by Chong Shipei
Chapter Five-- Lucifer and evil
Lucifer yawned. It was a big victory for him. Joe had given in to his temptation, and was attending the Satanic church again. He did it without informing Elijah.
Being a Christian, Joe was not able to receive the same kinds of power he had, while he was a Satanist. Jesus did not answer his prayers for financial help, Jesus did not bless the business that he had. On the contrary, his sales suffered greatly since he became a Christian. A Satanist offered to support him in his business endeavor, if he would attend the Satanic church.
Joe struggled for many days between whether to accept the Satanist's offer or to stay true to Jesus. The holy angels tried their best to lead Joe back to Jesus, but the lure of money was too much for Joe. Receiving his permission from God, Lucifer came personally to entice Joe to choose his business over Jesus. The angels battled with Lucifer but without the support of God, they were unable to overcome Lucifer.
And God was not with them, because no one was praying for Joe. After Joe's victory over his past life, pastor Elijah and his wife had focused their attention to the Satanists who were not converted, and neglected their prayers for Joe.
“My Lord, you were great. Can you see the faces of the angels when Joe began to attend the Satanic church again?” Leviathan laughed.
“When you wanted to entice someone, Leviathan, you do it in a subtle manner.” Lucifer replied.
“Yes, my Lord.” Leviathan replied.
“You failed to entice Joe because you were too concerned with turning him away from Jesus. Such a hard sell rarely worked. Joe, who had been convinced of Jesus' presence, would not want to directly renounce Jesus. You were too direct in your attempt. You must be more subtle. Like suggesting to his mind that he could both be a Christian and a Satanist at the same time. Like what I did.” Lucifer explained.
“I will take note of your advise, my Lord.” Leviathan replied.
“Furthermore, you must study the person who you wanted to tempt. You must look at all his strengths and weaknesses. Joe's most major strength came from the prayer supports he received from the pastor's wife. The holy angels were able to protect and help Joe because someone was fervently praying for him. Instead of targeting Joe by wrestling with the holy angels, it would be wiser to lead the pastor's wife away from praying for Joe. Joe's most major weakness is his love of money. I was able to succeed in enticing Joe while you had failed in your attempt to do so because I made full use of my knowledge of Joe's strengths and weaknesses. I took away Joe's strength, and I magnified his weakness. In doing so, I was able to tempt the man away from his commitment to Jesus. Temptation, like every other discipline, is a skill. You must learn to master it, Leviathan.” Lucifer said.
“Your wisdom of the knowledge of evil is so great, my Lord. I do not think that we can ever beat you in it.” Leviathan praised.
Lucifer was silent. His knowledge of evil had not always been so great.
Lucifer turned as The Son walked into the library.
“Deep in thought?” The Son asked.
Lucifer remained silent.
“Won't you share with me what you are thinking about?” The Son asked.
“My Lord, I am thinking about the opposite of goodness.” Lucifer replied. “Or, to be exact, the absence of goodness.”
The Son was silent.
“What would it be like if, my Lord, only if, we do not love each other?” Lucifer said. “For instance, what would it be like if I actually hurt Michael with the intention to do so?”
There was a look of seemingly sadness in the eyes of the Son. But it was gone in a moment.
“Lucifer, knowledge is a tool. If we use it in the right way, it will bear good fruits which we can all mutually enjoy. Yet, if we choose to put knowledge above all things, it will lead to the harm of ourselves and others.” The Son said.
Lucifer was silent. Can knowledge really be harmful?
“The absence of goodness, which you are contemplating about now, is evil. I know all the knowledge of it but hate it with a passion.” The Son said. “It is a path which I will not choose, and a knowledge which I will never use.”
Lucifer remained silent. So, The Son is aware of the absence of goodness. Why did He keep that knowledge to Himself? Is there something in that knowledge that might actually threaten Him?
“Lucifer, remember what I said about the knowledge of evil.” The Son said. “And its consequences.”
The Son walked out of the library.
“My Lord, I will be going back to keep watch over Joe.” Leviathan announced. Lucifer snapped back to the present reality.
“Go, and if you ever meet the other demons, tell them about what I had just explained to you.” Lucifer said.
“Yes, my Lord.” Leviathan replied. He flew away from hell, to go back to Earth.
Lucifer reflected back on the words of Jesus.
It is a path I will never choose, and a knowledge which I will never use.
True to His words, Jesus never chooses the path of evil. Not even when He came down to earth as a mortal man. Not even when Lucifer showed him while he was weak in his flesh as a mortal man, what the power of evil could give to him. No matter how much Lucifer tempted Him, no matter how hard Lucifer tried to lead Him astray, Jesus always overcame his temptation.
Was that why He was always so happy, even when things did not turn up right for Him? Because His heart was pure, and therefore, He did not ever have to feel any sense of guilt or condemnation?
Lucifer, remember what I said about the knowledge of evil. And its consequences.
Hate and condemnation and guilt laughed as they consumed Lucifer. It was too late for you now. Regret whispered into the ears of Lucifer.
Evil danced in triumph. You choose to reject his warning and seek after me. You will now be my slave for life.
Lucifer's eyes began to rain. Why didn't I listen to You?