Rule Breaker By Accident

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Rule Breaker By Accident Page 9

by Parker, Ali

  I lifted my hands to frame her face, holding her tenderly. “Are you sure you’re ready? It’s okay if you’re not. I can wait. I—”

  Olive put her finger to my lips, smiling as she pushed up on her toes and moved the finger away just before her lips met mine. Right, I guess she’s ready for this then.

  Chapter 14


  Jinkies! I did it, I really did it. Well, I hadn’t done it yet. What I had done so far was to successfully proposition a man for the first time. Rylen was kissing me like he meant it, his one hand in my hair and on my back and trailing up my side while the other formed a band of steel behind me, holding me to him.

  I had felt him growing as soon as we were front to front, and now it felt like he had rocks stuck down his pants. It had to be damn uncomfortable, but it wasn’t like I could change the way male anatomy worked. Stop obsessing about weird things right now.

  My own core had melted to molten, slick need and my entire body was alive with it. My nipples had grown into the hardest little peaks and my skin felt like it was on fire.

  I’d been turned on before, of course. I was twenty-three for crying out loud. Around the time everyone else started getting horny, so had I. I simply hadn’t taken as many physical steps with another person to do anything about it as most other people had.

  It had never felt like this before, though. I’d never felt like I might spontaneously combust, never had such an ache growing between my legs that I couldn’t stop myself from moving my hips. This wasn’t feeling horny, this was feeling like I was about to become an inferno of pure, raw need.

  Out of habit, my hand started traveling down the length of my body. I needed to be touched and I needed it now. It was way too insistent, too painful of a need not to pay attention to it.

  A loud moan tore from my lips. Rylen swallowed it, then broke the kiss abruptly when he felt my hand snaking in between us and reaching for myself.

  In an instant his hand was on my wrist, stopping me. His eyes were smoldering, lids at half-mast. Like mine had to be, his lips were red and swollen from our kisses, and his chest was rising and falling faster than usual.

  An actual whimper escaped me when he grabbed my wrist, my hips rocking forward desperately. “Rylen, I … I don’t even … please.”

  I didn’t know what I was asking, nay begging for, but he seemed to. The hand not holding my wrist came to my cheek. “I know, baby. I know. I’ve got you, okay? Let me take care of you now. You don’t have to do anything by yourself, unless you want to.”

  Nodding mutely, I took his hand when he stepped away and offered it me. He led me out of the kitchen into a living area and up a flight of stairs. My initial impression of his house was that it was tastefully decorated and comfortable, but I would have to explore it another time.

  My mind was definitely not focused on the house as we made our way upstairs and into a large bedroom on the second floor. The light was faint in there, only the natural light of the fading sun shining in through the windows.

  Rylen led me to his bed. It was large and covered in a charcoal gray comforter with white pillows. There was a headboard that looked like it was plush, the same color as the comforter, but I couldn’t really focus on it.

  All I saw was the bed. All I was really thinking about was the molten liquid core between my legs and the throbbing there. Rylen stopped when we reached the bed and dropped a chaste kiss on my lips before leaving me alone for just a second. He walked around his bed to his nightstand and flicked on the lamp sitting on top of it.

  Then he was back.

  My body was trembling, but as soon as he wrapped his arms around me again and brought his lips back to mine, all my worries faded away. I lost myself in Rylen’s kiss, looping my arms around his neck.

  My brain felt like it had been doused in lust, and my earlier need was only building. I writhed against his body, mewling into our kiss. I felt his hands at the hem of my dress. He paused until I mumbled my consent before continuing our kiss.

  It was the same with every piece of clothing he removed. He would touch it, then wait for me to say or do something to indicate I was okay with it. I appreciated the gesture, but it was taking too damn long.

  My hands went for his shirt, undressing him much more quickly but far less deftly. He grinned against my mouth. “In a rush, are we?”

  I nodded, unbuttoning his pants and shoving both them and his underwear down. Thankfully, I’d read enough to know I couldn’t just shove, I had to lift the material off his erection, then shove.

  He shuffled against me, kicking off his shoes. I toed off my own sandals, instantly aware that I was now—for the very first time—completely naked with a man. A flood of self-awareness washed over me at the realization, causing me to stiffen, the need urging me on temporarily forgotten.

  Rylen had to be super in tune with even the smallest of movements I made, because he tightened his arms around me and held me against his warm skin. I was supremely aware of his cock doing its best imitation of concrete against my stomach, but he didn’t seem to notice it at all.

  Bringing his hands to my shoulders, he massaged them gently and pulled his mouth away from mine. He didn’t pull back far enough to look at my body, only so far that he could look into my eyes.

  “Lie down on the bed for me, okay? This only has to go as far as you want it to. You can tell me to stop at any time.”

  I nodded, but then bit my lip and moved away. Walking backward until my knees hit the bed, I sat down before scooting up. I couldn’t quite bring myself to lie down.

  My eyes were rooted to the floor until I heard Rylen’s voice. “Look at me, Olive. It’s okay.”

  Slowly lifting my eyes, they nearly bulged out of my head when I saw him standing there in all his naked glory. In my moment of self-consciousness, I had forgotten he was naked too.

  “Ohmigod,” the words left me in a rush. The man was even more gorgeous than I’d thought. Tall and lean, his muscles dipped and bulged in all the right places. They formed ridges and valleys, a broad plane on his chest and in the space between his hips.

  His shoulders were wider than those hips, tapering down past abs, which had to have been carved by the gods themselves, and all the way to an erection bigger than I thought the things could get. I’d watched porn once, and Rylen’s was definitely bigger than that guy had been.

  My eyes widened when I realized what I had asked him to do to me. “You want to put that where?”

  He smirked, but his eyes were dark and hungry as he finished his own survey of my body. I’d been so enthralled by his that I had forgotten to feel embarrassed about mine. The way he was looking at me made me feel like maybe I had nothing to be embarrassed about anyway. He confirmed his thoughts to me a second later.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful, Olive. Fucking exquisite.” His voice was rough. “As for your question, I want to put it wherever you’ll let me, but again, I don’t have to put it anywhere. If you’d still like to do this, though, don’t worry. It will fit. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “I want to do this,” I replied, my voice firmer than I’d have thought it would be. I was a little confused about what he had meant with the rest of his statement, though.

  Before I could ask him what he meant about making sure it would fit, he was lying on the bed beside me. “Okay. You can still stop me at any time, though. If you say stop, I stop.”

  “I’m not going to say stop. I want this Rylen, I want you.” God, if only he knew how much I wanted him. I supposed he was going to find out soon enough, though, since his hand was trailing up my thigh, leaving gooseflesh in its wake as it ascended. My thighs quivered, toes curling as he came closer to his target.

  I nearly came off the bed when he finally touched me, dragging a finger through my slick seam and hitting my clit on the upstroke. I wasn’t proud of it, but I might have screamed. It felt totally different to have him touching me than it was to touch myself.

  Rylen bent his head, kissing a
path down my neck to my chest with his weight propped up on his free hand. His tongue teased my sensitive buds one at a time, working in sync with his fingers.

  It took me no time at all to feel all the knots inside me come undone under his talented hands, crying out his name as I rode out waves of pleasure so intense they brought tears to my eyes. He waited until it had subsided completely before he stopped, bringing his lips to mine for a sweet kiss.

  “How was that? Okay?” His eyes were searching, but dark and still smoldering. There were beads of sweat on his forehead and his shoulders were tight.

  I nodded, feeling like I was a half-set glob of jelly. “So much more than okay.”

  “You ready for more?”

  I frowned, narrowing my eyes until I remembered what I had actually asked him to do. As if I hadn’t just had the best—and probably first real—orgasm of my life, I felt my clit go right back to throbbing. “Yes, please.”

  I reached for him, but he shook his head. “After what I just witnessed, if you touch me now, we’re not getting around to anything else tonight.”

  I flushed, though I wasn’t quite sure why. Still, I kept going until my hands wrapped around his length, so hard and soft all at the same time. “I want to touch you.”

  Gritting his teeth, he nodded. “Okay. If that’s what you want. I’m warning you right now that I might not be able to take it for very long. If I stop you, that’s why. It won’t be because I don’t like what you’re doing.”

  I nodded, holding him in my hand and tentatively starting to stroke. I marveled at the sounds he started making almost immediately, at the way the muscles in his stomach tightened and his legs trembled. I kept going, transfixed by the sights and sounds I was experiencing.

  When his hips started bucking and he swelled in my hand, he grabbed my wrist again and pulled me away. A stab of rejection hit me square in the gut before I remembered what he had said and relaxed.

  “That’s enough.” He spoke through clenched teeth. I could see his throat working. Obviously, he hadn’t been lying earlier. He’d definitely liked what I’d been doing.

  Rylen closed his eyes, taking in several huge gulps of air. When he opened them again, his gaze was pure fire. “I’m going to taste you now, unless you tell me not to.”

  I swallowed, but I didn’t say no. “Please.”

  He teased me with his mouth longer than he had with his fingers, but he still sent me hurtling headfirst into my next orgasm a few minutes later. By the time I came to that time, he had grabbed a condom and was rolling it on.

  If I’d thought his eyes were on fire before, it looked like he was burning up in anguish now. “Please tell me you still want to do this.”

  I nodded, not able to locate my voice at first. When I finally did, it came out raspy and wanting. “Yes, I do still want to do this.”

  Relief so palpable I felt it rolling off him crossed his features, then he was positioning himself between my knees. The tip of his cock felt impossibly broad to fit, even if I was wetter than I’d ever been before.

  “Tell me if I’m hurting you, okay? You’re in control here, Olive. Remember that.” He waited for me to nod before continuing.

  Rylen kept his eyes on mine and pushed in slowly, but I could see it was costing him not to move any faster. His jaw was clenched so tightly it looked like his teeth might crack, his eyebrows drawn together. His breathing was shallow and coming fast.

  There was a sharp tug of pain that made me catch my breath, followed by an immense feeling of fullness. It would’ve been uncomfortable if it didn’t feel so good too. I could only thank my lucky stars that I’d chosen a guy who had worked so hard to get me ready properly first. I couldn’t imagine this feeling anywhere near as good if he hadn’t.

  “Fuck, Olive.” He gasped, tugging his lip between his teeth and making a moaning sound at the back of his throat. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You feel so damn good. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, but so do you,” I whispered, winding my fingers into his hair and murmuring two last words before bringing his lips back to mine. “Now move.”

  And he did. Oh God, did he. It was everything I ever hoped for, everything I ever dreamed it could be. It took me a little longer this time, but Rylen kept building me up until the most intense orgasm thundered through me, threatening to split me in half. I screamed all the way through, my fingers digging into his scalp. I was pretty sure I was riding him even though he was on top of me.

  I felt his cock quiver and swell in the midst of my pleasure, triggering a second round of delicious whispers of pleasure licking through my core. He groaned and kissed me harder as he trembled against me, finally stilling around the same time I did.

  Rylen kissed my forehead, my cheekbones, my jaw, and finally, my lips. Ducking his head into the crook of my neck, he nuzzled me there. All the while, he never let me go.

  He was making me feel like I meant something to him, like what we’d just done meant something to him. I appreciated that, whether it was true or not.

  While I might not have done it before, I’d heard plenty of stories. Even if you don’t want to hear, your ears pick up on things sometimes. I knew that it wasn’t always like this and that not all men—or women—stuck around after.

  Deep down inside, I’d always wondered if my first time would be like that. I dreaded experiencing that level of intimacy with someone only to have them roll away from me after, jump up, get dressed, say thank you, and take off.

  Valerie even used to have a rule about it. She’d told me once that as soon as they were done, she’d cuddle until her limbs weren’t jellylike anymore, which she’d told me only happened when the sex was really good, and then she’d be gone.

  I’d never understood it, and I still didn’t. As jellylike as my limbs were, I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to move again. At least I knew it was a sign that I’d chosen someone who was really good at sex to have my first time with. Evidently, he was good at the post-sex stuff too.

  Rylen eventually lifted his head and pressed another kiss to my lips. “I’ll be right back. I’m just going into bathroom, okay?”

  I nodded, licking my dry lips to urge some moisture to return to my throat. “Okay.”

  My eyes grew wide at the sound of how breathy and cracked my voice was. Holy climax monster. Had I really screamed that loudly?

  Rylen smiled as if he could tell what I was thinking. “It’s okay, Olive. Stop worrying. It was incredible. You were perfect.”

  My heart warmed when I heard his words of reassurance. I hadn’t even realized I’d needed them until he said them. It meant a lot to know I hadn’t totally ruined the act for him with my clumsiness and inexperience. Or maybe’s he’s just saying it.

  He gave me a look, kissed the tip of my nose, and slid out of me. “You’re overthinking it. Stop. I’m being honest, okay? Just wait a second, I’ll be back.”

  Rolling over on the bed, he sat up and climbed off, striding into his bathroom still in the buff. It seemed my sense of propriety had left me when I entered his home, because I ogled that tight, naked ass unashamedly.

  Somehow, despite what had just happened, I felt stirrings that were now familiar down below. I clamped my thighs together, wanting to bury my face in the pillow. I couldn’t want to do that again so soon, could I?

  God, there is something wrong with me. If Rylen came back and found me wanting him again, he’d think I’d faked it. I hadn’t. I—

  “You’re overthinking again.” Rylen walked his naked butt back into the room, carrying a damp washcloth. His lips pulled into that sexy smirk of his. “Let’s get you cleaned up, then we can talk, if you want.”

  The cloth was warm, and he cleaned me gently, taking it back to the bathroom before climbing into bed with me. “You okay? You’re not too sore, are you?”

  I shook my head, crawling into his arms when he opened them for me and resting my head on his chest. “No. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.”

  He kissed the top of
my head. “Good. It might be tender tomorrow, though.”

  “I’ll be okay.” I inhaled a breath, the faint spicy smell of his cologne coming off his skin. My eyelids were getting heavy, but I needed to ask before this moment of serenity and afterglow with him passed. “Was it really okay for you?”

  “Okay?” Rylen scoffed, scooting down on the bed and lifting my chin with one hand. “I wasn’t lying earlier. It was spectacular. Is that what was bothering you?”

  His hazel eyes were blazing with intensity, but they were also warm and serious. I bit my lip, suddenly very aware that with the way we were lying now, my leg draped over his, his thigh was really close to my, uh, thing. Vagina, damn it, Olive. You can think it. You just used the damn thing.

  I groaned, hiding my face in his side. “No.”

  The word came out muffled against his skin. Rylen wasn’t having it, though. He brought his fingers back to my face and gently made me look at him. “What was it, then?”

  “Well, it was that.” His gaze held me captive, coaxed me to fess up. Looking into those eyes, I felt myself relax again. I’d literally just trusted this guy with taking my virginity. Surely I could talk to him about it. “But it wasn’t only that. I… When you walked away… I looked at you.”

  A small crease appeared between his eyebrows, but he was maintaining eye contact with me. “Okay, so? You’ve seen all of me now, so what are you worried about?”

  “I…” I whispered, “I looked at you, and I wanted you. Again. Already. I wasn’t faking, though. I promise. I—”

  The frown disappeared and the smirk was back. His hand dropped from my face to take mine, guiding it down his body.

  “Trust me, I know you weren’t faking. There’s nothing wrong with wanting me again, Olive. In fact”—he dragged my hand across his ripped abs, to the trail of hair between his hips, until finally … oh jeez—“I already want you again, too, and it’s a well-known fact that men usually require much more of a recovery period than women. That should sufficiently address both your concerns. That’s how good it was for me, and that’s how much I want you again.”


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