Crash: A Supernatural Reverse Harem (Aces and Knaves Book 1)

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Crash: A Supernatural Reverse Harem (Aces and Knaves Book 1) Page 4

by Helene Gadot

  "Fine. But I have terms."

  The Brit stepped forward with a snarl. "You don't get to make any demands. We're doing you a favor by not taking you right to the Legion prison where you probably belong."

  She rolled her eyes. "Oh yes, let me kiss your feet in gratitude, oh generous one. Fuck you, asshole. You're blackmailing me into this for whatever bullshit reason, but I will not be some docile bitch for you to push around." No one would ever push her around again.

  Maddox sighed and sat in the gray chair across from her spot on the couch. "Tell us what you want and we'll try to make it work."

  "I have a job. I'm not giving it up. I'll help out when I'm closed."

  Maddox sucked his teeth. "Unless there is a break in the case or an emergency, I can agree to that. What else?"

  "If someone comes to me for help, they get precedence. And before I do anything, I need to handle the mess you guys made tonight."

  The rest of the guys finally relaxed a little and sat down in the chairs and other couch. She was left alone on the blue couch all by her lonesome, like they were worried she had cooties.

  "As long as you let us know, again, fine. But at least one of us will assist."

  "No." That did not work for her at all. She couldn't have them constantly peeking over her shoulder, monitoring her every move. She'd suffocate.

  Maddox didn't lose his stubborn expression. "Yes."

  "Dude. Fuck no. You four are huge and intimidating. The last thing terrorized women need is all this." She gestured at them with her chin.

  "Non-negotiable. We can be quite charming when need be. If they're that afraid, we'll stay in the background. But one of us is backing you up while you're working with our team. Get used to it."

  A growl slipped from her throat. "Fine. Last thing. My partner at my garage stays out of it completely. You stay away from her. No running background, no talking to her, no following her. Nothing."

  "Or what?" The Brit asked, a challenge in his eyes.

  She met his challenge with one of her own. "Or you won't have to hand me over to your bosses because I'll do it myself." She would too. No way would she let Malia go down with her. She was the one person Ridley cared about in this world.

  "Agreed. Now for our terms."

  Ridley clenched her jaw, cursing herself for her stupidity, cursing them for their stubbornness. Cursing whatever karma she owed the universe that brought her to these morons.

  "You're moving in here."

  She leapt to her feet, staring at them in outrage, the papers from the file fluttering to the ground. "Are you fucking kidding me? No. I have a home and I like it."

  "Really? You'd rather live in that shitty apartment above your garage instead of here?" Maddox asked.

  "Yes. I don't need a rich savior, dude. I have all I need."

  He shrugged. "That's great for you. But you're staying here."

  When she got her power back, she was going to spin an illusion so fucking terrifying he would piss himself just like the jackass earlier. "Why? It's an hour drive to my shop back in Waikiki from here. I'd have to leave at four in the morning to get back."

  "Exactly. We don't trust you not to run. So welcome to your new home. We certainly aren't moving in with you."

  "You weren't invited." Ridley decided she hated him and even more she hated the fact that he had literally been the best fuck of her life.

  It would have to be a nice memory because no way was he ever getting between her legs again.

  "I was once." His eyes smoldered at her, heat flaring in his gaze.

  She shrugged his words off. "Yeah, to give me an orgasm or two. Not live with me."

  His face hardened. "Don't worry. You'll have your own room and privacy."

  "Privacy? Are you going to send someone to help me at the shop too?"

  He grinned. "That's an excellent idea."

  Ridley pinched the bridge of her nose with one of her cuffed hands and closed her eyes, counting to a hundred. Then five hundred. Then a thousand.

  It didn't help.

  "So basically, I'm your prisoner instead of the Legion's." Her voice was so cold she was surprised she didn't give them frostbite. She wished she had that power. She'd freeze their favorite appendage and watch it shatter into pieces at their feet.

  Maddox was completely unfazed by her rage, which made her even more furious. "In a way, I suppose. Which would you prefer? You are an unregistered marvel and we are the eyewitnesses who saw you assault a Legion member with your powers. We have enough evidence to prove you have assaulted multiple humans and marvels over the years. Which makes you a criminal. Just because we understand your reasons and even approve, what you've been doing is still illegal. We're doing you a favor, like Cormac said."

  "Excuse me if I'm not falling over myself to thank you."

  Beckett winced at her harsh tone, but Maddox remained impassive. "We understand if it chafes. You'll thank us eventually."

  She snorted. "I wouldn't hold my breath for that day to ever come." She would never thank them. Ever.

  Maddox arched back in his seat. "I'll take my chances."

  "When do I get these power dampeners off? And does living with you start tonight? Because I'm going to need some things if I'm living here."

  Reese stood and stretched, showing off tanned, toned abs. "I'll run you back to your place."

  Ridley glanced at the window, grimacing at the rising sun streaming through the glass. "It's already morning. I have to stay at my shop and work."

  Reese smiled with a shrug. "I don't have anything else to do today. I might grab a nap at your place."

  They would invade every aspect of her life, and she had no idea how to prevent it.


  Ridley refused to speak to Reese the entire drive back to her home and business. He tried multiple times to start a conversation, but she ignored him and spent the time staring out her window, trying to plot a way out of this mess.

  She'd been in worse jams before. At least the four of them weren't quite as big of dicks as the usual Legion member. They were full of themselves and believed they knew best like the lot of those supposed heroes, but they weren't the worst.

  Didn't mean she had any interest in being tied to them for whatever case they were working on. She was pretty sure they were trying to recruit her into the Legion.

  Too bad for them that would never happen.

  And not just because she despised the organization, it could get her killed. But she couldn't explain it to these idiots. It wasn't their business. Only one person knew what she was hiding from and it would stay that way.

  Reese pulled up to her shop an hour before opening. Her eyes heavy with exhaustion, Ridley hopped out of the SUV and trudged up the steps leading to her apartment, Reese's heat sinking into her back.

  She unlocked her door and slid through, slamming it right in Reese's face. He slapped it with a chuckle and entered behind her. What did it take to piss these guys off? Well, other than Cormac. But he was apparently always pissed, so he didn't count.

  "Stay here. I'm gonna get changed. I assume I don't need a prison guard for that as well?" She glared at him, daring him to push her.

  "Only if you need assistance."

  "I do not." She ground the words out back clenched teeth.

  His eyes lit up with heat and humor. "Another time, then."

  Ridley narrowed her eyes to slits. "Sure, buddy. That'll happen."

  "Oh, it will."

  "Only if I end up with Stockholm Syndrome." She flounced away with a toss of her head. There was no way she would start something with those shitheads, no matter how tempting it was.

  Reese chuckled again, the low sound shivering up her spine. She shut herself away from him, alone finally. Or as alone as she was going to get for a while. She peeled the tight cat-suit from her sweaty body and sent it sailing towards the laundry basket.

  They hadn't returned her weapons yet, or her mask, but she had plenty more stashed here. She star
ted the shower in her bathroom and ducked beneath the pounding water. She bathed quickly and wrapped her hair in a towel, throwing on her black sports bra and matching panties.

  She riffled through her closet, tossing clothes and shoes into an old military duffel bag. On top of those, she layered a few weapons, two guns and a handful of knives. After she added her phone charger and the book she was in the middle of, she closed the bag. Most of her belongings fit into this bag. It was a little depressing. Her money went into the garage and into her night job. She didn't need much and was used to having little so she could run as fast as possible. It was a hard habit to break and if getting cornered by the Legion team taught her anything, it was she was smart not to get complacent.

  A crashing noise came from her living room and a loud screech. She raced from her bedroom and found Malia holding a gun to the middle of Reese's forehead.


  "I'd say go ahead and shoot him, but it would probably bring the wrath of the Legion down on our heads." Ridley propped herself up in the doorway with a grin.

  Malia's head whipped around at Ridley's voice and the gun wavered. "What the fuck happened last night?"

  "It's a long and horrible story. Put the gun down so I can get dressed and I'll tell you while we work."

  Malia scowled at Reese. "Are you sure I can't just shoot him? We can toss his body in the ocean and tell his friends we haven't seen him since he went to grab coco puffs from Liliha Bakery."

  Reese had not the slightest hint of nervousness or fear on his face. He was too busy raking his heated gaze up and down Ridley's body to worry about the gun. She buried a shiver at the unabashed desire he showed her.

  Ridley pursed her lips to hide her amusement. "It's fine, Lia. Let him go."

  Malia cursed and lowered her weapon. "Damn. I was really hoping I could blast a hole in his pretty face."

  "You think I'm pretty?" Reese batted his eyes at Malia.

  Malia looked disgusted. "It wasn't a compliment, asshole."

  Reese laughed. "I am starting to see why the two of you are friends."

  Malia looked like she was about to point her gun at him again, her lips curled in a snarl. "Don't act like you know us."

  Usually, Ridley would enjoy this more, but she was too tired and frustrated. "It's fine, Lia. Just go get the shop set up. I'll be down once I'm dressed and you won't ever have to see him again."

  "I better not."

  Once Malia was out the door, Ridley headed back into her room. "Don't." She tossed the warning over her shoulder as she kicked the door shut.

  Her shoulders slumped, and she sighed as she stood in the center of her room. She'd really hoped to keep Malia out of everything, but now she would demand answers and want to help.


  She grabbed a pair of stained, ripped jeans and yanked them on, then threw a black tank over top her bra, sliding her feet into socks and her boots. She tossed the towel into the hamper and twisted her hair into a quick braid.

  Ridley stomped back into the living room. "The sheets on my bed are clean if you want a nap. Please stay out of the garage. If you want food, you'll have to go get it yourself. And I packed a bag. It's on my bed if you want to go ahead and load it into the car. Do not go through it or I will kick you in the balls."

  "We aren't going to invade your privacy."

  Irritation rumbled through her. "You already have."

  He held his hands up in surrender. "Fine. We won't invade it any further."

  "We'll see."

  "You'll trust us one day." He smirked.

  Ridley snorted and shook her head. "Not a chance in hell."

  A sadness darkened his eyes. An understanding one. She reminded herself she wasn't the only one with secrets and pain.

  She left him in her home, wincing at the thought, and clattered down the steps to her garage.

  Malia waited for her with crossed arms. "Explain yourself. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night and you didn't answer your phone. I spent the night planning a way to break you out of the Legion prison."

  "First, tell me. Is Sarah okay?" The worry for the poor woman had plagued her.

  "She's safe for now. She's staying with Beth until we figure something out with that asshole. Beth has much better security at her place. And I installed cameras so I can keep an eye out for them. They're fine. Now, spill."

  Ridley sighed and started their ancient coffee maker, needing caffeine to get through her day. While they waited for it to brew, she explained everything. Malia kept her mouth shut with a slash of thin lips while she listened.

  The coffee maker beeped right as Ridley finished, so she turned away from Malia to make them both cups.

  "All right. It's not great news, but it's way better than everything I was imagining last night. We can figure out a way out of this. Somehow. And worst case, if we don't, it doesn't sound like they want to turn you in."

  What they wanted was worse. "No. They want to turn me into a Legion soldier."

  Malia let out a dark laugh. "They have no idea, do they?"

  "No. But apparently I have a classified file they can't get into, so they're going to want to know why." Damn Beckett and his tech skills with only a damn phone. Hopefully, he didn't break his way inside. She had no idea what he'd find.

  "Which you won't tell them."

  "Of course not." There was no way she'd tell them anything.

  Malia ran a hand through her hair. "Maybe they're trustworthy. You'll find out while you work and live with them, I guess."

  No one was trustworthy. Especially shithead blackmailers. "Even if they are, the more people who know, the more dangerous it is. For them as well. Especially since they're part of that rancid organization."

  "Agreed. So, tell me about this target they're after."

  Ridley sipped her coffee. "I don't know anything yet. I had to come here before I read the file. But I'll photograph it and email it all to you. If we can figure this out quickly, I can get the hell out of there and get back to my life."

  "Based on the way the pretty boy up there was looking at you, I don't know if that'll be possible."

  Ridley tried to ignore that comment, more concerned with other issues. "I don't want to disappear again."

  Malia's face crumpled with sympathy and worry. "I know. If this goes bad, we'll figure something out."

  A knock on the door interrupted them. Malia went to answer while Ridley studied their manifest, focusing on the bikes for now. They were her happy place. If anything could cheer her up, it was losing herself in the gears of the engines.

  "What the fuck, dude? Do you have a problem understanding English?

  Ridley's head jerked up, and she scowled at the sight of Reese barging into her garage. She gritted her teeth and stalked over.

  "Please tell me you four aren't like the assholes we hunt down at night? That you understand the word no? That you understand boundaries and consent?" Ridley got right up in his face, completely past her threshold for stupid.

  Reese winced and held up a box. "I'm not here to hang out. I just felt bad that you didn't get any breakfast, so I brought some coco puffs. Your friend mentioned it and it gave me a craving, so I brought a peace offering."

  Well, fuck.

  "Thanks." Ridley took the box from him and shook off her guilt. They'd invaded her life, blackmailed her into working with them, and fucked up her hunt. She didn't give a shit if she offended him.

  "No problem. I'll be up at your place if you need me."

  "We won't."

  He grinned. "I figured."

  He left without another word, leaving her and Malia gaping at each other. "He's crushing hard on you."

  Ridley wasn't so sure that was it. She figured it was more likely he was trying to worm his way past her shields and get her to drop her guard. "He'll get over it."

  "What about the other two?"

  Ridley frowned. "What do you mean?"

  Malia grinned. "Well, first the hot Polynesian biker
and now surfer boy? The other two into you as well?"

  "One of them hates me and the other wants to put me together like a puzzle, so no."

  "Too bad. You could enact your very own reverse harem fantasy in real life."

  Ridley chuckled even as she shook her head. "Nope. Not with those four."

  Malia laughed. "I've seen the books you've been reading lately."

  Shit. She thought she'd hidden them better from Malia's nosy ass. "Oh, shut up, bitch."

  "Uh huh. Are the other two as hot as biker boy and surfer boy?" Malia nudged Ridley with her elbow.



  "Yep." She was a big fat liar because they were so gorgeous it was like she dreamed them up. They couldn't possibly be real.

  "Get to work. We're both exhausted, let's close up early tonight."

  "Deal. Drinks after?" Ridley asked.

  "Yes. And bring surfer boy. I want to know his intentions."

  Ridley moaned internally. "Lia, I don't want you involved. It was one of the things I made them agree to."

  "Get over it. Your mess is my mess. Do I need to remind you what you pulled me out of?"

  Ridley sighed. She would not win this fight. "Fine. But please don't tell them you're helping. I want one secret from those shitheads."

  "I'm not an idiot."

  "Could have fooled me."


  He hadn't meant to eavesdrop on Ridley and her friend, but Reese overheard things she definitely didn't want him to know when he came to bring them breakfast.

  He had to let the rest of them team know what he heard, but it didn't sit well with him, like he was betraying her. He shook it off. As grateful as he was for what she did for his sister, his team came first. Until she became a part of it, he wouldn't keep her secrets.

  But damn, he felt like a dick.

  And it would piss off Cormac, who was barely on board with her presence as it was. Reese wanted to know what the hell had happened to her, what she was running from.


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