Wildfire (Men of Inked: Heatwave Book 3)

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Wildfire (Men of Inked: Heatwave Book 3) Page 17

by Chelle Bliss

  I blink, washing away my tears as Crow’s hands are bound with metal and he warns me about Mammoth like he’s the crazy, murderous type instead of Crow.

  Crow lifts his chin, giving me a sweet smile. “Bye, doll. Until next time.” He throws a wink at me.

  “Bye,” I say as I stand and wave at him.

  His orange-clothed back disappears through a door. He doesn’t look back. Doesn’t give me anything else. Just the apology and a warning about Mammoth being a kinky asshole, which I already knew.

  Mammoth is going to be a very pissed-off kinky asshole after he finds out I came here, to the prison, without so much as mentioning the trip. Especially since I was visiting Crow and the two had history together. It wasn’t like I had to tell Mammoth every time I visited a friend because I certainly didn’t know everything he was doing or who he was doing at the compound.

  “Ma’am,” a lady says near the doorway I’d walked through earlier. “It’s time to go.” She smiles when I look her way, still in shock over seeing Crow like that, knowing I’d never see him again.

  Even when he got out, we’d still have nothing in common. No reason to be friends. We didn’t run in the same circles or live in the same town. Even if I were still with Mammoth then, the two of them did not like each other. That much was clear.

  I follow the line of people through the dingy waiting room, everyone wiping the tears from their faces but me. Thank God nothing happened between Crow and me. I wouldn’t want this to be my life, my future, my world. But then there’s Mammoth. He’s a member of the same club as Crow. Being with him, am I risking the same inevitable heartbreak?

  I squint as the sunshine hits my face, and I start toward my car in the parking lot. I’m staring at the ground, pondering what could’ve been and what could be. A long, thick shadow covers the ground, the outline of a bike attached, and my heart stops. I snap my head up, finding Mammoth resting against the seat of his bike, eyes locked on me. He doesn’t say a word. He just stares at me with those icy gray eyes.

  “Hey, baby,” I say, trying to keep the worry out of my voice.

  His arms are crossed over his massive chest, and the look on his face says it all. He’s pissed. Not just a little upset, but so angry, I’m wondering if his promise of an ass spanking is going to happen and soon. “Princess.”

  I keep walking, careful not to miss a step or pretend like I was caught doing something I wasn’t supposed to do. “Whatcha doing here?”

  “I was just about to ask you the same thing.” His eyes bore into me, making my belly flip, and not in the way that makes me want to jump into his arms and right onto his dick.

  There are a few feet between us. Not enough space for him to touch me because although I trust him, I’ve never seen him this mad. I lift my chin and give him my best poker face. “Crow wanted to apologize before he left. Figured I’d let him say his piece, I’d say mine, and there’d be nothing left unspoken.”

  He studies me for a moment, eyes sweeping down my face to my body, soaking in the very tame outfit I’d picked out just for this occasion. I wasn’t going to come in an overly sexy outfit. This was Crow, but by no means did I want to send him the wrong signal. “We need to talk. Some lines were crossed.”

  I move my hand to my hip as I scrunch my nose. “Lines were crossed?”

  He nods with a scowl. “We made promises to each other, and you’ve already broken one. My word is my bond, my promise, my law, but what’s your word?”

  “Are you for real?” I ask, my eyes wide as I throw a hand toward the cold, brick building behind me. “I came here to say goodbye. Not to fuck the man. He’s nothing but a friend, and as with any friend, when they ask for my help or for me to visit, I do what friends do.” I glare at him, ready to spank his ass if need be. “I show the fuck up!”

  Mammoth’s off his bike, stalking toward me as I start to back up, retreating from his towering presence. But my legs are shorter and his stride is longer. He’s on me in an instant, reaching out to touch my face, and I flinch. “Princess,” he says, but this time more softly. “I’m not mad you’re here. I’m not even mad it’s Crow you came to see.” His palm is on my cheek, gently cradling my face in his hand. “I’m more concerned you didn’t even bother to tell me where you were going. Our relationship is nothing without communication and trust. Without communication, there can’t be any real trust either. I don’t want to be in a relationship where I can’t trust you to be honest.”

  “I’m sorry. I figured you’d tell me no.”

  “I’m not going to run your entire life. When you’re going to do something that may hurt you or us, I’ll speak up, but a little faith in my ability not to be an angry asshole would be nice. But there will be consequences for this,” he says with a hint of a smile on his face.

  I swallow roughly, gripping his T-shirt between my fingers. “Consequences?”

  His thumb moves across my jaw, grazing underneath my bottom lip. “I’ll follow you back to your place. I’ll grab a hotel room nearby, and we’ll head to the reunion tomorrow. We’ll finish this conversation there.”

  “Um,” I mumble, thinking maybe this was a bad idea. “You don’t have to come. I’m sure you’re a busy man.”

  “I’m coming, princess. I promised your family I’d be there, and trust me, there’s no punishment without a reward.”

  My eyebrows rise. “So, then how is that a punishment?”

  “You’ll see,” he says, brushing his lips against mine before taking a step back. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Okay,” I whisper, my head dizzy from all the wicked possibilities along with fear.

  But this is Mammoth. He’s never been anything but generous when it comes to pleasure. I just hope he isn’t as generous with the punishment.



  “Come here.” I pat my leg, sitting on the edge of the bed, watching Tamara as she fidgets nervously.

  Tamara twists her hands in front of her, staring at me from under her eyelashes. “Do we really have to do this?”

  I nod. “We’re just going to talk, but I don’t want you all the way over there when we do it.”

  “You aren’t going to spank me?” she whispers.

  “Not yet,” I answer honestly. “Not until we talk, get shit straight, and come to an agreement. Now, come here.”

  She’s in my lap a moment later, her hands gliding along my bare chest until her fingers find my piercings. “I’m sorry,” she says for the tenth time since she spotted me outside the jail.

  “I know.” I move my hands to her waist, turning her so we’re eye-to-eye for the conversation we need to have. I’ve always lived life by a code and a set of rules, keeping shit simple. Gray areas have never been my thing. They leave too much to be misinterpreted. “It’s okay, princess. You can stop apologizing.”

  “Why do we have to talk?” she whispers, glancing downward like she’s embarrassed.

  I tip her chin up, wanting nothing more than to look into those beautiful hazel eyes. “You have one year of college left.”

  “Nine months,” she corrects me before biting down on her lip like I’m going to be pissed she interrupted.

  “Nine months.” I give her a small smile, brushing my thumb across her cheek, trying to ease her nerves. “Do you want your freedom for those nine months?”

  Her eyebrows draw down immediately, and her nose wrinkles. “My freedom?”

  “Yeah. Maybe you don’t want to be in a relationship right now. Maybe we’re moving too fast. Hell, we’ve only known each other a few weeks.”

  She shakes her head. “It feels longer.”

  “Is that a good thing or bad?” I ask with a hint of laughter to my voice.

  “Good,” she adds, smiling her beautiful smile. “I feel like I’ve known you forever, or at least, I don’t want to remember a time you weren’t in my life.”

  I tighten my grip on her hip. “Me too, Tam, me too. But I’d also understand if you don’t want
to be in a committed relationship too. You’re still so young. Maybe too young to be saddled down by an old asshole like me.”

  “You’re young,” she lies, running her fingers over my pecs until her hands are on my shoulders.

  “Don’t bullshit me, sweetheart. You’re the young one. I don’t think at twenty-one I would’ve been ready to settle down. Hell, at thirty, I didn’t think I was ready until I met you.”

  “I don’t want anyone else, Mammoth. Only you.”

  “Then we need honesty and transparency in all things.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “All things?”

  “All things.”

  She blinks, chewing on the side of her lip for a few seconds before she asks, “Like what?”

  I flatten my palm against her back, holding her closely, leaving very little space between us. “I talked to Morris and Tiny. I have to stay with the Disciples for the next nine months. Even after that, I won’t be completely out. I’ll still be on the hook with them in some fashion until they no longer have a use for me. Can you live with that?”

  “I think so.” She swallows as her lips turn down at the corners. “Does that mean you’re going to be doing illegal things?”

  I shrug and stick with honesty. “I don’t know what they’re going to have me do. I can’t promise to walk the straight and narrow as long as they have their claws in me, princess.”

  “I couldn’t stomach visiting you in jail like I did with Crow. It would rip my heart out, Mammoth. Totally and completely devastate me.”

  “I won’t end up like him. That, I can promise you.”


  “Just trust me. I promise you’ll never have to visit me behind bars.”

  Her gaze dips again, and she scoots her bottom half closer, right over my dick. “While we’re on the honesty train… Can you promise me, I mean really promise me, you’re not going to fuck Sadie or anyone else? I mean, can you go weeks without sex?”

  “Can you go weeks without sex?” I throw back because I may be a man, but I’m not a nymphomaniac.

  “Of course.”

  I brush a few strands of her hair away from her face and behind her cheek. “If you need my cock, just ask, and I’ll be here. Same goes for me. If I need you, I expect you to be open to a visit.”

  “Can I come to the compound, or is it off-limits to me?”

  “You can come to the compound whenever you want.”

  She smiles. “There’s not a lot of privacy here.” She jerks her head to the roommate’s shit that’s all over the place like a squatter has moved in, taking over the place.

  “The compound isn’t private, but at least I have my own room.”

  “And about what was in your trunk…”

  “You want to play, baby? We can play.”

  Her cheeks flush. “I wanna play.”

  She knows the magic words. The ones that set me on fire. “Want the full Mammoth treatment?”

  “Can we do a trial and see how it goes? I mean, I’m interested in trying everything once. I’ve never been a pussy.”

  I laugh, loving that she’s so willing and eager. “We can try it, and if it’s too much or you want to dial it back, we’ll adjust. Or hell, I’ll try to adjust for you.”

  “Can we go to a sex club? Please,” she begs.

  I laugh harder. “Of course.”

  “Then, hell yeah, I’m all about this.” She waggles her eyebrows. “’Cause that shit’s hot as fuck.”

  “Don’t think this is going to be easy or fun and games, Tamara. I’m not easy . I don’t put up with shit like the stunt you pulled today. Going to see Crow would’ve been a hard limit.”

  “Well,” she announces, sitting up straighter, pushing her beautiful cunt against my cock. “My hard limit is Sadie and just about every bitch at the compound. No talking to, touching, or texting any of them.”

  “Done,” I say quickly. “I never did any of that anyway.”

  “If you go to a club, you can’t go without me…ever.”

  “Not an issue. Now let’s talk about your sexual hard limits. They’re important. The entire relationship is built on trust and communication. Other than today, we’ve had that, but I need for you to be totally open about sex with me. Can you do that?”

  She smiles. “Talk about sex?”


  “For sure.” She winks. “It’s my favorite subject, especially when it involves you.”

  “I’m going to give you a list to look over, and then we’ll talk about each item before we start exploring your sexuality and limits.”


  “What, princess?”

  “We need to pick safe words, right?”

  “Not so newbie now, are you?”

  She laughs with an innocent shrug. “I know a little, mostly from sexy books I used to steal from my aunt Izzy.”

  “Why am I not surprised? But yes, we need safe words. What do you want to use for stop?”

  “Um.” She nibbles on her lips, searching my eyes. “Stop?”

  I shake my head. “It has to be something you wouldn’t say by accident during sex. Like pineapple. Something you’ll remember.”

  “Hmm, not pineapple. It’s too long. How about boat?”

  “Boat, it is. And what about if something is happening you’re unsure about, or I’m reaching your limit?”

  She looks upward, like she’s searching deep for the answer. “Spoon.”

  “Spoon works too. So, boat means stop, and spoon is a warning, mostly for me to make sure we’re on the same page.”

  “Now,” she says, sliding her hands back down my chest to my crotch. “Can we start? I’m anxious. I want to learn how to kneel right. I know Aunt Izzy does this. I’ve heard my family whispering about it. My aunts seem almost jealous at times.”

  “Sometimes giving up control can be the most freeing thing of all,” I tell her, patting her on the ass until she climbs off.

  Her eyes widen. “That’s what my aunt says too.”

  “We’re about to find out, princess. Take off your clothes,” I tell her, watching her every movement and facial expression, making sure she’s willing and not just trying to make me happy.

  She pulls her tank top over her head, dropping it to the floor next to her feet before she reaches behind her back, undoing her bra with one hand.

  I sit, watching in fascination, having missed every inch of her body after being apart for a week. I hadn’t forgotten how beautiful she is. There is no way that could ever happen. But seeing her flesh, touching her skin, kissing her lips, slams home the reality of how much she has me hooked. How badly I want every inch of her body and her mind.

  She keeps her eyes on me as she unbuttons her jean shorts, slowly lowering the zipper, exposing her completely bare mound. My mouth instantly waters as the memory of her sweetness slams into me like a ton of bricks.

  “On your knees.”

  She licks her lips as her breathing slows, and her pupils dilate as I climb to my feet in front of her naked body, somehow resisting the overwhelming urge to touch her.

  “Remember your safe words, and say them as soon as you need to. Don’t let me go beyond because it’ll break the trust and set us back.”

  She nods, staring at me, looking like she’s about to jump into my arms and fuck me.

  “Now, kneel.” I push down on her shoulders when she blinks, shocked at the sternness in my tone.

  She bends over, kneeling in front of me. “Like this?” she asks, head tipped back, already forgetting one of the rules.

  I reach forward and pinch her nipple hard enough to get her attention, but not with so much force she’d cry. I’d sucked on them enough, had my teeth on them, too, to know her pain and pleasure limit. “No talking,” I remind her, twisting my fingertips until she sucks in a breath and her back straightens.

  She nods in response, and I take a knee in front of her, manipulating her body into the perfect kneeling stance, showing her how I want her
to present herself to me. “Like this,” I say, running the backs of my fingers from one knee, across her core, to her other knee, causing her to shudder. “Open to me. Always open to me.”

  I push on her shoulders, straightening her posture and placing her arms so her hands are resting near her knees. She stares at me, studying my face as I maneuver her body.

  “Getting into this position with grace will take some time and practice, but I know you’ll do it, princess. Now…” I stand, gazing down at her beautiful body, open and waiting as I step closer, bringing my crotch to her face. “Undo my pants.” Without hesitation, she reaches for my pants, making quick work of the button and zipper. “Take out my cock.” The sex kitten’s hand is in my pants, fingers wrapped around my dick, fishing it out of my pants like she’s starving and my cock is her next meal.

  “Put your hands behind your back and lock your fingers together.”

  Her eyebrows draw down for a moment before her face goes blank and her hands go to where I’ve instructed her. She looks so beautiful like this. More beautiful than anyone I’ve ever seen in my life. Tits pushed out, waiting for me to play. Body on full display. Pussy glistening, already dripping with need. Fuck. I don’t know what I did to be such a lucky son of a bitch, but whatever it was, I hope I did enough to earn this woman forever.

  I fist my cock, stroking the shaft, paying close attention to the way her eyes light up as she watches every movement. She’s into watching. A voyeur, maybe. It’s something we’ll address at a later date once I get her safely within the walls of a club I feel comfortable enough to bring her to.

  I move forward until my cock is almost pressing against her lips and aching for her soft warmth. “Open your mouth.”

  She complies without hesitation, parting her sweet lips, eyes on me and blazing with need as she sticks out her tongue, offering me her mouth.

  I breathe deeply, trying not to let her see how much she affects me as I place the head of my cock on her tongue before slowly pushing deep into her mouth. I nearly rock backward when my cock hits the back of her throat and she doesn’t so much as gag but almost smiles around my cock as she closes her lips around my shaft.


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