Wanted: Wife 4 Navy Seals: A Sizzling Hot Military Romance (Wanted Series Book 1)

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Wanted: Wife 4 Navy Seals: A Sizzling Hot Military Romance (Wanted Series Book 1) Page 32

by Dee Palmer

  “Meeting in the kitchen in five. Tug, can you get the others?” Charge calls back and without breaking his gait, he bounces down the stairs. I have to grip his narrow hips for balance as his flimsy boxer shorts are not up to the task. He places me on one of the kitchen stools and disappears out the back toward the utility room. He returns in a flash, wearing a fresh T-shirt and has slipped on some shorts over his boxers. I pout at his new PG-rated outfit, which makes his smile beam bright and wide. It’s involuntary and instant, and it makes him look so young and completely adorable.

  The thunder of footsteps shakes the house as Tug bounds down the stairs. Toxic followed Charge in from out back, and I can hear Pink’s truck pull up on the gravel outside. They each kiss my cheek and slide onto their preferred seats around the island. All eyes fall on Charge, who grins and points his finger directly at me.

  “Our wife has a question.” He isn’t shy about expressing his ownership of me in private, but when we are all together he’s considerate of the others’ feelings and is always all inclusive when referring to me. He has, however, completely shifted the focus of the room and dropped me right in it. He winks and completely ignores my gaping jaw and narrow-eyed scowl.

  “Fire away, sugar” Pink flashes a dazzling smile my way, though I feel all their eyes on me. Shifting in my seat under the sudden intensity of each of their gazes, I suck in a breath and speak in a high-pitched, rushed, and garbled mess of words.

  “Oh, it’s nothing really. How about some fresh coffee, or I could make some brunch, maybe, it’s a little late for breakf—”

  “Sit back down,” Tug interrupts my word vomit, his beefy hand on my thigh, and I barely got one butt cheek off the stool before he was preventing my escape with his warning tone and his strong grip.

  “What’s got you all flustered, princess?” Pink’s head tips with curiosity, his brow furrowed and his lips quirked.

  “Come on, Finn. You can ask us anything. Surely you know this by now?” Toxic states emphatically, but each of them nod in agreement.

  “I know, I just…” I let out a long, slow breath and force a tight smile. I can feel my cheeks start to heat at the thought of having this conversation.

  “Oh, wow, this is going to be good,” Charge teases, and the others chuckle noticing the new tint to my cheeks.

  “Thank you, Mr. Helpful,” I snap, and he holds his hands up, biting his lips flat to stop a knowing, shit-eating grin at my discomfort. Arse hat.

  “I want to ask, do you not want to have sex with me anymore?” I close one eye, bracing for a slew of ‘what the hells’, but an unfamiliar silence blankets the men, and I can see them each pass furtive glances between one another. The odd raised brow and obvious shared understanding, just leaves me and Charge with expressions of utter confusion.

  “Oh, God, you don’t, do you?” I drop my embarrassed head in my hands.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Toxic and Tug say together, closely followed by Pink echoing their sentiment.

  “Of course we do, princess, it’s just…” Pink continues, then pauses, and I search his eyes, then Tug’s and Toxic’s. I can see love. I have absolutely no doubt about that, and tenderness too. I can even see desire, so what the hell are they talking about?

  “Okay.” I state a little sharply, but I feel like my world is spiraling. I knew it was too good to be real. “It’s just what? I don’t understand. If you do still want me like that, then why aren’t we fu—”

  “Finn,” Charge growls, and I shake my head at his sensitivity. I pinch out a placatory smile and rephrase.

  “How come none of you have pursued that aspect of our relationship for weeks now?” I turn to Charge. “Was that better than saying fuck?”

  “Finn!” I wave him off and focus equally on the others. They have my attention for the moment.

  “Tell me what’s wrong. What can I do to fix this?” I soften the rising hysteria in my voice and plead for some understanding. I reach for Tug’s hand and with the other, I share a hold with Pink and Toxic.

  “I don’t think it can be fixed, sweetheart,” Toxic says with a soft smile, and I shake my head.

  “Well, not having sex is not going to work. Unless you’re all intending on becoming monks?” I scoff out a humorless laugh.

  “That wasn’t our intention, no.” Pink dismisses my flip comment with a chuckle.

  “I don’t understand, this is what we all wanted. What’s changed?” My voice is breaking, and I look to Charge for some clarification, but he shrugs and happens to look as confused as I feel.

  “You.” Toxic speaks after a quick nod from his brothers.

  “Me?” I almost can’t get the word out, I’m in such shock.

  “You two, actually,” Pink continues, and judging by the way they are filling in for each other so seamlessly, it’s very obvious this is something they all feel equally.

  “We’re the same,” I protest.

  “Actually, you’re not.” Tug reaches over and lifts me onto his lap. I welcome the contact, the heat and the comfort, because I can feel myself start to break. This isn’t right. This can’t be happening, can it?

  “I don’t think that’s true.” I shake my head and look at each of them with pleading eyes. Toxic picks up where Tug left off. It’s like the worst tag team ever.

  “It wasn’t so obvious when you came back from the honeymoon, but the last few weeks it’s become more noticeable, and it’s definitely here to stay. Something changed. It’s subtle, but it’s there, and has been a game changer for all of us. Right, Charge?” Tug tags my husband.


  “Yeah.” He drags his hand through his thick dark hair, and I’m silenced by his confession. “I understand.”

  “Well, I bloody don’t,” I snap and twist to face Tug, making sure I level my fiery glare at each of them, including Charge.

  “We know you love us, Finn, that’s never in question. But you can’t deny there’s something more with Charge,” Pink states and, just as I’m about to protest, I’m silenced by the realization of the truth in his statement. It hits me hard in my chest, smashing my heart to smithereens.

  “Are you breaking up with me?” My voice catches, and I get a sudden and completely expected burst of tears on my cheeks. There’s a flurry of movement, and I’m closeted on all sides by the men who mean the world to me, each trying to assuage my breaking heart.

  “Sweetheart.” Tug kisses my hair.

  “Sugar, that’s not what we’re doing. We’re just trying to explain.” Toxic strokes my cheek, and Pink is on my other side.

  “Explain what, though?” My head is shaking away this new reality, but I can see this is very real for them. The game has changed.

  “Look, we love you, we all love you. And as much as we had planned for us to remain a unit, things have changed, and you can’t un-change them,” Pink states softly.

  “And none of us would want that anyhow. We’re happy for Charge and you, couldn’t be happier,” Tug adds, and Toxic finishes their collective thought.

  “But we can also see what we’re missing, and we talked it over, and we want the same.”

  “Charge, did you know about this?” My chest is heaving with emotion, and I’m calmed when he shakes his head.

  “First I’ve heard of it, angel, but I understand. It’s not like this was planned. I don’t believe any of us thought this would happen, but I know I definitely feel different when I know you’re with one of these guys, than I did before we were married.” He shrugs.

  “So I’m responsible for breaking you all up. I hate this, I don’t want to be Yoko.” I sniff back the tears that are now trickling down my face, my nose running so much I have to swipe the back of my hand to stop from leaking onto the counter top. I’m a mess, and their comforting touches and words are just making things worse.

  “Princess, you’re not Yoko. We’re not in any rush. We still have you, just not in a sexual way.” Pink tries to soothe me.

  “So yo
u’re becoming monks?” I wail dramatically, which causes a burst of laughter. It strangely helps to ease my spiraling sadness.

  “No.” Tug chuckles.

  “Then what is the plan?” I dry my tears with my palms and suck in a steadying breath, exhaling when I feel I have gathered myself enough to hear what they have clearly been mulling. “How do you see this panning out, because this sounds a lot like ‘Oh, don’t worry about her, she’ll just sit in the corner of the studio with a triangle while we make a few more albums’.” I snort.

  “That’s cute, angel, but that’s not what this is,” Charge states, clearly on board with this idea far quicker than me, for obvious reasons.

  “It didn’t work before, because we were all dating for our own ends. We just assumed the girlfriends would get on.” Toxic explains, and I scoff out an unladylike laugh.

  “Yeah, exactly,” Pink agrees, and joins me with his own laughter. “Anyway, I think if we approach it the same way we did finding you, it will help.”

  “You’re going to advertise for another wife?” I can’t hide the shock in my voice or the hurt when it catches.

  “God, no! Sorry.” Pink rushes to clarify. “No, not at all. We want you to find us each a wife.”

  “What?” I gasp, and any hint of humor dies in my throat at the earnest expression on each of their handsome faces. They can’t be serious.

  “We figure the only important thing is that they get along with you. Once that’s a winner, then it’s just a question of our own personal chemistry,” Toxic chips in, and I start to shake my head as their idea begins to sink in and not quite settle.

  “This sounds all wrong,” I counter, but they wave off my concern.

  “It’s a prototype, but the principle is sound. We just have to iron out the wrinkles.” Toxic winks.

  “So you are breaking up with me,” I state, because no matter how they sugarcoat this conversation, that’s the net result

  “Darling, we just want what you have, and since we can’t have it with you, we’d like a little help finding our one.” Pink takes my hand and holds my gaze. I look at each of them, and my heart swells but also aches for them. Because they are right. What I have with Charge is more, and I love them all enough to want that for them too.

  I’m sad too, but I can’t blame them. It’s not fair for them to never be able to experience what Charge and I have, all because of this situation we originally planned. Plans change

  “There’s no hurry. We’re just putting it out there,” Tug adds. “And don’t forget, it took us two years to find you.”

  “Well, good, because this is a shock, and I need time to process.” I sniff. “Besides, they would have to be pretty much the best thing since sliced bread to be good enough for any one of you. So I’m not holding out much hope, okay?” I’m only partially teasing.

  “Okay, sugar, like we said. It’s just an idea.” Pink calls back over his shoulder because there’s an almighty knock on the front door and the sound of retreating tires on the gravel drive. He opens the door and calls for me.

  “Finn, think this one’s for you,” he hollers back into the house. I turn to the commotion on the doorstep but Pink is blocking the view. I step around him and I’m assaulted by a glass-shattering, high-pitched scream.

  “Hope?” I stutter, as my mouth drops open in shock.


  The End

  Gah…this just gets scarier and scarier with each book. Just because I’m a worrier and I know I will miss someone, by complete accident, but I will. So i’ll apologies now and know that you are supposed to be in this bit…yes you!

  A huge thank you Shannon Boltin, my wonderful PA, Amanda, Nicole, Nese and Sarah who tirelessly promote and pimp me to all and sundry and I know Facebook doesn’t make it easy.I am and will be forever in your debt because I literally would not be visible in the ocean of Indie authors if it wasn’t for you ladies.

  Joan Readsalot my go-to book-bestie. My other Beta readers, Krista Webster your chapter breakdowns were brilliant, Jane Kennedy, Amy Adkins, and Heather Callahan and Katie Fezer-Sedan thank you so much for your invaluable input into making Wanted…I think my best book…think it pipped Ethan in the end. My street team, especially, Kim , Gaynor, Jenny and Melissa(s), Lisa, Charlotte, Vickie, Charmaine, Susan, Kellee, Alison, Shannon Johnson and Lynne..But really all my street team, my new members…I love you ladies…you totally rock!

  Barbara Shane Hoover my wonderful editor, and Maggie Truelove and Jane (again)…words fail me…I am so grateful for your grammar ocd…I can’t even…Saya at Redquille for an extra pair of eyes this time. Stacey at Champagne formats I just hope I got this clean before it came to you…I can’t count how many time my work needs …just a tweak ;) and Judi at CLP for my glorious cover…You ladies are the foundation.

  Extra help this time came from John Breuggeman (Penny’s son) for technical military help. Jules Godfrey Photography for my exclusive image of models Lisa Miller and David Dooner…who are expecting their first baby any day now….How cute!!

  Lauren Valderrama for some extra review help and my review team…I’m not going to put your names here, because I know for a fact if I was a new author I would be hunting you all down…and I’m possessive like that YOU”RE MINE! and like Daniel Stone…I don’t share ;) I am super grateful to have you, just know that is the understatement of the decade.

  My Divas…most of you I’ve already mentioned and I know I’m taking my life in my hands giving this an extra section but, Patty, Penny, Donette, Karen, Leanne, Mandy, Kirsty and Steffy <3

  Bloggers: Claire, Steph, Vicki and Vivienne at Romance Readers Retreat, Jo Booklover, Jesey at Schmexy Girl, Michelle, Yaya and Grace Afterdark Book lovers, Mel and Gayle Bloggers from Down Under, Tanya and Sharon from mom’s Secret Book Blog, Rachel and Jo from Hourglass…, Neda (still keeping a watchful eye out - love you for this <3) Gitte and Jenny from Totally Booked, Ana Ives and Bri Partin andJodi Maliszewski ( I know you’re not bloggers but you are a champion of the book world all the same), I am super grateful to you guys. Other authors…because this is a community in every sense and I have drawn inspiration and guidance from many many talented people but here’s a few and in no particular order…Alice Raine, Jodi Ellen Malpas, M Never, Stylo Fantome, JL Perry, Kitty French, Donna Alam, LP Lovell, Stevie Cole, Leslie Jones, Skye Warren, Mandi Beck, CJ Roberts, Audrey Carlan, Julieanne Lynch, Aleatha Romig, Jana Aston, and JA Huss…Don’t get me wrong most of these people wouldn’t know me if I sat on their face but they have affected me in a positive way and for that I am thankful.

  I would also like to thank my bestie..Kymme because in all honestly there would be no books if it wasn’t for her, for all the swag making for the signings…I’m gonna take you to Vegas if I ever get asked lol… I love you to the moon and back.

  My family…again are quietly supportive…which is probably why I spend so much time on Facebook. Not just because of my books but there is a whole community of filthy minded lovelies happy to share this wonderful book world…you make each day a treat. I often get these utter bursts of happiness, either writing or reading and you guys are the ONLY ones that understand <3 Sorry back to my family…my husband and children (all grown up) I would like to thank you for not moaning (much)…it is your way of showing your support I know and I appreciate it…One day i’ll write a story you can read…but not this day and definitely not this story!

  But mostly, I’d like to thank you, for choosing to buy my book and taking the time to read it - a huge, I mean really huge, thank you, you will never know how incredibly grateful and honoured I am that you have and I would be even more so if you are kind enough to leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads.Please…please…oh and please :)

  The People who make it all happen.

  Dee Palmer - Author

  Website - www.deepalmerwriter.com

  Follow me here




or-Barbara Hoover

  Formatter- Champagne Formats

  Cover Design Judi Perkins at Concierge Literary Promotions

  Photography: Jules Godfrey

  Models: Lisa Miller & David Dooner

  Dee Palmer lives just outside of London with her husband and (slightly embarrassed) children. Her passion is writing sexy steamy romance stories that will scorch the pages right off your kindle and are guaranteed to make your heart pound. She loves an HEA but isn’t afraid to put her readers through the ringer before she delivers.

  When not at her desk she can be found either fannying around on Facebook or with her nose stuck in her Kindle. Once in a while when the lights are down she might be spotted about town searching for the best French martinis and throwing some dubious shapes on the dance floor.

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  Preview of Wanted Too

  “JUST ONE MORE.” CHARGE GROWLS against my skin, his soft full lips pressing into my body, so I feel the vibrations from his words. His breath scorches the apex of my trembling thighs, and I suck in a breath, shaking my head at his sensual demand. I’m exhausted, utterly sated, and seconds away from falling into a sex-induced coma.

  “I can’t. Please,” I manage to say, but it takes the very last ounce of energy left in my body to get the words out and make them even slightly audible.


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