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Ruin Page 10

by Samantha Towle

“I know.”

  “And you know that it’s good to have different friends.”

  “Yes, Mommy. But I fink people always wike one fwiend more than all the others. Like a best fwiend. And I fink you should be best fwiends with Zweus.”

  I was. Once upon a long time ago.

  Until he ruined it.

  Unsure of how to respond to that, I get back to my feet. “Come on, Gigi girl. Let’s clear these dinner plates away, and then you can watch some TV before bed.”

  I’m a coward.

  After the frosty reception that I received from Zeus when he came to pick Gigi up to take her to dinner, I ensured I was already gone well before he was due to drop her back home.

  I wasn’t meeting Rich until eight, but I texted him and asked if we could meet earlier. Thankfully, he was able to; otherwise, I’d have been sitting in the bar alone for an hour before.

  I’m sitting at a table that we snagged near the bar. Rich is up there, getting us drinks. I’ve asked for my usual—a Corona. It will be my one and only alcoholic drink for the evening. I’ll be on soda after this. Rich offered to pick me up, but I prefer to be in my own car, so I can leave when I want. And not drinking more than one drink doesn’t bother me.

  As any mother knows, a hangover and a four-year-old do not go well together at all.

  It’s just nice to be out for a change and to also have a reason to get a little dressed up.

  Not that I got overly dressed up. I’m wearing black skinny jeans, a sheer off-the-shoulder black top, and leopard-print ankle boots. My hair is down and straight, and I actually spent time doing my makeup. I went with red lips and smoky eyes. I look good, and for the first time since Zeus showed up, I feel good.

  I get my cell out of my bag and check to make sure I haven’t missed any calls or texts from Zeus or Aunt Elle about Gigi. Nothing. I place my phone on the table in front of me just in case.

  When I lift my eyes, Rich is walking over with our beers. I watch as he comes toward me. He looks really good tonight in khakis and a button-down. It’s not often that I get to see him in normal clothes. He’s usually in his uniform—or naked—when I see him.

  And…I’m not going there.

  But I have noticed a difference in the way that I look at him tonight. Normally, when I see Rich, I get a zing of attraction in my chest—and other places. But, tonight…I don’t feel it.

  And it hasn’t escaped my attention that my attraction to Rich has dwindled since Zeus showed up.

  Damn you, Zeus Kincaid.

  Rich reaches our table and puts our drinks down.

  “Thanks,” I say to him as he takes a seat across from me.

  I pull my bottle toward me, take off the wedge of lime stuck to the lip of the bottle, and push it inside the neck with my finger.

  “So, how’ve things been?” Rich asks me.

  “You mean, with Zeus being back?”

  Rich and I have texted a couple of times over the last few weeks but nothing in depth. I guess he was waiting until tonight to ask me.

  “Hard. Stressful. Awkward. Strained.” I give him a weak smile. “But Gigi’s good. She’s happy, and that’s all that matters.”

  “Your happiness matters, too, Cam.”

  I lift my shoulder, not wanting to agree or disagree with him. Because Gigi will always come first. Even if that means my eternal misery.

  Rich takes a drink of his beer before putting the bottle back down. “Do you want to talk about it? Zeus, I mean.”

  Sighing, I bring my bottle to my lips. “I don’t really know what to say,” I utter around the lip of my bottle before taking a sip.

  “No pressure. Just know, I’m here to listen. And whatever you tell me will stay between us.”

  I smile gratefully at him. “It’s just a really messed up situation.” I start to pick at the label on my bottle. “I’ve known Zeus since I was fifteen. We were childhood sweethearts. I met him when I moved to Coney Island with Aunt Elle when she got a promotion there. We were together for four years. And then we weren’t.” I shrug. “Zeus was away a lot, training and doing fights. I was at Juilliard, studying ballet.”

  “I didn’t know that. I knew you danced, but Juilliard? That’s amazing, Cam.”

  “Yeah. I had a full scholarship. I was in my second year when Zeus and I broke up. He was in England at the time, training for a fight. He called me up one night. Told me that he’d slept with someone else.”

  Rich’s face darkens at that. I don’t know much about Rich’s dating history. We’ve never talked about our pasts, but going by the look on his face, I’d say he’s been cheated on, too.

  “A month later, I found out I was pregnant with Gigi.” And I go on to tell Rich the whole sordid story about Marcel and him lying to me and Zeus.

  “Jesus,” Rich murmurs. “That’s…messed up.”


  “No wonder your head’s all over the place. And, even though I’m hating on Zeus for cheating on you, I gotta feel for the guy as well. Not knowing he had a daughter for all those years? I can’t imagine…” He trails off.

  “Yeah, it’s just all so awful. I feel sick for him. But, honestly, I do feel like I’m partly to blame for him missing out on Gigi’s early years. Even though Marcel is a total bastard and lied to both of us, I feel like I should’ve done more to get in contact with Zeus.”

  “Cam, knowing you like I do, I’m sure you did everything you could.”

  I shrug, disagreeing, as I take another sip of my beer.

  “Does Zeus blame you?”

  “God, no.” I shake my head for emphasis.

  “Good,” he growls. “Because he’d be an ass if he did.”

  I find myself feeling defensive of Zeus all of a sudden. “He’s been great about it actually. He could have been a total ass, but he’s been…great. He thinks it’s on him for cutting me off in the first place. He blames himself for missing out on the first four years of Gigi’s life. I feel sick when I think about it. I hate that she missed out on her father because of Marcel asshole Duran. God, it all just feels like one big mess.” I tear off the remainder of the bottle label and litter it onto the table.

  “Things might be messy now, but it will get better,” Rich assures me, touching my hand across the table.

  “You think so?”

  “I know so. You’re a great mom, Cam. Gigi is an amazing little girl. And kids are resilient. It will all work out okay.”

  “I just…I don’t know if I’m handling things the right way. Not telling Gigi from the start that Zeus is her dad.”

  “I don’t think there’s a set rule for a situation like this.” He gives my hand a gentle squeeze, lacing a few fingers through mine. It doesn’t feel sexual. It feels comforting. And I really need comfort right now. “I think you know your daughter best, and you’re handling it the right way for her. What does Zeus think?”

  “He’s just following my lead. He hasn’t been pressuring me at all to tell her.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  “Yeah.” I sigh. “But it has also helped me delay the inevitable, you know.”

  He nods, picking up his beer.

  “But I do think it’s time though. It’s been two weeks of them getting to know each other. Gigi thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread, which is great. She should. He’s her dad. So, I’m hoping that she’ll take it well when she finds out who he really is. I just think, if I let it go on longer, Gigi could resent me for not telling her sooner.”

  “That kid would never resent you. She loves you.”

  That makes me smile a little. “Yeah…” I muse. “I was thinking that I should tell her tomorrow. Well, that we—Zeus and I—should tell her after her ballet class. Not that I’ve had a chance to discuss it with Zeus yet to see what his thoughts are.”

  “Well, you’ve got your chance now,” Rich says, eyes looking in the direction of the entrance. “Because he just walked in the bar.”

  “Wha—” My head swivels on
my neck.

  And there, filling out the doorway, looking as imposing and gorgeous as always, is Zeus.

  And his eyes are narrowed and staring at me and Rich. Or more accurately, staring at Rich’s hand, which is still holding mine across the table.

  I push to my feet, my hand pulling from Rich’s, and I quickly make my way toward Zeus. My first thought being about Gigi.

  “Is Gigi okay?” I ask as I approach him.

  “She’s fine.”

  I exhale in relief.

  “She’s at home with Elle,” he adds. “I dropped her off about half an hour ago.”

  “Then, why are you here?” I blurt out.

  His brows push together. “I came to catch the last part of the game.” He nods in the direction of the TV hanging from the wall at the end of the bar, which is showing a football game. “I didn’t know you’d be here, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  “I wasn’t.” I was.

  “If you say so.”

  “I do.” I fold my arms over my chest. “Why in the world would I think that you came here for me?”

  “I don’t know, Dove. You tell me.”

  He’s staring at me, and I’m starting to get flustered and confused with the direction this conversation is going, which is the direction of…I don’t have a clue.

  “You really need to stop calling me that,” I say, changing tactics.

  “Dove? You never used to have a problem with me calling you it. You especially used to like me calling you it when I—”

  “Don’t…” I warn, knowing exactly where he’s going with this.

  Fire sparks in his eyes. “Don’t what? Remind you of how you used to love me calling you Dove while I fucked you hard and deep.”

  I resist the shudder fighting to work its way through my body. My eyes scan the area to make sure no one heard what he just said.

  “You’re being inappropriate.”

  He laughs, but it’s empty and hollow. “I haven’t even started.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I hiss.

  His jaw works angrily. His eyes cutting through me. “Nothing, Cam.” He emphasizes my name. “Not one single fucking thing is wrong with me.” He tips his chin toward Rich. “Deputy Dick is waiting for you.”

  I turn my head to look over my shoulder at Rich. I give him a smile that’s more forced than real.

  When I look back to Zeus, he’s no longer there.

  My eyes zip across the space, seeking him out, to find him walking toward the bar.

  The ass! He just walked away from me.

  Well, if that doesn’t just annoy the crap out of me.

  I want to march over to him and say…

  What, Cam? What do you want to say? And why do you care so much that he just walked away from you?

  I don’t care. It’s just…rude.

  And I’m having an internal argument with myself.


  I just need to talk to him about Gigi and telling her the truth tomorrow. We can’t discuss it here. But he should know that we have to talk—sooner rather than later.

  My eyes wander around the bar, and I can see people starting to take notice of him. It’s only a matter of time before they start approaching him, and then I won’t get a chance.

  That’s why I signal to Rich that I’ll be back in a minute, and I walk over to where Zeus is now sitting on a stool at the bar, waiting to be served.

  I tap his shoulder with my hand, and those blue eyes turn to look at me.

  “You seen sense and ditched Deputy Dick?”

  “I haven’t ditched him. I just need to talk to you.”


  “Not now. Tomorrow. You’re still taking Gigi to ballet?” I check.


  “Would you mind coming fifteen minutes earlier, so we can discuss something?”


  “Great. Thanks.”

  An awkward silence stretches between us. Zeus is staring at me, and I’m starting to feel jittery inside.

  Walk away, Cam.

  “Okay then”—I take a step back—“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He gives me a brief nod before turning his attention to the bar. When the bartender approaches, Zeus gives his drink order—coffee.

  He came to the bar to drink coffee?

  No, he came to watch the game, stalker Cam.

  I turn and skulk away, like a groupie who was just given the brush-off.

  I reach our table and slip into my seat.

  Rich, whose eyes were on his cell, looks up at me, putting his phone away in his pants pocket. “Everything okay?” he checks.

  “Yeah, fine.” I smile, way too big for it to be real. I pull my lips back together and try to relax my face. “I was just asking Zeus if he could come a little earlier tomorrow, so I can discuss the big talk with him.”

  “That’s good.” He nods.

  “Yeah,” I agree, picking up my half-drunk beer and taking a long swig.

  Rich glances over his shoulder, looking toward the bar. “Hey, that’s Zeus’s brother, right?”

  “Where?” I turn my head, half-expecting to see another Kincaid standing at the bar.

  “On the TV. Playing for the Giants.”

  I lift my eyes to the television and see Ares’s profile on-screen before he comes back into play. The sight of his face makes me smile. I always liked Ares.

  Zeus told me that he hadn’t told his siblings and his dad about Gigi yet. He wanted to spend time getting to know her first, and then he’d tell them after Gigi was told.

  That will be tomorrow. Because I can’t see Zeus disagreeing with telling her.

  “He probably has box seats,” Rich muses. “Wonder why he’s in here, watching the game, and not actually there.”

  “He wanted to take Gigi”—and me—“out for dinner,” I tell him, my eyes drifting to Zeus, unbidden.

  He’s talking to the bartender, and another guy at the bar has drifted over to talk to him.

  “Ah. Right. That makes sense,” Rich says. “So, did you hear about Larson?”

  “No,” I say, moving my eyes back to Rich.

  “He’s moving to Virginia,” he tells me. “His mom lives there, and she’s sick. He’d put in for a transfer on the DL, and it was approved today.”

  “That’s good for him,” I say, “being closer to his mom.”

  “Yeah. It’s going to be weird for me without him though. We went through the academy together…”

  Voices lifting with excitement distract my attention from Rich, and I look back to the bar…to Zeus…where I now see that a group of women has swooped in on him, and they are falling all over themselves to talk to him.

  “You’re so big.” One of them giggles as she wraps her hand around his biceps.

  “That’s what all the women say,” Zeus replies.

  Oh, for fuck’s sake. I give a mental eye roll.

  “You’re so bad!” She laughs loudly.

  Then, one of her friends pushes herself forward, wedging herself between Zeus and the bar, a pen held in her hand. “Will you sign my chest?” she asks him, sticking her enviably sized chest out, giggling and batting her lashes.

  Really? Fucking really?

  I grit my teeth, waiting for his response.

  Then, I see a flash of that smile of his, and I’m hit with a tsunami of jealousy when Zeus takes the Sharpie from her hand and proceeds to sign her chest.

  And I’ve seen enough.

  “I’m not feeling great,” I lie to Rich. “Sorry to bail early, but I’m gonna take off.”

  His eyes examine me, and then he looks over at Zeus before coming back to me. He knows I’m lying, and for a minute, I think he’s going to call me out, but he says, “No problem. Let me walk you to your car.”

  “Sure.” I smile.

  We both stand. I grab my cell from the table and put it in my bag.

  I can still hear the giggles of Zeus’s groupies, but I don’t l
ook at him again.

  When we get outside, the air is fresh, and it’s just what I need to help clear my head.

  We walk to my car in companionable silence. When I reach it, I get my keys out and unlock it.

  I turn to Rich. “Thanks for tonight. For listening to me complain about my woes.”

  “Anytime.” He smiles warmly. Then, he reaches out a hand and cups my cheek. “I like you, Cam.”

  “I like you, too.” I smile. I just wish I liked you more.

  He stares at me for a long moment, and I wonder if he’s going to kiss me.

  But he doesn’t. He steps away and pulls open my car door for me.

  I feel bad that I’m relieved.

  I get in, put the key in the ignition, and pull on my belt.

  “Drive safe,” Rich says, holding the door. “I’ll call you this week.”

  “Okay,” I say.

  He closes my door with a soft clunk, and I put it in gear and pull away, heading for home.

  Five minutes later, I pull up onto my driveway behind Aunt Elle’s car. The lights glowing from the living room tell me that Aunt Elle is still up.

  But then, of course, she would be. It’s embarrassing that I’m coming home early.

  I suck at this going-out thing. But then I blame Zeus for turning up and ruining my night with his chest-signing antics.

  On a sigh, I grab my bag and climb out of my car. I almost have a heart attack when I see Zeus standing at the end of my drive.

  “Jesus Christ!” I say, clutching at my chest. “What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were still at the bar.”

  “I left when you did.”

  “Did you fly here?”

  He laughs a deep sound that reverberates in my chest. “No. I just don’t drive like a grandma.”

  “I don’t drive like a grandma. I drive responsibly.”

  “Mmhmm.” He chuckles that sound again.

  “Why did you leave the bar? Did Busty’s pen run out of ink?”

  His lips lift into a sexy grin. “So, you did leave because you were jealous.”

  “I…what?” My mouth pops into an O. “No, I did not leave because I was jealous, Mr. Ego. There was nothing for me to be jealous over.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I do.”

  “Okay then.” He turns and starts to walk back down the driveway.


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