herself. I wondered what it felt like, to meet your other half and discover with—and in them—who you really were and what you were truly capable of.

  I wasn’t stupid, I knew you didn’t need a man in your life to discover those things. It was just that I’d seen how having these men in their lives facilitated the process for my friends, and I was curious about it.

  Unfortunately for me, there was no love on my horizon. I was out on my own, literally now that Valerie and Heidi had moved in with their respective significant others, and that was okay too. There was no point in trying to push or force the issue, and in the meantime, I was perfectly happy just being Olive.

  Being Olive meant that I cared deeply about my friends, and Will was now one of those friends. I knew that my initial feelings about him were correct, because there had been something about him, but I didn’t know what it was. All I knew was that Heidi trusted him and had said they had put it all behind them.

  As much as I wanted to push Will for information on how he knew Dr. Hottie after his non-answer, I respected him enough not to ask him questions that would leave him with no choice but to either lie to me or to reveal something about himself to me he didn’t want to.

  Instead of leaving him with such shitty choices, I changed the topic. “Do you mind if I come along when you and Adam go back to Heidi? I just want to spend a few more minutes with her before I leave you guys to it.”

  “Sure. I think the little guy needs a feeding, though, so we’d better get going back to Mama.” Will stood up and thanked Valerie and Fulton for being there on the day their baby was born before gesturing for me to follow him.

  The nurses had finally left Heidi’s room and she beamed when we walked in. “Thank God you guys are back. They’re making such a fuss about me that you’d swear I was the first person to have ever given birth.”

  Will gave her an indulgent smile before leaning over and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “They’re only taking care of you, baby. It’s a good thing.”

  Heidi pursed her lips, then slid her eyes to mine. “Has Will let you hold Adam yet? To me, it looks like he’s hogging the baby.”

  “I wasn’t hogging him,” Will protested. “Valerie held him for a few minutes.”

  “I’m sure Olive wants a turn too. Give her the baby, baby.” The corners of her lips lifted as she patted a space on her bed. “Come sit down with me. I’m glad you waited. I was worried I wasn’t going to get to see you again today after the nurses chased you guys out.”

  I went to sit in the space she offered, then nearly melted into a puddle when Will placed the baby into my arms. “Congratulations again, you guys. He’s so gorgeous.”

  “Thank you,” Will said proudly, his chest puffing out as he lowered himself into an armchair by the window. “Is he making you as broody as he’s doing to Val? I thought she was going to drag Fulton into a storage closet and make him knock her up right there and then.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “I had the same thought, but no. Valerie’s got someone she can drag into a storage closet. I don’t. As far I know, I can’t spontaneously impregnate myself.”

  “Florida has been good to me and Valerie. I’m sure you’ll meet your person to drag into the storage closet soon. Don’t worry about it.”

  “I’m not worrying about it, but thanks.” I rolled my eyes exaggeratedly, prompting a giggle from Heidi. “It’s crazy how you guys made me come here to get away from life, now you guys all have your own. Florida’s been good to everyone except me.”

  I didn’t mean to sound bitter, but even I didn’t miss the hint of it in my tone. Heidi’s eyes darkened with worry. “We’re right here if you ever need anything, Olive. You know that, right?”

  “How about that hot doctor’s number?” I suggested, trying to lighten the mood. Today was a wonderful day for Heidi and Will. I didn’t want to bring them down because of my own insecurities. “Anyway, I just wanted to pop into to see you before I left. I’ll be back tomorrow, unless you’re already at home.”

  Will had big plans for Heidi. I didn’t want to get in the way of that, even if I did want to hold Adam for several more hours.

  “What hot doctor?” I heard Heidi ask Will as I walked out the door after handing baby Adam back to her. A part of me wished I could stay behind and listen to his answer, because she would get the real truth about him from Will, but I didn’t.

  I took off down the hallway and followed the signs for the exit. The hospital was bright inside, but the sun outside was even brighter.

  I dug my sunglasses out of my purse and slipped them on, instinctively slowing for Valerie and Heidi to catch up to me. They were always getting sidetracked and I’d gotten used to having to wait for them.

  I didn’t have anyone to wait for any longer, though. Heidi and Will were inside and were probably getting engaged as I was walking to my car. Valerie and Fulton had gone off to God knows where and were probably doing things I didn’t even want to think about.

  As for me? I was alone. What the hell was I going to do now?

  Chapter 3


  “I’m telling you man, she was hot. Nearly blew my load the second she took her clothes off kind of hot.” Edgar was sitting across from me in the cafeteria two weeks after Mr. Murray’s operation, telling me in excruciating detail about the girl he’d slept with last night.

  It was an unfortunate habit he had, believing that he had to share the experience with me or it wouldn’t have happened. Or something like that. “I really didn’t need to know, Eddie. Now that I do, though, I hope you got her off, too, and didn’t just leave her naked and hanging.”

  “I said I nearly blew my load, not that I did blow it.” He flashed me his pearly whites in a salacious grin. “Is that really what you think of me? That I’d leave a lady hanging?”

  “No offense, but nothing you’ve told me about her so far makes her seem like a lady.” Edgar had a definite type when it came to women. He hadn’t told me in so many words, but I was pretty sure ladylike wasn’t on his list of preferable qualities. “I really wish I didn’t know that you weren’t that type of guy, but thanks to your proclivity for sharing, I do now.”

  “Sharing is caring, man.” His lips twitched into a smirk. “Anyway, spoiler alert: I did get her off. I’m getting to that part of the story, just wait for it.”

  I shook my head and all but tuned him out until I saw him sitting back with a smug expression on his face. “See. What did I tell you? It’s hot, right? Bet you’re even a little horny right now, Doc.”

  “Don’t bet on it. You’ll lose your money. Listening to your sexcapades doesn’t really do it for me.” I drained the last of my coffee, checking my watch to see that my break was almost over. Since he’d taken up our entire break regaling me with the tale of his early-morning adventure, I couldn’t resist getting in one little dig of my own. “Does she know you’re a nurse?”

  Slowly lifting his hands, he pressed a kiss to the tips of both of his middle fingers and then waved them at me. “You’re a liar. I know my stories do it for you. It’s not like you’re getting any yourself. Also, of course she knows, asshole.”

  I feigned injury, pressing my hand to my chest. “I’m the asshole? You just spent twenty minutes telling me all about your night last night.”

  Edgar laughed. “I didn’t include any identifying details, so I haven’t broken any rules.”

  “You sure do know how to bend them.” I couldn’t argue with him about not knowing who the girl was.

  If he’d told me, I was sure she would have taken offense to the story being told and that would have made him an asshole. Since I had no clue who she was, I thought it was a bit of a moral gray area. I’d have to check up on that sometime, but not now.

  “Time for us to get back to the grindstone. I’m going to go check on Mr. Murray.” I got up and twisted at the waist to toss my empty cup in the trash before turning back to Edgar. “Want to come with me?”

  He nodded, but apparently he wasn’t quite ready to drop the subject. “Oh, I know how to bend them all right.”

  “I was talking about rules, not women.”

  “I know, I was talking about both.” He fell into step beside me, keeping his voice low to respect the hospital’s policy but loud enough that I could hear what he was saying. “The question is whether you still know how to bend either of them.”

  “Fuck you. Of course I know. I just choose not to share the sordid details with you.” I shot him a shit-eating grin. “I’m comfortable enough in my sexual prowess that I don’t need validation from my friends after the fact.”

  Edgar thumped me on the back, laughing so hard he got several dirty looks from our colleagues. “That was a good one, dude. Damn. I can still feel it burn.”

  “Unfortunately for me, I also happen to know that you think there’s a good kind of burn. Jesus, we really need to stop having these conversations at work.”

  “We wouldn’t have to if you’d come out with me.” He stopped walking, pulling me to a stop too. “How about it? There’s a beach party tonight that’s supposed to be off the hook. Wanna come? I’ll be your wingman.”

  “Thanks for the offer. I have no doubt you’d be a great wingman, but I can’t go to an ‘off-the-hook’”—I made air quotes with my fingers—“beach party.” Then I started to walk again. Mr. Murray and his wife would be waiting for my update. I didn’t want them to get anxious about what I was going to say if I was late.

  Edgar caught up to me, a frown furrowing his brow. “Why can’t you go to a beach party?”

  I sighed, bringing up a hand to run through my hair. At twenty-seven, he was only four years younger than me. He was the best friend that I had, but the differences between us were huge. I wished I could be more like him sometimes.

  He lived his life in this balls-to-the-wall, ride-or-die kind of way that I just couldn’t fathom anymore. Since the minute I’d realized I wanted to become a doctor, my life had become a regimented routine of discipline and hard work.

  “I’m a doctor now, Ed. I’m held to a higher standard than beach parties.” Even as I said the words, I wondered if that were true. Sure, I hadn’t been able to go to beach parties while I was studying, and I never had time after that, too busy working my way into the very position I was in now.

  Since I was in the position that I’d been working to achieve, did that mean I could afford to cut loose every once in a while? Or did it mean I’d ruin everything I’d worked for if I went to something like a beach party. Another conundrum to solve later. Focus on Mr. Murray for now.

  We were almost to his room, so close that Edgar pursed his lips and shook his head at me but didn’t say anything. He pointed at the nurse’s station. “You go speak to the patient. I’ll be right out here when you change your mind about that thing we were talking about.”

  Putting Edgar, the party, and everything else that was irrelevant out of my mind, I didn’t bother replying to him. I took a breath, mustered my best professional-and-reassuring smile, and opened the door.

  Mr. Murray was lying in his metal-railed hospital bed, his wife sitting beside him. Tara had barely moved from that chair since her husband had been admitted to the hospital, steadfastly holding his hand and watching over him every step of the way.

  “Marc.” I walked in and lifted the clipboard at the base of his bed before smiling at his wife. “Tara. How are we doing today?”

  “Feeling good,” Marc said, tapping two fingers to his chest. “I think the old ticker’s healed. Can I get out of here yet?”

  “I’m afraid we’re not quite there yet,” I said, my gaze dropping to his latest set of results from the lab. “Everything is looking like we were hoping it would, but we’re going to have to keep you with us for a little while longer.”

  Worry filled Tara’s eyes and her grip on her husband’s hand tightened so much I saw her knuckles go white. “Is this about the newest results? Is there something the matter?”

  “Nothing at all.” I set the clipboard down and made sure that I was looking into her eyes, alternating to those of her husband while I talked. “The labs are looking good, but you’ve had massive surgery. The risks of complications lower every day post-op, but we don’t want to take any chances sending you home too soon. We’d rather keep you here and monitor everything until all your levels are ready to face the outside world.”

  Mr. Murray sighed, but he managed a small smile. “I guess I’ll have to keep enjoying your hospitality for another couple of days then.”

  “Thank you for taking such good care of my Marc,” Tara said to me, but she was gazing adoringly at her husband. “You know, in the twenty-five years we’ve been married, I’ve never been this worried about hi
m. It helps to know we’ve got a doctor like you who actually cares about more than just slicing people open.”

  “You’re welcome.” I looked between the two of them, wondering how they still seemed so in love after more than two decades of putting up with each other. They were both nice people, but everyone got annoying eventually.

  It never looked like they’d annoyed each other for a day in their lives, though. They were so clearly in love that I’d asked their daughter if the operation had scared them that they’d honestly thought Marc wouldn’t make it.

  She’d told me no and said they’d always been that way. She also told me that I could tell them to knock it off if it got to be too much, but I couldn’t do it. I would never admit it to anyone, but I actually liked seeing it.

  The way they loved each other was enviable, especially considering how long they’d been married. I felt strangely honored that they were letting me bear witness to their love, which was something only a pussy would say out loud. It was, however, how I felt.

  “I’ll be back to check on you tomorrow,” I told them. “In the meantime, try to get some rest. The more you rest, the sooner you’ll be going home.”

  “You hear that, my angel?” Marc said to Tara. “I’ll be going home.”

  “Yeah, you are.” She smiled, stood up from the chair, and pulled the covers back. “Move over, you big oaf. You heard what the man said. You need to get some rest and so do I.”

  They didn’t break eye contact with each other as I said my goodbyes. I hated to burst their bubble, but I was Marc’s doctor and I wasn’t stupid. I could see what was going to happen there when I left with the two of them looking at each other like that. “Remember, six to eight weeks.”

  He released a long agonizing sigh but tossed me a thumbs-up. “I remember, Doc. Don’t worry. I fucking remember.”

  Chuckling to myself, I closed their door behind me when I exited. Edgar was standing at the nurse’s station, checking over someone’s chart when I walked up to him. “Keep an eye on those two. I’ve got a feeling they’re tempted to break the rules.”


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